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Criminal Procedure in the News Links


1. You can take a virtual tour of the U.S. Supreme Court at

2. You can look up the court structure in the state in which you live:


3. Learn how to brief a case:


1. Read an essay by Political Science Professor Richard C. Cortner on “The Nationalization of the Bill of Rights: An Overview.” This site is jointly sponsored by the American Political Science Association and American Historical Association.

2. The University of Missouri at Kansas City Law School site provides detailed information on the trial of the “Scottsboro Boys.”

3. Read summarize in your own words the U.S. Supreme Court decision in County of Sacramento v. Lewis, 523 U.S. 844 (1998) on whether the death of an individual during a high speed police chase “shocks the conscience.”

4. The Sentencing Project is a research organization that analyzes sentencing policy. Read their report on the different treatment of crack and powder cocaine.



1. The American Civil Liberties Union project on technology and civil liberties surveys threats to privacy posed by technological developments.


2. Contemporary developments and training tips for police dogs are provided on the Website of the North American Police Work Dog Association.

3. Read state laws on the use of drones by law enforcement.

Read about FBI aerial surveillance.

4. Read about the use of police informants.


1. Read about the Supreme Court’s drafting of the decision in Terry v. Ohio.

2. Examine a report on the lawfulness of the New York City Police Department’s stop-and-frisk policy.


3. Learn about recent examples of racial profiling.

4. Watch a CBS news report on racial profiling


1. Watch videos on police use of excessive force.

2. Read about police officers killed in the line of duty.

3. Watch a video of the arrest of Eric Garner.


4. Analyze a video of the South Carolina shooting of Walter Scott


1. The Northeastern University Racial Profiling Data Collection Resource Center can be found at

2. You can examine a blank search warrant at

3. The Cato Institute, a conservative think tank has condemned “no knock warrants.”

4. The Electronic Frontier Foundation Project on computer security.

5. Watch a video on consent searches.



1. Explore the free speech rights of high school and college students at the Student Press Law Center Website.

2. Understand the debate over the search of laptop computers at the U.S. border.

3. Read about threats to privacy and legal efforts to combat these threats at the Electronic Privacy Information Center Website.

4. Lin State Technical College requires the drug testing of all students.


1. Explore the debate over whether Miranda impedes the police.

Alexander Nguyen, The American Prospect The Assault on Miranda

Paul Cassell University of Utah and Steve Shapiro of the ACLU, on public television

2. Watch a video on false confessions and the conviction of innocent individuals on the Web site of the Innocence Project

3. Watch a video about the psychology of confessions.

Saul M. Kassin, On the Psychology of Confessions: Does Innocence Put Innocents at Risk?

4. Consider whether “terrorists” should receive the Miranda warnings before they are interrogated.

5. Watch a Public Broadcasting system video on the Central Park Jogger case.

6. Watch a video on the Norfolk Four false confession case.


1. Read the brochure, What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence, (Washington D.C.: National Institute of Justice, 1999).

2. Watch a video on the ability of a psychic to solve crimes.


3. Read the Jennifer Thompson case.

4. Watch a video on misidentifications in a lineup.



1. You can take a test on Mapp v. Ohio and the exclusionary rule at a site partially maintained by the Supreme Court Historical Society. Part II of the site asks you to structure an argument on the exclusionary rule.

2, Timothy Lynch’s defense of the exclusionary rule in a Cato Institute paper may be found at

3. You can read about Adolf Eichmann on the Crime Library Website.

4. Read about entrapment and terrorism prosecution in the Christian Science Monitor.

5. Read about the Herald Square bombing in New York Magazine.

Read about Derrick Shareef in the Illinois Review.


1.You can read about the training of police for high speed pursuits.

Pursuit Watch is a Website devoted to critically examining police pursuits.


2. The video of the police pursuit in Scott v. Harris is available at various websites.

3. The Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics Website contains important commentaries and studies on police ethics and on police misconduct.

4. Watch a video on the hate crimes murder of Matthew Shepherd.



1. You can read about Clarence Gideon in the Crime Library.

2. Read about public defenders and watch a video on the Public Broadcasting System Website.

3. Read the report issued by The Constitution Project, Justice Denied: America’s Continuing Neglect of Our Constitutional Right to Counsel (2009).

4. Watch a video of an interview with a former prison guard at Riker’s Island in New York City.


5. Read about Anthony Ray Hinton.


1. You can download The Plea and read about plea bargaining.

2. You can read several articles about the challenges confronting defense lawyers. This includes “The Moral Basis of Counsel, Defending The Guilty, Defense Counsel’s Battle Against Truth.”

3. Watch dramatic moments from recent criminal trials on CNN.

4. Read about famous murder trials in the crime library.


1. Learn about lethal injection and the number of executions in the United States and other issues relevant to capital punishment at the Website of the Death Penalty Information Center.

2. Learn about crack and powder cocaine and criminal sentencing at the Website of the Sentencing Project.

3. The American Civil Liberties Union has an interactive time-line on the history of Habeas Corpus in the United States.

You can read a report by the Congressional Research Service on Federal Habeas Corpus: A Brief Legal Overview.

4. Examine articles on videos on juveniles in adult prisons.

5. Watch a video on marijuana legalization.



1. Watch a video on drone warfare


2. Watch a National Geographic feature on Guantanamo.

3. Watch a video of the interrogation of Omar Khadr, a juvenile detainee at Guantanamo.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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