Working from home 1st/2nd class Extra work to last until the end of march (if needed)Tips: Create a morning routineSet up some ground rules (what should be completed in a certain time frame)Ensure regular breaksWherever possible, allow for some fresh air and outside time Wherever possible, allow children to use Kiddle search engine to research topics/get extra helpAllow the children to question and practice areas that confuse them/areas that they are finding difficultDon’t worry about completing everything listed. It’s the quality of the learning, not the quantity. Each child learns at a different pace.The work below may contain some items that were already sent home but there are also extra stuff if the children finish the assigned workPrioritise the core subjects (English, Irish, Maths) but allow time for history, geography, science, art, music, drama, SPHE and PE also.English:Spellings: Sounds in Focus activities based on the sounds ar, s, ir, tDictation: Say sentences with each of the spelling words and get the children to write the sentences. Focus on letter formation and spaces between words. Reading:Continue with class readers. has some online books for different abilities. Readers Theatre: Create a short script from a section of a story they like (could be the class reader). The following format could be followed:John: Hold the door!Peter: Thank you.John: Why are you carrying so many boxes?Peter: I’m moving house.The children only include dialogue (exactly what the characters are saying). When their short script is finished they could assign roles to the different characters and act out their script. (All the family can take part!)Keep the children reading. It is so important!Writing:Writing the following letters in both their lower case and upper case: nN, mM, uU, jJ, dD, pP, bB, rR. Practice forming the letters on lined paper. Some activity sheets can be printed (if a printer is available) at the jolly phonics website: Writing. The child picks a statement (below) that they agree with and write 4 reasons why. (4 sentences)Statements: “A pool is more fun than the beach” “Homework should be cancelled” “Christmas should be banned” “Children should choose their own bedtime”Possible sentence starters: I agree that a pool is more fun than a beach because……..I think that homework should be cancelled because…….If homework was cancelled then……….If children were allowed to choose their own bedtime……….An extension activity would be to get the child to pick something they disagree with and write 4 sentences why they disagree with it.Poetry: Learn to read, recite and say (off by heart) Our Special Earth by Carol Weston (This will tie in with oral language and science)Our Special EarthOur Earth is very special,As special as can be,Though it's not the closest planetTo the Sun--that's Mercury.?It's not the hottest planet,That's Venus--"Evening Star,"It's not the biggest planet,That's Jupiter by far.?It's not the smallest planet,That's Pluto--cold as ice,'It's not famous for its reddish tint,That's Mars--to be precise.?It's not a ball of gas likeUranus and Neptune,It has no rings like Saturn's,It only has one moon.?But Earth's alive with animals,With flowers, grass, and trees.And best of all our special EarthIs home to you and me.Oral Language: Our topic until the end of March is Space. See what the children remember about constellations. Let them go online (Kiddle) to search the names of the planets in our solar system. Maybe they could learn them off by heart? The poem (above) will help with this. As an extra activity, the children could create a poster of the solar system or a poster about their favourite planet.Revision work: Activities on nouns (person, place, thing, animal, object), verbs (action words), adjectives (describing words) and adverbs (words that describe verbs). Get the children to list what ones they can remember or give them a noun/verb and ask them to say/write an adjective/adverb.Example: “What would be a good adjective/describing word for Pringles?”“Tasty Pringles. Crunchy Pringles.”“What would be a good adverb for walking?”“Walking quickly. Walking slowly.”Remember, all work doesn’t have to be completed. Stay safe, well and happy. ................

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