Level-Up Series Overview - wintac-s3.s3-us-west-2 ...

Level-Up Series OverviewThe following curriculum was created by staff at Minnesota State Services for the Blind. Please rerach out to Sheila.koenig@state.mn.us if you have questions or would like to talk through any of the following content. Session 1: IntroductionAgenda:What character from movie/tv show, book do you want to be most like? Share at end.Work Opportunities Navigator’s questions about self-advocacyWhat does self-advocacy mean?Agree/disagreeBeing blind/visually-impaired makes you a better problem-solver“your limitations are only in your imagination”?“Think positively and positive things will happen”"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak."Overview for this seriesGoing back to character-have students share“Pursuit of Happiness”? 2: Self-awareness and determination-understanding that you can make decisions for your own lifeGoals:know difference between aggressive, passive assertiveassertive is key to directing your own life. They have the choice to makeDiscuss: What does aggressive look like, sound like, feel like? What does passive look like, sound like, feel like? What does assertive look like, sound like, feel like? Put students in small groups. Each group takes one of the following scenario. The goal is for them to show how to deal with the situation assertively. Scenarios:School:?You are put in a group for a project, and the others are not consulting you because they aren’t sure of your capabilities and how you can help the group.Home:?You want to go with friends to Skyzone, but parents are concerned for your safety. Community?You go to a restaurant with a friend, and the server asks your friend what you would like to order.You are standing at a street crossing and someone tries to grab your arm to help you cross the street. You don’t know this person and you don’t need their assistance.Work?You work at a grocery store. You started as a stocker and then cross-trained as a cashier. You have begun filling in for cashiers because the store needs your help. You prefer stocking, which was the job you were hired to do. How do you talk to your supervisor about this situation?Closing question for students:How does being assertive connect to self-advocacy? ???????ClipsHello Students!We are excited to be with you again in just a few days for our second “Level Up”.??We’ll talk about the difference between being aggressive, passive, and assertive, and we’ll role play some real life situations that you can relate to.Before we gather on Thursday, we invite you to check out the following movie clips and songs.??????????????Movies:Toy Story?“Rudy”?:“Eye of the Tiger”?“Brave”???????????????“Roar”? also recommend that you watch?this video, featuring SpongeBob, to learn about the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive.Video description-the video begins with the presenter talking. When she cuts out, there is a slide that reads, “Passive Communication: Not standing up for self”. We cut to SpongeBob. Then a slide reads, “Aggressive Communication: Standing up for self & not respecting the other person”. Cut to SpongeBob again. A slide then reads, “Passive Aggressive: Showing sarcasm or talking behind someone’s back”. Cut to SpongeBob. And finally before the last clip, a slide reads, “Assertive: Standing up for self & respecting the other person.” In the last scene, a woman comes into the staff lounge and leaves a cupboard open. The first woman in the room speaks up and asks her to close it.Session 3Level Up 3: Goal setting and decision making Agenda:Opening/attendance question Staff members create an analogy to Mario game. In the game there are flagpoles (goals), obstacles, and ways to power up. Students take time to write their own flagpoles, obstacles, and sources of powering up. They then share with group. Another staff shares about setting intention instead of goals Staff shares values list-often when decisions are really difficult, it’s because some of our values are in conflict. Clarifying those values can help us make a decision. Final question-how does goal setting and decision making relate to self-advocacy?Clips: Jordan Sparks “One Step at a Time” From Gilmore Girls Spiderman “Homecoming Ending” scene Spiderman description Peter Parker arrives at the Avengers facility. Tony Stark welcomes and praises Peter for his efforts and invites him to be an official member of the Avengers. Tony shares with Peter a brand new Spiderman suit and that he's ready to introduce Spiderman to a room full of reporters. Tony described further if Peter accepts he will have the opportunity to live in the Avengers facility and work alongside the other Avenger superheroes. Peter appreciates the offer but