Somerset Canyons

 AICE EGP Prompts and ResourcesTopicPromptsAchieve ArticlesCommonLit ArticlesDebate StatementsAdditional ArticlesVideosAgriculture‘Genetically modified foods are no longer a threat in our society.’ What is your view?‘There are many alternative ways to feed the world other than through biotechnology such as genetically- modified (GM) crops.’ Discuss. (2)To what extent do alternative forms of agriculture have a future over more traditional ways?yo‘Organic farming can never solve the world’s food problems.’ Discuss. (2)Considering the problems facing your region’s agriculture, how effective are farm and land management in coping with these difficulties?How far is it true to claim that pesticides have done more harm than good? (2)“Is That Chicken Really Natural?” (Chickens injected with additives) “A New Way to Grow Food” (Growing food inside)“Eat that Insect” (Eating bugs in Thailand)“Today’s Special: Insects” (Eating bugs) “A New Use for Hair” (U.S. farmers control weeds with human hair)“Farmer Drones” “Good, Bad, or Ugly?” (Ugly fruit and veggies popular) “Farming for Food and Fun” (Many families starting small farms)“Carrots with Character” (11th)“Excerpt from The Harvest Gypsies” (10th)“Excerpt from 'On Drought Conditions'” (9th)“Alaska Accelerates Indoor Agriculture” (7th)It’s important to know where your food comes from.“The latest buzz: eating insects can help tackle food insecurity” (AICE textbook page 136)“Urban farming is revolutionizing our cities” (page139)“The benefits of alternative farming methods”“Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, and “GMOs:” Why all the Controversy?“Organic Agriculture Can Feed the World” “New Pesticide Report Could Do More Harm Than Good for Produce Sellers” Foods? How To Tell, Truth About Genetically Modified Foods & Label GMO Psychetruth Nutrition (Neutral) (13:40) GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food(Pro GMO) (9:02) Farm of the Future Uses No Soil and 95% Less Water is organic farming? | Biology for All | FuseSchool (3:50) Pros and Cons of Organic Farming | Biology for All | FuseSchool (3:58) Safe Are Pesticides, Really? (12:15)‘Modern buildings are ugly; historic buildings are beautiful.’ To what extent would you agree? (3)Skyscrapers make powerful statements. What is your understanding of their significance? (3)To what extent is preserving buildings of architectural importance in your country worth the time and expense involved? (3)“Every Building Has a Story” (Chicago)“Gingerbread Houses” (Haiti)“The Old City is New Again” (Afghanistan)“A New Roof for the Rich?” (Notre Dame restoration)“Let’s Go for a Spin” (spinning skyscraper) “China Reaching New Heights” (Buildings in China)“A Castle Rises, Slowly” (Building a castle in France with no modern equipment)Old buildings should be torn down to make room for more modern ones.It’s important to preserve historic buildings.Skyscrapers are important to society in both symbolic and functional ways.“Historic Preservation and its Cost” “What Skyscrapers Tell Us… About Us” Should We Preserve Historic Places?“Most Amazing Skyscrapers in the World” 's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places (2:49) Historical Places That Are Lucky To Still Exist (9:42)“There are no circumstances in which it is acceptable to censor the internet.” Discuss. (3)To what extent is censorship essential in advertising? (3)Censorship is essential to a well-functioning society. Discuss.“How Far Does Free Speech Go?” (Free speech on college campuses)“The Web Turns 30” (ARTICLE ONLY)“Fighting Terrorism on Social Media” (ARTICLE ONLY)“Burning a Book” (Poem- 9th)“Russia Tightens the Iron Curtain on Ideas” (12th) (Censorship in Russia during the Cold War)Nothing online should be censored.“13 Internet Censorship Pros and Cons” requests to remove content“Should the Internet Be Censored or Not?” (Pro) “Censor the Internet? Bad Idea.” (Con) “The Guardian view on censoring the internet: necessary, but not easy” “Advertising Censorship Laws in America” “GP Model Essay – Censorship is essential to a well-functioning society. Discuss.” Internet Censorship Works (7:09), Google urged to remove app that lets Saudi men track wives (2:35) Terrifying Facts About the Deep Web - Why It Isn't Safe (14:11) is China censoring online? | CNBC Explains Doctorow on the debate about internet censorship income should be sufficient to cover decent shelter, clothing and food. How well are these basics fulfilled in your society? (2)To what extent does migration from other countries benefit your country’s economy? (1)How far is water of more economic and political value than oil? (1)Should taxpayers be expected to subsidize the cost of university courses? (1)How true is it that the focus of economic activity in the world is passing from West to East? (1)How far can a country’s economy depend on only one main industry? (1)‘High quality goods and services are only available to the privileged few.’ Is this true in your opinion? (1)‘Those who don’t work contribute nothing to society.’ Discuss. (1)How important is the buying power of the over-60s to your country’s economy? (1)‘Social security and welfare payments are essential in any modern society.’ How far do you agree? (1)How important is the buying power of the under-21s to your country’s economy? (1)To what extent should finding a job be a person’s top priority? (1)‘Wealth makes health.’ To what extent do you agree?“Money Matters” (1970s economy and President Carter)“Oil for the Taking?” (Oil found in Argentina)“Money Tips for Teens”“Give Up on Oil? Not So Fast!” (Oil and natural gas bad, but not easy to give up)“The Money Question” (Getting into college- wealthy vs poor kids)“Serving in Florida: Excerpt from Nickel and Dimed” (11th)“Why This Controversial Gernman Woman Turned her Back on Money for 16 Years” (10th)“Making college more affordable: What needs discussing is the total cost of a degree” (11th)College should be free“US Welfare Programs, the Myths Versus the Facts”“Facts About Childhood Hunger” “Almost half of Americans can't pay for their basic needs” “Immigration's Effect on the Economy and You”“Water is far more valuable and useful than oil”“Will water ever be worth more than oil?”“Why ‘Hydro-Politics’ Will Shape the 21st Century”“Water security- good governance and sustainable solutions” (AICE textbook page 120)“Why States Should Abandon the ‘Free College’ Movement”“Should College Be Free?”“Ecuador: Who benefits from free higher education?” (page 172)“Global power is shifting to Asia – and Europe must adapt to that”“Economic diversification: A priority for action, now more than ever”“Mapped: The World’s Dependency on the Travel Industry” “The boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness”“The Cost of Unemployment to the Economy”“The Longevity Economy: Why Seniors Are a Fast-Growing Emerging Market”“Policy Basics: Top Ten Facts about Social Security”“America can reform welfare with important lessons from Europe”“How Much Financial Influence Does Gen Z Have?”“10 Life Habits All Extremely Happy People Prioritize”“Wealth secures health” a family on a food stamp budget (7:04) Economics of Immigration: Crash Course Econ #33 College: As Good As It Sounds? Education should NOT be free!(Some profanity)Expensive Stuff That Only The Rich Can Afford (6:09) what extent can distance learning replace the experience of a traditional classroom? (1)To what extent is a university education essential for an individual’s prospects? (1)Is sex education the responsibility of the school or the parents? (1)With the move to text entry on computers, some states no longer require handwriting to be taught. Is this a desirable development? (1)To what extent does education divide or unite a society? (1)To what extent does effective learning take place outside of school walls? (1)‘Education should not only be about qualifications.’ Discuss this view with reference to your country. (1)Recent research has claimed that the poorly educated will age faster and possibly die younger. What is your view? (2)Consider the view that the computer has failed to meet our educational need in school. (2)In your opinion, should education be run by private entities or the state?“Free Classes. Pay Less, Get Less?”“Students Take Tests at Home”“Bye Bye Writing by Hand?”“The Lessons of Peter Tabichi” (Kenyan school teacher aims for excellence)“Colleges Reach Out to Latinos” (Easier application process for Spanish speakers) “A Computer for Every Kid” (laptops for kids in poor nations)“What do you want (really really want) out of your college education?” (9th)“Want to Get into College? Learn to Fail” (9th)“Is College Worth it? Is This Even the Right Question?” (12th)“Making College More Affordable: The Importance of Pre-Collegiate Preparation” (11th)“On the Education of Youth in America” (11th)“Students’ Work Ethic Affected by Peer Group, Desire to be Popular” (9th)“Let’s Teach for Mastery, Not Test Scores” (10th)“Why it matters that teens are reading less”“Let’s Teach for Mastery- Not Test Scores”“Will the ‘Right’ College Major Get You a Job?” (12th)“Behind The Native American Achievement Gap” (9th)Online school is just as effective as traditional school.Getting a university education is essential for me.Sex education should be taught at home, not at school.In the 21st century, teaching handwriting to children is a waste of time“Distance VS Classroom Learning: Which is the Better Option” “Online vs. Traditional Education: What You Need to Know”“Should Everyone Go to College?”“The Misguided Priorities of Our Educational System”“Is College Necessary? “Why it is More Important than Ever to Have a College Degree” “After decades of pushing bachelor’s degrees, U.S. needs more tradespeople”“Is your university degree barely worth the paper it’s written on?” “America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students” “As Colorado Moves to Bar Abstinence-Only Sex Education, Teenagers Take the Lead” “What Has Your Sex Education Been Like?” “Cursive Handwriting Will No Longer Be Taught…” “Why We Should Teach Cursive…” essay: Education divides rather than unites“Does Education Unite Or Divide Society? Why Education Equality Evade The American School System & Is There Hope?”“The Future of Education Includes Learning Outside of the Classroom”“Focus on skills, not paper qualifications, to embrace technological change”“White, working-class, middle-age Americans dying younger than their peers”“THE DARK SIDE OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY”“Public vs. private vs. charter schools”“Charter Schools vs. Public Schools”“Stop Blaming Charters”“The Battle Over Charter Schools” Textbook:Sample essays: Handwriting taught in schools (pg 161, 162)“Science advocate says, let the children come to me” (page 102)“Research explores ways to overcome STEM fields’ gender gap (page 104)“White males now classed as a ‘minority group’ at university” (page106)ONLINE CLASSES BETTER??? // Honest Analysis of Online vs. Traditional Campus Style College (11:51) Ground: Dropouts And Graduates: Is College Worth It? “Sex Education: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” (Older students only or permission slips)Standardized Testing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Schools: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Natural disasters)‘Natural disasters bring out the best in a nation’s people.’ How far is this true? (2)To what extent can the impact of natural disasters be lessened? (2)‘Natural disasters teach us about the world we live in.’ How true is this statement? (2)“Earthquake in Japan”“The Rescuers” (Earthquake in Mexico)“New Tools to the Rescue” (Haiti earthquake)“Helping in a Time of Need” (People step up after disasters)“Two Paws Up for Red Paws”“More Earthquakes? No. More People? Yes.” “Two New Islands” “Hurricane Katrina: The Overview; New Orleans is Inundated as 2 Levees Fall” (11th)“Reports from the Ruins of the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906” (9th)“Stereotypes Might Make 'Female' Hurricanes Deadlier” (9th)“Inundated” (Poem- 10th)The goodness of people comes out when they see others suffering.There is nothing we can do to prevent the damage that comes from natural disasters.Earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are educational.“Rumor to Fact in Tales of Post-Katrina Violence” “Understanding crime in communities after disaster: A research brief” “Disaster collectivism: How communities rise together to respond to crises” “Reducing the impact of disasters through design”“What Natural Disasters Should Teach Us” Ruins Everything (Nature) Tsunami video (Climate Change)‘Global warming is a far greater threat to our planet than international terrorism.’ Evaluate the truth of this observation. (2)How effectively engaged are young people in environmentally friendly projects in your region? (2)To what extent is your country experiencing substantial climate change? (2)‘Fears about global warming are often exaggerated and alarmist.’ Do you have any sympathy with this view? (2)To what extent should young people worry about climate change and global warming? (2)To what extent would you agree with Al Gore that ‘the science is settled’ with regard to global warming? (2)“Turning the Tide” (Solar radiation management to slow climate change)“The Time to Act is Now!” “Students Take to the Streets” (Young people protesting for the environment)“Teens Change the World” (J-8 Summit)“Teens for a Clean Planet” (Teens sue the federal government over environment)“A Promise to Help the Planet” (Paris Summit for climate change)“Warming Earth, Changing Rivers”“A Prize for the Planet” (Al Gore)“Will We ‘Fix’ the Weather? Yes. Should We Fix the Weather? Hmmm.” (9th)Climate change is real and damaging our planet.Young people don’t care about climate change because they don’t think about the future enough.I know a lot about environmental issues and do what I can to help.Global Security Brief #3: Climate Change Poses Greater Security Threat than Terrorism 's a Bigger Threat: Terrorism or Climate Change? ‘It’s our future’ — South Florida teens mobilize as environmental activists sea to rising sea: Climate change in America“Al Gore’s flat Earth army”(AICE text page 169)“Logical Fallacies and global warming alarmism” (page 169)Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver(Some profanity)The Daily Show - Burn Noticed (Climate Change march 2014) States of America: The USA's first 'climate change refugees' (Miami, Louisiana, Alaska) (16:56) scientists reveal their fears for the future (8:51) People Don't Believe In Climate Science (7:33) (Preservation)Consider the view that ‘conservation of wilderness and wildlife should be the priority of all nations’. (2)Scorpion venom may be used to cure cancer in the future. Evaluate the importance of species preservation. (2)How far can it be argued that wildlife tourism and zoos are the only way to protect wild animals? (2)Is it really important to respect even the most insignificant of species? (2)Which natural attractions in your country are in greatest need of conservation? Give reasons for your choices. (3)“Humans Driving Species to Extinction”“Good News for Giant Pandas?”“New Hope for Panthers”“Will Railway Harm Park?” (Kenya)“Keeping Manta Rays Safe” (Manta ray tourism in Indonesia)“Trouble on Earth’s Biggest Lake”“Zoo Animals: Living Long, Living Well”“A Place for Tigers” (Tiger reserves for protection)“Problems Heating Up for Pikas” (mammal in danger due to climate change)“Save Our Coral” (Coral preservation in the Carribean)“Fewer People are Visiting the Woods” (National parks see fewer visitors)All countries should work to reserve wildlife and wilderness. We should try to save every creature that is in danger.Zoos are bad for animals and should be banned. Animals do better in the wild.“What is ‘wilderness’? Why protect it? “What is the point of saving endangered species? “How wildlife tourism and zoos can protect animals in the wild”“62 Natural Wonders of the World at Risk From Climate Change” “Crisis in our national parks: how tourists are loving nature to death” & Wilderness Conservation - The most important purpose in the world (2:16) Species: Worth Saving from Extinction? (6:08) Vision of a Zoo to Preserve Wildlife (26:04): Animal Cruelty Exposed at Papanack Zoo(Profanity)Environment (energy sources)Assess the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power generation. (2)“Of all renewable energies, solar power has emerged as the most popular.” To what extent is this true? (2)Consider the arguments for and against using the resources of the Polar regions. (2)Argue the case for and against nuclear power generation. (2)Assess the suitability of solar power for generating sufficient electricity. (2)‘Our demand for energy justifies drilling anywhere.’ Consider this claim. (2)‘Using less energy is a solution to the world’s energy crisis.’ How far do you agree? (2)“Good for Chile?” (Hydroelectric power)“Making Power, Making Money” (solar power) “Sunshine State Shows the Way” (Solar power)“Google’s Time in the Sun” (solar power)“Mothers for Peace- and Safety” (nuclear power)“High Power, Low Cost” (wind power)“A Flag in the Ocean?” (Russia claiming resources in polar regions)“Fracking Fuels Energy Debate” (10th)Hydroelectric power generation is a great source of energy.Solar power is the best choice for the future.We should drill anywhere we can, including the polar regions.Nuclear power should be banned worldwide to prevent catastrophes like Chyrnobyl and Fukushima.“Hydroelectric Energy Pros and Cons” is now the most popular form of new electricity generation worldwide Resources in Northern Polar Regions Important Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons Brief History of Nuclear Accidents Worldwide We Drill Everywhere? Pros and Cons You Must Be Aware Of and Cons of Solar Power and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy You Never Knew About (5:39) Fukushima: Beyond the 'No Go' Zone (16:00) Shocking Mutations Caused by Radiation (7:57) Impact: Oil Companies and the Environment (2:50) (pollution)To what extent should developing countries be expected to limit their industrial output to suit current environmental concerns? (2)The concern about banning bottled water should be an international one. What is your view?‘Population growth is the primary source of environmental damage.’ Is this the whole truth? (2)‘Carbon emissions controls hamper the progress of developing countries.’ How far do you agree? (2)“Island Beach Covered in Trash” (Remote island in Pacific)“Refill and Reuse!” (Stop disposable packaging)“Bye Bye, Bottled Water” (Australian city bans bottles)“The Plastic Problem”“The Plastic Bottle Boat”“Trash Mountain” (Littering on Mount Everest)“Choosing a Warning Label for Human DNA” (10th)Bottled water and other single use plastics should be banned.“Environmental Pollution is Inevitable in Developing Countries” “Should Bottled Water Be Banned? - Top 4 Pros and Cons”“16 Times Countries and Cities Have Banned Single-Use Plastics”“Population and environment: a global challenge”“Why current population growth is costing us the Earth”“Developing countries can prosper without increasing emissions” Oceans | What is the impact of pollution in the sea? (12:18) Pollution: How Humans are Turning the World into Plastic (9:01) – The Human Explosion Explained Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World (4:23) (resources) ‘Water is a human right, not a commodity.’ Discuss.Har far do the resources of your country meet the needs of its local population? (2)Can renewable resources ever address our modern energy needs?“Clean Water for All” (village in India has system for clean water)“How Much for a Glass of Water?” (Restaurants in Vienna charging for water)“Water Worries” (water shortages)“Water from Thin Air” (ARTICLE ONLY) (Technology to make clean water”Water should be free.“A Right to Water – Is Water a Human Right or a Commodity?”“Water is not a human right”“Six US Natural Resources That Boost the Economy”“The State of Consumption Today”“Why renewables alone cannot meet our energy needs” “Can we get 100 percent of our energy from renewable sources?” essay: Can renewable resources ever address our modern energy needs? (AICE text page 152)World Water Day (March 22): Heartbreaking Facts About Water Crisis (1:11) Water A Human Right? (2:16) 100% renewable energy power the world? (5:54) (Gender)Should women be more prominent in the public life of your country? (1)‘Society suffers if it fails to educate its women.’ How far do you share this view? (1)Who is winning the gender wars? Give reasons to support your answer. (1)‘House work and child care are women’s work.’ How far do you agree? (1)Assess the strong preference for male babies in some societies. (2)“Can Patil Help Women in India?” (India’s first female president)“Pelosi Makes History” (America’s first female Speaker of the House)“Letting Girls Learn” (Michelle Obama’s education program in Asia)“Med School Tried to Keep Women Out” (School in Japan admits sexism)“Malala Carries On”“Great Women Honored” (notable American women)“A Free Ride to School” (girls in India)“Still a Tough Road” (Gender inequality in the workplace)“Do Dress Codes Go Too Far?” (Sexist dress codes at work in the UK)“Address to Congress on Women's Suffrage” (10th)“Women’s Colleges Play a Unique Role in the Quest for Equality” (11th)“Greek Society” (10th)“Testimony Before the Senate Hearings on the Equal Rights Amendment” (11th)“Maybe Mean Girls' Mental Games Have a Purpose” (10th)“Advice to the Newly Married Lady” (10th)“Our Deportment, or the Manners, Conduct, and Dress of Refined Society” (9th)Women do not have the same amount of political power as men.Countries that do not educate their girls are doomed.Men have more power in society than women.Women should take care of the house and children.Many couples prefer to have male babies.“Why Women in Politics?” “How Men Continue to Interrupt Even the Most Powerful Women”“50 Women Who Made American Political History” “Education Plays Key Role in Advancing Women, Girls, and Communities” “Educating girls is the key to ending poverty”“White males now classed as a ‘minority group’ at university” (AICE textbook page106)“Gender Gap Index for New Zealand” (AICE textbook page 109)“The Gender Gap: How New Zealand is Faring” (page 110)“The Way forward to gender equality” (page 111)“Bringing Facebook’s ‘She Means Business to Pakistan” (page 112)“Uplift Women, Boost the Economy” (page 113) “Winning the Gender Wars” “Can American Men and Women Ever Really Be Equal?”“It’s Dangerous to Be a Boy” “What Is Hard About Being a Boy?” School In Spain Teaches Household Chores To Boys In A Powerful Initiative Against Gender Inequality“What ‘Good’ Dads Get Away With” “How Do Your Parents Share the Responsibilities of Parenting?” “Selecting Boys Over Girls Is A Trend In More And More Countries” “China is finally ending the one-child policy. It can’t happen soon enough.” “4 Reasons Why Indians Prefer Sons Over Daughters” “Why Males Are The Favoured Sex In Asian Cultures” happens when women win elections (3:15) Who Changed The World (4:05)'s Wisdom: A Powerful Message Celebrating the Feminine Values That Are Transforming The World (3:45) Education in the Developing World (14:37) Roles and Stereotypes (1:47) About Gender Roles Are Turned Around at School Career Day (2:07) toys vs boy toys: The experiment - BBC Stories (3:25) Gender a Social Construct? (7:05) was Pink for Boys and Blue for Girls? (9:33) for Boys and Housework for Girls: Training in Gender Roles Begins Early (2:41)“Child Marriage And Rape Is Still Legal In Yemen” (Nujood’s story)This Is What LGBT Life Is Like Around the World (11:50) in India Need You: Help Us Make India Gender-Tolerant! (2:42) (Race)To what extent are racism and other forms of discrimination a problem in your society? (1)“Positive discrimination is essential to help minority groups succeed.” How true is this claim? (1)“Wilder's Name Removed From Award” (Little House on the Prairie and racism) “Fair or Unfair?” (Reverse discrimination/ affirmitive action) “How They Overcame” (Civil Rights in America)“The Supreme Court’s Ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education” (10th)“Behind The Native American Achievement Gap” (9th)“President Obama's Remarks on Trayvon Martin Ruling” (10th)“America’s Most Infamous Hate Group: The KKK” (9th)“Why I Love a Country That Once Betrayed Me” (TedTalk by George Takei) (10th)“South African Aparthied” (12th)“Plessy Nears its End” (12th)Racism is no longer a problem in America.Positive discrimination is out of date and no longer needed.“What Is Your Reaction to the Racist Photo on the Virginia Governor’s Yearbook Page?” “Racism and Discrimination in the US”“Race in America 2019”“White Supremacist Propaganda Efforts Skyrocketed in 2018” “Racism In America Is Over”“A Mom Was Allegedly Beaten Unconscious By Her Son's 13-Year-Old Bully Who Yelled Racist Chants At Him”“Affirmative Action Fast Facts” “Affirmative Action: What It Is and How it Works”“The Harvard Bias Suit by Asian-Americans: 5 Key Issues” Injustice Files- Sundown Towns Segregation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is Affirmative Action so Controversial and Do We Still Need It? (7:56) we get wrong about affirmative action (9:12) admissions case could end Affirmative Action (5:11) of the Civil Rights Movement (5:53) (Discrimination)Assess the discrimination you might face when choosing a career, considering such issues as age, sex, and background. (1)‘Young people are sometimes treated as second-class citizens.’ How far would you agree that this is the situation in your country? (1)“The skilled worker deserves as much recognition in society as the academically educated.” How far do you agree? (1)“Companies Hold Back the Blind” “Differences are OK”“Drivers Test in English Only?” (Georgia law)“Workers Wanted” (Lack of apprentices in Germany)“Wanted: More Hands on Deck” (jobs in the seafaring industry)“On Disability Rights: Highlights from Speeches by Ed Roberts” (10th)“Why It’s Time to Lay the Stereotype of the ‘Teen Brain’ to Rest” (10th)My career options are affected by my age, sex, and background. Young people are treated like second class citizens in the United States.Skilled workers don’t deserve as much respect as professionals who went to college.Types of Discrimination in the Workplace Take: Women in Male-Dominated Industries and Occupations industries that thrive on discrimination in the workplace is robbing millennials of valuable life skills “THE CRIMINALIZATION OF YOUTHWho are we really protecting when we treat kids like second-class citizens?” “Children are second-class citizens -- and that’s OK”“Why Children Should Be at the Forefront of Families”“The Problem with Kid-Shaming”“Skilled workers make our world work. They deserve our respect — and protection.” Did Tech Become So Male-Dominated? (4:12) Don't Want These "Feminine" Jobs (5:35)“20 Years After Matthew Shepard’s Murder, His Parents’ Activism Continues” Discrimination: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)(Skip small part about the bakery- inappropriate jokes)The Stonewall Riots Explained. Is It Illegal To Be Gay? (Business)How important is it to be an ‘ethical consumer’? (1)How far is it possible for corporations to combine profit-making with ethical business practices? (1)How justified are the high salaries and bonuses paid out in some professions? (1)To what extent can ‘whistle-blowing’ (the revealing of state or business secrets by an individual) be justifiable? (1)To what extent is the health of its workers the responsibility of a company?“Clothing to Save the Planet” (Environmentally safe clothes)“What Should Etsy Sell?” (Art made with ivory and animal fur being sold)“Should These Players Be Paid?” (College athletes)“Plan Helps Companies, Animals, and the Planet” (Program to maintain profits while reducing carbon footprint)“A Secret is Out” (Whistle-blower “Deep Throat” revealed)“Getting Healthy at Work” (Companies pushing employees to be healthy)“Shoe Factory Horror” (9th)“U.S. Prepares Charges Against Leaker of Data” (10th) (Edward Snowden)It’s important to know where the stuff you buy comes from.Athletes and actors deserve the high salaries they are paid.A business has to cut some ethical corners in order to make money.“Yes, You Can Be an Ethical Tech Consumer. Here’s How.” “Are You an Ethical Consumer?” “Adidas Test to Sell Shoes Made of Ocean Plastic Was So Successful, They’re Going Even Further”“Are Business Ethics Important for Profitability?”“Man Asks for Refund on Pet Food After Dog Passes Away, Gets an Oil Painting Instead” “The Profit Potential In Running An Ethical Business” “10 Most Unethical Business Practices in Big Business” “How justified are the high salaries and bonuses paid out in some professions” (AICE breakdown) “Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much Money?” “How Hollywood Salaries Really Work” “Whistle Blowing: Definition, Justification and Precautions” “10 famous/infamous whistleblowers” “Edward Snowden Biography”“Japanese companies introduce exercise at work” “Japan firms introduce fun activities at work to improve employees' health”“3 REASONS WHY COMPANIES SHOULD CARE ABOUT EMPLOYEE HEALTH” Consumption (1:09) at a Walmart Sweatshop ? Walmart The High Cost of Low Price (12:16) Professional Athletes Overpaid? (7:52) Shocking Truth Behind How Much Money NBA Players REALLY Make! (10:00) Surveillance: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver(Edward Snowden interview. Some profanity) (33:13)Ethics (Human rights)Should there be any limits to freedom of expression? (1)Can child labor ever be justified? (1)To what extent does your country’s constitution uphold and promote human rights?Slavery was abolished in the British Empire in 1833. To what extent is slavery still a problem in the 21st century? (1)Discuss some of the causes of human trafficking and suggest ways in which this practice can be effectively defeated. (1)“How Far Does Free Speech Go?”“What are Your Rights?”“Global Conflicts: Putting an End to Child Labor”“New Rules for Young Farmers?” (Child labor laws in America)“Children at Work” (laws for kids who work tobacco farms)“All Work and No Play” (children work instead of going to school)“Human Rights School Turns 75”“Political Society” (Locke argues that people must sacrifice some freedoms in order to live peacefully in society) (10th)“The Bill of Rights in a Changing America” (10th)“Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (12th)“Nazi Summer Camp” (10th) (POW camps in America during WWII)“Jihyun Park: Defector. Refugee. Survivor. Freedom fighter for North Koreans” (9th)Freedom of expression must be maintained at all costs. It’s okay for kids to have jobs.Slavery something horrible from the past, but it doesn’t happen in America anymore“Should the First Amendment Cover Racism and Hate Speech?”“Why Is Freedom of Speech an Important Right? When, if Ever, Can It Be Limited?” “Freedom of expression ranks low in Saudi Arabia”“Human Rights in North Korea” “Child labor still rife in Democratic Republic of Congo” “Child Miners Living A Hell On Earth So YOU Can Drive An Electric Car”“Child Labor in the United States” “The 10 Worst Countries for Child Labor”“Human Rights and the US” “United States Key Role in Support of Human Rights” “A firsthand report of ‘inhumane conditions’ at a migrant children’s detention facility”“U.S. company making $750 per day, per child to keep immigrant children in ‘prison-like’ conditions”“Border Protection chief resigns as migrant children are moved back to troubled Texas facility”“Human Trafficking and Slavery in the 21st Century”“21ST CENTURY SLAVERY & HUMAN TRAFFICKINGStories, Statistics and Solutions” “Slavery: A 21st Century Evil” “Social Media and Hate Speech: Who Gets to Decide?” Ugly Face of Beauty: Is Child Labour the Foundation for your Makeup? (24:16) Labor in New York Exposed in Undercover Investigation (4:24) in ICE custody, thousands of migrants reported sexual abuse (4:28) immigration and child separation policy continues to spark backlash (8:25)“Child Marriage And Rape Is Still Legal In Yemen” (Nujood’s story)Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery children trapped in Bangladesh's brothel village (11:52) Countries Most Afflicted By Modern Slavery (7:05) (Medical)‘Without animal research and testing, medical advances would be seriously delayed.’ How far do you agree? (2)‘No one should be prosecuted for helping the terminally ill to die with dignity.’How far do you agree with this statement? (2)‘Parents should not be allowed to select their child’s gender.’ To what extent do you agree? (2)“Europe Says No to Animal Testing”“Group Says: Don’t Monkey with Chimps!”“Designer Babies?” (Article ONLY)“Classical Conditioning” (Changing a person’s behavior. First tested on animals) (9th)“Proposed Treatment to Fix Genetic Diseases Raises Ethical Issues” (10th)Animal testing is cruel and should be banned.Assisted suicide should be legal.Parents should be allowed to choose their child’s gender through genetic manipulation.“Animal Testing: Pros and Cons” “19 Main Pros and Cons of Legalizing Physician Assisted Suicide” “Jack Kevorkian Biography”“Should parents be allowed to choose the sex of their baby?” “Is It Ethical to Create Genetically Edited Humans?” “Chinese Scientist Claims to Use Crispr to Make First Genetically Edited Babies” “David Reimer and John Money Gender Reassignment Controversy: The John/Joan Case” Ruins Everything: Animal Testing Animals Are Needed in Research (4:27) failure of animal experiments – an animated educational film (6:16) on Animals: Inside The Monkey Lab (19:45) Kevorkian and the Right to Die | Retro Report | The New York Times “Some families are paying thousands of dollars to choose their baby’s sex” David Reimer Story Editing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (19:38)(Profanity)FashionTo what extent does fashion determine our health and/or happiness?Are there any aspects of fashion that you would consider timeless? (3)Many people are dedicated followers of fashion. How far are health and happiness dependent on image? (3)Assess whether fashion is more about image than practicality. (3)‘The way we dress reveals who we are.’ How true is this? (3)Would you consider your society to be too fashion conscious? (3)‘Affordable fashion comes at a cost.’What do you understand by this statement? (3)“The 60’s are Back!” (clothing styles from the 1960s)“It’s Not Just the Clothes” (Cities considering penalties for baggy pants)“Faster Fashion” (technology used to make clothes faster)“A New Way to Buy Clothes” (Amazon Prime Wardrobe)“Clothes by Madonna...and Lola” (Madonna and daughter design clothing line for juniors)“Our Deportment, or the Manners, Conduct, and Dress of Refined Society” (9th)“The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire” (9th)Fashion is important to my health and happiness.The way we dress reveals who we are.AICE textbook (non) example essay (pg.10)“Bollywood influence of fashion trends waning?” (pg.40)“Why fashion makes us happy: the proven mental health benefits of a joy-bringing wardrobe” “What Your Clothes Say About You” “How Important Is Fashion to Today’s Teenager?” “The Real Cost of Cheap Fashion” React to 90s Fashion (Jnco Jeans) “5 Fashion Trends That Are Timeless” & Politics (Power of the People)Is it democratically acceptable not to vote in elections? (1)‘Elections are meaningless as many voters have no real knowledge of national and international issues.’ Discuss. (1)How important is protest in the democratic process? (1)How important is it for a government to respect popular opinion? (1)To what extent is ‘people power’ the key to achieving a democratic society? (1)“Use Your Voice” (Voting info)“More Voting Troubles”“Before You Vote…”“Your Right to Vote” (history of voting law)“Should the Voting Age be Lowered? “Picking the President” (Electoral college)“Vietnam: Fighting Overseas and at Home” “Tree War Ends!” (Logging protesters triumph in California)“Taking a Knee” (NFL protests)“Should Ride-Sharing be Allowed?” (Uber protest in Hungary)“What’s Your Opinion?” (Government and interest groups)“The Selective Laziness of Human Reasoning” (11th)“Was Hard Fight to Get the Vote” (10th)“The American Electoral Process” (10th) “Resistance to the Vietnam War” (10th)If you don’t vote, you don’t have the right to complain about the government.Voting is pointless because I don’t know enough about issues and don’t care.Protesting doesn’t cause any change.“9 REASONS WE NEED YOUNG VOTERS MORE THAN EVER” “12 Young People on Why They Probably Won’t Vote” “Six Reasons why Protest is so Important for Democracy” “The 10 Protests That Changed The Course Of History Forever” “Tibet’s Monks Are Setting Themselves on Fire Again” “The role of public opinion in a democracy” “To what extent is ‘people power’ the key to achieving a democratic society?” (Essay ideas)“Why You Don’t Need to Vote” Voting Is Important? (3:32): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver(ID and voting fraud) Hundred Years of American Protest, Then and Now | The New Yorker (2:23)(A little profanity)Top 10 21st Century Protests (12:36) for Our Lives protesters rally for gun control reforms (36:05) Story Of The Burning Monk Who Changed The World Opinion: Crash Course Government and Politics (9:49) & Politics (Systems)To what extent would you agree that your country has the government it deserves? (1)Have there ever been successful revolutions in ideas or political systems?A meritocracy offers opportunities for advancing through individual ability and achievement. To what extent is your government meritocratic? (1)Assess the strengths and weaknesses of coalition governments. (1)How far do you agree that a hereditary monarch as Head of State is preferable to an elected President? (1)‘Superpowers do more harm than good in the world.’ How far do you agree? (1)“Limiting Power” (Limits in government)“Forms of Government”“The Judicial Branch” (government branch dealing with laws)“The Bill of Rights”“Freedom: How We Got it”“Big Changes in Bhutan” (country switches from monarchy to democracy)“The Leaders Who Ruined Africa and the Generation Who Can Fix It” (11th)“Greek Government” (9th)“Total Control in North Korea” (9th)“Capitalism Will Eat Democracy — Unless We Speak Up” (12th)America is the greatest country in the world.The American government does a good job. Countries who are superpowers do more harm than good. “America Has the Government It Deserves” “We Get The Government We Deserve. America Deserves Donald Trump” “The Case For Voting: Why We Get The Government We Deserve” “Revolution: POLITICS” “The Myth of American Meritocracy” “It’s Time to Abandon the Cruelty of Meritocracy”“What are the advantages and disadvantages of a coalition government?” “Monarch vs. president: What’s the better succession system?” Essay- Superpowers REVOLUTIONS of HISTORY (24:15) (5:52) meritocracy is America’s most destructive myth (6:11) Lie of Meritocracy: Chris Hayes' Twilight of the Elites (5:55) Different Types of Parliamentary Governments (Majority, Minority, and Coalition) (5:59) Minister vs. President: What's The Difference? (3:24) Do We Still Have Monarchies? (3:13) Are The World's Biggest Superpowers? (5:05) Dangerous Is The USA? (5:19) Reasons The USA is a Superpower (Most Powerful Country) (7:15) & Politics (Ethics)To what extent would you consider politicians to be dishonest? (1)To what extent can democracy survive where corruption is widespread? (1)“I Didn’t Do It!” (Company CEO charged with fraud)“Just a Little Lie” (research of lies)“How Small Fibs Lead to Big Lies” (10th)“McCarthyism” (10th)Most people are basically good and honestPoliticians have to lie to get elected“An Ethiopian runner makes a brave gesture of anti-government protest at the Olympic finish” (AICE textbook pg 38)“Is Honest Politics Possible?” “Bloomberg warns of ‘epidemic of dishonesty’”“Can Peru’s Democracy Survive Corruption?” “The Normalization of Corruption” Dishonest Politicians (2:02) Most Corrupt Politicians In America (6:17) Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims | The Fact Checker (4:07) Presidential Debates Can't Be Honest (parody) (5:31) Political Ads - Gil Fulbright for Senate 2014 (parody) (1:43) SEE Honest Political Ads Gil Fulbright for President (2:17) (parody) 10 Honest Politicians In India (1:41) You LIKE Liars | Politicians, Journalists, and the Deliberate Distortion of Truth (4:16) Nixon — these are the most corrupt US politicians in history (2:03) is Legal in America (5:50) Most Corrupt Countries (9:50) Corrupt is America?(4:04) Perceptions Index 2018 | Crisis of Democracy (1:00) weakening democracy -Transparency International (5:11) (Aging)To what extent are the elderly revered or ignored in your society? (1)Is living longer necessarily a good thing? (2)At what age should children be recognized as adults? Explain your views. (May/June 2018)“Remember When?” (Senior living facilities using technology) “More People Living to 100”“100 Year- Olds’ Club Getting Crowded”“Forever Young: America's Obsession with Never Growing Old” (9th)“What’s Your True Age?” (10th)Old people are boring and don’t have anything to contribute to my life.I would like to live forever.The age of adulthood should be lowered.“How the elderly are treated around the world” “The American Perspective on Aging and Health” “Does American Culture Prompt Us to Disregard or Respect the Elderly”““Old Coots” Set Up Table At Farmer’s Market to Give Free Life Advice”“Life Is Short. That’s the Point.” “Would You Want to Live Forever?” “When should a person be considered an adult?”“What are the different ages of a legal adult of countries around the world?” is all around us - hear how it affects older people around the world (2:25) 'respect for the aged day' In Japan (0:55) facing American seniors: Life as "elder orphans" (1:59) culture affect the way we view the elderly? (AICE Global Perspectives video) (4:00) 344 Cultural Aging (4:59) Closed Doors; India's Elderly are Abused and Neglected (6:32) It Good That We Die? Should We Live Forever? (8:48) We Really Live Forever? | Unveiled (8:28) Are You An Adult At Age 18? (8:53) Do They Decide the Age When You Become an Adult? (16:13)'s independent kids (8:21) (Physical)How effective are diets in helping people to lose weight and become fit? (2)Should obesity be regarded as a serious health concern? (2)Thirty years ago childhood obesity was rare, whereas today it is common in many areas of the world. How can this problem be reduced? (2)Can food education ever solve the growing issue of obesity? Discuss the ways in which our eating habits are changing. (2)How far would you agree that we should ‘eat to live’ and not ‘live to eat’? (2)Today, meat is more accessible than ever. To what extent is this a problem?“Food for Life” “Do You Know How Much Salt You’re Eating?”“Dressed-Up Junk Food?”“Want to Eat Healthy? Follow the Stars” (Food rating system)“No More Candy, No More Chips” (schools limit junk food)“No Peanuts, Please” (food allergies on the rise)“Are Health Classes Helping?” (Study about nutritional education)“No More Chocolate Milk?!” (Schools banning chocolate milk due to overweight kids)“Paying the Price” (tax on junk food)“Fewer Kids Getting Fit at School”“Doctors to Teens: Get Up and Go!” (Teens are less active)Dieting is important to me in order to look good and be healthy.Food is just fuel, and meals shouldn’t be a big deal.“Diet vs. Exercise: The Truth About Weight Loss” “Obesity in America: A Growing Concern” “Childhood Obesity Has Risen 10 Times Worldwide” “Obesity crisis can’t be solved by schools – major new study” “Kids are still obese, despite nutrition education”“How Our Eating Habits Have Changed In 40 Years”“7 Big Ways the Average American Diet Has Changed Since 1970” “Do You Eat to Live, or Live to Eat?” “Global Meat Production and Consumption Continue to Rise” “Health & Environmental Implications of U.S. Meat Consumption & Production” Ruins Everything - Low-Fat Foods Are Making You Fatter dieting doesn't usually work (Ted Talk) (12:42) Diets Actually Work? (6:39) Obesity Epidemic (7:12) Are The Fattest Countries In The World? (6:12) The U.S. Is Exporting Obesity (8:12) Nutrition Education and its Effect on America's Youth (4:20) Daily Show - The Snacks of Life (food education)’s how the American diet has changed in the last 52 years (1:36) drastically food portions have changed in the past 20 years (1:44) of Eating Red Meat: Dr. Heather Fields (8:53) Meat Is Bad For You- In 60 Seconds (1:29) Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World (8:48) (Choices)Assess the benefits and drawbacks of cosmetic surgery. (2)How true is it that most of the pleasurable things in life are bad for you? (2)To what extent is health and well-being the responsibility of the individual? (2)Some people argue that those who smoke, drink alcohol or are obese should not have priority medical treatment. What is your view? (2)Why is fast food popular when it is generally considered to be unhealthy? (2)How far would you agree that governments have the right to place penalty taxes on unhealthy products?‘Young people are at high risk of being damaged by additions.’ Explore the reasons for this. (1)“Look- New Hands!” (Surgery for bionic hand)“Healthy at What Price?” (UK offers incentives for healthy choices)“Getting Healthy Pays Off” (US companies reward healthy choices)“Are Health Classes Helping?”“The Price of Cigarettes” (NY raises prices)“Teens Take to Vaping”“A New Test for Florida Students” (drug testing for athletes)“Another Reason to Get Up and Go” (Exercise reduces chance of drug use)“Teen Brains Aren’t Adult Brains” (Marijuana use among teenagers)I would like to have plastic surgery.Everything fun is bad for you.People who smoke and drink shouldn’t get medical care since they know the dangers.I know fast food is unhealthy, but I still eat it.The government should not put a high tax on junk food because they shouldn’t have a say about my food choices.“The Pros and the Cons of Cosmetic Surgery from a Psychologist’s Viewpoint” “What Are the Pros & Cons of Cosmetic Surgery?” “Must we deprive ourselves of all pleasure to stay healthy?” “Health is Ultimately the responsibility of the Individual”““Moral judgments about treating smokers or obese patients have no place in the health service“ “Would it be fair to deny smokers and obese people medical treatment?” “4 Reasons People Choose Junk Food Over Healthy Food” “Why the government should tax unhealthy foods and subsidise nutritious ones”“Mexico and Hungary tried junk food taxes — and they seem to be working”“Taxing 'unhealthy' foods won't reduce obesity”“Drugs and Young People” Worst Cases Of Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong (11:46)(I couldn’t watch this so I don’t know if it has anything inappropriate!)Responsibility for health promotion (3:07) we can't stop eating unhealthy foods (Ted Talk) (13:49) eating healthy is so expensive in America (3:55) is it so Easy to be Thin in Japan? (7:00) Taxing Unhealthy Foods Improve Public Health? (6:26) a fast food tax improve public health? (2:19) Addiction (2:18) and Drug Abuse in Teenagers (TedX) (7:48) factors for drug use and drug abuse (12:00) and the Young Brain (2:55) (Medicine)What is now regarded as alternative medicine has been used in some cultures for centuries. Evaluate its relevance in the modern world. (2)‘No more can be done, nationally or internationally, to control pandemics.’ To what extent would you agree? (2)To what extent has your country protected itself against recent pandemics? (2)‘In developing countries, public health education should have a higher priority than the provision of medicines.’ Discuss. (2)‘Modern society is too reliant on “pill-popping”.’ Assess this opinion. (2)“Yoga for Everyone” (Second international day of yoga)“The Tree Thieves” (tree containing cures is tempting to thieves)“World Problems: Wiping Out Malaria” “Can Cell Phones Keep Sickness Away?” (Japan tries to limit illness)“Medieval Europe: Understanding the Black Death”“Can We Stop Whooping Cough?”“A Sickness Spreads in Syria” (Polio outbreak)“Somalia's New Doctors” “No Pill Needed- Just Eat Right!” (Vitamins may not be needed)“The Dangers of Pain Meds”The Black Death“Letter from Mary Mallon: On Being ‘Typhoid Mary’” (10th)“What the flu does to your body, and why it makes you feel so awful” (10th)“The New Painkiller Epidemic” (12th)Alternative medicines or methods such as acupuncture, yoga, or meditation work just as well as modern medicine.I am concerned with the possibility of a pandemic.People becoming dependent on pain medicine is a problem in my area or life.“Alternative Medicine Finally Becoming More Mainstream” “How to Stop a Pandemic” “OUTBREAK: 10 OF THE WORST PANDEMICS IN HISTORY” “Preparing for the Next Pandemic” “How can we improve access to healthcare in emerging countries?” “Almost half of Americans have used prescription drugs in the past month”“The Opioid Diaries”“Opioid Crisis Fast Facts” Medicine; Traditional Chinese Medicine (1:55) shouldn’t use labels like “Alternative” and “Conventional” Medicine (6:40) Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud? (8:31): Anticipating & controlling future epidemics - innovative ideas from the Informal Consultation (5:05) Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready (Ted) (8:36) Would A Global Pandemic Really Happen? (35:18) - improving access to public healthcare in developing countries (6:47) reality of healthcare in developing countries (5:07) Popping Nation? America's Growing Addiction - (4:47) Addicted To Meds Says She And Friends Trade Pills 'Almost Like We’re Trading Baseball Cards' (4:17) South Florida: Opioid Crisis In Miami (4:14): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (19:06) Ruins Everything: Why Some Perscription Drugs are more Dangerous than Illegal Drugs (Mental)‘Mental health problems are not adequately recognised by society.’ How far do you agree? (2)Is being a workaholic always dangerous? ‘Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.’Discuss. (3)“Love Speaks” (NBA star talks about mental health)“What Teens Think” (ARTICLE ONLY) (Anxiety and depression among teens) “Teens Worrying More Than Ever”“What a Dog Can Do” (Colleges have stress relief dogs for exam time)“Working Too Hard” (Japanese work ethic)“Finding Hope from Sadness” (Families of 9/11 victims recover by helping others)“High Court Reviews Insanity-Defense Case” (9th)“Depression, The Secret We Share” (Poem- 10th)“The Bright Side of Sadness” (10th)“The New Era of Positive Psychology” (10th)“Scientists Reveal Three Keys to Happiness” (10th)“The Keys to Happiness: Partly Genetic, But You Control the Rest” (10th)If I’m feeling depressed or anxious, I feel like I can talk to my friends and/or family about it.