Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series



12/9/2016 Miren Bilbao 12/2/2016 Dr. Manuel Dominguez-Rodrigo 11/11/2016 Dr. Patricia McAnany 11/8/2016 Sabine Hyland

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

Department of Anthropology, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Professor of Archaeology and Prehistory, Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, Complutense University, Spain

Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina ? Chapel Hill

Reader, Department of Anthropology, University of St. Andrews

Pie de Cuesta, Zorca y Colinas de Queniquea: An approach to the ceramics style of the Venezuelan Andes in the T?chira state

Recent discoveries at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) and their bearing on the eco-social behavior of early humans [co-sponsored with Biological Anthropology Colloquium]

(Re)turning to an Ontology of Souls in Maya Deep Time [co-sponsored with Yale Maya Lecture Series and Ethnography & Social Theory Colloquia]

Writing with Twisted Cords: Two Newly Discovered Narrative Khipus Epistles from the Andes

11/4/2016 Dr. Jason Nesbitt 10/28/2016 Dr. Mary Miller 10/14/2016 Stefanie Bautista 10/7/2016 Dr. Eduardo Goes Neves 9/30/2016 Dr. Michael Coe 9/23/2016 Dr. Jessica Lamont 9/16/2016 Dr. Anna Blume 4/29/2016 Dr. Peter Breunig 4/22/2016 Dr. Sonya Atalay

Professor, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University Archaeological Investigations of Canchas Uckro, Peru

Gold, Jade, and Maya Blue: the Journey of Offerings to the Sacred Cenote of Chichen Professor, Department of the History of Art, Yale University Itza [co-sponsored with Yale Maya Lecture Series]

PhD Candidate in Anthropology at Stanford University, Visiting Towards an Understanding of the Transition from Paracas to Nasca from a Household

Lecturer, Rochester University


Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University

Searching for the Middle Holocene in the Tropical Rainforests: Excavations in Southwestern Amazonia

Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

The Grolier Codex: A Voice from the 13th Century [co-sponsored with Yale Maya Lecture Series]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Yale University

The Archaeology of Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome

Professor, Department of the History of Art, Fashion Institute

of Technology, State University of New York

Ancient Architecture in the Mississippi Valley: Monumentality Seen and Unseen

Institut f?r Arch?ologische Wissenschaften, GoetheUniversit?t Frankfurt am Main

Rock Art Discoveries from the Namib Desert of Namibia

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University Braiding Knowledge: Community-based archaeology in Turkey and Native North

of Massachusetts-Amherst


4/15/2016 Dr. Antonia Foias 4/1/2016 Dr. Scott Hutson 3/4/2016 Dr. Rowan Flad 2/26/2016 Dr. Heather Hurst 2/19/2016 Dr. Li Feng

Professor, Department of Anthropology, Williams College

Ancient Maya Political Dynamics: Bureaucrats and Tribute Lists

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University Rise and Reorganize: Interdisciplinary research on Ancient Maya Political

of Kentucky

Transformations [co-sponsored with Yale Maya Lecture Series]

Professor of Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University

Urbanism as Technology in Early China

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Skidmore Let's keep it platonic: A reassessment of the Olmec man-jaguar painting of Oxtotitl?n,


Guerrero, Mexico

Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, A Divergent Tradition: Zhou Sheng Bronzes and the Question about the Production

Columbia University

System of Western Zhou Bronzes




2/12/2016 Lindsay Bloch

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

Visiting Scholar in the Department of Anthropology at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Earthenware Production and Consumption in the 18th-Century Chesapeake

2/9/2016 Dr. Paul Kockelman 1/22/2016 Katherine McCullough French 11/13/2015 Dr. Shanti Morell-Hart 11/6/2015 Dr. Uthara Suvrathan

Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

PhD candidate, Department of Anthropology, New York University

Assistant Professor of Anthropology at McMaster University, Director of McMaster Paleoethnobotanical Research Facility Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate in Archaeology at Cornell University

Time and Replacement among the Maya [co-sponsored with Yale Maya Lecture Series]

Interspecies Cremations in a Transitional World: the evidence from Bidford-on-Avon

