Why I Love You

Why I Love You

Gregory E. Lang

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Why I Love You

Gregory E. Lang

Why I Love You Gregory E. Lang Falling in love is one of life's great experiences. Everyone wants to be in love. "No matter where we are in our lives, or what else may occupy our time, we all wish to have someone to love, someone who will love us in return," writes Greg Lang in the introduction to Why I Love You, the latest installment of his best-selling series.

Romance is fun. Romance is exciting. Romance is intoxicating. It's no wonder we all crave it, but it's interesting, too, that we approach it differently, depending upon our personal styles. Some people dive in head first, abandoning all their inhibitions; others proceed with caution. Either way, as a romantic relationship progresses, we find that it, like any other relationship, requires care and nourishment in order to flourish. If there is one thing the author has learned from his own romantic history, it is that love cannot go unexpressed. And that is why he has written this book.

In truth, there usually are hundreds of reasons that we love someone, and yet, when it comes to telling that special person how we feel, it is often hard to verbalize even a few. In Why I Love You, Greg Lang captures 100 reasons that we love a romantic partner in the hope that it will inspire couples everywhere to be more open and giving in their relationships.

With warm and vivid photographs of loving couples of various ages and ethnic backgrounds, Why I Love You is the perfect gift book for anyone who is in love.

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