What one thing not previously covered in the survey would ...

What one thing not previously covered in the survey would you like the Publications Task Force to know regarding NACADA publications?

• My colleagues and I would love to see them published regularly/on time.

• Keep up your excellent work.

• Publications on Issues of Technology and Advisign


• Articles regarding the development of the professional field (as a role in society) would also be appreciated.

• High School to College representation

• I think you covered everything that I can think of right this minute. Thank you.

• nothing

• Although accuracy is a given, information on the myriad of nationalities, religions, cultures and appropriate advising tools needed to transmit information in an understandable & respectful manner.

• I am dissapointed in the fact that we get Journals that are outdated. I have been in NACADA and ACPA. They have figured out how to keep the journals with the right dates on them, why can't NACADA?

• I think you addressed all issues. Thank you.

• I'm new to NACADA so my experience is limited, but have found that the monographs are very useful in helping my colleagues and I to develop a new office for advising on our campus. Thank you.

• Being bombed with e-mail updates isn't helpful. I'm too busy to confront 200K most days, so I ultimately delete what is probably valuable information

• Cannot think of anything offhand.

• How to deal with being responsible for seeing too many students.

• Keep up the good work!

• None

• As a new NACADA member, I haven't used the publications yet. I hope to become more familiar with them in the future.

• Networking among advisors from various regions.

• Case studies to use with continuing faculty advisors in on going professional development for them on campus.

• Keep them coming on a more frequent and continuous basis --

• i can't think of anything right now

• Regular, on-time delivery.

• The publications need to be timely. It would also help if more of the publications had a research focus.

• Have it easier to access information (specific topics) on the web.

• I think that we need to encourage the continued development and importance of faculty advising at all types of institutions. Stop trying to make advising a theoritical study. Just recognize it is a practical process.

• I enjoy the publications NACADA currently publishes and I appreciate the concern your group has to ensure we are receiving the appropriate information.

• NACADA has an excellent collection of resources. NACADA has helped our office engage in many valuable professional development opportunities.

• Need coherent position papers and publications that help advisors articulate the value of academic advising, in academic terms, to others at our institutions, such as Presidents, Provosts, Finance VPs, Deans, etc

• In question 7 I could only choose one, so I chose the monograph, but the loose-leaf notebook idea is an excellent one also. Thanks

• As I am new to Nacada, I can't really come up with anything. Thank you

• There is no recognition in this survey that some of us are not fortunate enough to have one full-time position with benefits. I am living the life of an adjunct juggling 3 positions at 2 very different schools.

• We want more direct dialog about common problems and solutions, and less want-to-be social scientist clutter from studies with no experimental control, assessment by self-report, and uselesly general developmental theories.

• I like hard-copy not webpages

• i really like the direction in which the journal is going. It's become quite scholarly (which to me is a positive thing).

• Advising Leadership on Campus

• I would like to see more opportunities and resources "advertised" for advisors - to use the publication as a networking resource to connect common goals and experiences for growth in advising.

• nothing at this time.

• More publicity about what publications are available.

• Advising adminitrator's best practices and guide.

• NA

• Think globally, act locally. Need vehicles to focus, arrange, manage information toward regional/local initiatives, creating continuous feed-back research loops where theory is put into practice and assessed along the routes.

• Most items are prohibitivly expensive for me.

• I think it would be interesting include in one of your surveys, a question about the various backgrounds advisors have. I came from a professional counseling background, but many people have a BA in anything. Just curious.

• Publication focusing on graduate student advising and related issues for graduate students.

• nothing

• Keep them simple and easy to utilize!

• I would like more effective materials in regard to advisor training especially faculty advisors.

• I think you're doing a great job. Thanks for all you do.

• Advising transfer students

• I skim the Journal each time I receive it and use articles pertinent to my work. I'm relieved that it seems to be back on schedule. Of the monographs, the one I continue to use is Advising and Learning.

• keep up the good work

• The Web gets information out faster, but it's still easier to read longer publications in paper format than on the Web. Even brochures are easier to attend to in paper than receiving just an e-mail announcement.

