Orientation - The Watchers Council



Story by Faith730

Written by Faith730 (Additional writing by Zahir al Daoud, Robert Kidman and Gelfling21)

Directed by Faith730 and CN Winters

Produced by CN Winters and Susan Carr

Editing by Angie Wilson

Art Direction by Robert Kidman

Artists – Robert Kidman, Zahir al Daoud, Isis, Mattxxx, and CN Winters

Cover Art by Robert Kidman


Lincoln, Nebraska, 1957

Fade In:


Gas Station – Dusk

"Cause of death," the announcer was saying on the radio, "was listed as acute hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver. Senator McCarthy, who was officially censured by the United States Senate three years ago, was forty eight years of age. He is survived by…"

A young man's hand twisted the radio dial, and the announcer's voice gave way to static. After a few moments of dial-twisting, another sound came from the old speaker. A song.

"Please don't ask me what's on my mind/I'm a little mixed up, but I'm feelin' fine," crooned Elvis Presley. "When I'm near that girl that I love best/My heart beats so it scares me to death!"

With a smile that looked something like a sneer, the young man leaned back. He had stretched out on the floor of the gas station, arms in back of his head. Lips followed the words of the song, but awkwardly.

"She touched my hand what a chill I got/Her lips are like a volcano that's hot/I'm proud to say she's my buttercup/I'm in love! I'm all shook up!"

Taking a long drag on a cigarette, the young man looked about as content as he could be. But he frowned as he heard a car pull up outside. He hesitated, then went back to listening.

"My tongue gets tied when I try to speak/My insides shake like a leaf on a tree/There's only one cure for this body of mine/That's to have the girl that I love so fine!"

A shadow fell across the young man. He looked up, annoyed. Before and above him stood a tall man in a long coat and a broad-brimmed hat, the setting sun behind him. It made the stranger look like a shadow rather than a man. Certainly his face was completely hidden. "I need fuel," said a voice from the shadow. It had an accent, one vaguely European. "Now."

"Okay, okay, just hold your horses," grumbled the young man. The stranger said nothing but watched as the young man managed to get up and out of the gas station. Without a word, the stranger moved out of his way, watching him as he headed to the car. Quickly, but with an air of doing a grudging favor, he grabbed the nozzle and began feeding gas into the stranger's car. It was the car that captured his attention. Beneath the dust, its paint was untarnished and bright. The shape was sleek, even stylish, with its road-hugging width emphasized by the raised fins in back. Naked envy shone on the young man's face.

He barely seemed to notice as the stranger got into the car. But then he did. Putting the gas nozzle away, he headed over to the driver's side and was about to quote a price when the stranger startled him. A five dollar bill was thrust into his hand.

"Keep the change."

"Uh…" He didn't know how to take this. "Thanks."

Without looking at him and with his face still hidden, the stranger asked, "What is your name?"

"Charlie," was the answer, suspicious.

"What's wrong with your legs, Charlie?"

At that, Charlie scowled. His lips turned into an open sneer, and his eyes flashed. "Born that way." He said it like a challenge.

"Your birthday?"

"I don't reckon that's none of your business."

"Birth year then."

After a moment's hesitation, Charlie said, "1938."

"The end of the Depression," said the voice of the shadowed stranger. "Widespread malnutrition then. Not your fault."

"Nope." The word was almost spit out.

When the stranger reached into his pocket, Charlie tensed. But all he took out was what looked like a rock on a chain. A black rock. A strangely shiny but even more strangely dark rock, like a big diamond but made maybe of shadow instead of anything solid. Charlie blinked looking at it.

"None of it is your fault," said the stranger.

Charlie, staring at the rock, nodded. But the nod became a twitch. He started to blink, hard.

"It is them, isn't it? Holding you back? Getting in your way?"

"Yessir." Charlie's voice was lower than usual. His hand reached up and touched his head.

"But, you'll show them, won't you? Won't you?"

"I'll show'em," was the muttered reply. "My head hurts."

"What's your last name, Charlie?"

"Starkweather – you got some aspirin?"

"No. I don't carry painkillers, Charlie. But I'll look for your name, Charlie Starkweather. For years now I've been meeting people like you all over the country, and I have all their names. Maybe you'll be one of the ones I hear about again. Maybe."

The stranger put the stone away. Charlie shuddered as if he'd been let go. Both hands on his head, he stood there and whimpered a little as the Cadillac with the fins in back drove away.

From inside the gas station, a new song was playing on the radio.

"Put a spell on you," crooned Screaming Jay Hawkins in an eerie tone, "Because you're mine--You're mine!"

Quietly, Charlie Starkweather began to cry.

Fade Out.

Cleveland, Present Day

Fade In:


Charter Bus – Morning

Placing her hands against the tinted glass of the scarlet and black vehicle, a small dark haired girl – no older than twelve – looked on in wonder at the peaceful shores of Lake Erie. Beside her a blond-haired boy of similar age sat on the edge of his seat in rapt attention as a girl two rows in front of him concentrated on a pink eraser, which was hovering a foot and half above her seat.

Further up the aisle other boys and girls chatted animatedly to each other, creating an atmosphere of nervous energy throughout the bus.

"My older sister is a slayer too," said a red-headed girl. "She told me that Faith Lehane leaves her in charge sometimes. She's really important."

The boy in the row in front of her looked eager as he whispered conspiratorially, "I heard we have to kill a vampire on our first day, or they won't let us join." The girl next to him gasped as he continued, "That's not fair to us watchers. Maybe we just have to tell a slayer to do it." He looked over at his seatmate. "You're not a slayer, are you?"

The girl nodded slowly.

"Oh." The boy looked embarrassed. "Well, just tell them you're sick or something." He looked ahead to the front of the bus. "How much longer 'til we get there?"

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Parking Garage – Same Time

With an audible huff, Lorinda slumped against the gray concrete wall of the parking complex. She crossed her arms over her chest and grumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like the word "unfair."

She stood there for less than a minute before a heavy door to her right opened and Shannon stepped through, looking rather nervous.

The door closed before Shannon noticed Lorinda watching her. Appearing like a deer caught in the headlights, Shannon choked out a feeble, "Hey." She then blurted, "What are you doing?"

"Making a sandwich," Lorinda challenged with a raised eyebrow. When Shannon frowned, she amended her statement. "Or I'm waiting for the newbies." She sighed, "Faith asked me to make sure their stuff gets to the dorms."

"That sucks," Shannon commiserated as she leaned against the wall next to Lorinda. "Too bad we don't have any house elves."


Shannon sighed. "Sorry. Bad joke."

An uneasy silence ensued – Lorinda looking ahead at the garage entrance and Shannon staring at her feet.

"So," Lorinda said, breaking the tension. "What are you doing down here?" Her tone was casual, but the look in her eyes indicated she was indeed curious.

Shannon's cheeks flushed. "Umm, I'm just meeting someone."

"Who's that?"


Before Shannon could answer, the door leading to the garage opened, and Robin stepped out. Both girls stood up away from the wall. He spotted the slayers immediately and issued a friendly smile. "Shannon. Lorinda. No classes?"

They shrugged.

The parking garage grew eerily silent as no one spoke for over a minute. As Robin checked his watch, Lorinda mouthed the word "awkward" to Shannon, who nodded while eyeing Robin uncomfortably.

All three sets of eyes shot to the garage entrance as the rev of an engine echoed through the mostly empty space. The Council charter bus pulled through the sunlit opening and eased to a stop in the loading area. The driver killed the engine, and Robin stepped forward, giving him a short wave.

Shannon and Lorinda watched as the bus door opened and Robin stepped on. Lorinda chuckled, "You remember that speech?"

Shannon smiled and quoted sarcastically, " 'Good morning, I'm Mr. Wood.' " They both laughed. "I remember asking Faith why all the boys giggled."

"What did she say?"

"Nothing," Shannon shrugged, a big grin on her face. "But she did laugh. For like five minutes."

Robin stepped off the bus, followed by a line of nervous children. He marched them through the Council entrance, passing Lorinda and Shannon along the way. Several of the new students stared at them in wonder as they passed by.

"Tell me we never looked that young," Shannon asked as she watched a tiny brown-haired girl disappear through the doorway.

"Maybe you did," Lorinda replied as the last of the children exited the garage.

Shannon rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall.

Lorinda sighed, "Sorry. I'm trying to stop doing that." On Shannon's questioning stare, she elaborated, "Being such a bitch all the time. It doesn't really help with the whole 'keeping friends' thing." She dropped back against the wall.

"That's good to know," Shannon said as the rev of another engine drew their attention – though this time from a motorcycle, not a bus.

Shannon smiled as Faith parked her bike in a narrow spot near the door and turned off the engine. Her passenger, who stood a few inches taller than Faith, removed his helmet to reveal a mess of shaggy dark hair.

"I told you we wouldn't beat the bus," he said in a teasing tone as he adjusted the duffle on his back.

"Yeah, whatever," Faith replied as she removed her own helmet. With her free hand she ruffled his hair. "I still can't believe this. Robin's going to be so jealous."

"Hey Norman," Shannon called, nervously stepping towards them. "I, uh, how was your trip?"

Norman's cheeks flushed, "Uh, it uh, it was good."

"Cool," she replied.

Faith laughed as she looked between them. "Real smooth, guys."

Norman shot her a disbelieving look that only made her grin more.

"Okay I'll stop," Faith said, taking his helmet. "Come find me later." Her gaze turned to Shannon. "I don't want to hear that you are corrupting my only son." Shannon looked horrified. Having embarrassed them both, Faith smiled and left the garage muttering "Too easy" under her breath.

"Well I'm off to tote some luggage," Lorinda called unenthusiastically as she pushed off the wall.

"Need any help?" Norman asked, unable to meet Shannon's eye without blushing.

Lorinda smiled genuinely.

"She's fine," Shannon replied before the other slayer could speak. "I've got to talk to Ethan real quick on the practice field, and then we can go do something."

"Uh, sure," Norman answered, giving Lorinda an apologetic shrug as Shannon pulled him toward the door. "Bye Lorinda."

"See ya," Lorinda replied, but he was already gone. She moved toward the bus with a sigh.

Fade Out.

End of Teaser

Act One


Lacey Chabert as Skye Talisker, Gale Harold as Jim Pollan, Caroline Dhavernas as Grace Hatherley, Elijah Woods as Jeff Lindquist, Laura Pyper as Casey Pierce, Steffani Brass as Shannon Matthewson, Rachel Hurd-Wood as Lorinda Sheparton, Robin Sachs as Ethan Rayne, Laura Prepon as Lori Carew, Christine Romano as Hope Lehane and Gary Oldman as Mr. Jason Felix

Guest Starring:

Freddie Highmore as Norman Hansen, Jodelle Ferland as Virginia, Meagan Good as Karen Sturgess, Jewel Staite as Homeless Demon, Marcia Cross as Autumn O'Mara, Brent Taylor as Charles Starkweather and Sir Derek Jacobi as Varthrim

Fade In:


Watchers Council – Athletics Field – Morning

"But Ethan, Norm's here and –"

"And wasn't it you that told me the squad's poor showing in the World Games meant they'd be worked double time?"

"Yeah, but –"

"The precious moments you're so looking forward to with Norman," Ethan said, not unkindly, "are being whittled away while you stand here arguing with me. Just think how much sooner you can be with him once you've finished working with the squad."

"Shan…go on…I'm fine," Norman said from behind Shannon's shoulder. "I'll sit out in the field and sketch for a while. Or maybe I'll go find Robin and see what's new with him."

"He's in orientation for the newbies," Shannon replied.

"Oh. Right. Well, I'll find something to do…"

Shannon huffed a sigh at both Ethan and Norman and headed out towards the slayers-in-training waiting on the athletic field. Norman smiled, shrugged at Ethan, and walked to the bleachers, where he began to pull charcoals and paper from his book bag.

Ethan watched Norman for a moment and then walked back toward the Council building. Lorinda silently passed him on her way to the field; he turned and watched her approach the bleachers. "Ah…" he mused softly to himself. "Now the fun begins."

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Athletics Field Bleachers – Same Time


Norman looked up from his charcoal drawing. "Oh. Uh…hi."

"Um…you aren't gonna hit me again, are you?" Lorinda asked.

"Hit…? Oh! You mean, when I knocked you down because you were trying to stake Skye…out in the woods that time…"

Lorinda looked away and nodded.

"I – Look, I'm real sorry about that. It's just that you were – you were really –"

"I was in slayer mode," Lorinda said, not quite apologetically. "It happens to all of us. Even Shannon…"

"Yeah. Yeah I guess."

"I'd hate to think that we…couldn't be friends because of it…" Lorinda moved past Norman and walked to the edge of the stands, looking out at the slayer-in-training squad. She said nothing, and Norman looked back down at his picture, but the flapping of Lorinda's skirt in the brisk wind caught his attention. He noticed the backs of her legs turning red from the biting cold.

