Record of Pre-Formal Decision Meeting Managing Performance PolicyINSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF THIS FORM The purpose of the form is for use by the line manager.This provides a record of the pre-formal decision meeting, held in accordance with the Managing Performance policy. You should provide the individual with reasonable notice of the meeting to enable the individual to arrange appropriate representation. If individual cannot attend the date provided you must mutually agree a date without reasonable delay. HR advisor can attend if appropriate. Further guidance can be found in the How to Guide - Managing Performance Policy.For the avoidance of doubt you must make it clear to the individual that the discussion is the pre- formal decision meeting held under the Managing Performance policy and is not a routine discussion.Points on conducting the discussioncomplete section 1 of the form.prepare information for background understanding under sections 2 and 3 referring to rank/ role profile, individual’s progress assessment as appropriate. conduct the discussion in confidence with the individual outline the purpose of the pre-formal decision meeting, introduce attendees and confirm housekeeping arrangements (for example toilets, fire alarm)advise the individual you will be making notes on this form and will give them a copy of the completed formexplain the possible outcomes of the pre-formal decision meetingexplain that this is not a formal meeting/ hearing, no detailed evidence or mitigation will need to be included and there is no sanction given as a result of this meeting. There is also no right of appeal against the outcome of this meetingdiscuss the performance concerns and the support/ measures put in place during the informal stage of the policy ask the individual or the representative/ companion if they have any information to be considered. Listen to what the individual has to say. If the individual becomes distressed, use an adjournment to allow time for them to compose themselves. This should normally mean the discussion can continue after a short break.consider all information in order to inform your decisiondecide on the outcome. The possible outcomes are: to proceed to a formal stage one meeting, not to proceed to a formal stage one meeting at this time - to remain at the informal stage and continue to monitor/ support the individual as appropriate or to postpone your decision pending further action as appropriate, for example obtaining Occupational Health advise. inform the individual of the decision. If the decision is to remain at the informal stage and continue to monitor /support the individual, make sure the individual understands that if no improvement is forthcoming or there is any reason to take further action, the formal stages of the Managing Performance policy are likely to be invoked.keep a written record during the meeting to refer to when reaching a decision.clearly explain what improvements are required and/ or what action is to be taken. The required improvements must be measurable and a timescale must be agreed for when improvements are to be made.arrange any necessary training/ help/ support you have agreed to put in place and/ or Occupational Health referral if appropriate.diarise to review the actions taken and/ or monitor the individual’s performance, which for example could be on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis as discussed with the individual.the individual should be made aware that if they do not meet the required standard(s) of performance and the case progresses through the formal stages, they could potentially risk losing their job.if proceeding to stage one, advise that the individual will be invited to attend a stage one meeting.give a copy of the Managing Performance Policy and How to Guide – Managing Performance to the individual for reference. complete an electronic version of this form immediately the discussion has finished. Agree the record with the individual if possible. Share the record with the individual and keep an electronic copy for your records. You must also record the date of the pre-formal decision meeting via the Manager’s Portal.advise the individual that there is no right of appeal against the outcome of the pre formal decision meeting.If you require further support with this process please contact HR Operations for advice before progressing. SECTION 1Individual’s name:Rank/ Job title:Unit/ Command/ Strand:Line/ Senior Manager’s name:Date of discussion: FORMTEXT ??/ FORMTEXT ??/ FORMTEXT ??SECTION 2 REASON FOR DISCUSSION: this should include an outline of the areas of concern(s), providing clear tangible examples of when and why performance has not been satisfactory. This should be a persistent issue or concern that has not been addressed by the individual. Refer to the How to Guide – Managing Performance for further information on how to manage the pre-formal decision meeting including possible outcomes.SECTION 3ACCOUNT OF EVENTS LEADING TO DISCUSSION: discuss with the individual when the performance concern(s) have taken place. If this is a discussion to review progress, indicate what progress (if any) has been observed/ evidenced since the last discussion.Ask the individual whether they have any welfare concerns or personal issues which need to be taken into consideration.SECTION 4INDIVIDUAL’S EXPLANATION OF EVENTS/ COMMENTS: ask the individual to explain and/ or respond to the performance concern(s) which have been discussed. Ask the individual or the representative/ companion if they have any information to be considered.SECTION 5WHAT ACTION HAS BEEN AGREED: this may include for example improvements the individual must make, any training that is arranged, dates/ support/ help offered to support the individual, timescales for an improvement and details of what the individual will need to be able to demonstrate. Consideration should be given to SMART principles which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Check that the individual understands what is expected of them.SECTION 6Date set for review: FORMTEXT ?? / FORMTEXT ?? / FORMTEXT ??Individual’s signature:Date: FORMTEXT ?? / FORMTEXT ?? / FORMTEXT ??Manager’s signature:Date: FORMTEXT ?? / FORMTEXT ?? / FORMTEXT ??Please be aware that the form can still be completed and action(s) implemented without the individual’s signature.Please place a copy of the completed form on the individual’s electronic personnel file (ePF) on Hantsfile. ................

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