• Comparative Analysis of Advising Models

• I love the electronic newsletter!

• No one knows they need the publications until the moment you are dealing with an assignment. Having resources or the address for resources on the web is great when the crisis assignment occurs.

• Please make information immediately applicable to various types of institutions, if possible. Thank you!

• I would enjoy more "interactive" publications that rely on a computer/video to engage audience, but I'm not sure that my institution would grant funding for me to purchase such things b/c they tend to cost more than a monograph.

• diversity issues

• the survey is pretty comprehensive. I look forward to the results.

• Publish research studies! Questions 5 and 6 do not even MENTION research!!!

• -none-

• Nothing at this moment. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this survey.

• I would like to see research regarding perceptions students have of advisors by race of advisor

• Our school uses a "bunch" of adjunct advisors, working anywhere from 2 hrs/wk to 30 hrs/wk.--This is a unique chohort, and I wonder if others have this same curious format.

• I had a difficult choice to make when answering Questions 7 & 8. The responses form two groups, one print and the other non-print. I usually prefer to have both media available for my own learning so I would have given 2answers.

• A

• Keepp the costs as low as possible without losing money.

• NA

• I find in hand publications easier to use....with the volume of e-mails I receive from students and other professional e-mails, the electronic format does not seem to be a good format for me.

• I do not know enough about NACADA publications to answer this question.

• Advisor salaries

• I want more information about the requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in regards to students placed on hold and the role and responsibility of advising.

• I'd like to see the NACADA advisor training video updated.

• Is it possible to have more practical information rather than theoretical bases for advising or assessment. I find with the millenial generation that many of the issues are teaching life skills.

• I am more interested in proven techniques than in theoretical jargon.

• We are in the process of assessing advising on our campus and are appreciative of publications offering suggestions, comparisons, and tools that can be incorporated to improve our practices.

• I find most, if not all, NACADA publications very helpful.

• I would like to be able to access the already published monographs electronically; preferably in a PDF format so I can copy selected pages

• ...

• Nothing at this time.

• The NACADA publications have been both timely and comprehensive. I cannot think of anything right now that I would add.

• A lot of information for four year institutions is not applicable for two year colleges.

• N/A

• I think NACADA has been wise in carefully choosing what it publishes, as opposed to just presenting publications left and right for the sake of trying to look professional and academic. Quality is much more important than quality

• prefer hard copy or paper in mail to all the e-mails that clutter the inbox!

• Cost...Keeping the cost down allows more advisors access to publications.

• Would like to see more coverage of advising transfer students & upper-level 4 yr institutions such as WIU-QC.

• I do look through the NACADA Journal when I recieve it. I wish I had more time to really go through it carefully.

• Questions 10 & 11's response "Resoursces for full time advisors is quite ambiguous.

• Please do not go entirely on-line. I need to be able to take materials away from the office to read during other times. There is not enough time during the work-week.

• No comments

• I would like to see more topics addressed to aid community college administrators. As important as experience is in advising, I would like to see young authors from good programs address some of the issues. Great publications!

• Much of the literature seems to have an "isolated", by-advisors-for-advisors point of view. How about some fresh perspectives from related (or not-so-related) professions to help promote thinking outside of the box...

• Could use help in developing a handbook - checklist of essential info, format, best practices.

• I appreciate the Advisor Training Monograph and believe training topics should be a high priority for the publications task force.

• The research articles in the journal are great, perhaps, but are often difficult to follow for those of us not in social science/higher ed. It would be helpful to simplify stats, etc for the rest of us!

• N/A

• How can I increase my research expertise?

• I detest e-mail and online delivery formats. They are time-consuming and difficult to read, expensive to print, inconvenient for informational archives, and keep me glued to my computer terminal even longer than I already am.

• I find the Journal particularly helpful for my Student Affairs Graduate Assistants and their ongoing research. It often shows them theory to practice or gives research ideas.

• Articles and studies that address retention and first year experience, choosing majors, and things that have to do with helping students do well in school (complete studies quickly) are most useful to me. Thank you!

• They cover a wide variety of topics, which is something I really enjoy.

