Note: Screen Captures were shot using Microsoft PowerPoint ...

Note: Screen Captures were shot using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

Materials Needed:

-Digital Camera with recording capabilities or Digital recorder with memory card

-Computer with Microsoft PowerPoint AND Windows Movie Maker

1. Before recording, decide what you want to record, who you want to record, how you want to record (what perspective), and where you want to record.

2. Record your model(s) performing the desired actions using your digital camera. Recordings can be taken a step at a time or done in one fluid recording.

I. Steps to Import, Edit, and Change digital Movie clips to .wmv files. (To play in PowerPoint, all video files need to be a .wmv file)

1. Download recordings onto the computer and into the Windows Movie Maker software. To do so, Click on Import Video under the heading Capture Video. Select the desired files.


2. Select a movie clip from your collection list. (If have more then one clip, each clip will become a different movie collection.) Your screen could be different depending on the storyboard or timeline view. The picture in step 3 demonstrates a storyboard view while the picture below is in Timeline view.

This screen capture is in Timeline View

3. Double Click on your movie clip to see it in the Movie Viewer. Insert your movie to the Timeline by dragging the clip or right click on the movie click and select Add to Timeline. Explore how to edit your clips by using the Timeline feature. With a simple drag of your mouse, you can shorten your clips, mute the [pic]

4. To save, Select File then Save Movie File or type Ctrl + P. Select Save to my computer and click on Next. Type in your movie clip name (step 1) and select location (step 2).


Click on Next. Make sure the Setting Details (Lower left corner) say .WMV. Click on Next. Wait and when finished saving, select finish.

II. Steps to Creating a Multimedia Presentation

1. First, plan out the way your PowerPoint will look like. For this project, I chose a 10 slide design including title and ending page. Each hand washing step of the process was incorporated onto one slide with movie in the middle and sentence description below. Each slide also had a forward and back button along with sound and highlighted text.


2. To select slide format, Select the Home Tab and Layout, and select which layout you prefer.

(Take Note-that the layout seen for this project was modified from its original version.)


(Slide Design: Your slide show can have different appearances. It can be all one color or another design. To change your design, click on the Design Tab and select the design of your choice. If a theme does not appeal to you, you can always explore Microsoft online for other downloadable themes.)

3. To insert a movie, click on the movie icon in the layout or go to the Insert tab. Select movie, then movie from file. Find the file you want, and then click OK. You will see a pop up that asks you to choose between two options (select play automatically or when clicked). For the purpose of this project and layout plan, select When Clicked.


III. Adding Highlighted Text

1. (For this example we are going to use the title How to Wash My Hands.) Select Insert tab, then select Text box. Draw your text box to your desired size.


2. For this example we will need 5 Text Boxes (one for each word). Put them beside each other to look like a sentence.

3. Select the first text box. Click on the tab Animation then select Custom Animation. Select Add Effect, Emphasis, then Change Fill Color. You will see this similar screen.


4. The Custom Animation Menu is divided into 3 headings.

a. Start-You can select On Click, With Previous, and After Previous.

b. Fill Color-Pick the color highlight of your word.

c. Speed-You can select Very Slow, Slow, Medium, Fast, and Very Fast(This depends on the speed of your voice. For this presentation, we chose Very Fast.)

For sequencing purposes, the first item in your sequence will be your voice recording. The Voice Recording speed will be determined by your recording length, and be set to Click. Each Text box after the recording will be set to With Previous.

It is also important to make sure that each slide is advancing by mouse click. You can check this by going under Custom Animation, and review Slide Advancement. If the Click option is checked, then each slide will advance with a simple click of the mouse after the highlighted text is read.

An example of how your slide might look with activated text highlight, sound, and movie is below. It is very important to make sure the animation sequence is correct. Notice the numbers above the text boxes and sequence order to the right of the screen.


IV. Recording Your Voice

1. Make sure you have a microphone via the computer or headphones.

2. Using the Record Sound Option

a. Click on the Insert Tab and then the sound icon. Select Record Sound.


b. The menu will have an OK button, Cancel, and icons play, stop, and record. To record your sentence, press the record button. Stop when finished. You may play back your recording by clicking on the Play button. If satisfied, click OK and a gold icon will appear on your slide (you can move the icon any where you would like on the page). However, if you are not satisfied with your recording, simply click Cancel and go back to Step 1.

