
Example of SLT Report: requesting additional funds for an Ipad at a League of Friends Meeting (Neuro-Rehab Unit)In (date) the (insert funder name) funded an Ipad for SLT, which has been a very helpful resource for the department.This meeting is an opportunity to report back on how the unit and the patients have benefitted from the Ipad over the past two years.And we would now like to ask the (funder name) to consider funding a 2nd device, to allow us to continue and expand on the benefits the first Ipad has provided for our patients.I will first give a general overview of the benefits of an Ipad within the SLT department and rehab unit generally.Then I will hand over to (patient name), a current patient here at the Unit, so that she can tell you in her own words how technology has made a difference to her in the face of some very challenging difficulties. She will deliver her presentation with the help of her Ipad.So, how has the Ipad been used to date?As an SLT assessment tool (eg naming photos to look at word-finding skills).For therapy in SLT, using some dedicated apps that have been designed to practice specific speech and language skills (eg TherAppy).To build communication resources in the form of photos for patients who have little or no speech (ie take photos and print off)To demonstrate suitable communication and therapy apps for people who want to purchase their own Ipads, so they can “try before they buy”.To help motivate patients who are in the early stages of recovery with simple games and activities that stimulate concentration, attention and participation (eg noughts and crosses, Connect 4, Angry Birds).In collaboration with the Physios and OTs, we have videoed patients carrying out mobility tasks, to help them see for themselves what they are doing well, and perhaps what they need to focus on.To video exercises for additional practice outside of therapy sessions. To take photos of patients’ homes when going on access or home visits, so they can show other staff/patients on their return.To take photos of group activities eg for illustrating the Unit’s Newsletter.There are lots more ideas we would like to explore eg additional Art apps for the Art Group, some apps to help with rehabilitating visual attention skills, more games for recreation and leisure time, and as technology is changing all the time, there are new SLT apps that we would like to be able to demonstrate and get familiar with.A second Ipad will allow us to meet the increasing demand and additional funding for apps will allow us to purchase some new activities that have emerged in the last two years.And now over to Jane! (patient presented her experiences using the “Speak It!” App to compensate for total voice loss due to long term trache after brain injury).[Based on a report presented by Gill Hardy SLT Neuro Lead](NB: Patient’s name has been changed for confidentiality reasons) ................

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