• They should be free

• More resources needs related to two year colleges.

• I really enjoy receiving my NACADA journal. Although I may not have time to read it the minute it arrives, I look forward to times during the year when I do have time to spend reading the articles.

• Don't bind them...3-hold punch them; send them in plastic or an envelope so that we can insert them in a binder by year or series of years. Regardless, we love the JOURNAL

• As the journal becomes increasingly professional, keep it accessible to the advisors struggling with the day to day demands of their roles.

• There is not enough information that targets programs that work with Adult non-trad students. Nigth programs.

• na

• Make sure that publications are done that focus on smaller schools (less than 5000 students) to provide for the opportunity of sharing ideas among our institutions.

• There is a great deal of redundancy between publications. Diversity of theories and assuming reader has the basics would be helpful in articles not aimed at beginners.

• I would like to see some kind of electronic database for publications where I could put in some key words on a topic and the database would produce all publications/articles/discussions on this topic.

• n/a

• I find them a little solemn and self-congratulatory.

• Less is more - I don't have a lot of time to read so I appreciate material in a simple manner!

• need to keep working on "professionalizing the profession", eg build the value of the the academic advising graduate certificate, build the value-added experience given by professional advisors as opposed to faculty advisors.

• Printed publications are most useful. No time during the work day to review materials.Need to do this evenings or weekends. Printing computer material inconvenient and costly. To have to print long documents off t

• There are quite a few advisors that advise in specific areas, i.e., physical therapy; occupational therapy; etc. It would be helpful to have a "special interest" or prof program advising group.

• Still too new to comment

• Many articles are often about "here's an important thing we should all be thinking about" but are very thin on practial (much less validated) approaches to improving the situation.

• N/A

• can't think of anything

• NA

• I like having a variety of resources...monographs, DVD, web conferences. Depends on the subject matter.

• I look forward to all NACADA publications. Our university has absolutely no training for advisors. All my growth has been thanks to NACADA.

• The overall campus feeling about advising among faculty/staff. What parents feel about advising. What institutions are most/least likely to provide advising programs.

• Theory relevant to diversity issues and minority students.

• the journal needs to be more timely

• I would really like to see more practical information. Research is great for basis and theory but application is what my advisors (faculty) would like.

• Are there discounted prices on publications for NACADA members or academic advisors?

• It would be helpful to have a research primer for dummies which includes basic statistical stuff and definitions - control, median, mean, distribution, etc. for those who have not had alot of research experience.

• no answer

• Publish newsletter on a monthly basis.

• x

• Focus on issues related to two year colleges

• Although I didn't check it, because it would have been a second choice, I think the DVD option would also be excellent.

• I am a new NACADA member. Anything will be helpful!

• The people writing about advising are sometimes not the best thinkers or the best advisors. They are the ones with the most time on their hands. The quality of the NACADA Journal has improved greatly. Don't give up on it.

• When possible, identify items that would be of value to a faculty advisor versus full-time advising staff (i.e. from a college or program).

• I'd like to see a one page document published monthly that focuses on one issue that can be helpful to advisors ~ from the very small practical to the theoretical ~ something I can copy to them or send them in hard copy.

• can't think of anything at this time.

• n/a

• Release new materials in January and June. Any other time of the year is just too busy for advising professionals.

• I am often confused and overwhelmed by the emails I get on a regular basis. I used to spend time following links, but now I usually just delete the emails when I get them because I don't feel like I have enough time to sort throug

• Time for professional reading is limited. Material needs to be in a format that is easily accessed and quickly read.

• Can't think of anything to add to this! Thank you.

• I would find it very helpful if NACADA published information that would be pertinent to the various commissions/discussion groups/listservs.

• As far as I know this has not been covered, but seeing some Canadian content, comparatively done or not.

• N/A

• I delete NACADA stuff that currently comes via e-mail. It doesn't include things I'm interested in, it's neither visually attractive nor easy to read. The NAAEE EE Link is a good example of effective bi-weekly e-mail messages.

• -

• The journal doesn't come out often enough & I learned at the conference - has too long of a delay from submission to publication to consider it an up-to-date valid representation of current issues and approaches in the field.

