Standard Indicator: 1: Beginnings and Growth of Human ...

World History

Essential Outcomes

1. Hunter-gathers have traceable migratory patterns.

Learning Goals

a. Students will identify the migratory patterns of the hunter-gatherers.

b. Students will trace the transition from hunter-gatherers to the river valley civilizations.

c. Students will identify and describe social, cultural, and economic characteristics of agricultural settlements.

2. Civilizations from 4000 BC to 500 AD have specific characteristics.

Learning Goals

a. Students will understand how governments developed during this time period.

b. Students will understand the development modern religions.

c. Students will distinguish the phases of cultural evolution.

d. Students will summarize the growth of empires.

3. Major civilizations and empires from 1000 BC to 1500 AD were influenced by their unique religions.

Learning Goals

a. Students will evaluate the connections of Islam to Judaism and Christianity.

b. Students will categorize the development of eastern religions.

c. Students will evaluate the importance of Confucianism in the development of China.

d. Students will survey the growth of kingdoms of this time period.

4. Europe developed politically, economically, socially, and culturally from 500 to 1650.

Learning Goals

a. Students will analyze how the rise and fall of the Roman Empire led to the feudal system.

b. Students will describe how the relationship between early kings and the church led to the growth of papal authority.

c. Students will identify the causes that led the development of the cities.

d. Students will differentiate the impact of technology during each phase of this unit.

e. Students will recognize how movements such as the Reformation brought about a decline in church power.

5. Worldwide exploration caused conquest and colonization from 1450 to 1750.

Learning Goals

a. Students will summarize the events that led to worldwide exploration.

b. Students will evaluate the causes of conquest and colonization.

c. Students will consider the consequences of the slave trade.

d. Students will identify the major technological innovations in shipbuilding, navigation, and naval warfare.

6. Revolutionary events caused global consequences in Western Europe from 1500 to 1900.

Learning Goals

a. Students will compare and contrast the causes and events that led to the major revolutions of this time period.

b. Students will describe the impact of that the Enlightenment had upon political thought in government.

c. Students will evaluate how the competition for resources led to many of the revolutions.

7. Significant political, social, and economic events changed the world from 1900 to the present.

Learning Goals

a. Students will trace and explain the political, social, and economic changes in the world due to World War I and II.

b. Students will analyze the revolutions that led to the fall and rise of governments.

c. Students will compare and contrast the different ideologies that emerged during this time period.

d. Students will discuss the successes and failures of democratic reform movements.


|World History |

|Ongoing/All Year |1st Quarter |2nd Quarter |3rd Quarter |4th Quarter |

|Course Title |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |

|Standard |Bundle |Bundle |Bundle |Bundle |

| |Standard 1,2 |Standard 3,4 |Standard 5,6 |Standard 7 |

| | | | | |

| |Best Practice Methods |Best Practice Methods |Best Practice Methods |Best Practice Methods |

| |Graphic Organizers |Graphic Organizers |Graphic Organizers |Graphic Organizers |

| |Non-linguistic Representation |Non-linguistic Representation |Non-linguistic Representation |Non-linguistic Representation |

| |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |

| |Summarizing and Note Taking |Summarizing and Note Taking |Summarizing and Note Taking |Summarizing and Note Taking |

| |Practice |Practice |Practice |Practice |

| |Flexible Grouping |Flexible Grouping |Flexible Grouping |Flexible Grouping |

| |Analysis |Analysis |Analysis |Analysis |

| |Problem Solving |Problem Solving |Problem Solving |Problem Solving |

| |Decision Making |Decision Making |Decision Making |Decision Making |

World History Benchmark #1

|Standard Indicator: 1 and 2 Beginnings and Growth of Human Society and Early Civilization |

|1.3 Analyze and compare how the peoples of West Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Americans developed agricultural communities. |

|1.1. Trace and analyze the chronological and territorial range of early human development. |

|2.2 Compare causes and conditions by which civilization developed in Egypt, Southwest Asia, and the Eastern Mediterranean region, India, and China. |

|2.3 Differentiate between early civilizations religious and governmental systems. |

|9.6 Formulate and present a position or course of action on an issue by examining the underlying factors contributing to that issue. |