Foodways, Ethnoecology, and Gastronomic Heritage in Mesoamerica Persistent Peripheries: Archaeology at the Margins of Empire in Pre-Modern South India

10/30/2015 Dr. Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Yale University

Blood and Chocolate: Cacao and Human Sacrifice on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala

former researcher from Institute of Archaeology, Chinese

10/16/2015 Dr. Shao Wangping

Academy of Social Science

The Paths of Chinese Civilization: In an Archaeological Perspective

Professor of Archaeology and History of Art at Ko University, Appropriating Innovations: Early Bronze Age Tin Mines and Production Sites near

10/9/2015 Dr. K. Aslihan Yener

Istanbul Turkey

K?ltepe, Ancient Kanesh in Turkey

Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology of the

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at The Forum of Nerva in Rome: The Preservation of an Imperial Monument in the

10/2/2015 Dr. Margaret M. Andrews

Brown University

Christian City

Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers: New Insights from Research in Southwestern

9/25/2015 Dr. Kathleen Sterling

Professor of Anthropology, Binghamton University-SUNY


The Ritual Cycle at Coles Creek Mounds: Feasting and Moundbuilding in the Lower

9/18/2015 Dr. Megan Kassbaum

Professor of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania

Mississippi Valley

Ancient Egypt and Punt: An Archaeological Perspective from Mersa/Wadi Gawasis,

4/24/2015 Dr. Kathryn Bard

Professory of Archaeology, Boston University


Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Explaining the Evolution of Social Complextity: Cultural Selection of 'Ultrasocial' Norms

4/24/2015 Dr. Peter Turchin


and Institutions

PhD student, Department of Anthropology, New York

4/10/2015 Taylor Zaneri


GIS Methods in Medieval Archaeology

Professor of Archaeometry, Department of Geosciences,

What is the Iron Age? Comparison between Africa and Europe...and some other

4/3/2015 Dr. Vincent Serneels

Univesrity of Fribourg, Switzerland


Local Communities and Early Chiefdom Dynamics: A Comparative Archaeological

3/27/2015 Dr. Robert Drennan

Professor of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh


Subsistence Risk from Multiple Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives among

Masikoro Farmers, Mikea Hunter-gathereres, and Vezo Fishermen of Southwestern

3/2/2015 Dr. Bram Tucker

Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Georgia Madagascar

Visiting scholar ar Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Understanding the Spread of Harappan Civilization during the third millennium BCE in

2/27/2015 Dr. Prabhakar Nandagopal


Drishadvati River Valley: Recent Excavations in Karanpura, Rajasthan, India

Professor of Anthropology and Quaternary and Climate

2/27/2015 Dr. Daniel Sandweiss

Studies, University of Maine

Human Ecodynamics of Early Settlement on the Central Andean Coast

Professor of American Archaeology and Director of Columbia

2/20/2015 Dr. Terence D'Altroy

Center for Archaeology, Columbia University

Killing Mummies: On Inka Epistemology and Imperial Power




2/12/2015 Dr. Henri-Paul Francfort 2/6/2015 Michelle Young

1/30/2015 Dr. Adam Schwartz 1/23/2015 Dr. Jeffrey Quilter 12/5/2014 Dr. Pamela Crabtree 11/21/2014 Dr. Gary Crawford 11/14/2014 Dr. Fabio Esteban Amador 11/7/2014 Daniela Wolin 10/31/2014 Dr. Kenneth Feder 10/30/2014 Dr. Michael Parker Pearson 10/17/2014 Dr. Jessica Cerezo-Roman 10/10/2014 Dr. David Carballo

10/3/2014 Yonggan Fu 9/26/2014 Dr. Jaime Ullinger 9/19/2014 Dr. Rob Sternberg 9/10/2014 Dr. Thomas Fenn 4/18/2014 Gabriel Prieto 4/11/2014 Kristina Guild Douglas 4/3/2014 Dr. Henry Wright 3/28/2014 Dr. Andrew Scherer 3/7/2014 Dr. Gideon Shelach 2/28/2014 Dr. Norman Yoffee

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

Professor at Centre National de la Recerche Scientifique, France, and visiting scholar for Yale's Council on East Asian Studies

