Children Should Not Wear a School Uniform Discuss…

[Pages:2]Children Should Not Wear a School Uniform ? Discuss...

The idea of wearing a uniform for school has existed for a very long time and in fact dates back to around the 16th century. It is extremely common nowadays to see children going to school wearing a uniform and it is estimated that approximately 90% of children in the UK wear a uniform to school, but should this longstanding tradition continue or is it now outdated and should be abolished?

Some people believe that wearing a school uniform is important as it makes all the children equal because they look the same. This means that children are not competing against each other to wear more expensive or designer clothes which can help take any pressure off children or parents. A sense of pride is often felt when wearing a uniform as it shows a sense of belonging. In addition, wearing a uniform helps to make children look smart and prepares them well for working hard at school and moving onto work places as they get older where there is usually some kind of dress code. Furthermore, wearing a uniform shows which school each child is from. This can be particularly helpful when on an educational visit as it helps the teacher to see where their children are and therefore helps to keep the children safer when outside of school.

On the other hand, lots of children seem to think that wearing a uniform is too strict and boring and does not allow them to express their personalities or be an individual. In addition, many people would argue that uniforms are expensive. As they have to be worn everyday and children grow quickly they must have lots of sets of the same uniform rather than wearing their `own' more comfortable clothes. Also, some schools require you to purchase a winter and summer uniform as well as a sports kit which will also cost lots of money as opposed to simply wearing clothes children already have at home. Finally, some people would argue that teachers don't all have to wear a uniform and look the same so why should the children?

In conclusion, there are many opposing arguments for and against wearing a school uniform. Uniforms look smart, keep everyone feeling equal and help children focus more on their school work. However, they can be dull, may not be as comfortable and do not allow children to express their personalities. On reflection, after considering both sides of the issue, I believe children should wear a school uniform, but they should have some say in the style and colour.



1. Approximately which century was school uniform first introduced? 2. Around what percentage of schools in the UK require their pupils wear a school

uniform? 3. Look at the second paragraph and give two reasons why school uniforms are

important. 4. Read the third paragraph and write down two reasons why some people are

against school uniforms. 5. What is your personal opinion about wearing a school uniform? Try to give two

reasons to support your answer.


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