|9.1 Identify patterns of historical change and duration and construct a representation that illustrates continuity and change. |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |1. Humans developed from hunter-gathers to early civilization. |Processes |Writing Process |

| |2. Agricultural settlements were developed around social, cultural, and | | |

| |economic characteristics. | | |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will understand how early humans survived. | | |

| |2. Students will trace the transition from hunter-gatherers to the river | | |

| |valley civilizations. | | |

| |3. Students will recognize how early civilizations developed. | | |

|Details |Neolithic Revolution |Skills |Assign a scale to years of time. |

| |Domestication | |Compare and contrast writing. |

| |Development of government/religion | |Development of civilizations in sequential order. |

| |Development of technology/language | | |

| |governmental/religious philosophies | | |

| |Nile, Indus, Mesopotamia, China | | |

|Vocabulary |Culture Fertile Crescent artifact Feudalism | | |

| |City-state technology dynasty artisan | | |

| |Nomads cultural diffusion hunter-gatherers barter | | |

| |Polytheism domestication theocracy | | |

| |Civilization empire specialization | | |

World History Benchmark #2

|Standard Indicator: 2 Ancient Civilizations of Greece and Rome |

|2.1 – Define civilization and identify the key differences between civilizations and other forms of social organizations |

|2.2 – Compare causes and conditions by which civilizations developed in North Africa, Southwest Asia, South Asia and East Asia. |

|2.3 – Differentiate hierarchies in the social structures of early civilized peoples and explain the influence of religious belief systems |

|2.4 – Explain relationships in early civilizations between the development of state authority and the growth of aristocratic power, taxation systems and institutions of coerced labor, including |

|slavery. |

|2.6 – Analyze the major events of the wars between the Persians and the Greeks, reasons why the Persians failed to conquer the Greeks |

|2.7 – Compare and contrast the daily life, social hierarchy, culture and institutions of Athens and Sparta |

|2.8 – Describe the role of Alexander the Great in the spread of Hellenism in Southwest and South Asia, North Africa; and part of Europe |

|2.9 – Describe Roman Republican government and society and trace the changes that culminated in the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire |

|2.10 – Describe Roman achievement in law and explain their impact on various peoples and places |

|2.11 – Explain the origins of Christianity, including the lives and teachings of Jesus and Paul, and the relationships of early Christians with the Roman Empire. |

|2.12 – Analyze the causes, conditions and consequences of the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, including the policies of Emperor Constantine the Great. |

|2.13 – Explain the causes, conditions and consequences of the decline and fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |1. Governments developed during this time period. |Processes |Writing Process |

| |2. Modern religions developed during this time period. | |Reading Process |

| |3. Cultural evolution has distinct phases | | |

| |4. Summarize the growth of empires. | | |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will trace the origins of early Greek city-states. | | |

| |Students will identify major personalities and their impact in Greece and Rome. | | |

| |Students will describe early patterns of government. | | |

| |Students will understand the affect of Christianity and the many wars in the Mediterranean region. | | |

| |Students will understand the development of the Roman Republic | | |

| |Students will identify the birth of democracy | | |

| |Students will identify the affect of the Caesars on the governing of the Roman Empire | | |

| |Students will interpret the impact of the philosophers/educators of Greece. | | |

| |Students will compare and contrast the major philosophers/educators of ancient Greece | | |

| |Students will compare and contrast the difference between Athens and Sparta. | | |

| |Draw conclusions about the impact of the growth and spread of Christianity. | | |

|Details |Trojan War |Skills |Summarize |

| |Peloponnesian War | |Paraphrase |

| |Persian Wars | |Steps of analysis |

| |Punic Wars | |Steps of evaluation |

| |Roman/Greek achievement | |Write a compare |

| |Roman/Greek expansion | |and contrast essay |

| |Rise of Christianity | | |

| |Fall of Rome | | |

| |Greece government | | |

| |Rome government | | |

|Vocabulary |polis consuls philosophers civilization | | |

| |monarchy senate Hellenistic culture | | |

| |aristocracy dictator republic | | |

| |oligarchy absolute ruler classical arts | | |

| |myths heresy tyrant | | |

| |inflation democracy Greco-Roman Culture | | |

World History Benchmark #3

|Standard Indicator: 3 Major Civilizations and Empires: 1000 B.C. to 1500 A.D. |

|3.2 – Examine, interpret and compare the main ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism and explain their influence on civilization in India |