• Interested in the cutting edge research on academic advising/counseling. Statistics from different insitutions on retention correlated with advising.

• when submiting articles to the NAADA Journal, don't change the rules of acceptance n the middle of the process.

• More attention paid to research regarding academic advising.

• I would like to see more NACADA publications that deal with advising on community college campuses.

• more frequent printings of NACADA Journal - perhaps break into two separate ones - theory and research (reviews and research articles) and a practical one (case studies, tools, etc.) Highlight select conference presentations?

• Need for more information for the two-year school advising.

• Use more graphics in illustrations.

• N/A

• Develop publications dealing with current issues such as dealing with difficult students.

• I can't think of any.

• A publication that covers more than one topic would be appreciated.

• I like literature reviews, especially since I came into advising from being a full-time political science professor, unfamiliar with the advising literature. It would have been nice to have some "framing" articles.

• I can't think of any.

• Provide more materials that are immediately applicable.

• I think the NACADA J. is well balanced. I like most of your monographs. Perhaps move surveys like the the ACT survey, but on a smaller scale & with qualitative data as well.

• We need something to give to those who administer over us. Something that would give them some insight as to how valuable we are and what we are trying to become.

• I have not recieved any publications from NACADA

• n/a

• discussing about diversity topics and or advising various student populatons. Thank you.

• n/a

• N/A

• advising for second degree students

• I enjoy Highlights. I am spending more time on the Internet and this gives me quick access to information and special topics.

• I have been involved as Director of Academic Advising since 1987 and I treasure the help and support that you have provided me these many years. I thank you....

• I'd like the publications to focus on practical suggestions/solutions, best practices to "in the trenches" questions.

• Leadership in advising

• I would like to see NACADA address the issue that involves another type of advisor, such as, program coordinators who are also academic advisors. Any information on adequately performing both jobs would be helpful.

• Multiple access to various publications would be important

• I would like to see NACADA encourage and promote more research-based articles and fewer book reviews. Also, please add a note to the front pages that NACADA is indexed in ERIC so that professionals can search the contents.

• The NACADA journal is published sporadically, at best.

• I have not been an academic advisor long enough.

• trends in advising

• I would like to see more practical application information available on the NACADA website. When ever I try to research the website for information on a particular topic, I don't usually find much available.

• Address the issue of parents wanting to be involved in the advising process.

• Would like to see documents with focus on community college issues in academic advisement.

• what areas of content are we most interested in? for example, i would like to know more about high school to college transitional advising, special programs and research. thanks.

• nothing at this time

• Most times, I have little time to read while at work. I almost always have to read on my own time, which means I may not have technology available. Hard copies can be transported and can be read a little at a time.

• While electronic publications are certainly nice, they are no replacement for bound versions that can be pulled off a shelf.

• While the NACADA Journal is well-developed and informative, it often doesn't speak to the issues that affect advisors on our campus.

• I appreciate what NACADA has done thus far, but I would like to see more development of materials geared to those helping LGBT students.

• Publications that point to a web site where up to date information can be placed for downloading. Hi Charlie- Jon Delany

• The relationship between professional and faculty advisors at institutions where both have academic advising responsibilities.

• Have some resources for advising administration issues (Like: team building or strategies on working with different personalities).

• None other at this time

• Advising ESL and International Students

• I'd like more about using technology in advising. We're in such a budget crunch that we've GOT to become more paper-free.

• More information on advising various areas of student services - student activities and clubs & organizations

• NACADA's publications and the variety of media used by the association is raising both the profile of the organization and credibility of the profession. Thank you for all you are doing and will do.

• You covered it all!

• Would have liked to select more than one response to earlier questions, to include Assessment of Advising and Advising primer for new advisors.

• For me, more frequent, brief contact is more useful than giant textbooks because I can read a blurb or two about developments in the field and determine how/if I want to pursue it.

• z

• The ACADV listserv is where I have gotten the most useful information and is my favorite resource for advising. I also use the clearinghouse on the Nacada web site weekly for various issues

• I just joined NACADA and saw most of these publications for the first time in Cincinnati. I'm excited about beginning to use the resources that are already available. The publications I have seen are invaluable.