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

Ancient Nomads of Central Asia between Agrarian Empires: Evidence from frozen burials of the Altai Mountains (5th - 3rd centuries BCE) Interaction and Complexity in the Tierra del Mercurio: Preliminary findings from Atalla, Huancavelica, Peru

Visiting Assistant Professor of the Institute for the Study of the

Ancient World, New York University

Chinese Scribal Culture 1300 BC

Directory of Peabody Museum of Archaeology and

Ethnohistory, Harvard University

The Peru Human Ecodynamics Project and Ancient Politics on the North Coast of Peru

Exploring Early Medieval Urbanism: Fauna from 9th- and 10th-century Antwerp,

Associate Professor of Anthropology, New York University Belgium

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

15,000 Years of Success in Japan: The Jomon Niche

Senior Program Officer, Nathional Geographic Society/Waitt

Grants Program

Visualization and Imaging Technologies for Researchers

From Battlefield to Burial: The Bioarchaeology of Human Sacrifice and Warfare among

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Late Shang Sacrificial Victims

What was Sacrificed on the "Sacrifical Table" at Mystery Hill? A convergence of

Professor of Archaeology, Central Connecticut State University Evidence

Professor of British Later Prehistory, University College London Stonehenge: New Research

Changes in Personhood and Funerary Customs among the Hohokam of Southern

Anthropology Fellow, Harvard University


Assistant Professor of Archaeology, Boston University

In the Shadow of the Pyramids: Daily Life in the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan, Mexico

Ph.D. student, Shandong University

Salt-making Archaeology in Northern Shandong, China: An Introduction and a Case Study of Productive Organization during Late Shang and Early Western Zhou Dynasties

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Quinnipiac University Professor of Geophysics, Franklin & Marshall College

Biological responses to early urbanization at Early Bronze Age Bab adh-Dhra', Jordan Magnetic Applications in Archaeology: Provenance, Dating, and Prospection

Director, Yale Center for the Study of Ancient Pyro-Technology Isotopes and Ancient Pyrotechnology Between Archaeological Research and Improving the Life Conditions of Impoverished

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Neighborhoods: A case from Huanchaco, North Coast of Peru

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University The Archaeology of Antsaragnasoa, Southwest Madagascar

Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Near Eastern

Archaeology, University of Michigan

Three Kingdoms of Madagascar: Betsimisaraka, Sakalava, Merina

Assistant Professor, Brown University

Ritual, War, and the Cartography of Classic Maya Kingdoms

Professor of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem The Origins of Agriculture in North China

Professor Emeritus, Departments of Near Eastern Studies &

Anthropology, Univeristy of Michigan

Early cities and the evolution of history




2/21/2014 Dr. Kate Pechenkina 2/14/2014 Colin Thomas 2/7/2014 Sara Cole 1/31/2014 Dr. Lorenzo D'Alfonso 1/24/2014 Dr. Zoe Crossland 12/16/2013 Dr. Marcello Canuto 12/6/2013 Dr. Ian Hodder 11/15/2013 Dr. Isabelle Druc 11/8/2013 Alberto Urcia 11/1/2013 Dr. Colleen Manassa 10/18/2013 Dr. Kristian Goransson 10/11/2013 Dr. Severin Fowles 10/4/2013 Dr. Cameron McNeil 9/27/2013 Lucy Salazar 9/20/2013 Andrew Womack 9/17/2013 Elizabeth Lang 5/2/2013 Dr. Lothar von Falkenhausen 4/26/2013 Dr. Maria Masucci 4/19/2013 Dr. Michael Faison 4/12/2013 Dr. Tim Horsley 3/8/2013 Bejamin King 3/1/2013 Gabriel Prieto 2/22/2013 Erin Gredell 2/15/2013 Dr. Michael Franchetti

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology,

Queens College of CUNY

Bioarchaeology of the Chinese Central Plains

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Smelting and the Sacred at Dos Cruces

Reassesing the Aesthetic of Graeco-Roman Alexandria in Light of Recent Archaeological

