[p/u key as is on current version]

Key: SW = Students will | TW = Teachers will | SWBAT = Students will be able to… | HOTS = Higher Order Thinking Skills

|SIOP® Lesson Title: Seasons |Grade: 4 |

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|Content Standard(s): VASOL |

|Earth Patterns, Cycles & Change |

|4.8 The student will investigate and understand the relationships among Earth, the moon, and the sun. Key concepts include |

|a) the motions of Earth, the moon, and the sun; |

|b) the causes for Earth’s seasons; |

|Key Vocabulary: |Supplementary Materials: |

|Content: Subject Specific and Technical Terms: |      |

|Axis orbit | |

|Revolve - revolution Rotate - rotation |Video on BrainPop: Solstice and Equinox |

|Hemisphere Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere | |

|Equator Latitude | |

|Equinox (Vernal Equinox, Autumnal Equinox) |Book : The Reasons for the Seasons by Gail Gibbons |

|Solstice (Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice) | |

| |Images for Vocabulary words (see Power Point slides) |

|General Academic: Cross-Curricular Terms/Process & Function: | |

|Change Cycles |Student Handout: Review Seasons Diagram |

| | |

|HOTS: | |

|How do the four seasons relate to the movement of the Earth and Sun? | |

|How is the Earth connected to the moon and the sun? How does this effect the weather and sunlight? | |

|What movements of the Earth’s revolution and rotation cause the Solstice and Equinox? | |

|Explicit Connections to Past Learning: |

|Review vocabulary words through images (see Power Point slide) |

|Content Objective(s): |Meaningful Activities: Sequence |critical |

|SWBAT: |The Reason for the Seasons by Gail Gibbons | |

| |Read Aloud – with QAR scaffolding | |

|Explain the reason that the seasons | |Stop at key points in the text to ask these questions. |

|change relates to the tilt of the Earth’s|QAR | |

|axis. |Level of Comprehension |p. 3 How long does it take the earth to revolve around the Sun? (Right |

| | |there) |

|Explain the solstice and equinox |In the Book |How does the distance from the Sun affect the seasons? (Think & Search)|

| |Right There | |

|Language Objective(s): |Literal |p. 5 Think about what season it is right now. Which diagram of the |

|SWBAT: | |Earth on this page best shows how the Earth is tilted right now? (On |

|With a partner, label a diagram of the | |My Own) |

|revolution of the Earth around the Sun |Think & Search | |

|throughout one year. |Inferential |p.7 Why do people celebrate the Spring Equinox? How do they celebrate? |

| | |(Author & Me) |

|Write to describe the diagram, using |In My Head | |

|sentence stems and word bank. |Author & Me |p. 11 Why is summer the warmest season? How does this diagram explain |

| |Inferential |it? (Think & Search) |

|Take a quiz at the end of the video. Read| | |

|the quiz questions (or read along as | | |

|teacher reads aloud) and record answers.|On My Own |Watch: |

| | |Brain Pop Video : Solstice and Equinox |

|Listen to a read-aloud by the teacher | |Take quiz at the end. The teacher will read aloud the questions, |

| | |students will write their individual answers, then confer with their |

|Respond to teacher prompted questions to | |group. |

|a partner in Think-Pair-Share | | |

|      | | |

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|Wrap-Up: This must include the review of the content and language objectives, followed by teacher choice of final wrap-up to the lesson. |

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|Students will work with a partner to label and caption a diagram of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun and it’s relationship to the seasons. A blank diagram g will be given to students, along with a Word bank to |

|use in the label. |

|The students will write at least 5 sentences explaining the reasons for the seasons, using all of the words in the word bank. Sentence stems are provided to guide the writing. See: Day 3 Review Season Diagram |

|Handout |

| |

(Developed by Melissa Castillo & Nicole Teyechea. Used with permission.)

(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2013. Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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