Round 13 By Jonathan Magin

Round 1 Packet by David Vatz


1) This author wrote of a child's encounter with a Native American who commits suicide in his short story "Indian Camp", and described the ex-prizefighter Ad Francis in "The Battler". More famous for other short stories such as "Hills like White Elephants" and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro,” he also wrote a novel about the relationship between Catherine Barkley and Frederic Henry. FTP, name this author of A Farewell to Arms.

ANSWER: Ernest Hemingway

2) After the death of Gregor Werner, this composer was elevated to full Kapellmeister in the Eszterházy household. His devout Christianity inspired his orchestral work “The Seven Last Words of Christ,” while his string quartets include "Sunrise" and "Emperor." He is better known for producing the "Clock" and "Farewell" Symphonies, as well as a set of twelve symphonies composed in England. Known as the "Father of the Symphony", FTP, name this Austrian composer of the "London" and "Surprise" Symphonies.

ANSWER: Joseph Haydn

3) This scientist was hired by the Bureau of Fisheries for a full-time professional position, working as a junior aquatic biologist. Although she wrote many radio scripts during her work, she published Under the Sea Wind and The Sea Around Us, which gave her financial security to write full time. In the mid-1940s, she was very concerned about the use of newly developed pesticides, especially DDT. FTP, name this author of Silent Spring.

ANSWER: Rachel Carson

4) A recent survey of American pronounced his failure to avert war the sixth-worst presidential blunder in history, and during his own term he accomplished little. He was perhaps more effective as a congressman, when he co-authored the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, and as a secretary of state, when he helped to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase and famously refused to deliver a commission. FTP name this coauthor of the federalist papers, the fifth president of the United States.

ANSWER: James Madison (do not accept Thomas Jefferson)

5) It can be used to describe the supermarket industry in the United Kingdom, and is often described with the term “four-firm concentration,” which expresses the market share of the four largest firms in an industry as a percentage, often over 40%. Derived from the Greek word for “few sellers,” FTP, name this market form where the market is dominated by a small number of sellers.

ANSWER: Oligopoly (don’t accept oligopsony or monopoly)

6) In his early life, he was educated under the supervision of Vasily Zhukovsky. As ruler, he made a new judicial system based on the French model, re-organized the army and navy, and made an elaborate scheme of local self-government for rural districts. Prince Gorchakov was chosen by him to lead negotiations of peace after the fall of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. FTP, name this Russian Czar assassinated in 1881 who freed the serfs.

ANSWER: Alexander II (prompt on Alexander)

7) There were two unsuccessful assassination attempts on his life, once on June 8th, 1995, and once on July 24th, 2004. His legal guardians, Todd and Janet Voight, were killed in 1995. His father, Kyle Reese, was killed in 1984 while protecting his mother, who would spend time in a mental hospital until escaping in 1995. He would eventually be killed on July 4th, 2032 by a T-850. FTP, name this leader of the human resistance against the machines of Skynet from the Terminator movies.

ANSWER: John Connor

8) Still considered required reading for Starfleet Academy, sections include Laying Plans, Energy, Weak Points and Strong, Maneuvering, Terrain, The Nine Situations, Variation in Tactics, Attack by Stratagem, Tactical Dispositions, The Attack By Fire, and The Use of Spies. In “Wall Street,” Gordon Gekko quotes it saying, “Every battle is won before it is ever fought.” FTP, identify this text written by Sun Tzu.

ANSWER: The Art of War

9) At a festival honoring his name on August 23rd, fish and small animals are thrown into a small fire. A statue of him in Birmingham, Alabama, is the largest cast iron statue in the world. He is also called Mulciber, which means “softener.” He was the manufacturer of arms, iron, and armor for the gods in his smithy underneath Mount Etna in Sicily. FTP, name this son of Jupiter who was the Roman god of volcanoes and fire.

ANSWER: Vulcan (accept Mulciber before given, do not accept or prompt Hephaestus)

10) This play has inspired five movie versions since 1935, with the first winning two Academy Awards for Best Cinematography and Film Editing. Possibly written for an aristocratic wedding, it begins with Hermia and Lysander fleeing to the surrounding woods. After Titania is placed under a spell, she pursues Nick Bottom, a member of a group of artisans rehearsing the play "Pyramus and Thisbe". FTP, name this Shakespeare play centering on the characters of Helena, Nick Bottom, Oberon and Puck.