|3.3 – Explain how Buddhism spread and influenced peoples and their cultures throughout South Asia, Central Asia, and East Asia |

|3.4 – Trace the development and major achievements of Chinese and East Asia civilizations during various key dynasties |

|3.5 – Describe the life of Confucius, compare and contrast the fundamental teachings of Confucianism and Daoism |

|3.7 – Describe the life of Muhammad, fundamental teachings of Islam, and connections of Islam to Judaism and Christianity |

|3.8 – Trace the extent and consequences of Islam’s spread in Asia, the Mediterranean region and southern Europe |

|3.9 – Explain how the community of Muslims became divided into Sunnis and Shiites and the long term consequences of this division |

|9.1 – Identify patterns of historical change and duration and construct a representation that illustrates continuity and change |

|9.4 – Investigate and interpret multiple causation in analyzing historical actions, and analyze cause – and – effect relationships |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts | Major religions and their role in the development of society. |Processes |1. Reading Process |

|Organizing Ideas |Compare Hinduism and Buddhism and explain their influence on civilization. | | |

| |Describe the connection of Islam to Judaism and Christianity. | | |

| |Explain the division of Muslims into Sunnis and Shiites. | | |

|Details | Development of Hinduism |Skills |Reading territorial maps |

| |Development of Buddhism | |Reading and interpreting |

| |Development of Judaism | |graphs and charts |

| |Development of Christianity | |Steps of Analysis |

| |Development of Islam | |Steps of Evaluation |

|Vocabulary |Torah monotheism | | |

| |Quran Theravaada | | |

| |Muhammad Siddhartha Gautama | | |

| |Jesus Masque | | |

| |Abraham | | |

| |Moses | | |

| |Matriarchal | | |

| |Patriarchal | | |

| |Mahayana | | |

World History Benchmark #4

|Standard Indicator: 4 – Medieval Europe to the Rise and Development of Western Civilization: 500 – 1650 |

|4.1/4.2 Describe the impact on Western Europe of the collapse of the Roman Empire and the impact of Christian monasteries. |

|4.3 Describe the rise and achievements of Charlemagne and the Empire of the Franks |

|4.4 Explain how the idea of Christendom influenced the development of cultural unity in Europe |

|4.5 Describe how technology improvements in agriculture, the growth of towns, the creation of guilds, and the development of banking during the middle ages, as well as institutions of feudalism |

|the manorial system influenced European civilization |

|4.7/4.9 Explain the Great Schism of 1054 and the development of Eastern and Western branches of Christianity. |

|4.8 Explain the causes of the Crusades and their consequences for Europe and Southwest Asia. |

|4.10 Trace the origins and developments of the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance. |

|4.11/4.12/4.13 Describe and analyze the factors, main themes, and achievements of the Protestant Reformation. |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Europe developed politically, economically, socially, and culturally from 500 to 165 |Processes |Writing Process |

| | | |Reading Process |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will analyze how the fall of the Roman Empire led to the feudal system. | | |

| |Students will describe how the relationship between early kings and the church led to the growth of papal | | |

| |authority. | | |

| |Students will identify the causes that led the development of the cities. | | |

| |Students will differentiate the impact of technology during each phase of this unit. | | |

| |Students will recognize how movements such as the Reformation brought about a decline in church power. | | |

|Details |

| |

| |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Worldwide exploration caused conquest and colonization from 1450 to 1750. |Processes |Reading Process |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will summarize the events that led to worldwide exploration. | | |

| |Students will evaluate the causes of conquest and colonization. | | |

| |Students will consider the consequences of the slave trade. | | |

| |Students will identify the major technological innovations in shipbuilding, navigation, and | | |

| |naval warfare. | | |

|Details |Transatlantic slave trade |Isolationism |Skills |1. Read and use Maps, charts, globes, |

| |Ming Dynasty |North American Settlements | |graphs |

| |Technological development |Aztecs | | |

| |Qing Dynasty |Incas | | |

| |Tokugawa Shogunate |Colonization | | |

| | |Mercantilism | | |

|Vocabulary |Transatlantic |Mestizo |Middle passage | | |

| |Manchus |Mullatto |Columbian Exchange | | |

| |Colonization |New France |Capitalism | | |

| |daimyo |New Spain |Joint Stock Company | | |

| |East India Company |New England | | | |

| |shoguns |Triangular trade | | | |

| |Treaty of Tordesillas | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Conquest | | | | |

