Are school uniforms a good or bad idea argumentative essay


Are school uniforms a good or bad idea argumentative essay

The debate, they're good or bad school uniforms, has teenagers raising their voices against compliance, and teachers and many parents singing praises for uniform. This article illustrates both sides of the coin, so as to assess the reasons why school uniforms are a good or bad idea before you make up your mind. If this means that the school halls will be more orderly and disciplined, and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside, instead of what they wear on the outside, then our public schools should be able to ask their students to wear uniforms. - Bill Clinton, former President of the United States of America, Long Beach, CA Pro of a school uniform If you're looking for an answer to why school uniforms are a good idea, or the need to convince someone about it, these points present a good argument: school uniforms to spare kids and their parents time consuming, the troublesome ordeal of choosing a set of clothes every day. During morning hours rushed before school, choosing the right set of clothes, especially for girls, can take a lot of time. Many kids would be happy to get rid of the hassle, and they can save their good stuff for outings and weekends. Among the reasons why school uniforms are a good idea, the strongest stated is that they promote equality. Distinctions made on the basis of economic status are reduced. With everyone dressed the same, there is a hope that children will judge others on the basis of character instead of the clothes they wear. School uniforms can save parents a lot of money because they just need to buy their kids casual clothes to wear at weekends. Otherwise, parents must constantly restore their child's wardrobe with the latest fashion, which can be very expensive. They should provide clothes for 5 days of each week, plus weekends, sports and club activities. This can be economic taxation for parents, and the constant demand for new clothes will be very stressful. Uniforms are a special money saver during the growing years, when kids outgrow their clothes every few months. While bullying cannot stop, the use of the uniform prevents at least students who are not dressed in fashion or in accordance with the latest trends, from being chosen for the choice of clothes. It prepares children for professional life if they often need to wear uniforms, or at least conservative dress or follow a dress code. Also, the purpose of going to school is to learn, and nothing (like clothes) that take away this goal, must be discouraged. casual dressing leaves school administrators with the complex task of establishing a dress code, as well as monitoring Students. They need to check out inappropriate clothes, like strapless, weightlifter, and midriff baring tops and over-short skirts and shorts. They must also supervise the inappropriate insignia of the clothes, such as slogans for alcohol and cigarettes, as well as symbols such as Nazi symbol or vulgar language. Promotes more safety on campus as well as on excursions. Foreigners are easy to identify and it is easier to take into account their own students. Against a school uniform Most students think, school uniforms are bad!. Since most uniforms are very formal and are rarely fashionable, I tend to see their point of view. However, there are a few reasons why school uniforms are bad: Many people see uniforms as a way to control students' creativity and freedom of expression and to convey the message that compliance is important. Some parents believe that student safety is compromised by uniforms. In the case of natural disasters or emergencies, it would be earthquakes, tornadoes, fires or terrorist attacks, it would be very difficult for parents to identify their child in the middle of an environment of similarly dressed children. ? Contrary to popular belief, even with the uniforms on, some children will be taken by others. The cliques will continue to be formed and students will find ways (such as weight, complexion, financial condition) to pass the decision on their peers. ? School uniforms are very often unflattering and can affect a child's self-image. ? A uniform divides two institutions, which is enough to develop battles between the two school groups, which therefore leads to a serious rivalry. Students in rival institutions are easily identifiable because of their uniforms while on their way to school or returning home, resulting in bullying or terrible fights between two school groups. I hope these points will help you answer the question (especially if it is represented by one of your children): are school uniforms good or bad? In my opinion, it is best to reach a middle point. If schools implement uniforms, they should decide on semi-casual, comfortable clothing. They should also allow students to choose between a few options. It is understandable why schools want to set up uniforms. It's a way to maintain the decency and discipline that schools need. Also, the events of the past, such as the one at Columbine, where the students were partially slayed for what they were wearing, left them all untaught. There were also thefts and murders over designer shoes. In the face of such appalling events, uniforms can come across as a means for a peaceful purpose. However, I'm only here to provide the argument. School uniforms: good or bad? You decide! When one thinks about school uniforms, one can think of a big dreary children, all in boring, simple costumes, which often result in the inability to differentiate one student from another. However, school uniforms many benefits that can help make these institutions a better place for administrators, students and even parents. School uniforms should become mandatory due to their potential to be marivers for students and administrators, limit