"Kinda cold to be standing outside…" he said uncertainly. Lorinda turned and looked at him. He grinned sheepishly back at her. "Isn't it?" he added.

"I always come out here and watch them practice. She's good, y'know? Shannon. She can get them to do things without even trying." Softy, she added, "I don't know if I can ever do anything like that…"

Out in the field, Bailey and Madison were looking past Shannon and out toward the bleachers.

"Hey!" Shannon barked. "Pay attention!" The two girls turned their attention to Shannon, but Tyeesha and Jennifer now saw what the other two girls were looking at. They exchanged a quick glance between them as Shannon shot them a hard glare.

"What's going on?" Shannon asked.

"Shannon," Cindy said quietly, "I think Lorinda is stealing Norman." She raised her hand and pointed a tiny finger towards the stands.

Shannon turned slowly.

"Norman! That's sooo great! How did you draw it so fast?" Lorinda stood smiling, head tilted and hair falling across her mouth and jaw. "It's like I'm looking in a mirror!" she said of the quickly rendered line drawing of herself standing with her skirt flapping in the breeze.

Norman blushed and shrugged.

"It's really good," Lorinda persisted. "I can almost feel the wind in the picture!" Norman blushed even deeper. Lorinda looked at him quickly, then down again. "You know, it is kinda windy out here…Kinda cold, too…"

"Huh? Oh! Well…let's go inside."

"You don't mind?"

"Naw, Shannon's gonna be out there a while, and I can't draw when my fingers are cold. Hey, is the cafeteria open? I can get us some hot cocoa…"

"Thanks, Norman. I'd really like that."

Norman stood up quickly and upset his charcoals and book bag.

Shannon glared at Norman and Lorinda as the two picked up his charcoals, Lorinda's light laughter carrying on the wind. Norman and Lorinda left the stands and headed toward the Council building, Norman not once looking back.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Same Time

The newest class of young slayers, watchers, and coven members slowly filed into the empty classroom, nervousness still etched upon their small faces.

"Everyone please take a seat," Robin ordered as he followed the last student inside. He shut the door, moved toward the desk at the front of the classroom, and waited as the last of the students settled in. Leaning casually against the edge of the desk, he began, "Before we get started, I'd like to get an idea of what you all think that we do here."

"My brother says we kill stuff!" called out a clearly overenthusiastic young brunette slayer in the front row.

"Stuff?" Robin questioned. "What kind of stuff?"

"Like demons," she replied. "And vampires and bad guys."

A blonde girl sitting next to the brunette raised her hand and spoke when Robin nodded in her direction. "We protect people. We're superheroes."

Robin smiled. "Well, the first part is certainly true. It's a slayer's job to protect people." He looked around the room. "What about the watchers? What do they do?"

An eager looking boy quickly raised his hand and said importantly, "We tell the slayers what to do!"

Robin half-nodded. "To an extent. The watchers do guide the slayers. Where a slayer uses strength, a watcher uses knowledge."

"So slayers are the muscle and watchers are the brains?"

"Again, to an extent, yes," Robin answered. "But slayers can be very intelligent, and some watchers are rather skilled at fighting, too." He paused. "And what about the coven?"

For a moment no one spoke. A few pairs of eyes found the girl who had made an eraser float on the bus. She guiltily raised her hand. "My mom says that we learn how to do magic. But we're not supposed to do it unless it's really important."

Robin chuckled, "Well, I can't argue with that." He stood up and moved around the side of the desk. He picked up a piece of chalk and spoke as he wrote. "Strength, Knowledge, and Wisdom." He underlined each word and then beneath them he wrote "Slayer, Watcher, and Coven."

The female coven recruit raised her hand. "So all three of them work together in a happy group?"

Smash Cut To:


Watchers Council – Meeting Room – Day (Flashback)

"Where were your girls?!!" Rowena shouted at Faith across the table.

"Taking on a 12-foot troll who was only a 6-foot troll before the Wiccas went all wonky!" Faith retorted as she pointed accusingly at Willow.

"That was not our fault!" Willow shouted back. "No one told us they had a Baccanus talisman," she said, motioning toward Rowena.

"So this is my fault?!" Rowena shouted back. "I wasn't even there!"

The women around the table all began to raise their voices. Nostrils flaring. Fingers pointing. Accusations flying.

"Ladies?" Robin asked as he watched them all sparring with each other. They all seemed oblivious to his presence, but that didn't stop his head from moving back and forth as if watching a tennis match.

"Uh, ladies?" he tried again. As their voices grew even louder, he shook his head. After not being able to break up the argument with his words, he put his fingers in his mouth and gave a loud whistle. Three sets of angry eyes now focused entirely on him, their annoyance now glaring in his direction.

Robin grinned nervously.

Cut To:


Council Classroom – Resume Present Day

"They might not always see eye to eye," Robin sheepishly admitted. "But in the end, they work things out through diplomacy and respect. Now, considering what I said a few minutes ago…should a slayer only be concerned with strength? A watcher only with knowledge?"

A few students tentatively nodded in the affirmative.

"You don't look too sure." Robin set down the chalk and resumed his position perched on the front of the desk. "It's not an easy question." Thirty pairs of eyes stared back at him uncertainly. "In fact, not too long ago a friend of mine had to decide as well. She was patrolling…"

Fade Out.


Fade In:


Warehouse District – Late Night (Flashback)

West 6th street was unsurprisingly deserted. While normally the iconic city street attracted both townies and tourists to the bustling nightclubs and improv houses, the current downpour put a damper on any late night plans.

The flashing yellow street lights were barely visible through the sheets of rain, and several cabbies had parked against the sidewalks, choosing to wait out the rain rather than brave the streets.

With loud splashing strides, a trio of girls ran across the empty street, heading for a large awning protecting the entrance to a vegetarian deli. A panting redhead reached the covered space first and let out a loud "whoop." She raised her arms in victory and spoke in between deep breaths.

"I win!" Vi yelled. "Thank you all for playing. You can pick up your consolation prizes in the rain soaked street."

"You didn't win because we weren't racing," Heli replied as she massaged a stitch in her side. "I was just trying to get out of the rain."

"You just don't like losing," Vi replied, receiving a sneer from Heli. "Back me up here, Kennedy."

"Don't drag me into this," Kennedy warned as she removed her denim jacket and attempted to wring out the water without much success.

"We should probably head back," Heli said as her teeth began to chatter. "Nothing is going to be hanging around in all this rain."

"Yeah," agreed Kennedy as she put her jacket back on. "Let's go home before we freeze to death."

Kennedy and Heli moved back into the street but stopped when Vi spoke. "Guys?" Her gaze was fixed across the street into an alley that ran between a bar and a nightclub, where two people were standing extremely close. "I think we've got a vamp."

Cut To:


Alley – Same Time (Flashback)

"Does it hurt?" a girl no older than seventeen asked as she stood huddled against the wall of the alley, under the fire escape and away from the rain. She had deep bags under her eyes and wore a long sleeve shirt.

"It's worth it," said the pale boy next to her. He looked to be in his early twenties, sported a Cavaliers cap over soaked black hair, and wore a baggy, somewhat grimy, basketball jersey.

Looking around anxiously, the girl nodded slowly.

The guy smiled and took a step closer.

In a flash, he was yanked backwards and shoved against the brick wall of the alley. Kennedy's left arm effectively pinned him in place. Behind her Heli and Vi had stakes out and ready.

"Are you okay?" Kennedy asked, looking at the frightened girl.

With eyes wide, she turned and ran from the alley, avoiding Heli and Vi in her haste to escape.

"You're welcome," Kennedy shouted at the girl's retreating form as she rolled her eyes. Turning her attention back to the boy, she sighed, "Why do they never thank us?"

The guy squirmed. "Let me go, Slayer."

"I'm thinking no," she replied. "It's not really our policy when we catch a vamp…" She trailed off and looked at him curiously. Turning back to her fellow slayers, she asked, "Something feel off about this to you guys?"

Vi and Heli looked at each other and shrugged.

Using her free hand, Kennedy checked for a pulse. "You're alive." Her tone indicated her surprise as she removed her arm from his chest and stepped back.

The guy rubbed his chest and coughed once before bolting out of the alley. The girls could only stare after him in utter confusion.

"That was weird," Vi said as he disappeared from sight at the end of the alley.

Behind her Heli bent down and retrieved something from the asphalt below. She held up the small bag of grayish crystals to the light. "I think we just broke up a drug deal."

Kennedy took the bag and eyed it curiously. "Come on. Let's go home."

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Kennedy's Office – Morning (Flashback)

Sitting in her chair, Kennedy examined the bag of gray crystals. With a sigh she dropped it on her desk, took a sip of coffee, and picked up her phone. She punched in a familiar four-digit number and waited for the call to connect.







"Who we callin'?" Faith asked as she wandered into the office and dropped unceremoniously into the chair opposite Kennedy's desk.

Kennedy looked up and rolled her eyes. "You, actually." She dropped the receiver back on the phone and teased, "Are you ever in your office?"

"I try not to be," Faith replied as she propped her feet up on the end of Kennedy's desk in practiced fashion and tugged at a loose thread that protruded from the seam of her tight black jeans. "So what's up?"

"Heli, Vi, and I broke up a drug deal last night."

Faith eyebrows shot up.

"Don't get too excited," Kennedy chided. "It was just a couple of kids. But I did want to ask you the policy on this. Do we call the CPD?"

"Did you get any names?"

Kennedy shook her head. "All I got was their bag of…I don't know…" She pointed to the bag on her desk. "…coke?"

Faith laughed. "You don't know? I thought you went to private school. You should be an encyclopedia of recreational drugs."

"That wasn't really my crowd," Kennedy replied with a shrug. "Besides, most people in my high school just smoked weed. I never saw any of the harder stuff."

"Yeah, I was just kidding," Faith said as she looked down at the bag on Kennedy's desk. "Well, it looks like a bag of blast." When Kennedy shot her a questioning look, Faith clarified. "It's crack."

Kennedy's eyes widened. "Crack?"

"Cocaine," Faith supplied.

"I know what crack is," Kennedy replied, somewhat indignantly. "But how is it that you can just recognize brand, make, and model on the spot?"

The look Faith shot her was response enough.

The younger slayer's brows shot up. "Oh."

Faith shrugged and looked back down at the bag. "This is pretty cheap stuff. Where were you last night?"

"Warehouse. West 6th right by Cabaret Dada," Kennedy answered.

Faith frowned and picked up the bag. "That's weird. Anyone at The Improv could afford better stuff than this." As she examined the bag more closely, a sudden recognition spread across her face.

"What?" Kennedy sat up when she saw her friend's expression change.

Sliding her feet off Kennedy's desk, Faith looked up and asked, "You said you took this off a kid?"

Kennedy nodded. "Some twenty-something."

"You're sure it wasn't a vampire?"

"He had a pulse. Why?"

Faith sighed. "I've seen this stuff before."

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Rowena's Office – Later (Flashback)

"Mystical? Are you sure?" Rowena asked from behind a mountain of paper work, trying her hardest to sound interested.

Kennedy looked annoyed. "Faith said it looked a lot like a drug she saw in LA. Humans used it, and then vamps fed off them."

Rowena signed a page on the large file in front of her and spoke without looking up. "Have you shown it to Willow?"

"Yeah, she couldn't identify it. At least not chemically. She did say it felt weird, though."

This made Rowena look up. "Weird how?"

Kennedy shrugged. "Just weird. Whenever she held it. Her words, not mine. Do you know anything about stuff like this?"

Rowena thought for a moment. She set down her pen and began to speak. "I've never seen it personally, but I've read enough about it to know how it works. They live out of warehouses or other large abandoned spaces. It's usually the vampires that make the drugs – two or three of them working together. The nest becomes a safe house. Other vampires pay to stay while the makers recruit humans to sell their product."

"That makes sense. Then we can't go around staking the dealers."

Rowena nodded. "Also, it opens up the day. People buying the drugs can go to the safe house at any time. It's a lot harder for us to police."

"So people go there, shoot up, and let themselves be bitten. What's to stop the vamps from killing them?

"Nothing," Rowena replied with a sigh. "They are paying for the high, not to feed. Once a person steps inside the safe house, for all intents and purposes, they become the drug. They'll be passed around for a few days until they either run out of blood or OD."

"Why would anyone do that?"

"It's a rush for the humans, too. They target junkies. It's a cheap high, but they never come back down."

Kennedy shook her head in disbelief. "So what do we do about it?"

"The Old Guard's policy was to do nothing."


Rowena shook her head. "They felt that if humans were willing to put themselves in that kind of danger, then they didn't deserve a slayer's protection."

"That's really stupid," Kennedy replied. They were both quiet for a minute before she spoke again. "What's our policy?"

Cut To:


Sunset Club – Night (Flashback)

"So refresh my memory," Vi said as she crossed her arms outside the entrance to the club frequented by vampires. "What exactly are we doing here?"