• you covered it all

• We are currently looking at different advising modles from around the country and would be very interested in seeing the best practices that are currently being used.

• I wish the NACADA Journal was published in a timely fashion rather than receiving spring copies in late fall and so on.

• I utilize the NACADA website regularly - it is a wonderful resource.

• Why is the NACADA Journal not published regularly and when it is published, why not date it re: the date of publication rather than 1 year or so past?

• Specific information on advising under-prepared students.

• All publications should be available on line. Sending hard copies is not necessary.

• I am much more likely to read print materials than on-line publications.

• New Members may not be aware of what publications NACADA has put out recently.

• student evaluations of advising techniques

• NA

• Relationships with Academic Affairs, Records, and Financial aid

• -

• More information on pre-health advising

• context of advising --Chronology of advising identifying "phases" in response to changes over the years (socially, academically, and with respect to the expectations and needs of students)

• You are already doing an excellent job!!

• None at this time.

• N/A

• There are great differences in what works for advisors based on the institution. I'd like to see information grouped based on the similarities of institutions to each other, so I don't have to read information useless to me.

• You're doing a great job making so much available for so many different populations!

• can't think of anything

• IN questions 5 ff, the variety of approaches is useful for different ways of thinking about issues, for "trouble-shooting" ideas, and for considering the different audiences involved with adivisng on campus.

• I wonder if it would be possible to publish a journal for HBCU'S (Historically Black Colleges and Universities).

• Immigration Issues, impact in achieving academic goals

• I have only been an academic advisor for a little over a year and have just become a member of NACADA. I am looking forward to reading your publications

• don't know

• I'd like to see more for administrators who no longer advise students, but who carry responsibility for advising and the assessment of advising at their institutions.

• Some type of internet resources be made available, containing tools, forms, procedures for various activities like group advising, certain topic presentations to students, basically like a library of different categories.

• Sometimes, hard data to assess advising practice is impossible to achieve due to multiple variants. Anecdotal data needs to be honored in such cases for articles written for the NACADA Journal.

• NACADA is doing a tremendous job already. Tools, worksheets, and downloadable items are especially valuable to me.

• I realize that many find the academic/research format of the journal important. I prefer to use a more reader-friendly format with content of practical applications.

• It was hard for me to answer these questions because I have never seen any NACADA publications.

• They need to be skill development based.

• Since advising at small colleges and universities is very different than large institutions, more resources focused for this audience would be very much appreciated.


• None

• don't know

• Collaberation between faculty advisors and professional staff advisors.

• Advising models

• Practical is better

• Thank you for allowing me to have this input.

• I am a new member of NACADA and a new advisor, so I have not yet received any NACADA publications other than the electronic newsletter. My answers are based solely on my limited knowledge at this point.

• I've recently joined NACADA and currently I am not very familiar with NACADA publications. I would like to subscribe/purchase some of the publications.

• Internet access to materials is key for daily advising needs/access/expediency/ I personally prefer hard copy for ease of reading and reflection away form my computer, however.

• Nothing

• Academic Advising - A Comprehensive Handbook has been an invaluable tool.

• Distance education is increasing for the non-traditional student. There is limited research, and information regarding advising these distance education adult students. It would be great to hear from advisors who do this.

• Would like to see the NACADA Journal be published in a timely manner.

• It is important to be concise and to-the-point since neither the advisors nor directors have much free time to spend on professional publications, even when they TRY to fit it in!

• More general advising reasearch for the Journal needs to be encouraged. Topics are often so narrow that issues may have nothing of relevance

• would like to see advising research in scholarly publications

• I'd like to see information on how to get funding for research projects and how to get one's research reports published.

• Most of us know research is a big deal from working at institutions but sometimes the articles are too much research and not a practical guide.

• I use the Academic Advising Handbook all the time. It is very helpful.

• na

• Discussion or survey from female advising administrators which suggestions for advisors on how to move up the ladder professionally.