ANSWER: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

11) David Beatty said during it, “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today.” Despite greater numbers, unstable powder supplies and poor fire control caused the British fleet commanded by Admiral John Jellicoe to suffer greater casualties than the more sturdily constructed German fleet. FTP, name the 1916 British victory that secured British naval control of the North Sea during WWI.

ANSWER: Battle of Jutland (also accept Skagerrak)

12) Both of its historical texts were written during the Warring States Period, but scholars disagree on which one came first. It gained official status during the Tang dynasty, but still had to compete with other belief systems for patronage and rank, and the Chinese Communist Party eradicated most of their sites during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976. Wu wei is a major tenet of, FTP, this belief system whose major texts include the Zhuangzi and a work attributed to Lao Tzu.

ANSWER: Taoism

13) Originally defined in terms of pure water at a temperature of 3.98 degrees Celsius and standard atmospheric pressure, according to “Physics for Scientists and Engineers Volume 6,” it is now related to a specific platinum-iridium alloy cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Serves, France. FTP, identify this SI unit equivalent in the Imperial System to about 2.2 pounds.

ANSWER: kilogram

14) Although many early versions were released earlier in the decade, the completed book version was released in 1895. It begins with a dinner that is attended by the Medical Man, the Psychologist, the Very Young Man, the Provincial Mayor, Filby, and Hillyer, the narrator, during which the topic of discussion is the fourth dimension. Eventually, the main character goes to 802,701 AD and encounters problems with Morlocks in, FTP, this H.G. Wells novel.

ANSWER: The Time Machine

15) After a failed 1982 pilot, its third comeback came in 2000, hosted by Maury Povich. It’s most famous winner, a Columbia professor, won $129,000 in five months. Vivian Nearing ended his reign, which began with defeating Herbert Stempel, whose confession about producer interference led to a Senate investigation. FTP, Charles Van Doren was the largest attraction of what 1950s game show featured in the movie Quiz Show?

ANSWER: Twenty-One

16) It runs through the eastern part of Qinghai, turning southward down a deep valley at the border of Sichuan and Tibet to reach Yunnan. It has a flood season from May to August, including major ones in 1911, 1931, and 1935, each of which killed at least 100,000 people. It is currently the site of the Three Gorges Dam, which will be the largest hydroelectric dam by the end of this year. FTP, name this river known as “The Golden Waterway,” longest in Asia.

ANSWER: Yangtze River (also accept Chang Jiang river)

17) In Sailor Moon, the talking white cat was named after this Greek goddess. She had many people killed, including Chione for her pride and vanity and Maera and Callisto for losing their virginity. She was born on Delos, and is typically depicted with a crescent moon above her head with her bow and arrows. FTP, name this goddess of the hunt, for which a temple named after her was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

ANSWER: Artemis (do not accept Diana)

18) It begins: “Through the fence, between the curling flower spaces, I could see them hitting.” Its opening section is narrated by a mentally retarded 33-year old named Benjy, and is considered one of the most challenging narratives in American literature. Quentin narrates the chapter taking place in June of 1910, while the other three chapters take place in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County and tell of the decline of the Compson family. FTP, name this novel by William Faulkner whose name is taken from a Macbeth soliloquy.

ANSWER: The Sound and the Fury

19) It was discovered independently by two people, in 1662 and 1676. Unlike the other laws related to it, temperature is constant held constant. It is commonly used to predict the result of introducing a change, in volume and pressure only, to the initial state of a fixed quantity of gas. Both a French and Irish man independently discovered, FTP, this gas law expressed as PV=k where P is pressure, V is volume, and k is a constant.

ANSWER: Boyle’s Law (accept Mariotte’s Law, Boyle Mariotte Law, or Mariotte Boyle Law)

20) A Swiss-born scientist and physician, he authored books such as Philosophical Essay on Man and edited "L'Ami du Peuple." He established the “Committee of Surveillance” to seek out anti-revolutionaries, guilty or innocent. As a consequence of his actions and fiery journalism, he was best known for his work as a Jacobin. FTP, name this man whom Charlotte Corday assassinated in his bath in 1793.