“It's Time We Spoke Up And Discussed Mental Health, Isn't It?”“Changing The Way Society Understands Mental Health”“Japan's media out of step with mental health issues”“The Pros and Cons of Being a Workaholic”“30sec Tip: Happiness is not the Absence of Problems” Health: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (11:54) do people ignore mental health problems? (3:03)'s Mental Health | Breaking Stigma and Creating Change (3:16) the culture on mental illness (1:55)'s hivemind against mental illness (7:23) being a workaholic is bad for you and the boss (3:56) Workaholics Are The Least Productive (2:39) (Importance) “Anybody who ignores history is foolish.” How far would you agree? (1)To what extent should a nation try to forget its past? (1)‘There is more to history than just learning the facts.’ Discuss. (1)“As well as instructing and convincing, history should be thrilling and delightful.” How far do you agree with this proposal? (1)‘Studying the history of your own country is of more value than studying the history of other countries.’ How far would you agree with this statement? (1)“Hip-Hop History” (Collection of music from 1980s)“Instagram Makes History” (Holocaust updated for modern times)“A Day of Remembering” (Holocaust Remembrance Day)“For Joe Medicine Crow” (American Indian History)“Where Dreams Were Put on Hold” (Chinese- American history)“Women Who Led the Way” (Women of American History)“Age of Revolution: Where Heroes Walked” (Monuments in NY and MASS)“A Terrible Price” (African slave trade)“Global Conflicts: The Forgotten Ones” (Colonial soldiers in WW I)“Remembering the Past, 80 Years Later” (Scottsboro Boys trial)“Students Identify With 50-Year-Old Supreme Court Case” (First Amendment rights of students) (9th)“What Past Generations Can Teach Us About Our Future” (10th)“The Salem (and Other) Witch Hunts” (11th)What happened in the past is in the past and doesn’t affect the presentIt is important to learn about the history of other countries“Why We Must Remember History” “Why Learn World History?”“Learning history helps avoid repeating mistakes” “Freaky Times When History Repeated Itself And No One Realized It” “Recognizing history as more than just facts” (Article and video) Davoliute on the importance of remembering history (2:10) History Guy (Channel) is it important to learn history? (5:01) Do We Study History (4:05) (Individuals)To what extent has the course of history been determined by the contribution of individuals? (1)Choose a famous person from the past and consider how that person would be viewed in today’s world. (1)“Post WWII World: Remembering Gandhi” “Teen Takes Her Place in History” (Girl arrested before Rosa Parks for the same crime)“Goodbye Nelson Mandela” “A Look Back at Elie Weisel” (Author of Night and Holocaust survivor)“O’Ree Made Hockey History” (first black hockey player)“W.E.B Du Bois: The Life of a Leader” (Civil rights leader)“Martin Luther King III’s Dream” “Dianna, Princess of the People”“I Am Malala” (17-year-old Nobel Peace prize winner)“Her Code Got Humans On The Moon — And Invented Software Itself” (11th)“Was Einstein a Space Alien?” (10th)“Marie Curie” (11th)One person can change the world.“100 People who changed the world” “Five People Who Changed The Course Of History ”“What Would Socrates Say?” “Shakespeare 'would be writing Game of Thrones' if alive” 10 People Who Changed The World (5:59) People Who Changed The World (9:09) Known People Who Changed the World (18:09) Who Changed The World (4:05) (Revolutions & Empires)Have revolutions ever made the world a better place? Examine two revolutions in support of your view.Have there ever been successful revolutions in ideas or political systems? (1)Why do all Empires decline in the end? Is there evidence for this in today’s world? (1)How fairly can it be claimed that European colonization was more beneficial than harmful to the countries concerned? (1)The break-up of the Soviet Union has ended the socialist dream. To what extent is this true? (1)“Age of Revolution: Haiti’s Fight to be Free”“Lessons from the Cold War” (CIA agents captured in China)“Papers Shed Light on Red Scare” (Communist efforts in the US)“England’s Terrible Trade” (European slave trade)“Case Against Rosenberg Falls Apart” (Russian spies and the Cold War)“What’s Next for Thailand?” (Government upheaval) “Greek Philosophy” (10th)“Stalin: A Brutal Legacy Uncovered” (11th)“The Roman Republic” (9th)“Why Did the Mayan Empire Collapse?” (11th)“Clash of Cultures: Indigenous America and the Conquistadores” (10th)“United and Divided: How Religion Drove Politics in Pre-Modern Europe” (12th)“The Scramble for Africa” (11th) (Colonization)Absolute power corrupts absolutely. “What is a Political Revolution? - Definition & Examples” “Events that changed the world” “The 10 Most Important Revolutions In History” “Comparing the rise and fall of empires” “Why Do World PowersDecline and Fall?” “Why The Fall of the American Empire Will Come by 2030” “Fall of the American Empire” “Colonialism was a disaster and the facts prove it” “The failed dream of a Russian revolution” REVOLUTIONS of HISTORY (24:15) Revolution- Making the world a better place (8:01) Course: World History (Channel) of the tribes: How the American Empire could fall (8:59) the similarities between the classical Roman Empire and the modern United States (1:31) Decline: Global Power in the 21st Century (6:40) Myth of American Decline (7:41) conquest of the Americas - summary since mid-15th century (9:10) of Africa - summary from mid-15th century to 1980 (10:29) of European Colonization: Christopher Columbus and Native Americans (4:08)'s Impact on Africa (4:42) Minute History - The Decline and Dissolution of the Soviet Union (9:59) socialism having its moment in U.S. elections? (5:08) and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33 (14:02) vs. Socialism: What's The Difference? (4:02) far should immigration be encouraged or discouraged? (1)How far do you believe immigration to be a blessing to your country? (1)To what extent does migration from other countries benefit your country’s economy?Should immigrants have to pass language proficiency and citizenship tests before they are allowed to settle in their host country? (2)“Tracking Immigrants through Social Media”“A Dream for Many” (immigrants going to college)“Young Alone and Leaving Home” (14-year-old Guatemalan immigrant)“A 700-mile Fence” (Bush’s border wall in 2006)“What’s a Citizen?”“A Home in America” (Immigrant stories from today and the past)““Immigrants in Our Own Land” (Poem- 10th)“The Rush of Immigrants” (9th)“America’s Shifting Views on Immigration” (11th)“'Shut the Door' Speech” (1924 speech on immigration) (9th)Immigrants do more harm than good to the USA.People who move to America should have to learn English. “Let's Have a Real Immigration Debate”“HOW FAR SHOULD IMMIGRATION BE ENCOURAGED OR DISCOURAGED?”“Immigration's Effect on the Economy and You” “Most of us would fail the U.S. citizenship test, survey finds” “Sweden should remain a leader in welcoming children” (AICE text page 177) “France and Britain pledge to solve migrant crisis together” (page 178)“Patrols to block expected 1.5 million regugees flooding across Europe” (page 179)“‘Rich Nations’ self-interest means refugee crisis set to get worse, not better’” (page 180)Adam Ruins Everything- Border Wall Wall: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) immigrants are a good thing - UpFront (2:48) illegal immigration hurts the U.S. (3:56) economics of immigration (10:22) unveils new US immigration plans, including immigrants being required to learn English (2:55) Respond to "Speak English!" | Immigrants | One Word | Cut (3:25) (profanity): Should Immigrants Speak English as First Language in USA? (4:13) Challenge US-Born Americans To A Citizenship Test (4:25) Americans Can't Pass Citizenship Test | Is It True? (6:36) (profanity) RelationsAssess the value of countries joining together to form alliances or communities. (1)Is it fair to claim that the United Nations has achieved little in solving the problems of the world? (1)‘Foreign aid should be the responsibility of private individuals and established charities, not governments.’How far do you agree? (1)‘The purpose of foreign aid is more political than it is humanitarian.’ Analyze this statement.Multinational companies often exploit the resources of other countries. To what extent should they be made responsible for any damage caused? (1)To what extent will the world benefit from the rise of China? (1)To what extent is a lack of cooperation amongst countries impeding the development of successful energy policies? (2)“Leaders Promise to Help the World’s Poor” (UN promises)“UN Issues Dire Climate Warnings” “The E-Waste Problem” (UN reports high quantity of electronic waste)“U.N. to Countries: Stop Smoking!”“No Place to Call Home” (Actress Angelina Jolie asks nations to help Myanmar refugees) “Still Giving” (Charities)“The Power of the Mango” (International diplomacy with Pakistan)“Women’s Group Speaks Out for Darfur” (Groups asks nations to help end conflict in Darfur)“Changing the World for Women” (Internet essential for women’s lives)“An Eye in the Sky” (Sending aid to Sudan)“Navajo Ask the U.S. for Help” “Building a Borderless World” (11th)“Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” (11th) (UN Convention, 1948)“Charter of the United Nations” (11th)“UN Explores Native American Rights in U.S.” (11th)“If Not Threats, or War, or Sanctions, then What?” (10th)“The Monroe Doctrine and American Imperialism” (10th) “China’s Cultural Revolution” (10th)If countries work together they can accomplish great things. Countries should mind their own business and not get involved in problems of other nations“Why alliances matter” “The Countries Working Together For A Better Future” “European Union and United Nations work together to improve lives in more than 170 countries” “What is foreign aid?” “18 Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Aid to Developing Countries”“The Lies We Tell About Foreign Aid” “Multinational Corporations in the Third World: Predators or Allies in Economic Development?”“China's Economic Growth, Its Causes, Pros, Cons, and Future” Pakistan (page 166)The need for green Pakistan (page 167)Who are America's Allies? (4:25) is NATO? | CNBC Explains (3:35) Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #50 (9:59) United Nations Explained (5:23) Effective Is The United Nations? (2:46) Five of the Biggest Failures of the United Nations (1:46) The UN Can't Get Anything Done (2:25) United Nations a Success Story (4:39) Problem with Foreign Aid (6:29) Aid and Remittance: Crash Course Econ #34 (11:56) Poverty: Foreign Aid vs. Charity That Actually Works - Learn Liberty (3:40) Companies Exploit Africa's Natural Resources - Prof Bolagi Owasanoye (10:18) for Gold in Haiti: Haiti Helped or Exploited by U.S., Canadian Mining Companies? (6:18) Things That Change If China Becomes The World’s Superpower (7:49) / Communication (Lang Learning)To what extent is learning a foreign language important in your society?‘Languages with a declining number of speakers should be left to die out.’ How far do you agree with this view?To what degree have local languages influenced spoken and/or written English in your country? (3)‘If we all spoke the same language, the world would be a better place.’ How true is this? (3)“Working in the World of Words”“World’s Words in Trouble”“Lost Languages” (UN program to help Brazil’s lost languages)“A Language of Learning” (African schools use different languages than ones spoken at home)“Icelandic Language in Trouble” “Young People Learn Old Ways”“Helping a Classmate Learn” (All students learn sign language to help a classmate)“Hawaii and Pidgin” (Language in Hawaii) The Voice of Miami” (Spanish spoken more than English)“American Indian School a Far Cry from the Past” (9th)Studying a foreign language in high school should be a requirement.It’s important to learn a foregin language.Learning a foreign language in high school is a waste of time.“How Important is Knowing a Foreign Language? “Why Do We Need To Save Dying Languages?” “Why We Must Save Dying Tongues” (AICE textbook pg 31)“Languages You Had No Idea You're Speaking When You Speak English” “Why Isn’t ‘American’ a Language?” “What if everyone on Earth spoke the same language?” Communication (Grammar)As long as we communicate, does it matter if we are grammatically inaccurate? (3)To what extent is accurate grammar important in speech and the written word? (3)Language is constantly changing. Should we be concerned about this? (3)“Written Communication” (Importance in the workplace)“Verbal Communication” (Important in the workplace” “Getting the Word Out” (history of communication)“Segregated From Its History, How 'Ghetto' Lost Its Meaning” (10th)Using proper grammar isn’t important in daily life.Slang makes it hard for different generations to understand each other“Does Grammar Still Matter in the Age of Twitter?” “This Grammar Guru Will Solve the World’s Problems” “How Important Is Correct Spelling?”