"In my opinion we're wasting time," Heli replied as she leaned against the wall near the door of the bar. "We should be staking vampires, not using them for information."

"Well, I guess Kennedy doesn't see it that way," Vi said just before the sound of several vampires being dusted carried through the door. "Or maybe she does."

Before either of them could move, the door to the bar swung open and Kennedy emerged, brushing dust from her clothes. "You guys ready to go?"

"I take it you got your information," Heli observed.

"Yup," Kennedy replied. "I can see why Faith likes this place. Everyone's so helpful." She moved from the vampire haunt. "Come on, we're heading back to 6th street. I know where to find our dealer."

Cut To:


Warehouse District – Deserted Parking Lot – Later (Flashback)

"I don't see the dealer," Vi commented as the trio stood in the middle of the poorly lit decrepit lot on the east side. She kicked at a tuft of grass growing through a crack in the worn asphalt.

"Let's get out of sight and wait," Kennedy suggested. "Apparently this is one of our guy's favorite spots to meet new buyers."

They took position in the corner of the lot behind a large overflowing dumpster that had been pushed several feet away from an adjacent building. From that spot they were able to see the entire parking lot, while staying well hidden.

"Sometimes this job really stinks," Vi remarked as she motioned to their surroundings.

"She's punning," Heli told Kennedy in deadpan. "You promised me she wouldn't pun."

Kennedy just grinned.

Fade To:


Warehouse District – Deserted Parking Lot – Later (Flashback)

Kennedy looked bored as she was trying to balance an empty milk carton on one finger as a means to kill time.

"Okay, this is stupid," Heli announced. "It's been over a half hour and we've seen no one – alive or undead. Why would a dealer meet someone in the middle of a parking lot where anyone could see –?"

She was cut off by "shush" from Vi. Pointing out into the lot, the redhead whispered, "Someone's coming."

Kennedy put down the carton and turned in the direction Vi was gesturing.

"It's not him," Kennedy said as a male teenager with dark hair emerged from the shadows on the other side of the lot and walked towards them. "It must be the buyer."

The young man looked about nervously, unsure of his surroundings, but continued on his path to the dumpster. "Why is he coming right at us?" Vi asked.

Heli gave Kennedy a meaningful look as the lead slayer said, "Crap. This is where they meet. The vamp said in the parking lot, not by a dumpster. I'd kill him if he wasn't already dead and I hadn't already staked him."

"If this guy sees us, he's going to bolt," Heli supplied.

Kennedy moved back a few steps. "He'll see us if we go back into the lot. We're screwed. There's nowhere to hide back here."

Cut To:


Dumpster – Moments Later (Flashback)

They watched from below a pile of torn cardboard boxes as the buyer stopped walking a few feet from where they had been standing. The shadows provided by the adjacent building kept them well hidden.

"We will never speak of this to anyone," Kennedy whispered forcefully. "Ever!"

"He's coming," Heli observed as the pale boy they'd seen the day before appeared, jogging towards the dumpsters. "Let's take him right now."

"Yeah," Vi agreed. "We can take him to the cops."

"No," Kennedy replied in a low, but firm tone. "He's going to have to tell the buyer where the nest is. We wait and follow him."

They watched for several minutes as the buyer and seller made the exchange. The pair parted and left in separate directions. Carefully, the slayers climbed out of their hiding place. Kennedy was quick to give out orders.

"Heli, follow the dealer. Collect all of his 'merchandise' and get it back to the Council. Read him the riot act if you have to, but let him know that the Council will not tolerate the sale of mystical narcotics by humans."

Heli nodded and followed the seller's path, jogging quickly through the darkened parking lot.

"Let's go find the nest," Kennedy said to Vi.

They followed behind the buyer, keeping to the darker stretches of sidewalk in order to stay out of sight. They weren't walking for very long before the teen stopped in front of an abandoned church. He gave the area a cautious glance to make sure he was not being watched, and then he trotted up the front steps to the entrance of the building. As he reached for the door, Kennedy grabbed his arm, pulling him back a few steps. Fishing into the front pocket of his jeans, she retrieved a small bag of grayish crystals. She tossed the bag to Vi and then whopped him up the side of the head. "Don't do drugs!" She guided him down the steps and in no uncertain tones commanded, "Go home and stay there."

Petrified, the teen took off at a run.

Kennedy looked to Vi. "Let's call it in and put this place out of business."

The pair of slayers burst through the doors to see about ten to fifteen vampires in various states of inebriation. Vi and Kennedy grinned at each other and pulled their stakes before charging in.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume Present Day

Nervously, a young man raised his hand. "Maybe I'm the only one, but…I'm not sure I get it, Mr. Wood," he confessed. The young man looked around to see a few of his comrades looking to Robin as well, waiting for an answer.

"There are two points here. Slayers need to think fast on their feet, but they also need to work with their counterparts in order to be successful."

"And the vamp nest?" one girl asked.

"History," Robin said with a grin.

Fade Out.

End of Act One

Act Two

Fade In:


Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Later

"You want another?" Norman asked.

Lorinda brought her face up from the mug of hot cocoa, a smear of whipped cream across the top of her upper lip. "But this is my second one!" she smiled shyly.

"That's okay!" Norman said. "This is my third! Uh…you have a little uh…whipped cream…kinda…"

"Where?" she asked.

"Right, like, over your lip." He rubbed his finger across his own to show her where.

Lorinda raised the tips of her first two fingers to her lip and lightly wiped the whipped cream off. Then she stuck her fingers in her mouth and giggled.

Norman blinked, then laughed, too.

"You missed a little, 'Rinda." A hand shot out and lifted up a dollop of whipped cream from Norman's hot cocoa. Suddenly, whipped cream was smeared across Lorinda's mouth and nose.

"Hey!" Lorinda stood up fast, toppling her chair. Fists raised, she stood in a fighting stance, the whipped cream still smeared across her face.

Shannon faced her, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "Now that's a pretty picture," she sneered. "Draw that, Norm!"

"Shannon! Shan, what are you, nuts?" Norman cried, crossing to Lorinda. He handed her his napkin. "What's up with you?" he demanded of Shannon.

"Oh, little southern gentleman to the rescue of the poor little maiden in distress?" Shannon snarled back.

"That's damsel in distress," Norman said angrily. "And what the hell is your problem?"

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Dining Hall Entrance – Same Time

Little Cindy Loomis, her errant lock of red hair standing up straight atop her head, pulled Ethan Rayne along by one hand. She stopped so suddenly in the doorway of the cafeteria that the tall Brit nearly tumbled over her. He caught himself just in time and saw where she was pointing.

"Thank you, Cindy, yes," Ethan said as Shannon and Lorinda faced off, a mere inch from one another. "Now rejoin the squad and continue practicing your high kicks."

As Cindy scampered away, Ethan took in the scene, a grin forming on his lips.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Same Time

"Keep your hands off, 'Rinda, or you'll lose 'em both when I'm done with you!"

"Shannon!" Norman cried. "Just take it eas –"

"I didn't do anything!" Lorinda objected in a high-pitched whine. "We were drinking hot chocolate! Is that some kinda crime?"

"Yeah, contributing to the delinquency of a minor!"

"Minor?!" Norman said.

"You are so weird, Matthewson!" Lorinda said scornfully. "If you were a real girl, he wouldn't even look at anyone else!"

"Hey, that's enough!" Norman said, rounding on Lorinda.

"If you were a real slayer, you'd have the training squad!" Shannon shot back.

Lorinda's mouth dropped open. "You bi –"

"Ah, young love…and the poisonous sting of jealousy…"

The three youngsters turned to see Ethan standing and chuckling as he lit a cigarette.

"Well, right now, Shannon," Ethan continued, "no one has the squad. They're outside, practicing their moves on their own. I certainly hope they don't hurt themselves." He turned his narrow gaze to Lorinda. "We all know how unattended slayers can be, left to their own devices."

Shannon began to smirk, but then saw the look on Norman's face. He was looking at Lorinda, who appeared quite stricken.

"I –" Lorinda began, searching Ethan's sharp, clear eyes. "I wasn't…I didn't do anything…I was…" She blinked, and Shannon saw that she was close to tears.

"Oh, nice!" Shannon said scornfully. "You gonna turn on the waterworks now? Go 'head. Nobody's buyin' it."

"Shan…" Norman said softly.

Lorinda suddenly looked very sad. She turned to Norman. "I'm sorry," she quietly. "Thank you for the hot cocoa."

She picked up her jacket from the back of her chair, and without another word, she left quickly, brushing past Ethan and leaving him, Norman, and Shannon standing in silence in the empty dining hall.

"Shan…what is wrong with –?"

"Norman…lad, would you mind terribly giving us a moment?" Ethan said, gesturing between himself and his slayer. "Shannon and I need to have a little watcher-slayer heart-to-whatever-it-is-slayers-possess-that-counts-for-a-heart talk?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sure…" Norman gathered his coat and his gloves, his hat and scarf, his book bag and his papers and charcoals and looked once at Shannon. She did not look back at him, but glared at the spot where Lorinda had stood.

Norman began to speak, then closed his mouth and left with a polite nod to Ethan. Ethan patted him on the shoulder as he walked by.

"Right," Ethan said. "Well then –"

"You're not my watcher, Ethan!"

"I am when you are in the role of squad leader. You were supposed to be fulfilling your obligation to that role when suddenly, poof, you disappear into thin air, leaving the trainees without any guidance."

"Funny you should use the word 'poof'…"

"The only funny thing right now, Shannon, is how silly you look to the squad and to Norman."

Shannon spun angrily around. "What do you know? Huh? You've never loved anyone in your life! You don't know what it's like!"

"I know what it's like to hold onto someone out of fear of losing them. I know what it's like to hold on so tightly that the other person is practically smothered and struggles to break free. Shannon, holding on that tight will only make Norman turn away with no need for extraneous flirtations."

"Lorinda's –"

"A lonely girl with no clue how to make friends, let alone earn herself a boyfriend. Yes, you actually did earn your relationship with Norman. But it didn't happen overnight. And because of that, it won't disappear overnight either, no matter what charms or coquettish behavior that young lady exudes."

"English please!"

"You understand me, quite well. Shannon, Lorinda only knows how to flirt. She only knows how to tease and how to annoy. She doesn't really know yet how to be a friend or how even to be friendly. And Norman, bless his clueless soul, doesn't know how not to be. But he does know who his real friends are. And he knows whom he cares about more than anyone else. And that, my Little Blue Slayer, is you."

"She put on a big act. And now he's takin' her side."

"True, Lorinda is capable of award winning performances. But that wasn't one of them. And Norman wasn't taking her side. I daresay he's more concerned about the way you acted than he is about anything Lorinda did."

Shannon looked at the abandoned hot cocoa mugs sitting on the table. "I want to sit and have hot cocoa with him," she said. "I don't really think he's going for Lorinda…but she's such a…and he's so…"

"Don't sell Norman short. Nor yourself, for that matter. Look, your squad is outside practicing by themselves. They've probably broken each other's arms, legs, and heads at this point. Why don't you go finish up with them? We can talk later if you like, or perhaps you might want to talk to Dawn or Skye. But no matter what, you should have a conversation with Norman. And one with Lorinda. That much I insist upon, as your squad watcher."

Shannon heaved a heavy sigh and began to walk out of the dining hall. She stopped as she reached Ethan and adroitly snatched the cigarette from his lips, dropped it on the floor, and ground it out with the toe of her shoe.

He blinked at her.

"You're a bad influence, Ethan," she said, half-smiling. Then she left.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Later

Taking a sip of his water bottle, Robin watched a red-headed boy raise his hand. "Umm, Mr. Wood," the boy began when Robin pointed at him. "How do we know we've got what it takes?"

Several other children looked at Robin expectantly, as if they had been wondering the same thing.

Robin recapped his water and set it down. He looked past the class at the far wall as if he were lost in thought.

"With hard work, solid training, and the right support," he told them, "everyone in this room can be successful."

Cut To:


Sunnydale – Claremont High School – Night (Flashback)

The heel of Robin's boot collided with the side of a vampire's face. Both landed awkwardly, but it was Robin who found his feet first. Reaching into his leather jacket, he produced a stake and moved in for the kill.

A swift punch to the chest, however, sent him reeling backward into the brick exterior of the varsity gymnasium. Momentarily stunned, Robin coughed as a sheet of ash hit him square in the face. When the dust settled, he looked up at a familiar smiling face.

Karen Sturgess held out her hand to help Robin up. Her stake was already tucked securely back into her jeans pocket.

"This doesn't mean you're getting out of your final paper," he said as he grasped her pre-offered hand and stood.

"You're welcome," she said, her tone teasing.

They moved away from the gym, toward the front of the building. "You shouldn't be out this time of night," he said as he brushed some ash off his jacket.

"I was just looking for you," she replied innocently. She took a piece of paper out of her pocket. "I just got this today."

