
ROOM # 13 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: 4/27/20 – 5/1/20


| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |activities (aka learning centers)]|

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday |Why are plants important? |Directions: Have your child create|MATH- Practice counting and 1:1 |Invite your child to explore the |

| |Date: 4/27 | |a collage of nutritious plants. |correspondence with the number 20.|ins and outs of a fruit. Dissect |

| | |Introduce the concept that plants | |Use household items such as |the fruit together (you can use |

| | |are important for many reasons. |Materials: |pennies, Cheerios, beans, or |apples, oranges, bananas, |

| | | | |pasta. |strawberries, kiwis etc.). Talk |

| | |Introduce the vocabulary words |Supermarket circulars and/or food |Place those 20 items into a cup. |with your child about the fruit’s |

| | |nutrients, protein, carbohydrates,|magazines. |Have your child take out one item |skin and how it protects the |

| | |fiber, fats, minerals, vitamins |Paper, scissors and glue. |at a time from the cup and count |fruit’s inside, discuss the |

| | |and water. | |until they reach 20 and there are |texture inside the fruit, and |

| | | |Talk to your child while they |no more items in the cup. |count its seeds. |

| | |View a photograph of a plant-based|create. Ask them what they are |Have your child pick up one item | |

| | |meal by clicking the link below. |making. Refer to the “Question” |at a time and place it back in the|Invite your child to take a look |

| | | |and “Answers” provided in the |cup until they reach 20 and all |inside your refrigerator. Tally |

| | | Focus in order to create |items are back in the cup. |the number of fruits and |

| | |images/what-to-eat-and-avoid-on-a-|open discussions. |LITERACY- Practice beginning |vegetables they can find. |

| | |plant-based-diet-722x406.jpg | |letter sounds with the letter /X/.|Encourage your child to draw |

| | | |*Remember, the finish product does|Have your child find words in a |pictures or write the names of the|

| | |Question – What nutrients do |not have to be perfect. It is the |book that begin with the letter |fruits and vegetables they see. |

| | |plants provide our bodies? |process that counts. Have fun! |/X/. | |

| | | | |Practice the beginning letter |Add plants (plastic or real, if |

| | |Answers – | |sound of each word found. |available) to a bin of water along|

| | |Protein builds and repairs our | |HANDWRITING- Practice holding a |with toy fish, toy boats etc. |

| | |bodies (beans, tofu and | |writing utensil, forming letters |Invite your child to talk about |

| | |chickpeas). | |and writing words that begin with |the different places they can find|

| | |Carbohydrates (starches and | |the letter /X/. |plants and discuss why plants grow|

| | |sugars) give our body energy | |Have your child find 5 words in a |in the bottom of oceans, rivers, |

| | |(potatoes, beets and fruit). | |book that begin with the letter |and lakes. |

| | |Fiber is good for digestion and | |/X/ and practice writing them on a| |

| | |helps people to feel full (peas, | |piece of paper. | |

| | |blueberries and apples). | |Your child may use markers, | |

| | |Fats protect our organs (avocados,| |crayons, pens, pencils etc. | |

| | |olives and sunflowers). | |CUTTING- Practice cutting | |

| | |Minerals help build bones and | |horizontal and vertical lines. | |

| | |teeth, and carry oxygen throughout| |Using a piece of paper, draw a set| |

| | |our body (spinach, collard greens,| |of horizontal and vertical lines. | |

| | |and kale). | |Have your child use scissors to | |

| | |Vitamins help keep our gums | |cut along those lines. | |

| | |healthy (broccoli, carrots and | |If they wish, allow your child to | |

| | |garlic). | |make their own horizontal and | |

| | |Water helps the body get rid of | |vertical lines to cut. | |

| | |wastes (peaches, oranges and | |LIBRARY/MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 | |

| | |pineapples). | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED| |


| |Tuesday |Why are plants important? |Directions: Have your child |MATH- Practice comparing sizes. |Invite your child to create a list|

| |Date: 4/28 | |prepare a vegetable or fruit |Review the vocabulary words big & |of vegetables or fruits that |

| | |Introduce the concept that plants |salad. |small. |people eat (this list can be made |

| | |are important for many reasons. | |Definition of big: Large, as in |up of words, drawings or both). If|

| | | |Materials: |size. |available, use this list to |

| | |Introduce the vocabulary words |A variety of fruits and/or |Definition of small: Not big; |provide vegetables or fruit for a |