• I am a brand-new member, so I have not had an opportunity to explore the various NACADA publications.

• Advising and retention

• At our institution, (public community college), we are so swamped for time and money that profesional publications are not made available and if they were, we wouldn't have the time to read them.

• I have not received any NACADA publications yet...and have been a member for 3-4 months now! Is there an FAQ for that on the website?

• The articles are too verbose and lengthy saying the same thing over and over or taking ten sentences or ten paragraphs to say what could be said in one or two sentences.

• After presenting at the national conference, I decided to submit an article for publication. But NACADA has no format for publishing innovative techniques. Theory is not interesting to most advisors, we need more practical tool

• The video series needs to be seriously updated - both in content and media.

• The video training program needs updating and we need both a faculty and a professional advisor training program -- I really think that a video or internet program for faculty advisors would be very helpful

• None, they have been very helpful!

• As a member, I would like to be able to download publications free of charge. I was disapointed to learn that you charge for publications. Members could pay for hard copies.

• You've already covered the essential needs through the previous questions. Thanks!

• While articles that are research based are valuable, it is equally important to have experience based articles. Many of these articles can also lead to research.

• How to advise students who receive financial aid. Many faculty /new advisors advisors do not understand financial aid.

• An area of interest is how to develop departmental value and appreciation for advising positions. Some faculty as well as the department heads are not able to see the whole value or potential of what can be done in my position.

• The timing of the NACADA journal seems important... it is nice that we are now up to date as it was misleading to receive a "new" journal with a date from two years before!!

• What is the Academic Advising News...sounds like something I would use, but maybe the delivery message is such that I don't read it.

• nothing

• Mostly keep up with publishing the NACADA Journal. It is extremely dissappointing that there seems to be a lack of commitment from the organization to keep up. I hope that the "mailed out" issue of the journal in fact arrives.

• Provide support for those serving a wide, diverse student population. There are some unique traits to be dealt with from a variety of populations. g

• Make Monographs available at a lower cost, as some of us must purchase our materials out of our own personal funds.

• There seem to be lots of good resources on the web site, but I still have difficulty finding information on particular topics when I am seeking answers or advice.

• Easier access is needed to a list of what is available through NACADA. A cross reference by topic area would be helpful.

• nothing

• I just became an advisor this summer so my lack of experience does not allow me to answer this question adequately. That is also why I had to mark that I have not read the above mentioned publications.

• We should humanize the advisor's role. The language used at conferences, in the newsletter, and sometimes in the NACADA journal emphasizes the need for the "happy, helpful advisor," dehumanizing and robotizing our role.

• I think you covered my areas of interest/concerns

• I think it's important to also look at advising from a sociological point of view. So I have been reading books such as "On Paradise Drive", "Quirkyalone", "Urban Tribes". I would like to see a more expansive book review llist.

• Can't think of anything.

• n/a

• I would like to see more about Graduate Student Advising by Graduate Advisers or Counselors

• Thank you for a job well done.

• Employment Opportnities

• x

• Need practical applicable articles on best practices

• NA

• I like the ability to go to the web site and browse the clearning house for topics. I like the reference section that I can go to for more indepth information.

• The publications addressed primarily to the advising professor as well as others for the advising direction/dean.

• Models for Advisement, Trends and Issues in Higher Ed

• My university's goals include enhancing student learning/teaching and increasing enrollment via retention initiatives. Pubs about advising as teaching/service, accountability, productivity-resource allocations & retention plan

• I don't like reading on-line stuff--and usually don't. So the Academic Advising News, for example, I used to read and now I don't.

• nothing

• I am a new member of NACADA, so I'm still learning about the resources available (hence the number of NA responses to question #4).

• Academic policies & procedures

• Few resources are available for non-faculty advisors who work primarily with graduate students.

• My institution is so big and decentralized that I don't think there is one best form of deilivery as offered above.

• Convergence/integration between academic and career advising/counseling

• How to make advising count toward tenure and promotion

• More online professional development opportunties

• While I always look forward to recieving my journal and many of the monographs look interesting, we have very little support here for professional reading for career development.