Robin took the paper and opened it, a smile forming on his face immediately. "Congratulations. San Diego was your first choice, right?"

"Yeah," she replied. "My cousin lives down there. It'll be nice to be around some family." She paused. "Mr. Wood, without your help, none of this would have been possible."

"Karen, you did all this yourself."

"Still…" She stepped forward to give him a hug. "Thank you."

He returned the embrace. "I still expect that paper."

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume Present Day

Robin collected his thoughts and began to speak. "For every slayer, watcher, or witch the path to success is different. We aren't going to force any of you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with. You'll learn from us, and when you feel comfortable and when we as your teachers feel that you're ready, then you'll be given more responsibilities. You'll patrol, you'll help us train slayers, or you'll begin studying more advanced magic. But not before you think you're ready."

The red-headed boy nodded, satisfied by the answer.

Robin took another swig of water and continued speaking, "Having said that, let me stress that sometimes dangers can appear when we aren't looking for them and we find ourselves unready. A few years ago, two of our watchers encountered such a situation…"

Fade Out.


Fade In:


Lake Erie – Late Evening (Flashback)

A pair of bright headlights, belonging to a black SUV, cut through the fluttering dregs of Cleveland's latest snow fall as the vehicle traveled down an empty access road leading towards a large shipping yard. Cutting easily through the four inches of accumulated snow, the driver eased the car onward while the occupant of the passenger seat looked out the window.

Cut To:


Council SUV – Same Time (Flashback)

"I still can't get used to the snow. Think they'll cancel school?" Dawn asked, her tone a bit too excited for someone who was years past being affected by the local school board's weather closures.

"Probably," Giles replied with a sigh from the driver's seat. He peered through the windshield with a look of indignation. "You know, when I was in school, we never missed any days. We…"

Dawn cut him off. "…had to walk to and from school, in two feet of snow, uphill both ways, with no gloves or boots, in a hand-me-down jacket? I think I've heard that one before."

Giles shot her a look. "Actually, I was going to say that we never got snow. Just rain." He was quiet for a moment before speaking under his breath. "A-And I had very nice boots."

Smiling to herself, Dawn set her gaze back toward the snowy night. Frowning, she turned to the car's GPS unit, then back to the window, and then back to the unit again. "Umm, Giles, I think we're lost."

"Nonsense," he replied simply. "I'm using that G-S-P device."

"GPS," Dawn corrected. "And it's wrong." She pointed at the screen. "Look, it says were next to Terminal Tower." She pointed out her window. "And that is Lake Erie."

Giles turned the car through the gate of a massive fenced-in lot containing a labyrinth of stacked shipping containers of various colors and sizes. He looked between the window and the GPS and tapped the screen. "Huh."

Nothing happened.

He tapped again.

"Maybe the storm's interfering with the satellite signal," Dawn suggested as she pulled out her cell phone. Flipping it open, she sighed when she received zero bars.

Shifting the car into reverse, Giles began a K-turn. "We'll go back the way we came. I should be able to follow our tracks. At least until…"

The sudden decompression of the front left tire halted his thought. The car skidded backwards a few feet, but did not spin out. Giles groaned and put the car in park. He gave Dawn a stern look, as if to say "stay in the vehicle," and then exited the car, leaving the driver's door open.

Leaning over the center console, Dawn called out, "How bad is it?"

Outside the car, Giles carefully knelt down next to the deflated tire. His brow furrowed at the sight of something protruding from the wet rubber just at the edge of the wheel well. It was cylindrical, about half an inch in diameter, and a dull white in color, almost ivory. Reaching forward, he gave it a quick, unsuccessful tug.

Adjusting his weight for better balance, Giles leaned in, and with both hands on the object, pulled forcefully. With a loud pop, he fell backwards onto his butt and watched as the remaining air escaped the deflating tire. He looked down at his hands. The object was long, about nine inches total, narrowing from base to tip where it curved inward like a fish hook or an animal's claw. A faint tinge of crimson stained the ivory surface.

Immediately, Giles checked under the car for the origin of the flat but found nothing. The snow beneath the car was a clean white. He stood up and looked outward at the containers. The perimeter of the lot was lit with dull yellow streetlamps, their light blurred by the softly falling snow. Visibility wasn't ideal, but it was clear enough for Giles to make out some footprints in the fresh snow. They were too large to be made by any native animals, and they were certainly not human.

"Giles?" Dawn called from inside the car. "Do we have to change the tire?"

Giles didn't answer, instead moving to the back of the SUV. He opened the back hatch and lifted a storage panel, retrieving a crossbow and a hunting knife from within.

"Giles?" Dawn was now leaning over her seat watching him. "What's going on?"

The sudden, audible footsteps behind him were answer enough. He turned and watched as two dozen demons began slowly closing in around the car. They appeared to be from varying species – some tall, others short; some covered in coarse fur, others with a thick scaly dermis; all of them had claws.

"Lock the doors!" He closed the back hatch and rushed around the side of the vehicle to the passenger door. Dawn took the weapons from his arms as he climbed in and slammed the door shut. For a moment neither of them moved, just watching as the demons formed a perimeter around the car.

"Can you drive on a flat?" Dawn asked as she checked her phone once more, but still didn't have a signal.

"We're going to find out," the elder watcher replied as he started the engine. A few of the demons stepped back at the unfamiliar sound. He shifted to drive and pressed down on the gas, causing the car to lurch forward toward the maze of shipping containers. The car squeezed between a pair of large scaly demons, one of which scratched Dawn's side door with a clawed, five-fingered hand.

"Giles, the exit is the other way," Dawn supplied urgently, as she undid her seat belt and swiveled in her seat to watch the demons' pursuit. They disappeared from view as Giles maneuvered the car between two rows of stacked containers that led to the back of the lot.

"I can't exactly turn around at the moment," he replied, somewhat frustrated. "Are there anymore behind us?" His eyes darted up to the rearview mirror.


Glancing back down, Giles saw the cause of Dawn's frantic call. Just ahead of them, a shabbily dressed homeless woman had emerged from inside a large yellow container.

Giles barely missed the woman as he swerved the wheel. The sudden correction sent the car sliding to the right, where it caught the open door of another container just beside the front right headlight. The force of the impact killed the SUV's forward momentum, causing it to violently spin around, slamming the driver's side into the container, where it finally stopped.

The last thing Giles saw before the world went black was the empty passenger seat next to him.

Cross-Fade To:


Council SUV – Later (Flashback)

Giles groaned into the air bag that he was currently using as a pillow. He sucked in a sharp breath as he moved his head, clearly in pain. A small trail of dried blood leading from his temple to just below his jaw indicated the source of the pain.

He groaned again.


There was no answer.

The silence seemed to clear the fuzz from his brain. Sitting up – though still holding his aching forehead – Giles blinked several times and looked up. "Dawn?"

The passenger seat was empty save for a pile of broken glass, no doubt the remains of the shattered windshield.

"DAWN?" His cry was now urgent. With some difficulty he pushed aside the air bag and climbed across the center console, stumbling out into the frosty evening. Taking a moment to steady his feet, he looked around, unable to locate either Dawn or the homeless woman. The snow had picked up, but not enough so that it covered up half a dozen fresh tracks leading up to the car and then away from it.

Heading back to the car, Giles located the crossbow and removed it from where it had wedged between the center console and dashboard. He reset the stake on the spring and unhooked the safety. Stepping away from the car, he began to follow the tracks in the snow.

Back in the car, Dawn's phone lay on the floor among the shattered glass. Two bars appeared next to the signal icon.

Cut To:


Freight Container Lot – Moments Later (Flashback)

Giles walked for several minutes, winding through the maze of containers, before a quick motion to his right drew his attention. He quickly spun around but saw nothing, only causing a sharp pain to his still throbbing skull.

He moved onward only to stop ten feet later when a thunderous metal clang sounded above his head. He looked up but saw nothing but a stack of containers seven units high.

He moved on, until the flicker of a light became visible at the end of a lane. As he rounded the corner, the area brightened up from the light of a large industrial drum that housed a small fire. Adjacent to the drum was a blue freight container, its sliding door half open and emitting more light from within.

Giles approached cautiously, keeping his finger on the crossbow's release. When he reached the door, he peered inside. To the right were several crates lined up together like a table and chairs. A candle was flickering away on one of the crates. To the right was…


Giles charged forward to where Dawn lay on an old rusted cot. Her face was bloody from a few gashes, and her breathing was ragged. He placed his hand to her neck, detecting a weak pulse. Setting down the crossbow, Giles removed his jacket and placed it over Dawn's shivering body.

Behind him the sliding door opened fully, and a large demon stepped in; it was the same one that had scratched Dawn's car door. Giles stepped in front of Dawn and reached for the crossbow, raising it before the eight-foot demon could close in on him.

Giles leveled the crossbow on the demon's red eyes and said, "Don't come any closer!"

The demon tilted its head as if trying to understand and then took another step into the container.


The demon did so and stared at Giles curiously. For the first time its body became visible. Its skin was dark and leathery, most of which was covered by shabby rags, not unlike those worn by a homeless person. Its claws were gone, apparently retracted, and its expression was almost placid.

Giles lowered the bow slightly. "You?"

The demon took Giles's hesitation as an invitation to move. It stepped toward Dawn slowly, as if to avoid any hostility, and withdrew a small satchel from its clothing. Reaching inside the bag, it withdrew a finely ground powder and began to sprinkle it along Dawn's neck.

"Now wait," Giles began, but trailed off as Dawn's breathing evened out. Kneeling down, he checked her pulse again; it was stronger than before. Looking up, Giles noticed that the demon was now spreading the same powder over the cuts to Dawn's face. He watched as the abrasions faded, not completely but enough so that they wouldn't scar.

Its work completed, the demon stepped back and moved to the other side of the makeshift home.

Giles watched it for a moment before clicking back the safety on his crossbow. He slung the bow over his shoulder, knelt down, and lifted Dawn into his arms. She was still unconscious, but no longer in immediate danger.

Securing Dawn in his arms, Giles stood and moved to the exit. At the door he caught the demon's gaze. "Thank you." His tone was genuine.

Once outside, Giles noticed that the inhabitants of the freight containers had come out of hiding. Humans and demons stood in doorways on the ground and above.

To his left, in a bright red container, a large fur-covered demon was using its sharp claws to fillet a fish for a smaller adolescent of the same species. To his right, two humans and a horned demon stood around a flaming barrel attempting to warm their hands.

Giles continued his walk until he reached the long row that led to the wrecked car. As he rounded the corner, heading toward the SUV, a voice from behind him called, "Don't come back."

Giles turned to see the homeless woman he'd almost hit with the car. He opened his mouth to speak, but she disappeared before he could get a word out.

Chastised, he continued on to the car. Upon arriving, he carefully laid Dawn on the undamaged side of the backseat, then moved to the front to look for Dawn's phone. Once he had it in hand, he dialed a familiar number and waited for the call to connect.

"Robin. I've been in an auto accident, and Dawn's hurt," he said.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume Present Day

"The point…?" Robin remarked as he addressed the class. "Even the most veteran of watchers might find themselves facing the unexpected. That means always be on your guard, but never jump to conclusions. No matter your age or experience, there're always new things to learn."

Fade Out.

End of Act Two

Act Three

Fade In:


Watchers Council – Lobby Waiting Area – Later That Morning

"Look, Norman, I'm sorry I caused you any trouble."

"Aw, don't worry about it," Norman waved Lorinda off. "Shannon's okay. She'll get over it. You'll see when she gets here."

"I don't think so."

"Yeah, well, I know her real well, and I do think so," he replied, irritated. "So forget it. Okay?"

Lorinda blinked and looked away, her face red. Norman saw her embarrassment and looked down, shamefaced, at the floor.

"Uh…" he began awkwardly. "Uh, hey…" he said more brightly, "take a look at this. I finished it up just a little while ago." He began to rummage through his book bag, struggling with the vinyl portfolio that seemed to be stuck on something. "It got a little crinkled, sorry," he continued. "I was working on it outside, and the wind got it. I had to chase it halfway across the field…"

Norman finally wrestled the portfolio from the bag and opened it, turning to the charcoal drawing of Lorinda. His eyes went wide at the sight. "Hey! What the –?"

Lorinda stood, eyes flashing angrily at the drawing.

"Is that funny?" she demanded. "Huh? Is it funny?" Her voice broke a little.

Norman looked up at the strangled sound. "Lorinda, I – I don't know how it got like this! I – this isn't how I left it!"

"Yeah. Right!" she said, choking back an angry sob. "I thought you were being nice. I thought maybe you were okay," she said bitterly. "But now I get how it is."

"No, you don't!" Norman said. "I didn't do this!"

"Well if you didn't, then who –? Oh. Oh right. Shaaaaaannie."

"Uh-uh, no way. Shannon would never do anything like this, no matter whose picture it was. You oughta know better."

"Maybe you ought to, Norman. Maybe Shannon did do it. Who else was hanging around you?"

