Financial Assistance Application Form

Financial Assistance Application Form

Please complete this form and email to scholarship@. We will respond to your request within 5 days. Thank you.


Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.):      

(City, State and ZIP code, country):      


Gender: Male Female

Email address:     

Annual level of income:






US$150,001 and above

1. Educational Background and Summary of Work Experience (250 words or less)


2. Please indicate the course and class dates you are interested in:


3. Please describe your reasons for applying for financial assistance, and why you feel that you deserve support. Please address your intentions for utilizing your training from the GHG Management Institute and a justification of your financial need. (1000 words or less):


4. Please indicate the amount of financial assistance that you are requesting. Please express this as a percentage discount off of tuition fees, example 25%. Please note that we do not guarantee that we can offer the financial assistance you require. Please only request the amount that you really need as this will affect opportunities for other learners who need assistance.


5. Please describe your organization, if applicable. (Location, Mission, and how is it funded, etc.)


I certify that all information on this application form is true and correct.

In recognition of the importance of managing climate change, the GHG Management Institute was established with the mission to support the professionalization of GHG practitioners individually and as a professional association. Please click here to read more about the Institute’s Code of Conduct.


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