PhD candidate, Yale Department of History, Yale Unviversity Discoveries

Assistant Professor, Institute for the Study of the Ancient

World (ISAW), New York University

The Kingdom of Tuwana and the Project Kinik Hoyuk

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Colombia


Signs that grow: standing stones and markets in highland Madagascar

Director of Middle American Research Institute, Associate

Professor of Anthropology, Tulane University

Road Warriors of the West: La Corona and Classic Maya Geopolitics

Professor, Stanford University

Entangled at Catalhoyuk

Ceramologist, Department of Anthropology, UW-Madison Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology: From the Potter to the Paste

Associate Research Specialist in Digital Arhcaeology, Yale Dept

of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Digitizing the Past: Some Experience within Yale Egyptology

Egyptology Professor, Yale Dept of Near Eastern Languages

and Civilizations

Echoes of Egypt: Curating the Land of the Pharaohs and its Legacy

Transport Amphorae and Mediterranean trade 400-250 BCE: A View from Cyrenaica,

Director, Swedish Institute of Classical Studies, Rome, Italy Libya

Professor, Barnard College

An Archaeology of Comanche Imperialism in Colonial New Mexico

Shaping an Ancient Maya Polity: Deforestation, Agroforestry, and Sustainable Land

Professor, Lehman College, CUNY

Management Practices at Copan, Honduras

Archaeologist and research associate, Yale Peabody Museum The Machu Picchu Solution: A New Model for Cultural Patrimony Disputes

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Remote Sensing in China: Recent Research in Statellite and Geophysical Techniques

PhD student, Department of Near Eastern Languages and

Our Daily Bread: Modeling day-to-day food production and consumption in Ancient

Civilizations, Yale University


Professor, Department of Art History, UCLA

Thoughts about Recent Developments in Chinese Archaeology

Everything Including the Kitchen Pots: Integrative Approaches to the Study of Late

Professor, Department of Anthropology, Drew University

Prehispanic Coastal Ecuador

Lecturer, Yale Dept of Astronomyand Director of the Leitner Dating the Origin of Constellations: Using historical astronomical observations to find

Family Observatory

dates and locations

Prospecting for New Research Questions: How integrating a geophysical approach can

Associate research scientist, Yale Department of Anthropology go well beyond locating archaeological features

MA student, Archaeological Studies, Yale University

Archaeology in Media: creating science-driven content in a ratings-driven age

Excavations at the Fishing Village of Gramalote: Reconsidering the Subsistence Patterns

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University of Early Complex Societies in the Moche Valley, North Coast of Peru

Repatriation Compliance Coordinator, Yale Peabody Museum NAGPRA: Negotiationg Native American, Archaeological and Museological World Views

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Washington University in An Epigenetic Understanding of Culture, Participation, and Non-uniform Institutional

St. Louis





2/1/2013 Jamie Inwood 1/25/2013 Dr. Martin Bale

12/7/2012 Dr. Julia Giblin 11/30/2012 Chris Milan

11/16/2012 Jargalan Burentogtokh 11/9/2012 Dr. Roderick Campbell

Nicholas Bellantoni + Dr. Gary P. 11/2/2012 Aronsen

10/12/2012 Arnaud Bertrand 10/5/2012 Dr. Jose M. Luzon

9/28/2012 Dr. Frank Hole 9/21/2012 Jane Skinner

9/14/2012 Evin Grody 4/13/2012 Dr. Jose Oliver

3/1/2012 Lauren Lippiello 2/24/2012

2/17/2012 Dr. Luis-Jaime Castillo Butters

2/10/2012 Dr. Colin Cooke 2/3/2012 Dr. Alison Richard

1/27/2012 Ryan Clasby 1/21/2012 Dr. Luis Jaime Castillo Butters 1/20/2012 Helen McCreary

12/8/2011 Dr. Yuval Yekutieli

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

The YUAL Malaria Project Phase 2: Results of Preliminary Sampling and an Initial

Research Projection Utilizing Historical and Archaeological Skeletal Remains Housed at

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Le Labratoire d'Archaeologie IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal

Visiting Port-doctoral fellow

Agriculture and Storage: How did the first complex societies in Korea develop?

