List One, Two, and Three are Grade 1 words

Grade 2 Sight Words

The indicates the words your child can read the word automatically. Please practice reading 5-10 unknown words each night. Please do not write on this sheet. I will be testing the children periodically and will check off any new words they have learned. Please keep the sheet in the sleeve and return to school in the binder. Thank you. Once your child has mastered this list they will be given the grade 3 list to work on! (

|always | |right | |can’t | |school | |was | |joke | | |around | |sing | |caught | |saw | |went | |into | | |because | |sit | |children | |sale | |were | |hurt | | |been | |sleep | |city | |said | |what | |how | | |before | |tell | |clock | |ride | |when | |house | | |best | |their | |could | |really | |where | |here | | |both | |these | |crash | |rain | |who | |have | | |buy | |those | |crashes | |quit | |will | |gym | | |call | |upon | |didn’t | |pretty | |with | |girl | | |cold | |us | |drink | |played | |won | |friends | | |does | |use | |eating | |phone | |won’t | |car | | |don’t | |very | |every | |people | |write | | | | |fast | |wash | |favourite | |outside | |writing | | | | |first | |which | |float | |our | |one | | | | |five | |why | |that’s | |other | |not | | | | |found | |wish | |thank | |them | |nice | | | | |gave | |work | |than | |then | |new | | | | |goes | |would | |tell | |there | |name | | | | |green | |your | |stop | |they | |more | | | | |its | |after | |sports | |they’re | |make | | | | |made | |again | |sometimes | |thing | |mail | | | | |many | |are | |snap | |to | |little | | | | |off | |beautiful | |small | |trip | |line | | | | |or | |black | |slow | |truck | |knew | | | | |pull | |boy | |skate | |two | |kicked | | | | |read | |brothers | |sister | |too | |junk | | | | |about | |bug | |shook | |wanted | |jump | | | |


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