"I don't…know…"

Norman picked up the obliterated charcoal drawing of Lorinda. It was completely smeared with heavy black lines that had been raked across it in all directions, as if drawn in a rage.

"Okay, I'm here," called Shannon's voice from the lobby entrance. Norman and Lorinda looked up. "So I guess we're calling a truce. Huh?" Shannon said, arms crossed in front of her.

"No," Lorinda said sternly. "There is no truce. You two can have each other!" She turned and stormed out of the lobby and into the hallway, not bringing her hand up to wipe her eyes until she was out of sight.

"What the hell was that all about?" Shannon said blandly. "You said we should meet and make nice. Guess that proves what I've been saying about her all along," she tossed off.

Norman made no reply but just stared at Shannon. The silence continued for a few seconds before Shannon turned and looked at him.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Shannon asked. "You're not actually falling for that act of hers, are –? Norm? Norm, what's the matter?"

"Look." He held up the picture of Lorinda for Shannon to see.

Shannon blinked in surprise at the damaged artwork. "Wow," she said. Then she smirked. "Could'na done better myself. I'd call that a real masterpie –"

"Shannon! How did this happen?"

"You're the artist, you tell me."

"Shan…I don't know…I put a perfect drawing –"

"If you do say so yourself…"

" – away in my portfolio, and now it's wrecked."

"You don't think I did it!"

"No! Of course not. But I didn't do it!"

"Oh no, she wouldn't!" Shannon said. "Then again, she probably did. "Wrecked her own picture so she could make you think that I did! Norm? Norm, are you listening to…?" Shannon's voice trailed off as she stepped around Norman to look over his shoulder. "What are you lookin' at?"

She tilted her head until she could see what he was staring at on the back of the picture.

"C'mon," she said quickly and grabbed him by the arm.

Norman stumbled as Shannon began to tug him along. "Where are we going?" he asked.

Cut To:


Willow and Rowena's Apartment – Living Room – Same Time

With her feet atop a large cushion resting on the coffee table in front of her, Rowena looked mightily content slouching on the downy sofa.

Slouched beside her, cowering under a blanket, sat Grace, her eyes fixed on the TV.

"So what's Oprah gonna tell us to read this week?" her toneless sarcastic question seemed more laborious than usual. It seemed designed more to cut the silence than to be quizzical.

Rowena swallowed hard and pushed a book that rested between her leg and the arm of the couch down into the gap of the sofa.

"Yeah I know, like we believe what Oprah tells us," Rowena countered, shifting her weight over to the side where the book was hidden. "How…how are you doing?" She turned to her apprentice.

Grace shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still on the TV. "I'm okay, I guess. Disappointed is all. Suppose I was a mite naive to believe that I could get my mum reinstated. She is one of the most loathed here."

"You had to try, and from what Robin told me, you put together a strong defense. You made them think, see the situation from different angles. He said he liked the way you put Felix in his place."

Grace smirked and turned to look at Rowena. "It's an art." Her smirk broadened into a smile and then started to fade. "People have been a little…shifty around me lately. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with, but I know I've made friends, and now some of them are like, I don't know, cold?"

Rowena sighed. "It's not always easy being the new girl. But you'll see, everything will be fine. Tensions and allegiances are running high at the moment. When things have calmed down, the place will be back to normal."

"Hope so," she replied meekly.

Rowena put her legs to the floor and turned fully to face Grace. "So, are you ready for the next step? You've grown a lot and proven to me that you can handle yourself."

"Not sure I'm following you, Ro."

"Grace, I'm promoting you to fully fledged watcher."

Grace just stared back at Rowena, her face void of expression. Then, she blurted a dumbfounded "What?"

Rowena grinned at Grace's shock, which quickly turned to amazed gratitude.

"Ro…thank you, so much that's…wow!" Her lit-up face suddenly changed into something a little more smug. "Wait a sec, that means I'm gonna have a slayer. A charge. A person under my command. I'm the boss. This is hella cool! Who's my slayer?"

Rowena chuckled.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Later

"Does anyone need to take a break?" Robin asked, surveying the class. "We've been here for quite a while."

A girl immediately raised her hand, "My older sister says that we get a big room with like fifty TV's and video games and stuff."

Robin chuckled, "Well, that's somewhat true. We do strongly encourage our students to take the time to unwind."

"How do slayers like Faith relax?" the girl asked.

Robin subconsciously licked his lips.

Cut To:


Faith and Robin's Apartment – Night (Flashback)

"Oh god, Ace," Faith's voice could be heard sighing before her back slammed against the refrigerator.

Robin followed quickly after and devoured Faith's neck without mercy. Clad only in her bra, jeans and shoes, she used her slayer strength to grab his dress shirt and pull, ripping the buttons from the material. The panting of the two lovers drowned out the sound of the plastic fasteners bouncing off the linoleum.

Robin reached into Faith's long hair and pulled it back, exposing more of her neck.

"Harder," Faith ordered. Robin obeyed, burying his fingers deeper and tugging more forcefully. "Oh yeah."

Robin's lips made their way between her cleavage until he pulled back just slightly and looked into Faith's eyes. "How many tonight, Babe?" he asked.

She gave him a wicked, sexy grin. "Ten. Piles. Of dust," she replied as she wrapped her leg around his natural one and pulled him closer again.

"Looks like we're in for a long night."

Faith chuckled for a single second before pulling Robin's lips to hers in an ardent kiss.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume Present Day

"Mr. Wood?" a brown haired boy called out. "Are you okay?"

Robin blushed, then hastily cleared his throat. "Umm, yes, she likes to exercise. Lots of exercise." When the students didn't say anything else, he continued. "Getting back to my point, we do certainly encourage our students to take the time to relax. Considering the nature of what we do, however, we prefer that our students find diversions outside of work."

"Why?" another student asked.

Robin considered this. "We've had some problems in the past with a few students…"

Fade Out.


Fade In:


Former Watchers Council – Coven Classroom – Evening (Flashback)

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Andrew?" Jeff asked with the type of hesitation that could only accompany a very stupid plan. "Maybe we should ask Willow first."

Andrew walked behind him, arms loaded with red and brown candles. "You have much to learn, my young padawan. We found the spell in Loso's Compendium, right?" Jeff nodded. "And that was in the library where anyone could take it out, right?" He nodded again. "So that means we're fine. Willow wouldn't put it there if it wasn't safe."

"Famous last words," Jeff sighed as Andrew placed the candles in a wide circle. He tossed Jeff a lighter and sat down in the circle, book open at his feet.

"It's all in Latin?" Jeff asked as he lit the candles.

Andrew flipped through a few pages of text. "Yeah, but Dawn's been helping me with my pronunciation. I'm going to call upon the goddess Dione and ask her a question."

"Two words. Ouija board. What are you going to ask her, anyway?"

Andrew did not answer, instead closing his eyes in order to begin his Latin recitation. Jeff took a step back and sat in one of the classroom's chairs. The chanting went on for several minutes, causing the candles' flames to flicker and stretch several inches above their wicks. A slow wind began to blow through the room, though no windows or doors were open. Jeff squirmed uncomfortably in his chair.

With his eyes still closed, Andrew spoke, "Dione, I implore you." The wind picked up as a large smoky silhouette appeared in the air in front of Andrew.

"Andrew?" Jeff pleaded as he backed away from his desk. "I don't like this!"

Andrew ignored him and continued. "Dione, please, grant me the answers I seek."

The floating visage solidified into a clearly female form. She closed in on Andrew.

"ANDREW!" Jeff screamed. "Open your eyes!"

He did, and then looked up at the looming demi-goddess. "Dione?" He paused for effect. "Will Tracey go out with me?"

In an instant the wind was gone, and the candles' flames snuffed out. With a piercing shriek, Dione dissipated into a fog of black smoke, leaving Jeff coughing as he ran to Andrew's side.

"That's what you wanted to ask her?!"

Andrew had a funny smile on his face.

Jeff continued, "Well, did you get an answer?"

Andrew considered his question for a moment until a look of recognition crossed his face. "Yes. She will."

Jeff shook his head and stood up. "I'm not helping you clean up."

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Morning (Flashback)

Carrying a tray piled high with French toast and bacon, Jeff wandered through the dining hall looking for somewhere to sit. He spotted Dawn alone reading at a table near the back of the crowded room. He quickly moved over and took a seat across from her.

"Hey," he said as he grabbed his fork and dug in.

Dawn looked up from her book and watched as he shoveled French toast into his mouth. "Charming," she said dryly before turning her attention back to her reading.

Jeff shot her a questioning look, but didn't slow down his eating.

"I'm telling you it's weird," Willow said as she approached with Faith and Robin. The trio dropped their breakfast trays at the opposite end of Jeff and Dawn's table and sat down. "Books don't just disappear."

"What about that book you got in that occult shop in Lansing?" Faith asked as she popped a tater tot.

"That doesn't count," Willow replied, opening her yogurt container. "The first page detailed how to make the book invisible. How much sense does that make?"

"You ever find it?" Robin asked with an amused expression.

"Yeah," Willow sighed. "Under the back seat of my car. I still haven't figured out how to read it though." She stirred her breakfast. "Anyway, I just can't figure it out. I know it didn't walk away." She paused. "At least, I think it didn't walk away."

"Where's the last place you saw it?" Robin asked.

"The library," Willow replied. "I was cross-referencing. I checked the stacks, but it wasn't there, thank goddess. It's all advanced magic. I don't want any students near it."

"Well, I can ask my girls if they've seen it," Faith offered. "What's it called again?"

"Loso's Compendium."

Jeff choked on his French toast, causing everyone to look over. He sputtered for a moment trying to clear his windpipe.

Dawn looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

Jeff nodded, his face flushed. "F-F-Fine."

Faith scooted over and gave him a few pats on the back. "Might want to try chewing your food. I've heard that helps."

"T-T-Thanks," he said quickly before standing up. He grabbed his tray and headed for the kitchen.

Faith and Willow exchanged a confused look.

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Kitchen – Moments Later (Flashback)

Jeff, now trayless, entered the kitchen and scanned the room for his friend. "Andrew? Are you in here?"

The person in question stuck his head out of the pantry and spotted Jeff. "There is a thief among us!" He disappeared back into the storage area but continued talking. "Someone's been stealing food. I know I ordered a few extra boxes of those oatmeal raisin cookies that I put out in the afternoon, but I can't find them." His tone bordered on paranoia.

Andrew moved to a large storage freezer. "And I definitely had a few packs of those little frozen pizza bagels."

Jeff ignored him. "We've got a problem. Loso's Compendium wasn't supposed to be in the library. Willow's looking for it."

Andrew closed the freezer. "I put it back this morning. I'll tell her I saw it in the library." He looked back at the freezer. "I should get locks."

"I think you're failing to see the problem here," Jeff interjected. "We did a spell with that book."

"And it went fine." Andrew replied as he exited the pantry and headed out of the kitchen.

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Continuous (Flashback)

Andrew moved to the nearest empty table and began collecting used trays. Jeff trailed behind him.

"And what if it didn't go fine?" Jeff countered. "We should go to Willow and tell her what we did."

Andrew moved to the next table. "There's no need. What could have gone wrong?"

At a nearby table a young watcher was shuffling through the Plain Dealer's sports section. "Anyone know the score of the Blue Jackets game last night?" he asked.

Andrew was quick to respond. "They won 3-2. Vyborny put it through the goalie's legs on a power play with 26 seconds left in the third period. That puts them in third place in the Central."

Jeff could only stare. "How did you know all that? Did you watch the game?"

Andrew shook his head in the negative. "What's a power play?"

"Don't you know?"

"Nope," Andrew replied. "It's weird. Stuff's been popping into my head all day. Like this morning, I just knew that Faith was going to ask for tater tots, so I made them even though I usually save them for Saturdays. Or how, right now, I know that when you were five, your mom made you take ballet classes for two weeks until you tore your leotard and screamed until she let you quit." He paused at Jeff's horrified look. "Wow, those little girls were really mean."

"I've got to go." Jeff said as he headed for the door.

"Wait," Andrew grabbed his arm. "Do you know what this means? I must know everything." He paused to think. "I'm going to go buy lottery tickets."

Heading for the exit, Andrew bumped into Faith, who was speaking with Giles by the door. "Sorry Elizabeth," he said without stopping.

"Eliza –?" the befuddled slayer repeated at Andrew's retreating form. "What?"

"Your middle name?" Giles suggested.

Faith nodded her head. "Yeah, but I never told him."

Giles grinned. "I always liked the name Elizabeth."

"It's also B's name too, isn't it? Buffy is a nickname for Elizabeth, right?" Faith asked.

"You're correct that some women named Elizabeth go by Buffy. But, no, in this case her given name actually is Buffy. Buffy Anne to be precise."

Faith paused, an incredulous look on her face. "Joyce actually named her kid Buffy."

Giles shrugged and nodded at the same time.