| | |nutrients, protein, carbohydrates,|vegetables. |little. |salad. |

| | |fiber, fats, minerals, vitamins |A colander and a sink. |Have your child collect articles | |

| | |and water. |Wash, cut, serve and enjoy. |of clothing from each member of |Invite your child to help you find|

| | | |Talk to your child while they |your household (t-shirts, pants, |pictures of cotton plants. Use |

| | |View a photograph of a plant-based|create. Ask them what they are |socks, etc.). |this to begin a discussion on |

| | |meal by clicking the link below. |making. Refer to the “Question” |Compare the sizes of each article |cotton, how it becomes fabric and |

| | | |and “Answers” provided in the |of clothing. |some common uses for cotton. |

| | | Focus in order to create |Your child may also line up these | |

| | |/uploads/2019/03/Plant-based-diet-|open discussions. |articles of clothing from biggest |By looking outside, choose a |

| | |1024x775.jpeg | |to smallest or smallest to |nearby tree or plant for your |

| | | |*Remember, the finish product does|biggest. |child to observe. Provide paper |

| | |Question – What nutrients do |not have to be perfect. It is the |Encourage your child to use the |and writing utensils for your |

| | |plants provide our bodies? |process that counts. Have fun! |vocabulary words, big, small, |child to record their observations|

| | | | |bigger and smaller while observing|through drawing and/or writing. |

| | |Answers – | |the articles of clothing. |Encourage your child to observe |

| | |Protein builds and repairs our | |LITERACY & CUTTING- Practice |the plant/tree carefully and |

| | |bodies (beans, tofu and | |beginning letter sounds with the |notice differences from |

| | |chickpeas). | |letter /X/ while practicing |observation to observation. Focus |

| | |Carbohydrates (starches and | |cutting skills. |on when trees begin to form buds |

| | |sugars) give our body energy | |Using a magazine or circular, have|and when the buds open to produce |

| | |(potatoes, beets and fruit). | |your child find items that begin |leaves. |

| | |Fiber is good for digestion and | |with the letter /X/. | |

| | |helps people to feel full (peas, | |Have your child cut out these | |

| | |blueberries and apples). | |items to create a collage. | |

| | |Fats protect our organs (avocados,| |If possible, have your child glue | |

| | |olives and sunflowers). | |these items onto paper. | |

| | |Minerals help build bones and | |Practice the beginning letter | |

| | |teeth, and carry oxygen throughout| |sounds of each item in their | |

| | |our body (spinach, collard greens,| |collage. | |

| | |and kale). | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |Vitamins help keep our gums | |Practice holding a writing utensil| |

| | |healthy (broccoli, carrots and | |and coloring within the lines. | |

| | |garlic). | |Using a piece of paper, draw | |

| | |Water helps the body get rid of | |simple shapes, such as a circle, | |

| | |wastes (peaches, oranges and | |square, triangle, and/or | |

| | |pineapples). | |rectangle. | |

| | | | |Have your child choose a writing | |

| | | | |utensil, and practice coloring | |

| | | | |inside that shape. | |

| | | | |If they wish, allow your child to | |

| | | | |create their own shapes to color. | |




| |Wednesday |Why are plants important? |Directions: Have your child draw a|MATH- Practice counting and 1:1 |If available, provide parts of |

| |Date: 4/29 | |picture of themselves applying |correspondence with the number 20.|plants such as flowers, stems or |

| | |Introduce the concept that plants |Aloe Vera to their skin after a |Use household items such as |twigs for your child to use to |

| | |are important for many reasons. |long day in the sun. |pennies, Cheerios, beans, or |paint with in place of a |

| | | | |pasta. |paintbrush. Encourage your child |

| | |Introduce the vocabulary words |Materials: |Place those 20 items into a cup. |to consider what type of mark each|

| | |healing plants and medicine. | |Have your child take out one item |plant piece will make when used as|

| | | |A piece of paper and any available|at a time from the cup and count |a painting tool. As they explore |

| | |View a video of a woman using |writing instruments (markers, |until they reach 20 and there are |painting with the different plant |

| | |fresh Aloe Vera for skin care by |crayons, pens, pencils etc.). |no more items in the cup. |parts, be sure to highlight the |

| | |clicking the link below. | |Have your child pick up one item |name of each part such as flower, |

| | | |Talk to your child while they |at a time and place it back in the|leaves, stem and roots. |

| | |. Ask them what they are |cup until they reach 20 and all | |

| | |ECB6RY9yY |making. Refer to the “Question” |items are back in the cup. |If available, find seeds that grow|

