
SBI4U Summative: Current Issues Relating to Biology

DUE DATE: ____________________


The strands we will visit in our course content consist of the following:

• Biochemistry

• Metabolic Processes

• Molecular Genetics

• Homeostasis

• Population Dynamics

Each one of these strands has an expectation relating to analyzing and evaluating technological, personal, societal, and environmental applications. Our summative will revisit some of the learning done in this context. You will create a portfolio for this summative.

Your task:

You are required to find one current article for EACH of the strands listed above. For each of the article you select, you are to do the following:

• Summarize the article

• Connect the article to learning done in the course

• Write a reflective response


• Each article (5 in total – one for each strand) must be original (not a re-print or summary of an original publishing) and at least ¾ of a page, excluding pictures.

• If you find a credible online article, it should be of substantial length. Please check with your teacher to have articles approved if you are not sure of the article’s length.

• Each article must be from a reliable source (reliable newspaper, magazine, scientific journal) and published after January 1, 2012. Please see me if you have any concerns about reliability. Remember, if you are in doubt, leave it out!

• You will submit a bibliography in APA format to show the citations of the five selected articles. This will be placed at the end of the submission package.

• You will also submit copies of all five articles (photocopied or printed out, clearly showing the date of publication, author name(s), title of article, website link if online and name of magazine, newspaper, etc)

Summary (Minimum of ½ page double-spaced)

• Summarize the main idea(s)/main point(s) of the article

• Do not use word-for-word quotations in the summary. If you need to reinforce an idea by using a direct quotation, use quotation marks and cite the quotation to the author of the article according to APA format.

Connections (Minimum of ½ page double-spaced)

• You must detail exactly how this article fits into the learning done in the course – be specific (use specific key terms and concepts). If the article is more of an extension of an idea covered in the course, then specifically state what idea(s) the article is based on.

Reflection (Minimum of 1 page double-spaced)

• Describe and explain your thoughts and opinions about the article and the main idea(s)/implications it raises

• This is a chance for you to prove your ability to think critically. Draw connections from science to society, technology and the environment. Show that you understand the larger picture that results from the scientific issue.

• Do you think the content is valid or credible in a scientific sense, based on what you’ve learned? If it is a report of findings, are these findings reputable and can contribute to the field? Are there ethical implications? Is this a topic that needs more awareness or careful consideration, etc.

• This is where most of your mark will come from!


The five expectations you should be thinking about as you find articles and complete this assignment are the first in each strand of the SBI4U curriculum. During the course, your teacher will provide suggested topics to get you started on your article research. If you are not sure if your article is applicable to the strand, ask your teacher for approval!

1. Analyze technological applications in some industrial processes, and evaluate technological advances in the field of cellular biology.

2. Analyze the role of metabolic processes in the functioning of biotic and abiotic systems, and evaluate the importance of an understanding of these processes and related technologies to personal choices made in everyday life.

3. Analyze some of the social, ethical, and legal issues associated with genetic research and biotechnology.

4. Evaluate the impact on the human body of selected chemical substances and of environmental factors related to human activity.

5. Analyze the relationships between population growth, personal consumption, technological development, and our ecological footprint, and assess the effectiveness of some Canadian initiatives intended to assist expanding populations.

Where to Start Looking:

Below are some excellent online resources to start finding appropriate AND credible articles for this summative task.

• Discover ()

• New Scientist ()

• Nature Journal ()

• Science Daily ()

• Directory of Open Access Journals () for free scholarly articles

Remember, there are great print resources to access such as reputable newspapers (eg. The Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, The National Post) and scientific magazines (such as the ones listed above) that you can find at your nearest library! However, past students have commented that the online scientific magazine articles were more relevant and far more interesting!

Marking Rubric

|Criteria |R |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

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