Prehistory of the Great Hungarian Plain: Reconstructing Ancient Dietary and Mobility

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Quinnipiac University Practices using a Multi-Isotope Approach

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Up in the Highlands, Down in the Valley

Early Monumentality of Northern Mongolia: Preliminary Results of Arhcaeological

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Research in the Tarvagatai Valley, Mongolia

Institute for the Study of Ancient World, NYU

War, Sacrifice and Forgetting: Violence and Humanity in Early China

Connecticut Office of State Archaeology and Yale Department From Pine Ridge SD to Danbury CT, and back again: the recovery and repatriation of

of Anthropology

Albert Afraid of Hawk (1879-1900)

French Archaeological Work in Central Asia 2011-2012: ew research on Sourkhan Darya

PhD student, Yale University

and Ferghana Valley ancient history

Twice destroyed: The house of the Archaizing Diana at Pompey

MacCurdy Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Yale


The Khoton Lake Project, Western Mangolia

MA student, Archaeological Studies, Yale University

New Excavations at Tel Akko, Israel

Bones, Bushes, and Beakers: the Use of and Potential for Isotopic Analysis and

Recent Graduate of Yale College, BS in Archaeological Studies Evolutionary Ecology in the Zooarchaeology of Southern Africa

Professor, University College of London

Salado revisited: The excavation by Cruxent and Rouse in the lower Orinoco

PhD student, Dept of Near Eastern Languages and Philosophy, The Landscapes of Ancient Egyptian Religion: Rock Art as Indicator for Formal Ritual

Yale University

Spaces during the Formative Stage of the Egyptian State

Film Screening: "Justice at Agadez"

Professor of Archaeology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Modeling the World, Symbolic Architecture and Landscape among the Moche of


Northern Peru

Postdoctoral fellow, Yale Department of Geology and


Environmental Archives of Archaeometallurgy in the Andes

Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

Science in the Service of Conservation: A Case Study from Southwest Madagascar

Between the Andes and the Amazon: Initial Excavation results from the site of

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Huayurco in Northeastern Peru

Professor, Poltificia Universidad Catolica del Peru

Ongoing excavations in San Jose de Moro, in Peru

BA student, Archaeological Studies, Yale University

Recent work in Mali (this past semester)

Professor, Department of Bible, Archaeology and the Ancient

Near East, Ben-Gurion University

The Egyptian Mining Operation at Timna - a Lanscale Archaeology Perspective

12/2/2011 Yann Desailly-Chanson

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University The Political Shift at the Late Classic Maya Site of Sak'Nikte

11/14/2011 Carlos Chiriboga

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University At the heels of chicleros: archaeological survey in the Northwest Peten of Guatemala

11/7/2011 Dr. Caitlin Barrett

Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Cornell University Nilotic Scenes and the Roman Reinterpretation of Egyptian Religion

11/4/2011 Dr. Robert Dewar

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Connecticut Early settlers in Madagascar




10/28/2011 Dr. John Krigbaum

10/21/2011 Dr. Thomas F. Tartaron 10/13/2011

10/7/2011 Kristina Guild 9/13/2011 Yale Students 5/13/2011 Rheta Lanehart 4/28/2011 Jason Nesbitt 4/21/2011 Dr. Richard Blanton 4/15/2011 Dr. Lutz Martin 4/8/2011 Dr. Christopher Thornton 4/1/2011 Jargalan Burentogtokh 3/21/2011 Dr. James Webb 3/21/2011 Dr. Stanley Ambrose

3/4/2011 Dr. Brian Hanks

2/25/2011 Dr. Dudley Gardner 2/23/2011 Dr. Jim Stoltman

2/18/2011 Dr. Natalie Munro 2/11/2011 Dr. Lisa Hildebrand

2/10/2011 Dr. Eliezer Oren

2/9/2011 Dr. Eliezer Oren 2/9/2011 Orestis Kourakis

2/4/2011 Gabriel Prieto 1/28/2011 Dr. Christopher Thornton

1/26/2011 Dr. Gil J. Stein

1/21/2011 Chris Milan 12/3/2010 Jacqueline Meier 12/1/2010 Dr. Frederick Lamp 11/16/2010 Yann Desailly-Chanson 11/12/2010 Alice Kehoe 11/5/2010 Jamie Inwood

10/29/2010 Dr. Yuichi Matsumoto

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida Professor, Department of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Isotopic inferences on Holocene human diet and seasonality in tropical Southeast Asia