“Getting the Spelling Right on 46 Million Bank Notes? It’s a Big Responsibilty”“Is English Changing?” “4 Subtle Changes to English People Hardly Notice” “The Evolution of Slang” Matters (3:29) Ruins Everything - Why Grammar Rules Aren’t Always Exact CrimeIn order to cut crime and re-offending, consider measures that prove effective in your society. (1)What options, other than imprisonment, would you think appropriate for the punishment of criminals? Justify your suggestions. (1)‘Prisons make people worse rather than better.’ What is your view? (1)How effective are the police in tackling crime where you live?Can breaking the law ever be justified?Should there be stricter gun regulations in your country? “Another Chance for a Better Life?” (Should older criminals be released?)“Second Chances” (Prisoners take care of retired racehorses)“Sentences to Shakespeare” (juveniles perform plays instead of going to jail)“Can Cities Stop Gangs?” (Lawsuits against gang members)“Which Law to Follow?” (Amish men break law they feel is unjust)“Using the Web to Watch Gangs” “Got a Tip? Text It!” (Police get tips from citizens va text)“A Bird’s Eye View” (Police using drones)“The Gun Debate” (After Parkland, what can be done?)“After Newtown” (gun regulations) “Moms to March” (weapons ban)“Don’t Make a Sound” (active shooter drills in schools)“I went from Prison to Professor”“The Cost of Prison in Dollars and Lives” (10th)“Do Juvenile Killers Deserve Life Behind Bars?” (9th)“The Science of Solitary Confinement” (11th)“Sleepy Suspects Are Way More Likely to Falsely Confess To a Crime” (10th)“Behind Bars, Vets With PTSD Face A New War Zone, With Little Support” (9th)“Can Forgiveness Play a Role in Criminal Justice?” (10th)“Justices Bar Mandatory Life Terms for Juveniles” (10th)“Remember the Victims of Juvenile Offenders” (10th)“” (10th)“The Race Factor in Trying Juveniles as Adults” (10th)“Judge sentences youth offenders to chess, with promising results” (10th)“I Got Myself Arrested So I Could Look Inside the Justice System” (10th)“Juvenile Justice” (10th)“The American Criminal Justice System” (10th)“Does the Justice System Neglect Forgiveness?” (10th)“Experts Link Teen Brains' Immaturity, Juvenile Crime” (10th)“The Nigerian Prison System Is an Example of Why ‘Justice for All’ Remains Beyond Reach” (10th)Long prison sentences are the best way to deter criminalsPolice are not doing enough to stop crime in my areaI would break the law if I felt the law was wrongWe need fewer guns in America to stop the violence.“To prevent reoffending, how about giving former prisoners support?” “‘Prison is not for punishment in Sweden. We get people into better shape’ “New York Could Become First State To Be Completely Done With Private Prisons”“Prisons are failing. It’s time to find an alternative”“Norway Mass Killer Gets the Maximum: 21 Years”“Is breaking the law justifiable?“The Gun Debate”“How to Buy a Gun in 16 Countries”“The First Modern School Shooter Feels Responsible for the Rest”'s Prison Revolution, Forcing Inmates Into Debt & Norway's Jail Utopia (27:58) inmate: We get puppies, ice cream and flowers (3:36) Norway Reinvented Prison (4:24)* Prison - Michael Moore (9:25)(Some profanity)Most Violent Jail Inmates | A Hidden America: Inside Rikers Island (9:30) pair up with rescue cats (2:00) and their cats (5:27) Ruins Everything- Prisons Ruins EverythingThe Shocking Way Private Prisons Make Money: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Re-entry: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver System Discriminates Against Women, Say Sisters Uncut Protesters (3:27) Ruins Everything- Gun Control Shooting Survivors School Congress on Gun Violence: The Daily Show school where teachers carry guns Teachers | Jessica Howard | TEDxPasco County Schools mathematicians do you consider have greatly influenced the modern world? Justify your choices. (2)How far would you agree that “learning mathematics is like learning a foreign language”? (2)“Mathematics can reveal the beauty and order of the world.” How is your understanding of the world enhanced by mathematics? (3)‘Mathematics is more feared than respected.’ How far do you agree with this view? (2)Assess the usefulness of statistics in people’s lives. (2)‘Mathematics is unnecessary for the majority of people.’ Discuss. (2)Assess the importance of mathematics compared with other curricular subjects. (2)“A Brain for Math” (NFL star quits to do math)“Katherine the Great” (Heroic mathematician)“Learning Math Through Art”(South African museum using art to teach math)“Teacher’s Rap Adds Up to Learning” (Learning Algebra through music)“A Job With Power” (Becoming a nuclear technician)“STEM Jobs for Everyone” “Students Choose Their Own Path” (School lets students choose career diploma)“Her Code Got Humans On The Moon — And Invented Software Itself” (11th)“Why I Teach Math Through Knitting” (12th)Math will be important in my future career.“20 Mathematicians Who Changed The World”“Math is a Foreign Language: So Treat it Like One!” “Understanding the World Through Math”“WHAT IS MATH ANXIETY?”“10 Awesome Reasons Why Statistics Are Important”“John Bennett on Why Math Instruction is Unnecessary”“Math And Science Can't Take Priority Over History And Civics”“Maths is important but should it be compulsory?”“Do Parents See Math as 'Less Useful' Than Reading?” Entertainment (Advertizing)Consider the adverts you know well and suggest reasons for their impact. (3)How far would you classify advertising as an art form? (3)To what extent is censorship essential in advertising? (3)What kind of advertising do you find ineffective and unconvincing? Give reasons for your choices. (3)In advertising, the visual image is more important than language. Discuss. (3)“What a Scam!” (Vaping ads aimed at kids)“This Test Brought to You By…” (Teacher sells ad space on tests)“Are Websites Watching You?” (targeted marketing)“What Are They Trying to Sell?” (Unhealthy foods advertised to kids)“Rule 40: Fair or Not?” (Olympic ad rules)“Extra, Extra! How Much is Too Much?” (Celebrities get freebies) “What’s in a Name?” (Brand power)“Grumpy Cat” (ARTICLE ONLY) (Famous cat in ads)“Don’t Touch That Remote” (Political advertising) “The Power of Advertising” (7th)I’m not affected by advertising “Why Good Advertising Works (Even When You Think It Doesn't)” “The 25 Best Ads of 2018” “Advertising: Is It an Art, or Not?” “Advertising Censorship Laws in America” “These Censored Ads Confront a Brutal Truth Nobody Wants to Admit. Now They've Gone Viral. (Here Are the Pictures)” “12 Bad Ads and Marketing Failures To Learn What Not To Do”“8 Reasons Why Visual Content is More Important Than Text” “ANALYSIS: Powerful start for Media Smart”“Concerned Children'sAdvertisers, Canada”“Top 10 Companies with the Best Advertising Campaigns” North American House Hippo is HOUSE HIPPO? What does HOUSE HIPPO mean? HOUSE HIPPO meaning, definition & explanation Entertainment (Celebrity culture)Can celebrity culture ever provide worthwhile role models? (You need to consider their contributions, not just their life stories.) (3)To what extent is the phenomenon of celebrity modern? (3)Account for the ever-increasing popularity of celebrity culture. (3)‘The media pay far too much attention to people who do not deserve it.’ How far do you agree? (3)Choose two well-known people and assess their importance in the culture of our times. (3)“The Cost of Tweeting” (Celebrities facing consequences) “”Heros in Sports, Heros in Life” (Star athletes contributing to the world)“Empires and Nation-States: Hoop Dreams from Africa” (Basketball player helps others)“Sting Speaks Out” (Musician Sting against dam in Brazil)“Famous People Helping Children” (ARTICLE ONLY) (Pink helps feed kids)“Saying Goodbye to the Crocodile Hunter” (Steve Irwin’s death)“A Star and a Friend” (Elizabeth Taylor)“Goodbye to the Greatest” (Muhammad Ali) “Should Stars Speak Out?” (Famous people pushing political agendas) “Stars Shine Bright Lights” (Celebrities and their charities) “Try, Try Again” (the failures of now successful people “Yul Kwon, From Bullying Target to Reality TV Star” (9th)Paying attention to the lives of celebrities is fun and interestingCelebrities should stay out of politics“The Dangerous Kardashian Effect and the Profound Impact of the Superficial”“Positive Effect Celebrities Have on Teens” Choice: Best and Worst Celebrity Role Models“Celebrities Should Be Good Role Models For The Youth” “Think we're addicted to fame? You should have seen us 2,000 years ago” “The Dangers of Celebrity Culture” “OPINION: Stop paying so much damn attention to celebrities” “PRO/CON: Are paparazzi invading celebrities’ space?” Speak Out On Fame & Materialism Entertainment (News & technology)Today, news can be transmitted by anybody with access to technology. Assess the implications of this change. (2)How far would you agree with the suggestion for paying to access content on the Internet? (3)“The internet has done more harm than good to the entertainment industry.” How far do you agree? (2)To what extent should news be “in the public interest” and not just “interesting to the public”? (3)To what extent should the media lead or follow public opinion? (3)To what extent would it matter if printed newspapers and magazines disappeared completely? (3)Today, with modern technology, not just journalists but everyone can create news. Discuss the effects of these developments. (3)“The Truth About Fake News”“Giving the Public a Voice”“Fighting Fake News” (Lawmakers want to make sure students can tell the difference)“The Facts About Fake News Sites” (Google and Yahoo tricked by scammers)“Breaking News Business?” (Journalists have a hard time finding jobs)“Not the News” (NY Times reporter caught lying)“Fake News” (ARTICLE ONLY) (News travels faster on Twitter)“Think Journalism’s a Tough Field Today? Try Being a Reporter in the Gilded Age” (11th)I feel like I’m well informed about the newsI can tell the difference between real and fake news“The Dangers of Clickbait and Fake News” “Tech Is Changing the Way We Get Our News, and It's Not Stopping” “Can the Internet Ever Be Free of Charge?” “Will the Internet Ever Be Free for Everyone?” “Impact Of Internet On Entertainment” “The Only Way Is Ethics: How do we decide what is in the public interest?”“DOES MEDIA LEAD OR FOLLOW PUBLIC OPINION?”“What will happen when newspapers kill print and go online-only? Most of that print audience will just…disappear” “Making Headlines: The Newsboys Strike of 1899”((Fake news is not new! Also goes along with child labor and protesting)News Literacy Lesson 1: Real News vs. Fake News Entertainment (Social Media)How useful and rewarding do you find social networking sites? (3)Evaluate the dangers and advantages of internet blogging sites such as the social network Twitter.Consider how far web services such as Twitter and Facebook are a force for harmony or discord. (2)To what extent do you consider the increasing popularity of internet-based friendships and relationships to be desirable? (2)To what extent is social media the preferred mode of communication in today’s society? (2)Argue the benefits of digital communication against more traditional methods. (2)“Think Before You Post”“Constant Communication”“It’s Who You Know” (influence of social media)“Your Online Presence” (Cautions before entering the working world)“Social Media Helps” (Online tools used after disasters) “Extra, Extra, Lost & Found on the Internet” (ARTICLE ONLY) (People find missing items via social media and websites)“Do You Blog?” (Study shows most bloggers are teens talking about their personal lives) (ARTICLE ONLY) “Trumpian Tweets” :Look Who’s Tweeting” (Social media in Africa)“Twitter and Snapchat Want You” (New features to attract more users)“Anti-Social Networks? We’re Just As Cliquey Online” (9th)Social media just causes more problems in life.“Issue Overview: Are social networking sites good for our society?”“Why it's important to be mindful about what you post online”“Online and Making Thousands, at Age 4: Meet the Kidfluencers” “Should Kids Be Social Media Influencers?” “Positive & Negative Effects of Social Media on Our Lives” “Police Say A Teen Killed Her Friend After A Catfish Promised Her $9 Million For The Murder Footage”“Do You Understand the Psychology of Online Relationships?”