declines explaining he'd rather stay local and be the "Friendly neighborhood Spiderman". As Peter leaves, he asks Tony if this was a test and whether there really are a room full of reporters behind the closed door. Tony replied yes this was a test and that he passed. Peter leaves. Pepper Potts exits a room full of reporters and asks Tony where is Peter. Tony described he was impressed with Peter's decision, and that Peter had left. With Peter declining the offer and no more Spiderman to announce, Tony and Pepper brainstorms something to announce for the room full of reporters, that Pepper and Tony are getting engaged. They enter the reporting room. Peter enters his bedroom and sees a brown paper bag on his bed with the writing "This belongs to you. -TS". Peter puts on the old Spiderman suit symbolizing he's ready to be the "Friendly neighborhood Spiderman" once again. As Peter takes off his mask, Peter's Aunt May peers into his room, completely surprised that he is Spider-man.Session 4 Intrinsic MotivationAgenda: Staff talks about gamification. One way to motivate yourself is to gamify the task. Staff shared real world examples of gamification, like the race to find COVID-19 cure. Students break into small groups to participate in a mini-competition. They have to gamify the task of cleaning a room in their house. A presenter from each group shares the idea with the whole group when everyone came back together. The session closes with the following question: How does intrinsic motivation connect to self-advocacy?Session 5Level Up Problem-Solving Thursday May 14 Agenda:Opening question-career goalStaff facilitates discussion with college freshmen:Reference Veronica Lewis reference that both American Council of the Blind and National Federation of the Blind have national and local student groups who are great resources for problem-solving.Closing question: How does problem-solving connect to self-advocacy?Clips Hi Students,We look forward to our Thursday 7 p.m. Level Up call. The topic is problem solving, and we will have a panel of college freshmen on the call. Here are a few clips and resources that relate to problem solving or offer additional resources. “Friends” : Phoebe moderates a conversation between Rachel and Monica. In the first example, Monica is making faces as Rachel talks, but Rachel can see Monica’s reflection in the t.v. AS their arging escalates, they physically flick or tap each other, and this also escalates to wrestling. Phoebe breaks up the fight. In example B, Monica and Rachel are fighting. Monica grabs Rachel sweater in her hands and threatens to destroy it. Rachel grabs a jar of spaghetti sauce and Monica’s purse-she threatens to pour the sauce into the purse. AS things escalate, Monica pulls a thread on the sweater, so Rachel begins to pour the sauce. Phoebe stops the fight. They reconcile, and then Monica pulls one of Rachel’s gloves out of her purse. “This is Us” Randall and his therapist have a conversation. Lewis Blog Student divisions of the American Council of the Blind and National Federation of the Blind. Session 6Positive self-talk Thursday May 21Agenda:Opening/attendance questionPerson in the arena“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”Staff shares with students (from Brene Brown) An arena is….Different types of seats—box seats, cheap seats…Where you put your voice in the arena matters. Strategy: name your inner criticStaff leads discussion in which students respond to a quote, choose an “arena song”, and discuss an accomplishment that they are proud of. Closing question: How does positive self-talk relate to self-advocacy? Hi Students,We look forward to our Thursday 7 p.m. Level Up call. The topic is positive self-talk. We can all get better at silencing that inner critic’s voice which can often make us feel small and hold us backHere are a few clips and resources that relate to positive self-talk. Brene Brown the man in the arena speech Platten - Fight song learns to play the violin President 7: You and your IEPAgendaOpening QuestionReactions about iep processStaff-Read aloud rubric stopping between each rowImportant for students to have a sense of themselves as a whole person, not just their visual disabilityClosing question: How does understanding your IEP connect to self-advocacy?Hi Everyone,We look forward to our Thursday 7 p.m. Level Up call. The topic is our role in your IEP. We’re excited to hear about your experiences and talk about ways you can make sure to have a central role in your IEP meetings. Here are a few clips that pose interesting messages about disability. Talk with you Thursday!“Do you dream in color?” Trailer , stella young- ................

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