| | | |and “Answers” provided in the |LITERACY- Practice beginning |quickly, such as lima beans, to |

| | |Question – How are plants used as |Daily Focus in order to create |letter sounds with the letter /X/.|plant at home. Create a chart of |

| | |medicine for people? |open discussions. |Have your child find words in a |predictions on how long it will |

| | | | |book that begin with the letter |take for the seed to grow. Invite |

| | |Answers – |*Remember, the finish product does|/X/. |your child to measure the plant |

| | |Plants have the ability to heal. |not have to be perfect. It is the |Practice the beginning letter |growth periodically and record the|

| | |The clear gel in an Aloe Vera |process that counts. Have fun! |sound of each word found. |results. |

| | |plant is used to treat burns, cuts| |HANDWRITING- Practice holding a | |

| | |and small skin infections. | |writing utensil, forming letters |If available, provide puzzles that|

| | |Ginger helps with digestion, | |and writing words that begin with |include different types of plants,|

| | |reduces nausea, can help you fight| |the letter /X/. |such as puzzles depicting farms, |

| | |a cold and relieves a sore throat.| |Have your child find 5 words in a |rain forests, gardens, flowers or |

| | |Jasmine, lavender and chamomile | |book that begin with the letter |trees. Invite your child to |

| | |help us sleep and relax. | |/X/ and practice writing them on a|assemble the puzzles and encourage|

| | | | |piece of paper. |them to work to completion. As you|

| | | | |Your child may use markers, |child assembles the puzzles, |

| | | | |crayons, pens, pencils etc. |highlight relevant vocabulary |

| | | | |CUTTING- Practice cutting diagonal|words such as farm, flower, |

| | | | |and curved lines. |garden, fruit, grow, or plant by |

| | | | |Using a piece of paper, draw a set|using them frequently and pointing|

| | | | |of diagonal and curved lines. |out corresponding pictures in the |

| | | | |Have your child use scissors to |puzzles. |

| | | | |cut along those lines. | |

| | | | |If they wish, allow your child to | |

| | | | |make their own diagonal and curved| |

| | | | |lines to cut. | |




| |Thursday |Why are plants important? |Directions: Have your child create|MATH- Practice |If available, invite your child to|

| |Date: 4/30 | |a bee pollinating a flower. |directional/positional concepts. |build a park using blocks. They |

| | |Introduce the concept that plants | |Use household items such as toys, |can build a park for toy people or|

| | |are important for many reasons. |Materials: |books, markers, crayons, and |build on a larger scale and create|

| | | | |socks. |a park for themselves. |

| | |Introduce the vocabulary words |A toilet paper roll, black and |Give your child positional | |

| | |flowers, bees, nectar and pollen. |yellow paint, and paper to create |directions to follow for each |Invite your child to create a |

| | | |a bee. |household item (place the sock |flower shop by adding pretend |

| | |View a video of bees pollinating |A coffee filter and paper to |next to the book, place the marker|flowers, containers and pictures |

| | |flowers by clicking the link |create a flower. |on top of the toy, place the |of flower arrangements. If |

| | |below. |Markers, crayons, scissors and |crayon in between the toy and the |available, add a toy cash |

| | | |glue. |book, place the crayon in front of|register, notepad, writing |

| | | |the marker, etc.). |utensils etc. Your child can |

| | |BpJNA-AsA |Talk to your child while they |For a list of |pretend to make, buy and sell |

| | | |create. Ask them what they are |directional/positional vocabulary,|floral arrangements. As you play |

| | |Question – How do plants provide |making. Refer to the “Question” |please click the link below. |with your child, use and highlight|

| | |food for bees? |and “Answers” provided in the | words such as bouquet, |

| | | |Daily Focus in order to create |6f/5f/bd6f5f0ec1b49e17546457c835d8|floral arrangement, florist and |

| | |Answers – |open discussions. |eabb.jpg |flower. |

| | |Flowers provide bees with nectar | |LITERACY & CUTTING- Practice | |

| | |and pollen. |*Remember, the finish product does|beginning letter sounds with the |View a photograph of a flower |

| | |Bees collect nectar and pollen to |not have to be perfect. It is the |letter /X/ while practicing |arrangement by clicking the link |

| | |feed their family (colonies). |process that counts. Have fun! |cutting skills. |below. |

| | |Bees spread pollen from flower to | |Using a magazine or circular, have|

| | |flower (pollination). | |your child find items that begin |sSF/product/750/flb766-mp_zoom.jpg|

