Reasons why multi-agency approach would be used

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|Reasons why multi-agency approach |Justification |Example |

|would be used | | |

| | | |

|- Funding |- Funding will be used for a multi |- Funding will be important in Jim’s |

| |agency approach because the one |situation because he will have to |

| |organization may not be able to pay for|receive money to help him live alone |

| |all of the treatment, by several |because he can’t work, his parents |

| |organizations working together this |can’t afford to fund Jim in the |

| |will help the cost be easier to pay. |supported tenancy. |

| | | |

|- Facilities |- Multi agency approach would be used |- Facilities will be important for |

| |for facilities because there will be a |Benjamin because “attend the local |

| |wider range of options for treatments |day centre”, “appointment with Bens |

| |if the organizations share, this can |doctor” and “the house association” |

| |also be convenient so that an |this facilities all help Benjamin to |

| |individuals case can be treated quickly|get involved in the community and to |

| |with the option of different ways to |not feel alone. |

| |care for them. | |

| | | |

|- Job role |- Multi agency approach would be used |- Job roles benefit Jim because he |

| |for job roles because different |needs help off several different |

| |organizations focus on different jobs; |types of facilities like his GP and |

| |if several organizations work together |the community psychiatric team, this |

| |there is a wider range of job roles and|enables Jim to receive care that |

| |support for the individual. |suits him as an individual. |

| | |- Job roles also benefits Benjamin |

| | |because he has several different |

| | |needs that cant be met by one |

| | |organization, he benefits from 7 |

| | |different people with different jobs.|


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