Giving advice and expressing reproach

Giving advice and expressing reproach


Trenton, New Jersey

March 25, 1932

Dear Aunt Madge,

It’s been a long time since I last wrote a letter to you but, you see, I need your advice and you’re always great at that!

I think my boyfriend John is not happy. He spends all his free time playing baseball with his friends. I don’t like that. We don’t see each other anymore. What should I do? I think I’ve had enough of him. And as they say enough is enough. Do you think I’m right and I should dump him?

Your dear niece,



Atlanta, Georgia

April 10, 1932

My dear Betty,

I cannot believe what I’m reading! This behaviour of your boyfriend’s makes me mad and sad for you! You should keep the boy and not let him go out every night. You should ask him to spend more time with you. He’s a good guy. He’ll understand. If I were you, I would ask him to stay home with me. Tell him you love him and you care for him. Maybe that will help… But don’t let him go!

Your auntie who loves you,


Understanding the text

1) Read the two texts once and then fill in the grid below:

|Type of documents | |

|Number of characters mentioned | |

|Name of each character | |

| | |

|Relationship | |

| | |

|Problem at stake | |

With the information above, write one or two sentences to sum up what the two texts are about:


2) Find in the text the English expressions corresponding to their French translations below:

|J’ai besoin de | |

|Si j’étais toi/ vous/ à ta place, je lui demanderais … | |

|Vos / tes conseils | |

|Tu ne devrais pas | |

|Si elle n’accepte pas | |

|Que devrais-je faire ? | |

|Tu devrais | |

3) Now, fill in this new grid

|Elisabeth’s needs |- |

|Reasons of her needs |- |

| |- |

|Auntie Madge’s reaction |- |

| |- |

|Auntie’s advice |- |

| |- |

|What Auntie Madge would do |- |

| |- |

Give more details about the two letters:


4) Transform the letters into a dialogue in which the audience will hear advice and reproaches. Then act it out.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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