The Kiterunner Homework Questions

The Kiterunner Homework Questions.

The following are the homework assignments associated with your reading of the novel. Please make sure to answer each question in a well developed paragraph and use textual evidence to explain your answer. I will collect the homework for each assignment at the end of each week.

Homework 1 –

Prereading – Research Afghanistan. How has the geography of the country influenced its history and people.

You will need to know about the different ethic cultures that exist in the country to fully understand the novel. In order to enhance your understanding define the following:

Pashtun, Hazara, Taliban Sunni and Shiite?

Read Chapters 1 through 10.

Why does Hosseini juxtapose Baba’s relationship with Amir to Baba’s relationship with Hassan? How does the impact Amir’s relationship with Hassan?

What does Baba feel is the one and only sin? What does this tell us about Baba?

How are the pomegranate tree and the story of “Rostan & Sohrab” symbolic of the relationship between the two boys?

Why are the memories and dream Amir recalls as he witnesses Hassan’s rape significant in terms of his feelings and thoughts? How does the sheep serve as a symbol? Can Amir ever redeem himself? Why/why not?

Homework 2

Read Chapters 10 – 16

Describe the trip from Afghanistan to America. How does Hosseini use irony in Chapter 10?

How have Baba and Amir’s roles reversed with the move to America? Do you believe they are closer after their immigration? Why or why not?

Describe Amir’s relationship with Soraya. Why is Soraya’s confession significant and why doesn’t Amir “come clean”?

How would you describe Amir’s character at this point in the novel? Do you believe that their inability to conceive is his punishment? When Rahim Khan calls and tells him there is a “way to be good again” it’s possible for Amir to redeem himself? Why/why not?

Homework 3

Read Chapters 17-22

Why does Amir finally decide to go find Sohrab?

How does Baba’s secret impact Amir? Juxtapose this with Baba’s statement about sin? How would you characterize Baba at this moment?

Why does Amir laugh as he is beaten? Has he now redeemed himself? Why/why not?

Homework 4

Read Chapter 23 to the end of the novel

In Rahim Khan’s letter he explains Baba’s reasons for keeping his secret. Can Baba and Rahim Khan be forgiven for keeping the truth from Amir and Hassan? Why or why not? Were the boys victims of Afghan society and its rules?

Discuss the position Amir and Sohrab find themselves in as they are trying to get back to America. How does Hosseini use imagery and language to create mood?

At the novel’s end, Amir is chasing a kite for Sohrab. Has redeemed himself? Why or why not?


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