"Umm," she added, making an intrigued noise. "Ya learn sumthin' new every day, I guess."

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Library – Afternoon (Flashback)

Jeff moved through the stacks like a man with a mission – a mission to find a book, in a library. His fingers crept from one volume to the next in search of Loso's Compendium. He was focused, in the zone. Nothing could distract him from –


He jumped back in fright, colliding with the stack behind him. Several books fell from the shelf and landed on the floor. Jeff looked up to see Dawn's face peeking through the shelf.

"Sorry," she said, though the grin on her face seemed to imply otherwise. Rounding the stack, she extended a hand to help him up. They picked up the fallen books and replaced them on the shelf. "So, now that I scared you, I should probably at least help you find what you're looking for."

"No thanks," Jeff replied a little too quickly. Off Dawn's frown he amended, "Sorry. This is supposed to be a solo project. Willow's rules." He shrugged apologetically. "Thanks, okay?"

Dawn nodded, though her smile had yet to return. "Hey, have you seen Andrew? I couldn't find him before."

Jeff shook his head and avoided eye contact. "I think he went out."

Dawn laughed. "He's probably off causing trouble. Well, I'll see you later." She headed off.

"Yeah," Jeff said under his breath. "Trouble…"

Cut To:


Cleveland Bus Stop – Same Time (Flashback)

Andrew sat inside a covered bus stop, a pen in one hand and a half completed Sunday New York Times Crossword puzzle book in the other. He wrote in an answer and spoke to the petrified gi-clad ten-year-old boy sitting next to him. "So that's why necrotizing fasciitis is so dangerous. You know once it gets inside, you're in trouble." A bus pulled up. "And it's literally everywhere. There's probably some on this bench right now."

The kid jumped up and ran out to the waiting bus.

"Avoid sharp objects!" Andrew called after the boy.

At the end of the bench an elderly women eyed Andrew curiously. He looked over and shook his head.

"No, I'm not a doctor," Andrew said, answering the unasked question. He filled in another answer on his puzzle and continued. "And I remind you of Neil Patrick Harris." Off the woman's confused look, he clarified. "Doogie Howser."

Andrew stood up. "Well, I should be going. Lots to do."

Fade To:

Series of Shots – Later (Flashback)

– Andrew sitting in a toy store rotating the sides of a Rubik's Cube.

– Andrew finishing the puzzle and then stacking it on a pile of already completed cubes.

– Andrew instantly beginning another.

Fade To:

Series of Shots – Later (Flashback)

– Andrew performing magic tricks, of the non-magical variety, on the street for a group of onlookers.

– The crowd applauding as he makes a silver dollar disappear and then reappear in his palm.

Fade To:

Series of Shots – Later (Flashback)

– Andrew standing behind the bar of a nightclub, mixing drinks like a pro.

– Andrew spinning a bottle of Grey Goose behind his back before making a vodka tonic.

– Andrew adding a lime and handing off the drink to a happy customer.

Fade To:


Former Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Later (Flashback)

The clock read midnight as Andrew pushed open the door to the dining hall and stepped inside. He removed his jacket and tossed it on an empty chair. From just behind him a few whispers followed by a loud "shhh" could be heard. Flipping on the lights, he revealed the room's late-night occupants.

Faith, Vi, Lori, Heli, and about eight other guilty-looking slayers sat around a nearby table enjoying a spread of oatmeal raisin cookies and microwavable pizza bagels.

Andrew's brow furrowed. "I should have known."

"I guess the jig is up." Faith kicked out a chair for him. "Have a cookie."

Andrew took the seat but snatched a pizza bagel instead. He leaned back in his chair and asked, "So, what did I miss?"

"We were just having a little Q and A session," Lori responded. "And it's Vi's turn."

"Rghht," Vi replied through a mouthful of cookie. She chewed, swallowed, and spoke. "Okay. If you were an animal, what kind would you be?"

"Unicorn," Andrew said quickly as he picked a mini pepperoni off his bagel. When no one responded, he looked up to see all twelve slayers staring at him. "What? You never specified real or fictional."

"But a unicorn?" Faith interjected. "Actually, you know what? It makes sense."

Andrew shrugged. "You can't choose your animal. Here," he said, looking around the crowd and pointing to Lori. "Albino wood mouse." Vi was next. "Polecat." Then Heli. "Sea turtle." He started to move on but stopped and returned his gaze to Heli. "Evil sea turtle."

Heli sneered, not appreciating his comment.

"What about me?" Faith asked, reaching for a bagel. "Since you're including made-up animals, how about a T-Rex?"

"Those are real, or were," Andrew corrected. "But you, you're a black panther."

Faith smiled.

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Library – Same Time (Flashback)

Jeff rubbed his eyes and looked down at Loso's Compendium. He shook his head. "I don't get it. He did everything right."

Closing the book, he checked his watch. He stood up.

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Moments Later (Flashback)

Jeff pushed open the door and barely missed stepping on a small black panther that was chasing a rodent across the dining room linoleum. He watched as the pair disappeared into the kitchen. Thoroughly confused, Jeff looked up. His eyes widened.

The dining room looked like a petting zoo. Along the far wall a white doe was grazing on the potted plants, while a large light-shelled turtle was crawling under a table. Near the window a walrus was basking in the light of a hanging television that was currently broadcasting a late-night talk show. Adjacent, nestled in a colorful striped hat, was a small reddish-brown ferret sleeping soundly amidst the chaos. In addition, an otter, a clownfish in a tank, and several species of tropical birds inhabited the room.

"You should be careful," Andrew called from the center of the room. He was standing next to an empty table. The adjacent chairs had all been pushed away or knocked to the ground. "You almost stepped on Faith."

"Faith?" Jeff was completely flabbergasted. "The cat?"

Andrew nodded. "Don't worry. She won't eat Lori."

Jeff took a moment to digest his friend's statement. He stepped forward. "Andrew, what happened here?"

"I turned them into animals." Andrew shook his head. "They were talking, and there's so much in my head." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Do you ever get the feeling that none of us are really real and that we're just figments of someone's imagination? Like our lives are nothing more than a movie or a TV show that someone's watching?"

"Like The Truman Show?" Jeff asked.

"Exactly," Andrew whispered in a paranoid hiss.

Jeff stood in silence, clearly at a loss for words.

"Not to sound crazy, but they are watching us! Right now!" Andrew continued with the type of conviction that could only accompany extreme paranoia.

"The animals?" Jeff whispered, looking around.

"The fans!" Andrew said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And, I think, a bunch of people." He waved his arms in the air as if to conjure up a better explanation and pointed up at the closest wall. "Them! They're all right there!"

Jeff looked up at the white concrete wall where nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all; it was a standard partition, in a typical room that was in no way being watched. To reiterate: Perfectly. Normal.

Jeff frowned at his friend. "I'm sorry, Andrew, but I've got to do it."

Cut To:


Willow's Former Apartment – Bedroom – Same Time (Flashback)

A shrill ring coming from Willow's bedside table caused the redheaded witch to jump. She blinked and looked around for the source of the noise. Her cell rang again, and she quickly grabbed it. "This better be good." Her tone was far from accommodating.

She listened for a second and then sat up quickly. "He did what?"

The voice on the other end of the phone spoke animatedly.

"Wait, slow down." She listened some more and then sighed. "I'll be right there." Willow hung up the phone and slipped out of bed.

"What's going on?" mumbled the groggy, unrecognizable female voice of the woman currently sharing Willow's bed.

Willow looked over as she slid on a pair of jeans. "Nothing to worry about. Go back to sleep."

Cut To:


Former Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Moments Later (Flashback)

Loso's Compendium in hand, Jeff led Willow into the dining room. The scene remained unchanged, save for Andrew's new position underneath one of the tables. Every few seconds he would peek out and gaze upon his surroundings.

Willow sighed and took the book from Jeff. "This is why you run all spells by me first. Andrew summoned Diane, didn't he?"

"Diane? You mean Dione?" Jeff asked.

"Okay, now this makes sense. He said her name wrong." Willow opened the book. "In other words, he pissed her off."


"Yeah," Willow agreed. Upon finding the correct page, she began a Latin chant. After a minute she spoke, "Diane, I implore you."

A wisp of smoke appeared before Willow and began to take shape.

"Undo what you have done," Willow continued as the smoke became a woman. "Release the boy. Please."

The demi-goddess smiled. "Willow." She looked to Jeff. "Is this a student of yours?"

"They both are." Willow looked from Jeff to Andrew, who was now knitting an imaginary sweater. "Could you please take this back? They won't bother you again. I promise."

"They have insulted me!"

"I know," Willow replied sincerely.

"They don't deserve the title of witch."

"I know," she repeated in the same tone.

"They didn't say my name correctly," the goddess replied in a whine, sounding more hurt now than angry.

"Well, technically it was Andrew –" Jeff started to argue before Willow slapped her hand across his mouth, keeping it closed.

"You wanna join them?" she asked through clinched teeth to Jeff. "Shut up." She then turned to Diane. "I apologize wholeheartedly, my goddess," Willow told her. "A-A-And you have my word that they will never call on you unless the need is dire, a-and if they do, it will be done correctly. I swear." Willow quickly elbowed Jeff in the side, making him emit an 'umph' sounding noise.

"Uh, yes Diane…dire needs only," he agreed.

The demi-goddess looked as if she was considering it for a moment. "Very well," she said finally. The smoke began to dissipate. "Keep better track of your students." Her words became an echo as she disappeared completely, and Willow released a sigh.

In a flash the animals vanished, leaving behind a dozen confused – and completely naked – slayers. Faith looked down to see herself lying on top of Lori, her hand above her held like a claw. The dark haired slayer shot Willow a questioning look, to which the redheaded witch mouthed, "I'll explain later."

Faith stood up in the center of the room, apparently quite comfortable in her state of undress, while the other slayers seemed to look for someplace to hide.

Jeff looked at the scene with his jaw hanging open.

"It's not polite to drool," Willow told him.

"Huh?" he asked. Willow put two fingers under his chin and pushed it closed. "Oh!" he said before trying to avert his eyes.

Andrew, who was still under the table, looked more confused than anyone else. He stuck his head out, finding Willow and Jeff. "Oh, hey guys." He climbed to his feet. "What's going…on?" His response was delayed as he looked at the naked women surrounding him.

Willow crossed her arms. "You had a little accident. Go to the linen closet and bring twelve sheets. I suggest you be quick about it too, since you've got a dozen cold and annoyed girls with superpowers looking rather unhappy with you." Her tone left no room for negotiation.

Andrew, picking up on her dour mood, replied with a simple nod of his head. Quickly, he scooted out from under the table and broke into a run.

Willow let out a deep breath. She turned to Jeff. "Next time, don't wait so long to come find me."

Jeff nodded apologetically. "Uh, Willow? What Andrew said about this place not being real? Do you think that Diane was just messing with him? Or something else…" He let the sentence trail off.

"I'm sure she was just trying to teach him a lesson." Willow paused. "Probably."

They both looked at the "fourth wall" as if expecting to find someone staring back at them.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume Present Day

Most of the class stared at the right wall of the classroom.

Robin cleared his throat to regain their attention. When they looked over, he resumed speaking. "The skills that we teach you are not easy. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed. Times when you may think you can't do this job. What's important to remember is that we've all been were you are, so you should never be afraid to ask for help."

Fade Out.

End of Act Three

Act Four

Fade In:


Ethan's Apartment – Afternoon

Ethan set the picture down on the table and casually lit a cigarette. He didn't look at either youngster but seemed lost in troubled thought.

After a long silence, Shannon said abruptly, "You said to tell you."

"Hmm?" Ethan looked up, startled out of his reverie.

"You said to tell you if we saw any weird messages on anything. That counts as weird, right?"

Ethan narrowed his eyes at her. "Yes," he said seriously. "It does indeed."

Shannon and Norman waited, but Ethan said nothing more. Shannon huffed at him. "So, are you gonna tell me what's going on?"

"I can tell you that this wasn't Lorinda's handiwork," he said, motioning at the picture, "anymore than it is yours."

"I kinda figured that when I saw the message."

"You shoulda figured it before you saw the message, Shan," Norman said quietly.

"Why are you sticking up for her?" Shannon asked.

"Shannon, look…you're…my…" he trailed off with a blush but quickly added, "And Lorinda is just…she's like…all alone, y'know? She's got no friends, really. Nobody wants to hang with her. It's like she's got a disease or somethin'. And I know what that's like. People ignoring you because you're different or…in some crazy way they think they'll get sick by being around. So I've been trying to do what you did for me. I talked to her, and I-I-I tried to get to know her a little, that's all. She's not so bad. I mean, she's not so great, either, but…everyone deserves to have a friend, Shan. Maybe if Lorinda had some friends – I mean real friends, not suck-ups – then maybe she wouldn't be such a bi – uhh…jerk."

"So why do you have to be her friend?" Shannon groused.

"I don't. But I think maybe you should."


"Why not?"