“When love becomes a nightmare: Online dating scams” “Traditional vs Digital Media? Which Should I Use in My Business?” Entertainment (Video Games)‘Too many video games promote aggression and violence.’ How far do you agree? (3)On-line playing of games can enhance language acquisition. Discuss other purposes of gaming that may be beneficial. (1)“Addicted to Technology?”“Games for Change” (Games tackling social issues: beneficial or harmful?)“Global Game Fame”“Can Video Games Teach?”“What Do Teens Like? Video Games!”“Video Games: Bad for the Brain?”“A Fun Way to Learn” (Japanese students use video games to learn English)“The World’s Best Video Games” (ARTICLE ONLY)“Virtual Reality, Real Fun”“See What Wii Did” (Nintendo’s console) “Video Games: A College Sport?”“Games Everyone WIns” (video games bring families together) “Pokemon, Where Are You?” (Pokemon Go)Video games make people violent.“A brief history of blaming video games for mass murder” “Do Violent Video Games Make Kids More Violent?”“Do video games make people violent?” “Yes, Violent Video Games Do Cause Aggression” “Yes, Believe it or Not, Video Games Can be Good for You” “Video games: Can they make people more empathetic in real life?” Ruins Everything - Behind the Myth that Video Games Cause Violence Hook gunman: Did violent video games play a role? Entertainment (TV & Movies)Are films or movies only for entertainment purposes and nothing else? Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples. (3)What do you consider to be the serious purpose behind television cartoon shows? (3)How good is the quality of television programmes in your country or region? (3)How far do you agree that films should focus more on story-telling than on special effects? (3)To what extent is it important for a good film to have a big budget? Refer to specific examples. (3)To what extent are ‘reality shows’ on television actually ‘real’? (3)Explain the international appeal of films made in your country. (3)‘Television is a weapon of mass distraction.’ How far would you agree? (3)With reference to any book, film, TV shows and life in general, examine what you consider to be ‘good comedy.’ (3)To what extent has television had a negative impact on ‘live’ entertainment? (3)“Spongebob Bad for Learning?” “Black Panther Makes a Mark”“Almost Like Being There” (4-D theater)“Bye Bye, Bullies” (Cartoon Network’s new show) “Extra, Extra Some TV Shows Never Get Old” (ARTICLE ONLY) (Old sitcoms’ popularity worry networks)“Finding New Voices” (Filmmaking program for Hispanic and Native American people)“Too Much TV?” (Parents are going against expert advice about TV time)“The Magic of Oz” (The Wizard of Oz)“Kazuhiro Tsuji Keeps it Real” (Movie special effects makeup artist)“Hollywood Dreams of Wealth, Youth, and Beauty” (10th)“Can Television be Considered Literature and Taught in English Classes?”“Movies are a good escape from reality and nothing elseThere is a deeper meaning behind cartoonsJon Landau promises even more Avatars and says: "Making movies is about more than entertainment"“The Role of Film in Society” “10 Cartoons that will make you think differently about life” People Reveal What Actually Goes Into Filming a Reality TV Show secrets reality TV producers won't tell you is a weapon of mass distraction.’ How far would you agree? (Prompt breakdown)“Animated fantasy film charms Japan and soars to top of box office” (AICE textbook page 67)Example essay:How far do you agree that cartoons are for entertainment and nothing else? (AICE textbook page 78)Adam Ruins Everything: Adam Ruins Hollywood (Why Reality Shows are Hella Fake) far do you agree that music needs words to be of any interest? (3)Would you consider rap to be a ‘chant’ or a ‘rant’ or, indeed, something else? (3)How far do you agree that young people usually reject the music enjoyed by their elders? (3)What kind of music do you find most appealing? Give reasons and examples for your choices. (3)To what extent has the music of your country influenced the rest of the world? (3)Who is your favorite composer of music? Give reasons and examples for your choice. (3)‘It is not the singer but the song that counts.’ How far do you agree? (3) How far do you agree that music is an important aspect of a film? Refer to specific examples. (3)What kind of music do you dislike? Give reasons and examples. (3)“The Mozart Effect” (Classical music and the brain)“All Hail the Queen of Soul!” (Aretha Franklin)“Going Gaga for Lady Gaga” (Entertainer of the Year 2012)“A Voice for the People” (folk singer Odetta dies)“Is It True?” (Lip syncing)“Making the Most of Music” (Music helps students in academics)“Workers Team Up to Play Music”“Kendrick Lamar Wins Top Award”“Hip-Hop Cheese” (Does playing music affect cheese?)“The Music Makers” (Stories of composers)“Dylan Honored with Spanish Award” (Bob Dylan)“Beyonce Makes Waves”“Hardly Haydn?” (Composer Joseph Haydn) “Saudi Arabia Sings a New Song” (first fixed gender concert)“Motown’s Magic”“School of Hip Hop” (school for rappers and deejays) “Music for Your Mind” (creativity activates the same regions of the brain as do dreaming and storytelling) “Shakespeare had fewer words, but doper rhymes, than rappers” (12th)“Protest Music is as American as Apple Pie” (10th)Music needs words to be good.Example Essay: Music without Words is meaningless. Is it true?“The Undeniable Importance Of Instrumental Music”“Rap Music”“How American Music Took Over the World”“Why the song is more important than the singer”“Importance of Music in Movies”‘Criticizing your own country is important for its well-being.’ How far do you agree? (1)What makes your country different from other countries? (3)To what extent to traditional values influence your country’s progress? (2)‘Although this is the age of the internet, ignorance of others and their lifestyles is as common now as it ever was.’ Discuss. (2)“A society that cannot laugh at itself cannot learn from its failings.” How far do you agree?“My Country, Tis of Me” (people create unofficial countries for laughs) “Now, That’s Living” (Hispanic countries and cultures)“The History of Hula”“Empires and Nation-States: Ghana: A Land of Hope”“What’s Cooking with Washoku” (Japanese traditional dish)“Old City in Trouble” (Peru)“Diwali: The Festival of Lights” (Festival in India)“China Welcomes New Beginnings” (Chinese New Year)“Cultural Common Ground Gets Harder To Come By” (9th)America is the greatest country in the world.I know a lot about other cultures and lifestyles because of the internet.We have to laugh at our mistakes in order to move forward and improve.“Is it wrong to criticize your own nation? Can such criticism ever be constructive?”“Top Differences Between the USA and the Rest of the World”“How do Americans stand out from the rest of the world?”“What Do You Think Are the Beliefs and Values That Define American Culture?” “Five Lies Our Culture Tells” “In the Age of Information, Our Ignorance Is a Choice” (and the internet)To what extent are social networking sites a danger to privacy? (3)‘Social networks, like Facebook, have radically changed our attitude to personal privacy.’ Consider this statement. (2)To what extent does a state have the right to use surveillance on its citizens?“Privacy in the Digital Age”“Are Smartphones Too Smart?” (Invasion of privacy)“Is this Spying?” (Parents monitoring internet)“It’s All Online” (Internet privacy)“Bugging Out” (Facetime privacy glitch)“Chips: Bad for Americans?” (Microchips in people)“Keeping Watch at Work” (Companies monitor employees)“How Far is Too Far?” (Celebrity expectations of privacy) (ARTICLE ONLY)“A Rule Under Question” (Government surveillance after 9/11)“Our Privacy or Our Safety?”(Full-body scanners in airports)“How Smart is Too Smart?”(Companies access private information)“Smartphones Put Your Privacy At Risk” (11th)“F.B.I. Watched Activist Groups, New Files Show” (10th)“The PATRIOT Act: Protection over Privacy” (11th)“President Bush on the Patriot Act” (9th)Privacy is important to me.Because of social media and surveillance, privacy doesn’t really exist.I’m not doing anything wrong, so I don’t care if the government spies on me. “In a Stumble for Apple, a FaceTime Bug Lets iPhone Users Eavesdrop” “Do You Worry About Your Digital Privacy?” “Americans’ complicated feelings about social media in an era of privacy concerns”“The internet hasn’t killed privacy – but it has changed it forever” “On social media, privacy is no longer a personal choice” Inside China's Total Surveillance State (8:10)‘Religious Education should be a part of the school curriculum.’ Discuss. (1)How far is it possible for traditional stories of creation to co-exist with science? (2)How far would you agree with the accusation that religion is the “opium of the people”? (1)“Should the Pledge Change?”“Greek Gods and Goddesses”“An Excerpt From The Story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4” (9th)“United and Divided: How Religion Drove Politics in Pre-Modern Europe” (12th)“The Golden Calf” (9th)“Eve’s Diary” (10th)“Extracts from Adam’s Diary” (10th)Students should learn about religion in school.“Religion in the Curriculum”“Schools should teach religion. What they shouldn't teach is faith”“The Dangers of Religious Instruction in Public Schools”“Can God and science co-exist?”“Does the Judeo-Christian Concept of Creation Conflict with The Big Bang?”“Karl Marx on Religion as the Opium of the People” relationships & issues (Family)Assess the importance of family in today’s world. (1)Assess the advantages of living in an extended family. (1)“Family and tradition are more important than the rights of the individual.” Discuss. (1)“Listen Up, Families!” (Families are spending less time together)“The Sweetest Idea” (When her mom lost her income, 11-year-old starts a business)“Sisters on the Right Track” (Sisters run and change their family’s life)“New School, New Country” (Exchange students stay with American families)“A Father’s Gift to His Children” (A dying father’s words of wisdom)“Small Town, Big Hearts” (Residents support local business)“Brothers Forever” (the bond of WWII vets)Family is the most important thing to me.Family traditions should always be followed no matter what.“What Is The Importance Of Family In Modern Society?” Do You Define ‘Family’? ’s a ‘Normal’ Family, Anyway? “What are the Benefits of Living with An Extended Family?”“Traditions Are Important in Families”“Tradition vs individual rights: the current debate on circumcision”“A daughter killed by her family – a story of love and 'honor'” relationships & issues (Child-rearing)To what extent do you agree that ‘children should be allowed to get bored’? (1)How far is it the duty of couples to limit the number of children they have?Assess the ideal circumstances for a child to grow up in. (1)How helpful has parental advice been in your life so far? (1)‘Modern toys fail to stimulate a child’s creativity and imagination.’ In your experience, how far is this true? (3)“Time for these Helicopters to Land?” (Helicopter parents)“Say ‘Please’ and Win” (Games teach manners to preschoolers)“Playing is Good Medicine” (Play is beneficial for kids)“Toys for All Time” (Toy Hall of Fame)“Toys That Teach” (Green toys in Germany)“Apple’s iPad Becomes Child’s Play” “Kids Still Love Barbie”“These Board Games Aren’t Boring!” (Games that take minutes to play)“Orphans' Lonely Beginnings Reveal How Parents Shape A Child's Brain” (9th)“Nice Kids Finish First: Study Finds Social Skills Can Predict Future Success” (9th)“Bullying in Early Adolescence” (11th)“Think Mothering Young Kids Is Hard? Get Ready For Even Tougher Times” (9th)When teens are bored it leads to poor choicesCouples should limit the number of kids they have.I had an ideal childhoodMy parents have given me great advice about life“Let Children Get Bored Again” “How Do You Deal With Boredom?” “Sweden pays parents for having kids — and it reaps huge benefits. Why doesn't the US?”“Should we limit family size to save the Earth?”“Should There Be A Right To Have As Many Kids As You Want?”“What is an ideal childhood?”“16 Pieces of the Best Parenting Advice We’ve Ever Heard”“Speak Your Mind: The toy question”“Controversy Corner: The Toy Debate” are playing with screens more than traditional toys, survey says (AICE text page 149) Sports‘Girls and women participate less in sport than boys and men.’ How far is this inevitable or desirable? (1)Would you agree that the Olympics are less about sports and more about nationalism and commercialism? (1)‘Sport makes a significant contribution to society.’ How far do you agree with this claim? (3)‘International sporting success is not necessarily dependent of a large population.’ Discuss. (1)To what extent is sport good for a country’s image? (1)Evaluate the extent to which sport and leisure should be priorities in your country. (1)‘There are few remaining sports where players abide strictly by the rules.’ How far do you agree? (1)‘It is essential to maintain the integrity of sport.’ Discuss this statement in the light of recent scandals in various sports. (1)Name a sport that deserves more recognition worldwide. Give reasons for your choice. (3)“Fair Pay for Soccer Players?” (Women paid less)“Not Quite Equal” (Tennis inequality in pay)“Baseball: Not Just for Boys” (Japan’s first female pro)“Droids at Your Service” (Droids at 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games)“Who Ran the Olympics?” (ARTICLE ONLY)“The Name Games” (rules of Olympic sponsors) “Olympic Highlights” (2018)“Football Players Give to Science” (Head injuries in professional sports)“Sold! First Rules of Basketball” (history, impact of the game)“What’s in a Nickname?” (Athlete nicknames in other countries bring fans closer to them)“Team Loses Olympic Gold”(Athletes fail drug test) “Serena Williams' catsuit controversy evokes the battle over women wearing shorts” (9th)“Life After Sport” (9th)“Eight White Sox Are Indicted” (10th)“The Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan Scandal” (10th)Sports are primarily for boys.The saying “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game” is sappy and outdated.The Olympics is purely about the gamesSports are beneficial to all people and societies“Factors Influencing Girls’ Participation in Sports” “The gender play gap: why aren't more women playing sport?”“The World Cup Crowd Starting Chanting "Equal Pay" Righter After The US Women Won” breakdowns: Olympics less about sports“CAN WE HAVE THE OLYMPICS WITHOUT NATIONALISM?”“Lukewarm Nationalism: The 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Social Media and Affective Communities”“Sports can contribute positively to society”“Not Just a Game: Sport and Society in the United States”“Influence of the size of a nation’s population on performances in athletics”(Linthorne).pdf“Creating an Image of the Country through Sports”“Sports’ contribution to country’s image”“Importance of Leisure & Recreation for Health” breakdown (Sports and rules)“These Are the 11 Biggest Cheating Scandals in Sporting History” Would Happen If Male Athletes Were Asked The Same Questions Female Athletes Are Subjected To? (1:22) the Wage Gap Is Very Real But Shouldn’t Be - Desi Lydic Womansplains | The Daily Show(A little profanity)Doping: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (and happiness)Assess the ability of technology to ensure human happiness in the present century. (2)‘Modern technology imprisons the human spirit.’How much truth is there in this view? (2)Is the world becoming too reliant on Information Technology? (2)‘Nowadays the use of the internet is a necessary part of our daily lives but, for some, it has become an addiction.’ Discuss. (2)“Needing the ‘Net”“Addicted to Technology?”“No Cell Phones? No Computers? No, Thank You!” (Teens won’t go to summer camps without tech)“Changing the World for Women” (Internet essential for women’s lives)“Fun Without Computers? Lol!” (Mom takes away screens)“The Curse Of The Inability To Imagine” (11th)“Opposing Innovation” (11th)“Excerpt from Walden: “Economy” (12th)“The Machine Stops” (SciFi story) (12th)Technology is what makes me very happyPeople are too reliant on the internetI am addicted to my phone and the Internet“Does technology make people happier?”“How Technology Can Make Us Less OR More Happy”“Technology is killing the quality of the human spirit”“Cyborg dreams”“Are we liberated by tech – or does it enslave us?”“Are We Too Dependent On Technology?”“Risky Business: Internet Addiction”“Can Technology Make You Happy? (computer)To what extent can an individual in a developed country function effectively without the internet? (2)Assess the advantages and disadvantages of making computer technology available in pocket-sized devices. (2)Examine the value of prohibiting cell phones on school campuses.‘There are no negative aspects in the use of modern mobile devices.’ How far do you agree? (2)To what extent is it correct to claim that modern technology enables businesses to be located anywhere? (2)‘Modern technologies such as E-readers, texting and the internet encourage rather than discourage reading.’ Discuss. (3)“English by Text” (Immigrants learn English on cell phones)“Dying for a Selfie” (ARTICLE ONLY” (Hundreds have died trying to take selfies in dangerous places)“No Phones, Safer Roads” “Higher Screen Time, Lower Grades”“A New Job for Cowboys” (Cowboys use satellite phones to report fires)“Working from Home”“Home Sweet Office”“Living Around the World” (technology allows work from anywhere)“Off to a Good Start” (Google around the world)“Read All About It- On Your Phone” (e-readers)“Experts Debate: Will Computers Edge People Out Of Entire Careers?” (9th)“How the Internet Came to Be” (9th)“Screen Addiction Among Teens: Is There Such A Thing?” (10th)The Internet is essential for a country’s people to progressThere are more positives than negatives when it comes to cell phone useReading books on a cell phone or e-reader is better than reading a paper book“Why Are 4 Billion People without the Internet?”“Issues Affecting Internet Use in Afghanistan and Developing Countries in the Middle East”“Technology can empower children in developing countries - if it's done right”“A modern-day dilemma: At what age should phones be allowed in school?”“Pros and Cons of Cell Phones Becoming a Major Part of Children's Lives”“19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phones”“The connected workforce is working from anywhere”“How Top CEOs Use Technology to Work From Anywhere”“E-Readers: Powering Up for Engagement”“Why Digital Reading Is No Substitute for Print” vs e-books: The science behind the best way to read (AICE text pg 144) The value of email in today’s society (AICE text page 157, 159)Technology (and research) DNA tests are now affordable and easy to obtain. Consider the arguments for and against DNA testing. (2)Ought there be any limits to genetic research? (2)How valuable is the knowledge being gained from observatories and space telescopes? (2)What, if any, justification can there be for weapons’ development research? (2)Assess the advantages and disadvantages of countries ‘cutting back’ on their space programs. (2)‘No limits whatsoever should be placed on medical research.’ Discuss. (2)Have scientific developments removed our sense of awe and mystery? (2)Should searching for intelligent extraterrestrial life be considered important? (2)Assess the ways that robotic technology might feature in different areas of our lives in the twenty-first century. (2)“Is collecting DNA Ok?” (Police use it to solve crime, others say it’s not right)“DNA Data: Treasure or Trouble?” (ARTICLE ONLY) (Genealogy databases help solve crimes but expose people’s data)“Is it All in Your Genes?” (At-home DNA tests predict your future?)“Telescopes- Bigger and Better than Ever”“Venus? Maybe Later” (Japanese Venus probe missed its mark)“Dawn Reaches Dwarf Planet” (First study of dwarf planet)“Seven New Worlds” (Planets that could support life)“Greetings from Mars” (Mars Rover)“Out of this World” (Space pioneers)“A Lake on Mars”“50 Years of UFOs” (French government publishes UFO sightings)“Teens Shine in Robot Contest”“Building the Future” (Robotics contest in Africa)“Mind-Bending Technology” (Robotic tech to help disabled)“A New ASIMO” (Robot technology to help clean up nuclear plant after meltdown)“The Robot Teacher” (robot teaches 5th graders)“DNA Tells Tale of How Cats Conquered the World” (9th) (Not really relevant, but it’s about cats, so, yeah)“Scientists Clone Human Embryos To Make Stem Cells” (9th)“Proposed Treatment to Fix Genetic Diseases Raises Ethical Issues” (10th)“Are Humans Really Headed To Mars Anytime Soon?” (9th)“Should We Terraform Mars?” (10th)“JFK’s Race to Space Speech” (10th)“The Space Race is Over” (9th)“Excerpt from Walden: “Economy” (On technology in society) (12th)“Human or Machine? A.I. Experts Reportedly Pass The 'Turing Test'” (10th)“Can Machines Learn Morality? (11th)Aliens are realRobots are going to limit jobs in the futureMedical testing shouldn’t be done on humans“10 Pros and 10 Cons to Taking a DNA Test”“Understanding the Pros and Cons of DNA Testing”“What are the risks and limitations of genetic testing?”“Space Telescopes of the Future: NASA Has 4 Ideas for Great Observatory to Fly in 2030s”“We Have Now Reached The Limits Of The Hubble Space Telescope”“Space Exploration Is a Waste of Money”“Space: how far have we gone – and where are we going?”“Evidence-based medicine and the limitations of research”“What we know so far about the clinical trial disaster in France”“Inside Clinical Trials: Testing Medical Products in People”“Pain, Suffering, and the History of Human Experimentation”“Back to Wonder: The search for mystery in a scientific world”“Preparing for the robots: Which skills for 21st century jobs?”“Is it worthwhile to continue the search for extraterrestrial life?”“Why looking for aliens is good for society (even if there aren’t any)” Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AICE textbook page 98-100)“Debate Over Double-edged Sword of Technology” (AICE textbook page 101)Automation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver‘For the sake of efficiency, public transport should be privately owned.’ Do you agree? (1)Assess the efficiency of your country’s transport network. (2)How far is public transport reliable and affordable in your country? (1)How efficient is the transport infrastructure in your country? (2) “The Ride of the Future?” (high speed transportation)“Bringing the Trains Back” (transportation in Mexico) “Getting the Country Moving” (Transportation in America and obesity)“A Way to Get Moving” (Obama wants to improve US transportation systems) “Electric scooters on collision course with pedestrians and lawmakers” (9th)We have good public transportation in America“Public transport, private owners – the unexamined trajectory of privatisation”“Public Transit and Privatization: Pros and Cons”“Why Public Transportation Works Better Outside the U.S.”“Why US public transportation is so bad — and why Americans don’t care” & Tourism‘Travel broadens the mind.’ How far is this true? (2)Which foreign country would you most like to visit? Give reasons for your choice. (3)‘Tourism encourages countries to maintain and preserve their historical sites and buildings.’ To what extent is this true? (3)Assess the extent to which tourism is destroying the culture and/or environment of places visited.“For the sake of our planet, tourism should be discouraged.” How far do you agree or disagree?Discuss the significance of tourism for your country. (1)How significant is income from tourism to your country? (1)How far has ecotourism been developed in your country? (1)“Welcome! Now Go Away” (Tourism trouble in Cambodia)“Giant Stone Heads in Trouble” (Easter Island tourism destroying iconic heads)“Old City in Trouble” (Protecting ruins in Peru)“Empires and Nation-States: Trees Need More Water, Fewer Visitors” (Morocco palm grove in danger)“Hello, China? Can You Come Over?” (Cities trying to lure Chinese tourists)“Keeping Manta Rays Safe” (Indonesia bans manta ray fishing due to tourism)I’d rather spend my money on a nice house than travel“How travel broadens the mind: learn new skills and discover different cultures”“How Travel Broadens the Mind and gives you perspective”“Travel Essay:Selfies: Are They Ruining Travel?” (AICE textbook page 61)“How Culture and Heritage Tourism Boosts More Than A Visitor Economy”“U.S. Travel and Tourism Overview (2018)”: Encouraging Conservation or Adding to Exploitation? in the U.S. Tourists Attractions Humans Have Ruined Forever (12:57)“It is no longer sufficient to have armed forces because future wars will also be fought in cyberspace.” Discuss. (2)How valid is it to claim that war cannot be avoided? (1)‘Wars do not resolve questions but create further disputes.’ Does this mean that war can never be justified? (1)“Making Changes at the Top” (nuclear weapons) “Teens Cross America for Peace” (Two teens protest war)“Peace Owls” (Farmers from warring factions in the MIddle East) “Dulce et Decorum Est” (Poem about chemical warfare) (10th)“For Many Returning Vets, 'Moral Injury' Just As Difficult” (9th)“The War Works Hard” (Satirical poem) (10th)War is never the answer“What is an Act of War in Cyberspace?”“Cyber Warfare”“Wars Cannot Be Both Planned And Avoided”“How to prevent World War 3”“Myth: War is Inevitable”“When is War Justifiable?” ................

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