World History Benchmark #6

|Standard Indicator: 6 – Scientific, Political, Cultural, and Industrial Revolutions: 1500-1900 |

|9.1 Identify patterns of historical change and duration and construct a representation that illustrates continuity and change. |

|9.3 Investigate and interpret multiple causation in analyzing historical actions, and analyze cause-and-effect relationships |

|9.5 Use technology in the process of conducting historical research and in the presentation of the products of historical research and current events |

|6.1 Examine how the Scientific Revolution, as well as technological changes and new forms of energy, brought about massive social, economic, and cultural change. |

|6.2 Trace the origins and consequences of the English Civil War on the government and society of England. |

|6.4 Compare and contrast the causes and events of the American and French Revolutions of the late eighteenth century and explain consequences for the growth of liberty, equality and democracy in |

|Europe, the Americas and other parts of the world |

|6.7 Analyze and evaluate the influence of Christianity, the Enlightenment and democratic revolutions and ideas in various regions of the world |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Revolutionary events caused global consequences in Western Europe from 1500 to 1900. |Processes |Scientific Method |

| | | |Federal System |

| | | |Nation-State |

| | | |Historical |

| | | |Research |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will compare and contrast the causes and events that led to the major revolutions of this time period. | | |

| |Students will describe the impact of that the Enlightenment had upon political thought in government. | | |

| |Students will evaluate how the competition for resources led to many of the revolutions. | | |

|Details |Scientific Revolution |Industrial Revolution |Skills |Reading maps, |

| |French Revolution |Latin American Independence | |graphs, charts, |

| |American Revolution |Enlightenment | |Analysis of |

| |English Civil War |Declaration of Independence | |historical events |

| | | | |and outcomes. |

|Vocabulary |

| |

| |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Significant political, social, and economic events changed the world from 1900 to the|Processes |1. Research and writing process |

| |present. | | |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will trace and explain the political, social, and economic changes in the | | |

| |world due to World War I and II. | | |

| |Students will analyze the revolutions that led to the fall and rise of governments. | | |

| |Students will compare and contrast the different ideologies that emerged during this | | |

| |time period. | | |

| |Students will discuss the successes and failures of democratic reform movements. | | |

|Details |Causes and outcomes of WWI: alliances, imperialism, milittarism, nationalism |Skills |Maps, charts, graphs, globes |

| |Causes and outcomes of WWII: facism, Nazism, totalitarianism, Treaty of Versailles, | |Analysis of the causes and effects of WWI, WWII, and the |

| |Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, D-Day, Holocaust, Nuremburg Trials, Cold War, Iron | |Cold War. |

| |Curtain, Containment, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact | |Categorize the technological advances in warfare |