"I hate her and she hates me, for starters. She's spent years tormenting me."

"Yeah, but you've been sorta nice to her lately. You told me that yourself."

"'Cause I thought like you did – that if we could be friends, maybe she wouldn't be so bad. But it's not workin', Norm. We just don't get along. She says stupid things, mean things, at the drop of a hat. She hates me 'cause I got the training squad and she didn't."

"You told me the only reason you went for it is because they were gonna give it to her!"

"Well, yeah."

"Well, that's the stupidest thing I ever –" Norman stopped in mid-sentence at the touch of Ethan's hand to his arm.

"Shannon is right," Ethan said, "when she says that she and Lorinda don't get along. Their sensibilities are as different as night and day. And you are right also, Norman. Lorinda is very lonely. And her behavior has more to do with feeling bad than with being bad. She doesn't know how to reach out in friendship. Some things can't be helped."

There was a long pause. Shannon's head was turned aside, but Norman could see that she was troubled.

"May I keep this drawing?" Ethan asked Norman.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. It's ruined, it doesn't matter."

"Tell me again…did it leave your sight for any length of time?"

"I only left it for a few minutes when I went to use the restroom. It was inside my folio, which was in my book bag on the bleachers out at the field."

Ethan nodded and saw Shannon staring directly at him.

"Is there something you need to tell me about that message?" she asked.

He looked squarely at her. "Not yet," he said. "Now run along and do whatever making out – er…up – that two lovebirds at your age do."

Norman looked at Shannon. "C'mon," he said, putting his arm around her shoulder. "I'll buy you a hot cocoa. Extra whipped cream."

Shannon smirked then smiled. "Draw a picture of me?"

"In addition to the five hundred others I drew of you?"

"Only five hundred?" she teased as they left the room.

Ethan sighed as he stared back down at the reverse side of the ruined picture of Lorinda, a single word scribbled haphazardly in charcoal across it: Turnabout…

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Dorm Hallway – Later

The wooden door opened, releasing the thrashing sounds of some Indie band. Casey stood inside the doorway of her dorm room, a smile widening across her face.

"'allo luv, you all right?" the slayer asked as Grace stood in the hallway with a nervous grin.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Casey's Dorm Room – Moments Later

"Sorry the place is a bit of a tip. I helped the young'uns prepare for the games a while back. Still haven't had time to clean up," Casey apologized as she turned away from the kitchen counter with two mugs of tea in her hands. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Missus? Don't tell me you're bailing out of the gig on Thursday, cause you're my wing-man."

"Thanks," Grace said as she accepted the tea. "No, no, looking forward to the concert, and hey, who said I was the wing-man? If anything, you're my wing-man."

"Please, the day you finally see some action is the day I become frigid," she barked a laugh. Grace sniggered at the good-natured tease. "So c'mon, what is it?"

Grace took a sip of her tea and placed it on top of a pile of magazines. "Well, I've been promoted. I'm now a full-time watcher."

"Get you! Well done!"

Grace paused for a moment and then blinked. "Yeah."

"So who's your slayer?" Casey sat forward with genuine interest.

The watcher cleared her throat. "Believe it or not…you."

The smile on Casey's face dropped. "What?"

"I know. I said it was gonna be weird 'cause we're mates but –"

"I don't need a watcher. I'm a senior slayer."

"Yeah, about that. It seems that some senior slayers are being re-assigned watchers, and you've got me."

Casey's face still read a displeased look. Then as quickly as her wide smile had vanished, it came back. "This is gonna be awesome!"

Grace gulped and gave back an uneasy smile.

Cut to:


Jeff and Hope's Apartment – Day

Hope jerked up from the sofa. "Jeff!" she called out, voice breaking. She blinked and looked around her, taking a breath. Then she blinked again. Her eyes focused.

From across the room, someone knocked on the door. For a moment or two, Hope stared in that direction. The knocking continued. "Coming!" Hope swung her legs to the floor, slipped on her shoes, and rose. Still blinking hard, she made her way across the room, avoiding the coffee table and its teetering pile of books, while stepping over the vacuum cleaner. She took another deep breath before opening the door.


Grace stood in the doorway, eyes huge and figure hunched in the cold of the hallway. "Hi! Sorry to bother you. Is Jeff here by any chance?"

"No, sorry."

"Oh." Grace didn't change her expression. She didn't even blink. "Darn."

"You know what? It's cold. Come on in."

"Um. Okay."

She stepped inside the apartment. While Hope closed the door behind her, Grace gave a look around. In effect, the apartment was a loft made from a large attic. A staircase led to a tiny upstairs room, which was obviously a bedroom. One bedroom. The main room, nearly the only room, held all kinds of knick-knacks and furniture. Desks. Bookcases. A sofa. The hardwood floor held a rug. Nothing matched but all of it looked comfortable. "You want some hot cocoa? Tea? Some coffee?"

"Hm. Orange tea would be great."

"Coming right up." Hope headed for the kitchen area. "Pull up a chair and park!"

"Sorry to bother you and all."

"No bother, believe me." Hope had grabbed a large glass mug and filled it with water. She popped it into a microwave oven with a bag of tea. Pressed a button. "Hooray for technology," she grinned.

"Ray," Grace nodded. "With the hoo and all. Any idea when Jeff'll be back?"

"Not really, sorry. Soon, though. Well, before too long. I'm pretty sure."

"You don't know."

"Not exactly. I was trying to catch up on some sleep and he had to go out and do stuff." She shrugged. "Watcher stuff."

Grace nodded. "That's actually what I wanted to ask about."

"Oh?" From the kitchen area, the microwave pinged. "One second!" She hurried off to get Grace's tea. When she returned, moments later, she had the glass mug atop a saucer. Both went onto the coffee table in front of a chair at present unoccupied by anyone or anything. Grace took the hint and sat down.

"Have you got any honey?"

"Just you wait!"

This time, she was back in even less time, with a jar of tea and a dipping spoon. "So. Watcher stuff? Anything world threatening this time?"

"Not the whole world."


"I'm just – this sounds silly. The thing is – Allister promoted me."

"Really? Good for you!" A beat. "Promoted you to what?"


"But you're already a Watcher, aren't you?"

"Yeah. And, no. The thing is, now she's actually given me somebody to watch. Okay, not anyone who needs much watching – which I don't mind, 'cause that's really best no matter how you look at it – but all the same, I thought some advice would be good to get. If you know what I mean." She slurped her tea. "That's good," she murmured.

"And Jeff's not here, sorry."

"The thing is," Grace continued, "I wasn't really expecting to get assigned a Slayer and all. Figured I could use some pointers, and here's Jeff, who managed to kinda/sorta tame a certain mini-psycho we all know."

Hope laughed. "That's a good way of putting it."

"I thought so. But what gets me is – how'd he do it?"

"Well," said Hope, "I can tell you what he told me."

"Hey, I am all ears."

Sitting on the sofa where she'd awoken a minute before, Hope cleared her throat. "He said he had to earn her trust, and to do that he had to show her some trust."

"Okay." Grace considered this. "He didn't go into any, like, details did he?"

Laughing, Hope shook her head. "That's what I asked. He said he couldn't because that was the whole point. She trusts him not to tell, so he won't."

"That" said Grace, "is not as useful as I'd like." She took a sip of her tea. "Yummy." Took another sip. "Or – maybe it is. Maybe. Gotta think this over."

"He's really, really good at it, being a watcher."

Grace aimed her attention at Hope. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Fine. Just some bad dreams is all. Real bad dreams."

"Make yourself one of these," suggested Grace, holding up the tea cup. "Might help, and if it don't, it'll still taste great."

Hope smiled, but didn't laugh.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Same Time

"Mr. Wood," a little girl called out. "Is it true there are demons that can grant wishes?" Several children perked up and looked to Robin for the answer.

Robin took a moment to gather his words. He began tentatively. "Technically, yes. But…"

He couldn't finish. The class was abuzz.

"That's so cool."

"I know some magic. Does that mean I can grant wishes?"

"Do we get to make wishes?"

"I know what I'd wish for."

Robin stood up and raised his arms. "All right, everyone settle down." He sighed. "I need to make something clear."

A little boy interrupted. "Mr. Wood, what would you wish for?"

Robin's eyebrows shot up.

Flash To:


Bathroom – Morning

Robin stepped out of the shower and reached for his towel. He covered up and moved to the foggy mirror. With a swirl of his palm he defogged the glass and looked at his reflection. With a grin he pulled off a tight shower cap to reveal a massive Afro.

Looking down at the plethora of hair care products that covered the bathroom counter, he reached for a pick and began tending the overabundance of hair that sprung forth from his scalp. Once satisfied, he gave his coiffure a quick spritz with a conditioning spray bottle and then whistled a happy tune as he exited the bathroom.

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume

Robin rubbed the back of his hairless head. "I don't really think that's relevant." He took a deep breath. "W-W-What I was trying to say was that some demons do grant wishes, but rarely with the wisher's intentions in mind."

He looked to make sure he had the class's full attention. "Magic is a dangerous thing. Sometimes, it can seem like the easy way out; cast a spell, solve the problem. But if that was true, then why do we have slayers and watchers?"

A little boy raised his hand. "So we can work together."

Robin smiled. "You're exactly right." His eyes found a young girl who was to join the coven. "You asked me before if the slayers, watchers, and coven work happily together."

"You said yes," the little girl replied, her skin turning red from the unexpected attention.

"Not always happily, but certainly together. Do you know why?" He directed the last question to the class.

No one spoke.

Robin took in a deep breath. "This will be our final lesson for today…"

Fade Out.


Fade In:


Residential Street – Night (Flashback)

Faith hit a wall. A brick wall. Very hard. Her body disappeared in the rubble.

Her attacker approached slowly. He looked ordinary, like a man out for an evening stroll. No taller than six feet, he wore dark slacks, a spotless white-collared shirt with three buttons open at the top, and brown loafers. Partially visible on his chest was a series of tattoos.

He knelt down and began uncovering Faith, one brick at a time. With slow, careful motions, he excavated her dust-covered right boot. Her foot flinched.

In a flash Faith was pulled from the rubble and thrown into the unoccupied street. She hit the ground hard and rolled to a stop with a soft moan. Her face bloody and beaten, she tried to stand but failed.

Once again, the man was at her side. He rolled her over to find panicked eyes staring back at him. His face was a mask with no expression. "Had enough?"

A trail of blood creeping from the corner of Faith's mouth down her cheek was her only answer.

With no warning, he took her head in his hands and slammed it into the pavement. She stopped moving.

Before he could repeat the action, a brick soared from the direction of the rubble and caught him in the back. The projectile bounced off with a thud, causing no damage, but nevertheless achieving its purpose.

The man stood and turned to find Rowena, brick in hand, near the destroyed wall. She launched the second projectile, hitting the man squarely in the chest, with much the same effect of the first brick.

Forgetting Faith, he stepped toward Rowena. She barely had time to pick up a third brick before he was upon her. Grabbing her right wrist, he squeezed until she cried out in pain and dropped the weapon. He brought his other hand to her throat and lifted her up against a small intact portion of the brick wall. His grip was firm, but not enough to cut off her wind pipe…yet.

Rowena squirmed, lashing out with her left arm at his head and chest. He ignored her actions and simply examined her, his head tilted slightly to the side as if she were an interesting specimen.

She screamed and kicked but succeeded only in ripping at his shirt, which now hung open. She stopped when she saw his exposed chest.

He tightened his grip. And then he disappeared.

Rowena fell to the ground, coughing violently.

A pair of legs touched down roughly next to her. Willow dropped painfully to her knees and looked over to Rowena. "You okay?" She was out of breath and had a rather large gash above her left eye. "I lost you guys at the fork."

Rowena's eyes were still watering, and her voice was scratchy. "Y-Y-Yeah. Where'd you send him?"

Willow looked up. "About ten miles away, in the middle of the woods. I hope." She looked around. "Where's Faith?"

"Oh no!" Rowena was on her feet as quickly as her battered body would allow. "Faith!"

Willow followed her to the street where Faith was still lying, unmoving. Rowena checked her pulse and heaved a relieved sigh when the slayer took in a labored breath. "We have to get her out of the street."

Willow looked sadly at Faith's wounded form. "We need help."

Cut To:


House – Moments Later (Flashback)

"We're on our own," Willow said as she closed her cell phone and stepped into the small living room. "At least for right now."

Rowena was busy peering out a small window of the deserted one-story home. "Damien?" Her voice was still a little rough, and a deep purple bruise was beginning to form on her throat.

Willow nodded. "They've got their hands full. Giles can't send anyone right now." The witch's eyes found Faith, who was lying on the couch. Her face was badly bruised, and her eyes swollen shut. "How is she?"

Rowena looked over. "She's breathing better." The watcher moved away from the window. "Willow, I got a better look at the tattoos. I think they're a mask hiding his true form."

"You think it's one of Damien's minions?"

