Activity Instructions: The purpose of this activity is to express your hope, for the world and yourself. Read the poem below, and then turn the page and fill in the blanks to create a poem of your own.


by Jeanne

The ending of each season will be greeted by the beauty of another

The weakest of birds will make her way to her nest

The funnel of the strongest tornado will touch down in a place no life exists

Every empty room will eventually have a window with a view

Gunfire in the distance is just target practice

When life passes, there is somewhere else to be explored

Hail will not always take over a heavy rain

Injuries are short term

All children will have an offering of change and growth

The fearful will find their song

Antidotes will arrive in the nick of time

Things happen for a reason

To believe is to win

MY HOPE continued

Fill in the blanks below to create your own poem. Use the words suggested or choose your own words to communicate your thoughts as clearly and powerfully as you can. Feel free to add lines, remove lines, or make any other changes that fit your purpose.


I hope

The end of every year will be followed by _____________________________________

(the sunrise of a new day in a new year, ???)

I hope

The weakest dog will find _________________________________________

(a warm shelter and his own kibble, ???)

I hope

The fiercest storms will only ________________________________________________

(bring rain and not destruction, ???)

I hope

Every empty room will eventually have _______________________________________

(soulful hearts and great art, ???)

I hope

Gunfire in the distance is just ________________________________________________

(the safe celebration of a better future, ???)

I hope

When life passes _________________________________________________________

(there is an explanation of its meaning, ???)

I hope

The angriest person in me will learn __________________________________________

(the true source of his anger, ???)

I hope

The loneliest person in me will discover _______________________________________

(that people will be there if you share your heart, ???)

I hope

The most lighthearted person in me will _______________________________________

(tell better jokes, ???)

I hope


(I find contentment in a new home, ???)

I hope


(I find a loyal friend to share my new home, ???)

I hope

Things happen for a reason

I hope

To believe is to win


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