• I have found the resources to be very helpful, in particular survey results.


• Nothing

• After 32 years of advising, I find the publications self serving for the authors, theory for theory sake, politically motivated, completely missing an understanding of mainstream american college students, functionally useless.

• I believe the survey covered all the areas that were of interest to me.

• Information helps for advising technology

• would like to see more timely publication of the journal - not confident that the material is up-to-date given the publication date

• I think adding more mongraph topics is important. Keeping cost low. Perhaps rent videos or lower their cost.

• More information regarding national certification of academic advisors.

• Working with the graduate student, specifically academic advising/faculty advising for the adult/returning to higher education doctoral student.

• None

• They are usually quite good and timely

• Promoting scholoarly research in academic advising. It is essential for the continued growth of the field.

• n/a

• nothing to add here.

• I want the NACADA newsletters to be in a more "reader-friendly" format!

• More opportunities for publishing "shorter" articles on a best practice that was successful.

• We as advisors know that it is impossible to give each scenario of each particular case and this is why I find the journal articles extremely important because it does give you a starting point.

• More info on advising international students

• changing student populations at 4 year public institutions.

• Instead of asking members to submit articles for the sake of publication - it would be helpful if the main publication or highlights could focus on the issues of the day. Solution for getting students to come in for advising.

• Wish I had more time to use them....

• not sure

• Unsure

• I am very pleased with what NACADA provides.

• With financial constraints being prevalent on all campuses, keeping the cost minimal is critical. It would be great to have a member's only section of the website where members can download publications for free.

• It is hard to find time during a very busy professional day to spend time reading at the computer. It is in the best interest of time for advising materials to be developed in some type of print format.

• I have only been a member for about a month, so my answers are from just one month expereience. Thanks.

• nko

• I would really like there to be more Theory.

• I would really like there to be more Theory.

• All that I've used have been of consistently high quality and have been helpful in my work and professional growth.

• None comes to mind at this time.

• The journal is behind in its issues. There needs to be more consistency of the journal timeline.

• Your publications are great!!! Thanks for all you do!

• You folks do a great job keeping us all informed of the latest trends. Thank you.

• Advising Technology

• Less emphasis on academic journal-style articles; more on applied techniques, strategies, best practices, and useful advisor experiences/interventions.

• I refer constantly to the NACADA Internet handouts from the Conference for problem solving in my institution.

• Measuring retention through good advising!

• n/a

• It would be helpful to include an updated book for advising students with disabilities.

• The website is too content laden in its current format, i.e. the home page is cluttered

• Should have more stringent requirements re: research methodology used in studies published in the journal. Too many correlational designs, lack of adequately controlled studies, confounding variables minimally acknowledged, etc

• Our campus is in a financial crisis. It is hard to imagine any further $$ for purchasing advising materials.

• NACADA publications tend to cost to much for the quality.

• They need to contain data from many different institutions for schools to compare their activities and performance against.

• Keep up the good work.

• None

• Although I like the electronic versions, I sometimes do not take the time to read them and then never get back to them. Therefore, I like hard copies with Internet access

• They need to focus on the end users needs.

• Update on when NACADA journal is mailed out so we can watch and make sure we get it.

• I find NACADA publications very helpful and informative.

• Costs are definitely a concern. With today's budget, our office has not been able to spend additional money on our professional library.

• Stress Management

• Can't think of anything right now...

• I would like to have access to the most up-to-date information available.

• Accurate, up-to-date lists of references for any NACADA publication/workshop/seminar. Participants, especially faculty, need to have access to resources. Past bibliographies have been inaccurate or incomplete.

• N.A.

• I used the publications extensively while I was in my graduate program, but since then, I've only referred to them "when I needed something" - but I was glad they were there when I needed them!

• They are inconsistently published and easily overlooked. Things need to be more practical and less theory-based when you have limited time to do, and limited administrative support for, professional development.

• NACADA research tends to rely on weak if non-existent empirical research. A stronger commitment to rigorous research based upon accepted scientific procedures would be helpful in making solid inferences from the available data

• I need an assessment to use with students to evaluate the department's advising methodology in order to effect change in the present system.

