Colonization Flashcards - Suffolk Public Schools Blog

|Colonization Flashcards |

|Card # |Front |Back |

|1 |Who settled New England? |Puritans |

|2 |What was the Mayflower Compact? |An agreement signed by the male passengers aboard the |

| | |Mayflower to respect laws agreed upon for the general good of|

| | |the Plymouth colony |

|3 |Why did the Puritans come to the New World? |Seeking freedom from religious persecution in Europe |

|4 |What does religious toleration mean? |Accepting of someone else’s religion |

|5 |What immigrants to the New World came involuntarily? |Africans |

|6 |What basic unit of settlement did Puritan church congregations use in the |Town |

| |Massachusetts Bay Colony? | |

|7 |What type of government did the Puritans use in New England town meetings? |Direct democracy |

|8 |What ancient model did New England town meetings follow? |The city-state of Athens in ancient Greece |

|9 |What were the two reasons why the Puritans settled in New England? |religious freedom |

| | |economic opportunity |

|10 |What European groups settled the Middle colonies? |German |

| | |English |

| | |Dutch |

|11 |What English noblemen received large land grants in Virginia? |Cavaliers |

|12 |Where in Virginia did many poor Englishmen settle? |Shenandoah Valley |

|13 |What were indentured servants? |Colonists who agreed to work for a master in exchange for |

| | |payment of their passage to America |

|14 |What was the first permanent English settlement in North America? |Jamestown |

|15 |What was the first elected assembly (lawmaking body) in the New World? |House of Burgesses |

|16 |What became the name of the House of Burgesses after independence? |Virginia General Assembly |

|17 |What regions of the New World did the Spanish explore and settle? |the Caribbean Sea |

| | |Central America |

| | |South America |

|18 |How did colonization affect the Indians? |died in wars |

| | |pushed off their land |

| | |died of disease |

|19 |How did French colonization differ from English colonization? |fewer French colonists |

| | |Better relations with the Indians |

|20 |What did the Atlantic slave trade do? |Forced millions of Africans to come to the Americas against |

| | |their will |

|21 |What were the 3 regions of English settlement along the Atlantic coast? |New England |

| | |Middle colonies |

| | |Southern colonies |

|22 |What was the economic basis of New England? |Subsistence farming |

| | |Lumbering |

| | |Shipbuilding |

| | |Fishing |

|23 |What was the economic basis of the Middle colonies? |Small-scale commercial farming |

| | |Shipbuilding |

| | |Trade |

|24 |What was the economic basis of the coastal lowlands in the Southern |Plantations that grew cash crops for export to Great Britain |

| |colonies? | |

|25 |What were the three cash crops of the Southern colonies? |tobacco |

| | |rice |

| | |indigo |

|26 |What was the economic basis of the Appalachian foothills in the Southern |subsistence farming |

| |colonies? |hunting |

| | |trade |

|27 |What were the Middle colonies? |New York |

| | |New Jersey |

| | |Pennsylvania |

| | |Delaware |

|28 |What were two important seaports and trade centers in the Middle colonies? |New York |

| | |Philadelphia |

|29 |Where were most of the indentured servants from? |England |

| | |Scotland |

| | |Ireland |

|30 |Where and when did the first Africans arrive in colonial America? |Jamestown in 1619 |

|31 |What was the voyage of slaves from Africa to the New World called? |The Middle Passage |

|32 |What 2 types of labor systems did Southern plantations use? |indentured servants |

| | |African slaves |

|33 |Did the Puritans tolerate religious dissenters? |No |

|34 |What New England colony was founded by religious dissenters fleeing |Rhode Island |

| |persecution by Puritans in Massachusetts? | |

|35 |Where did Quakers settle? |Pennsylvania |

|36 |Where did Presbyterians settle? |New Jersey |

|37 |Where did Jews settle? |New York |

|38 |Where did Huguenots settle? |New York |

|39 |Who formed the middle class in the Middle colonies? |Skilled artisans |

| | |Entrepreneurs |

| | |Small commercial farmers |

|40 |What formed the basis of the social structure in the Southern colonies? |Family status |

| | |Land ownership |

|41 |Who dominated the colonial government and society in the Southern colonies?|Large landowners |

|42 |What was the most important church in the Southern colonies? |Church of England |

|43 |How did colonists make a living in the mountains and valleys of the |subsistence farmers |

| |Southern colonies? |hunters |

| | |traders |

|44 |What was the background of most of the colonists in the Southern mountains |Scots-Irish |

| |and valleys? |English |

|45 |What religious movement swept Europe and the American colonies during the |“Great Awakening” |

| |mid-1700s? | |

|46 |What 2 Protestant denominations grew rapidly in the American colonies |Methodists |

| |during the “Great Awakening”? |Baptists |


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