Infidelity: What causes people to cheat

Infidelity: What causes people to cheat?

In this passage, you will hear the following vocabulary:

Spouse – husband or wife

Cheat – when a spouse sleeps with another person (not their husband/wife)

Mate – husband or wife

Lack – not have something (i.e. Bald people lack hair.)

There are a number of reasons thought to cause a spouse to cheat. But surprisingly, many psychiatrists believe infidelity usually occurs when one spouse feels inadequate. This spouse may perhaps feel that they are not as beautiful as their mate or do not make as much money. They cheat as a way to deal with their frustration.

The second most common reason for cheating is lack of communication. Spouses who are separated for long periods of time are much more likely to be unfaithful. Thus psychiatrists encourage couples to maintain good communication and to avoid periods of separation.

Now listen to the passage again.

Now answer these multiple-choice questions.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a reason given for why people cheat:

a) A cheating spouse no longer thinks their spouse is beautiful.

b) A cheating spouse feels inadequate to their spouse.

c) A cheating spouse has been separated from their spouse for a long time.

Question 2

Psychiatrists think couples should try to

a) remain separated for long periods of time but talk on the phone everyday.

b) make themselves as beautiful as possible.

c) avoid being separated for long periods of time.

Now listen to these words.



You will use these words in the following sentences.

For example, you will hear:

She is from the US, but her __________ is from Japan.

You will say:

She is from the US, but her spouse is from Japan.

Question 1

I can not get a good job because I __________ education.

Question 2

We will not buy our new house this year because we __________ the money.

Question 3

His _________ is taller than he is.

Question 4

In traditional Muslim families, one man can have four _________.

Question 5

Children who do not have parents often __________ guidance.


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