Reconstruction Web Quest - Mr. Kuluris' Class Page


Reconstruction Web Quest

Due at the end of Class

20 points

1) Go to and click on “Forty Acres and a Mule.” Why did Sherman issue Special Field Order #15?

2) Go to

Provide a brief answer to: What caused violence in the South after the war?

3) Who did the violence target?

4) To what extent was there retaliatory violence against whites? Why or why not?

Click on and answer the following questions:

5) What did Southerners find when they returned home?

6) How did Northerners realize how bad conditions were down South?

7) What were the main intentions of the federal government's reconstruction efforts?

8) How did philosophies about rebuilding differ?

9) In practice, what made rebuilding so hard?

10) Go to

Summarize how the war affected Kate Stone and Fan Butler

11) Go to

What tasks faced Mississippi after the war?

Go to and answer the following questions.

12) How was learning to read connected to the end of slavery?

13) How did Freedmen's Bureau agents work to create schools?

Go to

Watch video or read the transcript.

14) What is sharecropping and how did it work.

15) What was unfair about sharecropping contracts?

Go to Answer the following questions.

16) Why did the post-war South create the KKK and how did the KKK influence post war society?

Go to

17) Why would a former Confederate officer support U.S. Grant?

Go to

18) Record the provided data for Alabama, Mississippi and Massachusetts.

|Alabama |1860 |1870 |

|Number of Farms | | |

|Value of Farm Land | | |

|Number of Factories | | |

|Value of Manufactured Products. | | |

|Mississippi |1860 |1870 |

|Number of Farms | | |

|Value of Farm Land | | |

|Number of Factories | | |

|Value of Manufactured Products. | | |

|Massachusetts |1860 |1870 |

|Number of Farms | | |

|Value of Farm Land | | |

|Number of Factories | | |

|Value of Manufactured Products. | | |

19) What conclusion can you come to about the economies of all three states following the Civil War and Reconstruction?

20) Summarize Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan:

21) Describe the political cartoon and the illustrators opinion of Johnsons plan and summarize Johnson’s reconstruction plan:

22) Summarize the Electoral College controversy and compromise that lead to the end of reconstruction:

23) Choose one political cartoon analyze the image:

24) After the Reconstruction “Jim Crow” laws sought to disenfranchise African American Voters in the South. Go throw the “Reflect on your vote Activity” and reflect on the experience:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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