| |Brinkmanship, Space race, SALT, domino theory, detante, | | |

|Vocabulary | |Eastern front |Axis Powers | | |

| |Racism |Trench warfare |Munich Conference | | |

| |Social Darwinism |Unrestricted submarine |Third Reich | | |

| |Unification |warfare |Non-aggression pact | | |

| |Paternalism |Total war |Blitzkrieg | | |

| |Assimilation |Rationing |Battle of Britain | | |

| |Geopolitics |Propaganda |Atlantic Charter | | |

| |Crimean War |Armistice |Battle of Midway | | |

| |Sepoy Mutiny |Fourteen Points |Aryans | | |

| |Raj |Self-determination |Ghettoes | | |

| |Pacific Rim |League of Nations |Final solution | | |

| |Annexation |Bolsheviks |Genocide | | |

| |Opium War |Duma |Battle of Stalingrad | | |

| |Extra territorial rights |Provisional government |Battle of the Bulge | | |

| |Taiping Rebellion |Soviet |Kamikaize | | |

| |Sphere of Influence |Command economy |Demilitarization | | |

| |Open Door Policy |Great Purge |United Nations | | |

| |Boxer Rebellion |Socialist Realism |Commune | | |

| |Treaty of Kanagawa |Kuomintang |Cultural revolution | | |

| |Meiji Era |May fourth movement |Red Guards | | |

| |Russo-Japanese War |Long march |Vietnamization | | |

| |Caudillo |Civil disobedience |Third world | | |

| |Monroe Doctrine |Theory of Relativity |Destalinization | | |

| |Spanish-American War |Existentialism |Star Wars | | |

| |Panama Canal |Surrealism | | | |

| |Roosevelt Collorary |Jazz | | | |

| |La Reforma |Coalition government | | | |

| |Mexican Revolution |Weinmar Republic | | | |

| |Western Front |New Deal | | | |

| | |Appeasement | | | |

Assessment Planning Guide World History

|Essential Outcome 1: Hunter-gathers have traceable migratory patterns. |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |Products |

|Formative: a and b migratory |Multiple choice |x | | | |

|patterns of hunters-gatherers | | | | | |

|and the transition to river | | | | | |

|valley civilizations. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | | |

|Formative: C identify and |Multiple choice |x | | | |

|describe the social, cultural, | | | | | |

|and economic characteristics of | | | | | |

|agricultural settlements. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |

| |

| |

|Essential Outcome 2: Civilizations from 4000 BC to 500 AD have specific characteristics. |

|Summative Assessments: |

| |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |Products |

|Formative: a and d Summarize how|Multiple choice/short answer |x | | | |

|governments and empires were | | | | | |

|developed. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | | |

|Formative: b and c Development |Multiple choice |x | | | |

|of modern religions and the | | | | | |

|phases of cultural evolution. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Assessment Planning Guide World History

| |

|Essential Outcome 3: Major Civilizations and Empires: 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D. |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |

|Formative: A and D |Multiple Choice and essay |x | | |

|Growth of Judaism, Christianity,| | | | |

|and Islam and the Middle Eastern| | | | |

|kingdoms. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | |

|Formative: B and C |Multiple Choice and essay |x | | |

|Development of the eastern | | | | |

|religions and the importance of | | | | |

|Confucianism in China | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | |

Assessment Planning Guide World History

|Essential Outcome 4: Europe developed politically, economically, and socially from 1500 to 1650 |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |

|Formative: A, C, D |Multiple choice and essay |x | | |

|The rise and fall of the Roman | | | | |

|Empire and development of | | | | |

|Feudalism. The development of | | | | |

|cities and technology | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 2 weeks | | | | |

|Formative: B,E |Multiple choice/ short answer |x | | |

|Early kings and the relationship|essay | | | |

|with the church, papal | | | | |

|authority. The Reformation and | | | | |

|the decline of church power | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 2 weeks | | | | |

Assessment Planning Guide World History

|Essential Outcome 5: Worldwide exploration caused conquest and colonization from 1450 to 1750 |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |

|Formative: A,B,D |Multiple choice |x | | |

|Worldwide exploration and | | | | |

|colonization with the | | | | |

|technological, navigation, and | | | | |

|warfare innovations | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | |

|Formative: C |Multiple choice/essay |x | | |

|Slave trade and its consequences| | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | |

Assessment Planning Guide World History

| |

|Essential Outcome 6: Revolutionary events global consequences in Western Europe from 1500 to 1900 |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |

|Formative: B |Multiple choice |x | | |

|The Enlightenment and political | | | | |

|thought | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | |

|Formative: A, C |Multiple choice and matching |x | | |

|Major revolutions and the | | | | |

|competition for resources | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 1 week | | | | |

Assessment Planning Guide World History

| |

|Essential Outcome 7: Significant political, social, and economic events changed the world from 1900 to the present |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline|Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |

|Formative: A, C |Multiple choice, essay |x | | |

|World War I and II and the | | | | |

|different ideologies of the time| | | | |

|period | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 4 weeks | | | | |

|Formative: B, D |Multiple choice, essay |x | | |

|Fall and rise of governments and| | | | |

|the revolutions. The democratic| | | | |

|reform movements | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Timeline: 3 weeks | | | | |



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