ANSWER: Jean-Paul Marat


1) Identify the book in which all of the following events take place on a 30-20-10 basis.

[30] A man runs into a jilted acquaintance at his aunt’s estate, Rosings.

[20] Mr. Collins tries to make an evening out of reading from Fordyce’s Sermons to his cousins.

[10] A man of considerable fortune arrives in the town of the Bennet sisters and then they all act like idiots for another couple hundred pages.

ANSWER: Pride and Prejudice

2) Finally playing hours of Starcraft every night for the last 5 years will pay off. Answer these questions FTPE.

[10] This race infested Kerrigan and made her the “Queen of Blades.”


[10] This Protoss Preator fell at Antioch and got reincarnated as a Dragoon.


[10] This Terran group led by Admiral Gerard DuGalle tried to dominate the sector, but was thwarted by Kerrigan and her Zerg forces.

ANSWER: UED (or United Earth Directorate)

3) Identify the country in South America given a geographical description FTPE.

[10] This is the only South American country that has coasts on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and borders Panama to the northwest.

ANSWER: Columbia

[10] This country contains the Sechura Desert, borders Lake Titicaca, and contains the Altiplano Plateau.


[10] This country is landlocked, does not border Lake Titicaca, and straddles the Tropic of Capricorn.

ANSWER: Paraguay

4) Given the law, name the U.S. Amendment that it applies to FTP.

[10] No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.

ANSWER: 22nd Amendment

[10] A soldier can’t be quartered in a house without the consent of the owner.

ANSWER: 3rd Amendment

[10] Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes.

ANSWER: 16th Amendment

5) Given the chemical formula, identify the acid FTPE.

[10] H2SO4

ANSWER: Sulfuric Acid

[10] HClO4

ANSWER: Perchloric Acid

[10] H2CO3

ANSWER: Carbonic Acid

6) Answer questions about impressionists FTPE.

[10] The name of the movement from this French artist’s Impression, Sunrise.

ANSWER: Claude Monet

[10] This American impressionist who lived in Paris painted such works as The Child’s Bath and Tea.

ANSWER: Mary Cassatt

[10] This English impressionist painted landscapes like The Bridge at Argenteuil and Floods at Port-Marly.

ANSWER: Alfred Sisley

7) FTPE, answer these questions about the Age of Exploration.

[10] Despite half of his men dying of scurvy, this Portuguese man reached India by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope in 1498.

ANSWER: Vasco de Gama

[10] This Italian sailing for the British is credited as being the first European to discover the North American mainland in 1497.

ANSWER: John Cabot (also accept Giovanni Cabato)

[10] This French sailor is credited as the European discoverer of the New York Harbor, where his namesake bridge is located.

ANSWER: Giovanni da Verrazano

8) One of the packet writer’s favorite novels is The Red Badge of Courage, so answer the following questions about it FTSNOP.

[5] This author wrote The Red Badge of Courage.

ANSWER: Stephen Crane

[10] This protagonist of The Red Badge of Courage flees from Chancellorsville before receiving a head wound from another Union soldier.

ANSWER: Henry Fleming

[15] This character, Henry Fleming’s loud and obnoxious friend, seizes the enemy flag at the end of the battle, and also nurses Henry's wound when he returns to the Union camp.

ANSWER: Wilson

9) Name these musicals from the Golden Age FTPE.

[10] The Golden Age began with the release of this musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein in 1943, with songs such as “People Will Say we’re In Love” and “Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’!”

ANSWER: Oklahoma!

[10] This musical by Lerner and Loewe ran for a record 2,717 times, carrying songs such as “On the Street Where You Live” and “The Rain in Spain.”

ANSWER: My Fair Lady

[10] The Golden Age ended with this 1968 musical, which was about hippies in the 60s protesting the Vietnam War. It provoked controversy over its nudity in Act I.


10) Answer the following questions about characters played by the same man FTPE.

[10] He played Dr. Strangelove in the Stanley Kubrick film about a preemptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.

ANSWER: Peter Sellers

[10] Peter Sellers also played this American president who states, “There is no fighting in the war room!”

ANSWER: President Merkin Muffley

[10] Sellers also played this RAF Group Captain at Burpelson Air Force Base, the second in command to General Jack D. Ripper.

ANSWER: Captain Lionel Mandrake

11) Identify the following Noble Gases from brief descriptions, FTPE.