3. Using the Narration Option. Please Note: The narration option allows you the opportunity to create a presentation with slide transitions and animations. If you choose to add those features in, do so before you record in Narration.

a. Click on the Slide Show Tab and Select Record Narration


b. A pop up menu will appear. Click on Ok. Note: Once you click on OK, it will start your presentation. Advance your presentation like you were reading it to an audience. Click on Esc on your keyboard when you are finished. Select Save.

c. To hear your slide show, go to the Slide Show Tab and select from Beginning or From current slide . If you hear something you do not like, simply exit out of Presentation mode, go to the slide or slides you would like to change, and erase the sound icon that appears in the lower right hand side of the slide(s).

d. Go back to Slide Show Tab and select Record Narration. Click on Ok when the Pop up menu appears. Another pop up menu will appear if you are not on the first slide. It will ask you if you want to start the recording on the current slide or at the very beginning of your presentation. Select your choice, and begin recording. When you are finished with the slide or slides you would like to record over, Press the ESC key on your key board.


V. Advanced Timeline

1. This tool is available to help align each highlighted Text Box with the corresponding spoken word. To access, right click on your animations. Select Show advance Timeline. (Make sure that your recording is first in the sequence (on mouse click) and that each text box after it is With Previous.) To manipulate when your textboxes will be highlighted, simply play the recording (found bottom left of Custom Animation Tools) and align the text boxes. This is an example of what you might see.


The green line shows you were you are in the sequence while also letting you view it as if your slide was playing in the slide show. You can lengthen or shorten the rectangles for how long a word will be highlighted by clicking on it.

VI. How to Create Action Buttons and Hyperlink

1. To create an action button, Click on the Insert Tab, shapes, then Action Buttons at the bottom of the menu. Pick the desired Action Button, and draw it on your slide.

2. Select where you want your button to be hyperlinked by either selecting a drop down menu option under the heading Hyperlink To.


3. Select OK. To check your Action Button, play your slide show by Selecting Slide Show and Play From Current Slide. You can also hyperlink buttons at anytime by right clicking on the button, and select Hyperlink. To Edit a hyperlink, select the button and right click. Select Edit Hyperlink, chose your desired settings, and Click OK.

VII. Inserting Slide Transitions and Animations

1. Slide Transitions

a. Click on the Animations Tab. You will see the Transition To This Slide Options. It will show you the ways you can move from one slide to the other. If you do not see anything you like, click on the down arrow. It will expand show you your many options


Slide Options Down Arrow


b. You can apply one transition to all the slides or apply a different transition to each slide. To use different transitions for each slide in your presentation, simply click on a slide. Select the transition you like by clicking on it. Then choose another slide, and repeat. It will save your choices for each slide.

2. Animations

a. Slides do not have to be your only choice when selecting transitions and movement. You can also do this with pictures, texts, charts, etc. To begin, choose a blank slide. Insert a clip art through the Insert Tab and then Clipart. Choose a clip art by typing in something you would like to find (i.e. hands).


b. Select your clip art by clicking on it. It should appear in your PowerPoint slide. (Note-You can always change the size and placement by manipulating the clipart via your mouse).

c. Go to the Animations Tab. Select Custom Animation. A pop up menu should appear like this…


d. Make sure the clip art on your slide is selected/highlighted. Go to the Add Effects button on your Custom Animation Menu. Click on Entrance, then More Effects.


e. This will allow you to see everything you can do when transitioning this picture into your slide. Click on the one you like, and then you have additional animation into your Presentation.

f. Note: You will also see options for Emphasis, Exit, and Motion Paths. Explore what each one does. Each option is meant to enhance your Presentation.

VIII. Saving your presentation

1. You should save your presentation periodically when are are constructing it. To do so, click on the Round symbol in the top left hand corner of your screen.

2. Go to the Save Option, and save as either PowerPoint Presentation or PowerPoint 97-2003. PowerPoint 97-2003 should open on any computer. Note-when you are creating a presentation that has many hyperlinks, transitions, and narration, a suggestion might be to save your presentation as PowerPoint Slide Show. This option bundles everything together so that it is one cohesive project. It will only open up in Presentation Mode , so it may be a good idea to save two copies-one in presentation mode and the other in 97-2003.



Task bar

Movie Viewer

View Changer-Storyboard or Timeline

Audio Tools

Movie Clip

Picture capture

Tools (L-R)



-rewind (RW) to beginning

-RW/pause in second increments

-Fast forward (FF)/pause in second increments

-FF to end

Clip Splitter

View changer

Audio tools

Movie Viewer

Movie clip


volume, etc.

Trim Points let you shorten or lengthen the movie clip

Blue line indicates where the movie is along the clip.

Select Location either by using the drop down menu or click on browse to find another location.

Movie Name

Hyperlinked Advance Button

Hyperlinked Back


Sound (activated by mouse click)

Move (activated by mouse click)

Text (highlighted when activate speech

Clip art menu.

Custom Animation menu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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