Rowena shook her head. "I don't think so. I can't be sure without Giles' library, but those symbols, they looked like the marks of a Chimera."

"Chimera?" Willow asked. "You mean the head-of-a-lion, body-of-a-goat, tail-of-a-snake Chimera?"

Rowena could only shrug. "I-I-I don't know. It's always been assumed that the Greek mythology behind the Chimera was somehow based on the demons of the time. But it's all conjecture. The Council's never encountered one. That I know of."

"So how do I kill it?" Faith asked weakly from the couch. She slowly sat up, trying unsuccessfully to peek through her swollen eyes.

Rowena and Willow were by her side immediately. Faith sat up, looking a lot worse for wear.

"You're not killing anything," Rowena ordered, placing a hand on Faith's shoulder. "Lie back. You probably have internal bleeding."

"I'm fine." Faith shook her head and repeated, "How do we kill it?"

Rowena and Willow exchanged a look.

"Guys, I'm fine. I've taken worse beatings than this, believe me. Now come on. We need a plan."

Rowena sat down next to Faith on the right. "We can't touch it in its human form."

Willow sat down next to Faith on the left. "I guess that's where I come in."

"Can you magic off those tattoos?" Faith asked.

"I think so," Willow replied. "Now that I know what I'm up against. But I'll need to be close."

"Great," Faith said, standing up. "Then I'll kill it."

"Faith, you can't see anything," Willow interjected. "How are you going to fight?"

"That's why I've got Blondie." Faith patted the shoulder of the person to her left. "She's gonna be my eyes."

"Faith?" Rowena called from the right. "I'm over here."

"Let's wait a bit longer for that slayer healing to kick in, 'k?" Willow suggested as she patted Faith's hand that rested on her shoulder.

"Think we've got that kind of time?" Faith asked.

Rowena sighed.

Fade To:


Woods – Later (Flashback)

"Are you sure this is the right spot?" Faith asked as Rowena led her through the semi-thick forest underbrush.

Willow nodded, not realizing Faith couldn't see her. "We're getting close. I can feel…arghhhh!" Willow continued to scream as she spun around in violent spasms, her arms thrashing at her clothing.

"Will!" Rowena let go of Faith and rushed over.

"What's happening?" Faith demanded, her head darting from side to side. "Is he here?" No one answered, though Willow's thrashing could still be heard. "Guys!"

Willow stopped when Rowena reached her. "S-S-Sorry, guys." She brushed a few white threads from her shoulder. "I-I-I walked through a spider web."

Rowena could only laugh.

Faith stepped towards them, walking face first into a thick leafless tree branch. "I really hate the woods."

"Ditto," Willow and Rowena chimed at the same time.

The sound of crunching leaves made all three of them turn. Twenty yards away, the Chimera-turned-man stepped through the trees, walking forcefully toward them. "Faith, it's him," Rowena called.

Faith reached around for the branch she'd collided with and ripped it down with a loud crack. The newly created weapon was about the length of a baseball bat, with a sharp edge at the spot where it had separated from the tree. "Ro, get behind me. And I could use some eyes about now!"

Rowena did as she was told. "He's fifteen feet and closing. Your ten o'clock."

Faith stepped forward, closing the distance. She held the branch in front of herself defensively.

"Three feet," Rowena called. "Oh, Faith, d – !" The Chimera backhanded Faith, sending her flying off to the right with a painful grunt. " – uck."

Rolling to her feet, Faith raised the branch again. "Let's try this again."

"He's closing again. Your one o'clock." Rowena's voice took on a commanding tone. "He's attacking. Left side, high block punch."

Faith did as commanded, catching his fist with her left hand before it collided with her temple. She countered with a punch to his chest with her right hand. The blow pushed him back a few feet but did little to deter him. "Red, anytime now'd be good."

Twenty feet away, Willow was clearing on spot on the ground of leaves and branches.

"Goddess, please don't let any frogs show up," she muttered to no one in particular as she traced a circle in the fresh dirt with her fingers. She stepped inside and promptly dropped to her knees. She drew several symbols in the dirt outside the circle. She closed her eyes. "Fabula mundi, sanguis incesti, vincula solve, invisa revela." She repeated the chant.

"Right low block, side kick."

As Faith executed the kick, the Chimera stepped backwards and caught her leg. Holding it tightly, he pulled her from the ground and spun her 180 degrees into the trunk of a tree. She dropped the tree branch.

From her spot several feet away Willow continued to chant. "Fabula mundi, sanguis incesti, vincula solve, invisa revela."

Faith fell forward onto her hands and knees.

"Roll now!"

Rolling forward across her back, Faith narrowly missed being kicked in the stomach. She came to her feet and put some distance between herself and the Chimera. He followed.

"He can hear everything I'm telling you to do. This isn't working," Rowena supplied as she backpedaled away from the approaching battle.

"Ya think?" Faith replied sarcastically.

Rowena circled around behind the Chimera, toward the tree Faith had collided with. She reached down for the abandoned weapon. "Can you understand any Shodokan defensive commands?"

"Is that a serious question?" Faith said just before tripping on a tree root. The Chimera stood over her, ready to strike again.

Rowena came up behind the Chimera. "When we get home, you're learning." With all the force she could muster, the blonde watcher swung the tree branch hard into the Chimera's back. It bounced off without doing any damage. She backed up a few paces when he turned. "Faith, do you like darts?" She tossed the tree limb at the slayer's boot and took off running. The Chimera followed after her.

Faith felt around the ground until her hand found the jagged limb. "Only when I win." She stood up. "I need a location."

Rowena led the Chimera in a counterclockwise circle around the slayer. "Twelve o'clock. I'll tell you when."

Willow's voice began to waver as she struggled with her chant. "Fabula mundi, sanguis incesti, vincula solve, invisa revela."

Faith gripped the center of the tree limb and unknowingly took aim at a large oak tree. She waited for the signal.

Rowena circled behind Faith in a ten foot arc, with the Chimera right on her tail. When she reached three o'clock she spoke. "Get ready." At one o'clock she yelled, "Now!"

Faith's throw caught the Chimera in the rib cage with enough force to pin him against the oak tree. Rowena came to Faith's side as their foe struggled to free himself. "Nice shot," she said.

Behind them Willow stood up, her eyes completely black. She extended a hand toward the Chimera and belted out the chant: "Fabula mundi, sanguis incesti, vincula solve, invisa revela!"

Rowena's eyes widened as the tattoos pulled away from the Chimera's chest. With a cry somewhere between a roar and a screech, the creature writhed even more as its body began to change. Its human head split, creating two demonic visages that looked almost animal. Its body was next – its chest and legs elongating, causing its clothes to tear around the expanding muscle. A thin coat of black fur sprung through its skin, and a snake-like tail appeared, whipping about violently as the transformation concluded.

Reaching for Faith's jacket, Rowena pulled the slayer back to where Willow was standing. Together they watched as the creature thrashed unsuccessfully against the limb that pinned it to the tree. After a moment the Chimera stilled, succumbing to its wounds now that it was exposed in its true form.

"Well," Faith said, taking a deep breath. "That sounded wicked cool. How'd it look?"

Willow and Rowena exchanged disbelieving glances and then moved away.

Faith waited a second. "Ro?" She followed after them, stumbling a bit. "Hey, I still need your eyes."

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Classroom – Resume Present Day

The class sat silent and motionless.

Robin stood up and moved to the blackboard. He picked up an eraser and began to erase what he had written several hours earlier.

"Alone, we have strength."

He erased the word "Slayer."

"We have knowledge."

The word "Watcher" was removed next.

"And we have power."

"Coven" was the last to disappear in a smear of white dust.

"But together, we have all three."

He reached for the chalk and in a quick scrawl wrote one word: "Council."

Robin turned to face the class. "While you are here, there will be times when you feel the desire to go it alone. Opinions and ideas don't always mesh. Personalities have a habit of clashing. People clash…"

Fade To:


Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Same Time

Voiceover, Robin: "There's never going to be a time when we all get along."

Shannon stepped into the cafeteria and spotted Lorinda sitting alone at a table. She approached. "Hi."

Lorinda looked up. "Hi."

"Thanks for…for meeting me."


"Look, 'Rinda, I –"

"Will you stop calling me that?"


"'Rinda. Stop with the 'Rinda. My name is Lor-inda."

An awkward silence settled over them.

Shannon spoke, "Look, Lorinda…"

"Shannon, I'm sorry."


"Are you hard of hearing? I said I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to…to steal your boyfriend. Okay? I-I-I know that's what it looked like. And I really did like it that Norman was bein' nice and all. Except for Jeff, nobody's ever been nice to me like that. I-I-I got a little stupid, I guess. Giggly and goofy. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to steal him."

"Yeah. Yeah, I kinda know that."

"You kinda know it? You're never gonna trust me, are you?"

"Why should I trust you?"

"Nobody trusts me! When I'm being honest, everyone thinks I'm lying or working some kind of angle. Well, y'know, it'd be really nice – if just once – somebody could give me a break! If somebody would just stop and say to themselves, 'Maybe she means it' or 'Maybe she's just joking and doesn't mean any harm' or…"

"I get it," Shannon said quietly. "You just want the benefit of the doubt. I guess I could give you that…"

"Well, don't put yourself out."

"See! That's why nobody likes you! Why don't you just say, 'Okay, thanks'?"

Lorinda's lower lip trembled, and her eyes filled with tears. "I don't know…" she said meekly.

Voiceover, Robin: "But, it's important to remember that we are all in this together. The slayers, the watchers, and the coven are in this together. Don't forget that."

Shannon sighed. "Look 'Ri – Lorinda…I don't think you and me are ever gonna be…y'know…like friends or anything."

"No," Lorinda said, regaining her composure. "I don't think so."

"But…we gotta have each other's backs. We're slayers. Whether we like each other or not, we have to rely on each other. We have to be ready to…to take a fall for each other. We can't do that if we keep on fightin' all the time, or one-uppin' each other. So maybe we could kinda stop doin' all that and just work together."

Lorinda huffed. "Like A-Rod and Jeter."

"A-Rod and…?"

"Yeah, you know…the Yankees…right? They don't like each other. But they work real well together 'cause they're on the same team…"

Shannon smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, that's what I mean…Yeah, we can do that. You know, I was thinking…I could use another slayer to help me out with the squad. Sometimes I wanna show 'em stuff, but I need someone else who knows how to do it so they can see how it works. Ken and those guys are too busy, so I was thinkin' maybe you could help me out…if you want to…"

"Yeah. Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"Okay. Cool…

"And Norman can draw a picture of it…" Lorinda said. She waited for Shannon to turn angry eyes on her, then smiled. "Gotcha."

To both their surprise, Shannon grinned and gave a short laugh.

Voiceover, Robin: "Class dismissed."

Fade to Black.

Fade In:


Washington D.C. – Autumn O'Mara's Office – Evening

"…the man who was later identified as Cleveland-born Linus Calhoun was found early this morning on the steps of the Capital," a somber blonde anchorwoman reported through a large flat screen television set in an elegant looking cabinet. "At this hour it is not known why the Ohio transplant chose to take his own life."

A woman, no older than thirty-five with long dark brown hair tied back in a tight chignon, watched as the screen flashed an image of the deceased man. She stepped to the center of the office and crossed her arms over her dark colored business suit. Were it not for the demonic golden glow of her eyes, she would have appeared human.

The anchor went on. "According to family, Calhoun worked as a janitor at the BP America Building in downtown Cleveland, the site of terrorist actions by former Watchers Council student Jocelyn O'Hara one month ago. No suicide note was found. Joining us now is behavioral psychologist Luke Mendleson, author of 'When the Walls Close In: Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress.' Luke?"

The TV flickered off before Luke could speak. Placing the television remote gently on a small glass table in front of an overstuffed sofa, the brunette moved toward Congresswoman O'Mara's desk. She took a seat in the large leather chair behind the desk and began scanning through a stack of mail. An unmarked manila envelope caught her attention. She stared down at it with a blank expression on her face.

The intercom chirped. "Ms. O'Mara?" called the congresswoman's assistant. "Your mother just called. Should I transfer her to your private line?"

In less than two seconds the brunette's body transformed into that of an older, and much perkier, red head – Autumn O'Mara. She pressed a button on the intercom. "Janice, would you tell her that I'll call her back?" She thought for a moment. "Also, please find out if Senator Cyer received my updated notes on Proposition 7-30."

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you, Janice." She let go of the intercom button and looked back at the envelope. Her tight smile began to fade. With a slightly trembling hand, she pulled open the envelope and slid its contents onto her desk.

She stared down at the rough black stone. Ever so slowly, Autumn's whole body began to shake. Her mouth moved of its own accord as she began mumble incoherently under her breath. Tears streamed down her face, and she shook her head back and forth. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Fade to Black

Special guest stars

Alicia Silverstone as Heil Hamalainen, Felicia Day as Violet Joston, and Morena Baccarin

End of Orientation


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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