[10] On Earth it is created by the radioactive decay of heavier elements, which is then obtained from natural gas by fractional distillation. Its name comes from how it was first observed by Pierre Janssen.

ANSWER: Helium

[10] This radioactive gas is one of the most significant contaminants in indoor air pollution.


[10] This gas was part of the first noble gas compound synthesized, and has been used as a general anesthetic, although the cost is prohibitive.


12) Answer the following about a book FTSNOP.

[10] This novel follows a married woman to St. Petersburg, where she meets up with Stepan Arkadyevitch. Eventually the woman throws herself under a train.

ANSWER: Anna Karenina

[5] Who wrote Anna Karenina?

ANSWER: Leo Tolstoy

[15] When Anna reaches St. Petersburg, Stepan is with Vronsky, who is this character’s preferred suitor, although Konstantin is also interested in her.

ANSWER: Katerina Alexandrovna Shcherbatsky (or Kitty)

13) Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations, but how much do you REALLY know about it? Answer the following questions about Orion FTPE.

[10] Orion's right shoulder is this star, a red supergiant that is not summoned if you say its name three times.

ANSWER: Betelgeuse

[10] Otherwise known as Beta Ori, this blue-white giant is Orion's left knee and is accompanied by three fainter stars.


[10] Orion's left shoulder is a star with a name meaning "warrior woman", made famous recently by a character in the most recent Harry Potter books.

ANSWER: Bellatrix

14) You think this room is crowded? Well, certain states are crowded too. For five points for each and a five point bonus naming them in order, name the five states with the highest population density in the 2000 census. ANSWERS: _New Jersey_ (1,134.4), _Rhode Island_ (1,003.2), _Massachusetts_ (809.8), _Connecticut_ (702.9), _Maryland_ (541.9)

15) Name the German leader FTSNOP.

[5] This leader of the Nazi party became chancellor in 1933.

ANSWER: Adolf Hitler

[10] This World War I hero who took office in 1925 made Hitler chancellor.

ANSWER: Paul von Hindenburg

[15] This predecessor of Hindenburg was the first chancellor of the Weimar Republic after World War I.

ANSWER: Friedrich Ebert

16) Answer the following about a scientist FTP each.

[10] This scientist argued that life evolved through the process of natural selection in his book The Origin of Species.

ANSWER: Charles Darwin

[10] In 1838, Darwin read Essay on the Principle of Population, a book by this British economist who argued that human populations are breeding beyond their means.

ANSWER: Thomas Malthus

[10] Darwin is buried in Westminster Abbey near this German-born British scientist who discovered Uranus.

ANSWER: Wilhelm Friedrich Herschel

17) Identify the following about the Presidential Election of 1860 FTSNOP.

[5] This Democratic senator who debated Lincoln in 1858 received 12 electoral votes

ANSWER: Stephen Douglas

[10] This other Democratic senator swept the Deep South, and got 72 electoral votes.

ANSWER: John Cabell Breckinridge

[15] This member of the Constitutional Union party won three states and 39 electoral votes.

ANSWER: John Bell

18) Name these layers of the atmosphere FTPE.

[10] This is the lowest layer, where most of the weather and greenhouse effect occurs.

ANSWER: troposphere

[10] This layer is just above the troposphere, where most commercial aircraft fly.

ANSWER: stratosphere

[10] This layer is above the ionosphere, where the atmosphere thins out into space.

ANSWER: exosphere

19) Given two historical events, name the year they occurred FTPE, or F5PE if within 2 years.

[10] The Tet Offensive, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

ANSWER: 1968 (1966-1970 for 5)

[10] Apple Computer Company is founded; The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is formed.

ANSWER: 1976 (1974-1978 for 5)

[10] The Maastricht treaty is signed, mafia boss John Gotti is sentenced to life in prison.

ANSWER: 1992 (1990-1994 for 5)

20) Name the children’s award for literature given a description and an example FTPE.

[10] Children’s award for writing; The Tale of Despereaux.

ANSWER: John Newbery Award

[10] Children’s award for illustration; Where the Wild Things Are

ANSWER: Caldecott Medal

[10] Children’s award for an African-American writer; Martin Luther King, Jr.: Man of Peace

ANSWER: Coretta Scott King Award


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