| | |Pollination creates seeds and | |with the letter /X/. | |

| | |seeds create flowers. | |Have your child cut out these |If available, show your child |

| | | | |items to create a collage. |parts of plants such as flowers or|

| | | | |If possible, have your child glue |leaves and invite your child to |

| | | | |these items onto paper. |dip them into a small amount of |

| | | | |Practice the beginning letter |paint and press them onto a piece |

| | | | |sounds of each item in their |of paper similar to a stamp. |

| | | | |collage. | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |Practice holding a writing utensil| |

| | | | |and coloring within the lines. | |

| | | | |Using a piece of paper, draw | |

| | | | |simple shapes, such as a circle, | |

| | | | |square, triangle, and/or | |

| | | | |rectangle. | |

| | | | |Have your child choose a writing | |

| | | | |utensil, and practice coloring | |

| | | | |inside that shape. | |

| | | | |If they wish, allow your child to | |

| | | | |create their own shapes to color. | |




| |Friday |Why are plants important? |Directions: Have your child create|MATH- Practice counting and 1:1 |Invite your child to practice |

| |Date: 5/1 | |a bird and eggs or hatchlings in |correspondence with the number 20.|washing fruits and vegetables. If |

| | |Introduce the concept that plants |their nest. |Use household items such as |available, use a calendar. When |

| | |are important for many reasons. | |pennies, Cheerios, beans, or |finished, you can eat the fruits |

| | | |Materials: |pasta. |and vegetables together. |

| | |Introduce the vocabulary words | |Place those 20 items into a cup. | |

| | |birds and nests. |A paper plate, natural materials |Have your child take out one item |If available, use supermarket |

| | | |(twigs, leaves, grass, moss etc.),|at a time from the cup and count |circulars and invite your child to|

| | |View a video of a bird building |string and yarn to create a bird’s|until they reach 20 and there are |pretend they are grocery shopping |

| | |its nest by clicking the link |nest. |no more items in the cup. |for fruits and vegetables. |

| | |below. |Cotton balls and markers to create|Have your child pick up one item | |

| | | |a bird and its hatchlings. |at a time and place it back in the|Invite your child to help you make|

| | | to create eggs. |cup until they reach 20 and all |a vegetable soup. Prepare the |

| | |gPmnW8yCU |Scissors and glue. |items are back in the cup. |vegetables by washing and cutting |

| | | | |LITERACY- Review beginning letter |them together. Talk to your child |

| | |Question – How do plants provide a| |sounds of the letter /X/. |about the different vegetables you|

| | |home for birds. |Talk to your child while they |Have your child find words in a |are using. |

| | | |create. Ask them what they are |book that begin with the letter | |

| | |Answers – |making. Refer to the “Question” |/X/. | |

| | | |and “Answers” provided in the |Practice the beginning letter | |

| | |Birds use leaves, branches, and |Daily Focus in order to create |sounds of each word found. | |

| | |grasses to build nests. |open discussions. |HANDWRITING- Practice holding a | |

| | |Nests provide a home for birds, | |writing utensil, forming letters | |

| | |keeping them safe. |*Remember, the finish product does|and writing words that begin with | |

| | |Birds can also eat many parts of |not have to be perfect. It is the |the letter /X/. | |

| | |plants (buds, berries, fruit, |process that counts. Have fun! |Have your child find 3 words in a | |

| | |nuts, and seeds). | |book that begin with the letter | |

| | | | |/X/ and practice writing them on a| |

| | | | |piece of paper. | |

| | | | |Your child may use markers, | |

| | | | |crayons, pens, pencils etc. | |

| | | | |CUTTING- Practice cutting zigzag | |

| | | | |lines. | |

| | | | |Using a piece of paper, draw a set| |

| | | | |of zigzag lines. | |

| | | | |Have your child use scissors to | |

| | | | |cut along those lines. | |

| | | | |If they wish, allow your child to | |

| | | | |make their own zigzag lines to | |

| | | | |cut. | |




Social/Emotional – Week 2 (Review)



Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core (PKFCC) Focus Standards for April:

• PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects.

• PK.CLL.2: With prompting and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.

• PK.CKW.1 (Measurement and Data): Identify measurable attributes of objects such as length and weight. Describe them using correct vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full and light).

• PK.CKW.5: Observes and describes characteristics of living things.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at abenitez@ and I will be happy to help you. Have fun!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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