A Harbor for Mycenae? Investigations at Kalamianos in Southern Greece, 2007-2011 Film Screening: "The African King"

Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Her summer research in Madagascar

Yale undergraduate Archaeological Studies majors

summer fieldwork reports

PhD Candiate, University of South Florida

Ancient Diet at Liangchengzhen

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University A 9th Century Decapitated Head from Huaca de la Cruz, Moche Valley

Professor, Department of Anthropology, Purdue University A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Collapse

Museum of the Ancient Near East, Berlin

Presentation of latest excavations and research at Tell Halif, Syria

National Geographic Society

Beginnings of Metallurgy in Eurasia: Old Questions, New Problems

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Funeral practices of Southern Mongolia during the Bronze Age

Expert in Historical Epidemiology, Colby College

The Historical Epidemiology of African Malaria

Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana

The Habitat of Early Hominids in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia

Community Organization, Copper Production and Warfare: Recent Field Research on

Professor, University of Pittsburg

the Middle Bronze Age Sintashta period in the Southern Urals, Russia

Formative Period Agriculturall Adaptations to High Elevation Farming in a Semi-Arid

Professor, Western Wyoming Community College

Climate in Northwestern Colorado

Professor, University of Wisconsin

Pottery as a Co-Craft in the Production of Shang Bronzes

Diet and Landscape Change during the Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic at Franchthi

Professor, University of Connecticut

Cave, Greece

Professor, Stony Brook University

Early Herding and Monumental Architecture around Lake Turkana, Kenya

Professor, Yale Department of Near Eastern Languages and


Archaeology of Cult: New Evidence from Middle Bronze Age Canaan

Professor, Yale Department of Near Eastern Languages and


Ways of Horus - An Archaeological Perspective from North Sinai

Arhchaeological Photographer

The Past Through Photo-Frames

Pampas Gramalote: Re-excavating an early Initial Period fishing villiage of the Peruvian

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University North Coast

The National Geographic Society

Beginnings of Metallurgy in Eurasia: Old Questions, New Problems

Director, Oriental Institute and Professor of Near Eastern

Social Identity, Mixed Marriages, and Commensal Politics in an Ancient Mesopotamian

Archaeology, University of Chicago


A View from the Margin: The Initial Period Occupation of the Middle Lurin Hamlets of

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Anchucaya, Quebrada San Francisco, Sisicaya, and Chillaco

PhD candidate in Zooarchaeology, University of Connecticut No More Games: An Experimental Study of Worked Bone Astragali Artifact Function

Curator of the Afrian Collection, Yale Art Gallery

African Art in Antiquity: Yale Gets a New (Old) Collection

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Latest Research at the Site of Sak Nikte

Beinecke Visiting Fellow

Post-Colonial Perspective in Archaeology: Why Delgamuukw Matters

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Overview of new area of achaeological inquiry

Interregional Interactions and Emergence of Complex Societies in the Peruvian South-

Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Central Highland




10/22/2010 Dr. John Darnell 10/15/2010 Peter Coutros

10/8/2010 10/1/2010 Dr. Jeffrey Blomster 9/29/2010 Dr. Phillip Edwards 9/22/2010 Dr. Yuji Seki 9/15/2010 Yale Undergrads 9/10/2010 Dr. Nick Bellantoni

Yale University Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series


Title of Talk

Professor, Yale Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, Yale University

Professor, George Washington University Professor, Latrobe University in Australia National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka Yale undergraduate Archaeological Studies majors Archaeologist, State of Connecticut Office of Archaeology

Two Seasons at Umm-Mawagir in Kharga Oasis: an Industiral Landscape of the Late Middle Kingdom/Second Intermediate Period, and the Legacy of Monthuhotep II Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Gorbi Valley Film Screening: "Grass" 1924 Documentary film tracing the annual migration of the Bakhtiari tribe of Persia Olmec and Early Formative Archaology: Revisiting the Past, Negotiating the Future Ritual and Symbol in the Natufian World Recent Discoveries at Paco Pamp: A Northern Center of Early Peruvian Civilization summer fieldwork reports The Roles of a State Archaologist: Preservation, Research, and Forensics



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