
Beach Park

Block 8 Realistic Science Fiction Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #1:

Is this statement true or false?

Realistic fiction usually deals with events far into the future.

A. true

B. false

Question #2:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

How is the couple traveling?

A. by train

B. by car

C. by horse

Question #3:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

What type of fiction is this?

A. historical fiction

B. nonfiction

C. science fiction

Question #4:

Is this statement true or false?

Realistic fiction books contain characters that could really exist.

A. false

B. true

Question #5:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

What time period is the story most likely set in?

A. the late 1900s

B. the late 1800s

C. before the discovery of America

D. the distant future

Question #6:

Is this statement true or false?

Science fiction books are usually set in the future.

A. false

B. true

Question #7:

Is this statement true or false?

Historical fiction is an example of science fiction.

A. true

B. false

Question #8:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

A. Why does the bride's clothing embarrass her?

B. Her husband doesn't like her clothing.

C. It wasn't the style she wanted.

D. It is very different from what she's used to.

Question #9:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

Which detail tells you this is historical fiction?

A. "He looked down respectfully at his attire."

B. "Finest meal in the world. Charge a dollar."

C. "Their surroundings reflected the glory of their marriage."

D. "The bride was not pretty, nor was she very young."

Question #10:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

The man's face is reddened from the wind and sun.

Where does he most likely work?

A. on the train

B. outside

C. behind a desk

D. at home

Beach Park

Block 8 Realistic Science Fiction Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #11:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

What could be the likely reason the bride is impressed by the "fittings of the coach?"

A. She can't believe it is so shabby.

B. She has never been on a train before.

C. She designs home decorations.

D. She loves high quality furniture.

Question #12:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.”

Judging by her reaction, why can we assume this is the first time the bride has owned a piece of jewelry?

A. Her husband stole it.

B. She didn't want that type of watch.

C. She doesn't like it.

D. She is unsure how to react to his gift.

Question #13:

Which book is an example of science fiction?

A. The Secret Garden

B. A Wrinkle in Time

C. Tom Sawyer

Question #14:

Which book is an example of science fiction?

A. Tunnel in the Sky

B. Across Five Aprils

C. The Red Badge of Courage

Question #15:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “Huckleberry Finn.”

What detail tells you this is not set in present day?

A. There are robbers in the story.

B. Huck didn't like living with the Widow Douglas.

C. A dollar a day is more than Huck knows what to do with.

Question #16:

To answer the question, read the excerpt from “Huckleberry Finn.”

What type of fiction is this?

A. science fiction

B. realistic fiction

Beach Park

Block 8 Realistic Science Fiction Assessment

Answer Key

1. B -false

2. A -by train

3. A -historical fiction

4. B -true

5. B -the late 1800s

6. B -true

7. B -false

8. C -It is very different from what she's used to.

9. B -"Finest meal in the world. Charge a dollar."

10. B -outside

11. B -She has never been on a train before.

12. D -She is unsure how to react to his gift.

13. B -A Wrinkle in Time

14. A -Tunnel in the Sky

15. C -A dollar a day is more than Huck knows what to do with.

16. B -realistic fiction


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