the increase in bullying and conflicts between pupils, and allow students to be more focused on and the establishment of professional staff. By limiting the time used in the morning for dressed students and administrators forced to address dress code issues, preventing bullying in status-based schools, and finally... IS SCHOOL UNIFORM School uniform good or bad? This is a question debated in many schools. School uniforms have many advantages and disadvantages; depends on the thinking and opinion of each person. Some people believe that school uniforms display discipline, subject students and help students save time in choosing the costume every day; helps poor students to have equality with everyone in the school; helps students to be different from other people and makes students feel proud of their school. Some people think school uniforms aren't good because they make them uncomfortable, they don't want to see other students wearing the same clothes as them; prevents individual personality and creativity, the lack of originality and expression of each student. In my opinion, wearing school uniform is good for students. School uniforms display discipline and obedience. Helps students to have a polite appearance and polite behavior that students need. At the same time, it is also a way to avoid students dressing inconsistently with the school environment. Not only do they have, school uniform also a tool to help schools better manage students. The school uniform will help to remind students of their obligations and responsibilities. Therefore, when students see the uniform, they will try to study hard and will not argue with the teacher or other students in the class. Previously, most of the private schools require school uniforms, but currently some school uniforms are becoming a popular trend among schools. Students and even most parents do not agree with applying school uniforms; that uniforms take the right of self-expression. School uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms limit what students should choose to wear to school every day, but do not limit them to learning; the only reason I'm at school. The student treat scare as a fashion show, so the elimination that puts students fully emphasize the school. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms can violate self-expression in some ways, a uniform should be viewed as a positive thing because they eliminate bullying, combine social classes and give the school campus a professional look. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they take students the right to self-expression. Yes, school uniforms limit what students need to wear, but they can still have their own ways of self-expression. Students can still express their style of choice by how he/she hair styles and what accessories they choose Wear. Their shoe choice is also a form of self-expression. Students can make uniforms their own style without dress code. Just because a student can't wear the most fashionable jeans to school doesn't mean his rights are taken away. School is a place to learn. Outside of school, children can behave and express themselves as desired. Asking for school uniforms eliminates the chances of intimidation. Bullies usually pick up children based on what they wear. What happens when they wear the same thing? Everyone will be dressed the same, leaving less room to get picked on. Bullies won't need to take on someone as much as he/she would be if the uniforms weren't needed, because everyone would look pretty much the same, including bullies. When all people look the same, there is really nothing for other kids to emphasize and make fun of. Uniforms provide students with a more bully-free environment. Having uniforms in schools also erases the defined line of social classes. Typically, popular children of higher social classes would only wear the trendiest clothing. The poor, lower social classes would only carry the last shipment from the nearest Wal-Mart. School uniforms bring together social classes. Everyone would wear the same clothing brand from the same few stores that sell school uniforms. No one would be able to determine what social class a person is in just by looking at what the other person is wearing. Everyone would mingle together and be on the same level; no upper or lower class that divides the students. Uniform schools require more formal looks and well put together. Schools that don't need uniforms have those few kids who don't care, dress, or dress carelessly. There are kids walking around with sagging pants on the ground and underwear that look. Some children will even wear inappropriate logos on T-shirts or jackets. That gives the school a bad look and a bad reputation. Uniformed schools have all students dressed nicely in assigned uniforms. The school looks well put together and well maintained. Students who don't have to focus on what to wear to school will focus more on academics, leading to improved grades. The school will look better by presenting wisely and academically. In general, school uniforms are a great thing to have. Even if this argument violates the students' right to self-expression will never end. There seem to be more positive than negative perspectives on schools that require school uniforms. Having school uniforms is necessary for students to wear get rid of bullies who pick on other students based on what they wear. Uniforms eliminate the separation of social classes, especially when it is mainly determined by the clothing brands a person wears. Last but not least, school districts that require pupils to wear school uniforms have a more formal aspect of School uniforms are a positive thing, because they take the opportunities of intimidation, judge the social class and do school looks more professional. Professional.

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