• A publication addressing the successful integration and collaboration of advising with other institutional resources such as career advising, first-year issues, orientation, and activities.

• Perhaps a guide as to how to best utilize the information available through the NACADA web site and clearinghouse. Glad to see that NACADA resources are growing stronger.

• Doing a good job and thank you!

• More articles on career advising of college students

• n/a

• nothing I can think of.

• NA

• reviews and evaluation of commercial products (e.g. publications, software, etc.)

• Overall content and approach often good, though language can sometimes be too "academic" using jargon not helpful to new advisors especially.

• Nothing

• Nothing additional.

• i have been a member for a year and have not received one journal or newsletter in the mail...i borrow them from coworkers...

• Package content in as many forms as possible, to institutions at all levels of technology can access.

• More than 2 NACADA publications per year.

• Everything I obtain is very useful; if not particularly for me, I can pass it on to someone who might find the information useful!

• the format of email documents is problematic. there should be short quick summaries of the various articles and then a link, like in the chronicle of higher ed. i find the emails overly wordy so i tend not to read them.

• How is graduate advising conducted at other colleges and universities?

• I am a new member and have not yet received my NACADA journal. This affected my responses on this survey.

• Columns are easier to read that complete pages.

• That we appreciate the work that NACADA does in helping us with professional development

• Your audience includes new advisors, advising administrators, faculty advisors, and others. What publications will serve all of these consituencies simultaneously?

• I haven't received any promotional material on NACADA publications.

• Maybe provide more information on advising/counseling salaries and tips on how to be appropriately compensated.

• Online delivery in abbreviated format is probably most helpful. There is no time alotted for professional reading, so incorporating it into e-mail activity is the best answer for me.

• At least at my institution, we have such a heavy student load in addition to significant administartive reponsibilities, that there is little or no time for professional development.

• A publication that covers the profession (for audiences external to advising or higher education) would help. (for grantwriters, etc.). This could be using the NACADA web site and the wealth of info it has, or another resource.

• The special topics in the electronic newsletter, with bibliography, are excellent. Keep them coming.

• Current publications are really excellent and varied in format/delivery style. Maintaining some diversity in formats/topics is critical given the wide variety of advisors in our systems.

• The publications are my link to professional development. I am charged with faculty advising training and with assessment of advising. Our school has severly limited funds for professional training travel.

• The use of language in advising is an area that I am interested in. It seems to me important that we communicate well through our choice of wording. I would like to see more on how to best communicate with advisees.

• I am an adviser in a journalism school and so I am used to reading concise information. I wonder if NACADA might be open to a more brief, news-style of writing that I can more easily read in small doses...

• Electronic format is the most useful way for me to use/receive information.

• I'm a member of NACADA but dont get any journals free in the mail like I do with ACPA and ACA. Because of this, NACADA is off my radar. Does NACADA have a peer reviewed journals?

• I have been a bit disappointed as to the info that has come to me on my Advising Email after attending my first NACAD Conf. this year. Was hoping for some Adv. tips. Mostly it's for conf.out of my area. out of my are

• In the montly publication use a point-counterpiont format similar to what AERA does "...a response to..." - see

• I would enjoy cassettes or CDs that I could listen to while driving or working around the house. I love to read, but these days, find myself falling asleep, even over my free reading selections.

• We really like the availability of information on the NACADA website. I took an advising class on-line through KSU, and found it very valuable.

• You've pretty well covered it.

• The monographs and the Advising Handbook are the best in the field of advisement I have found in my research of academic advisement.

• On-line resources are the best type for our institution.

• advising undocumented (alien) students to transfer

• Democracy and education - Framing institutions of higher education. Time to zoom the microscope out. Take a look at the larger forces at play to develop strategies in our current environment of scarce resoures.

• We really appreciate them! We are using them in team meetings for professional development. Keep up the great work!

• It would be helpful to identify strategies, institutions that successfully retain and graduate ethnic minority students.

• In the stuff that I have seen out there in your quarterly (I have worked here 2 1/2 years and only received it once) there has not been that much stuff on Academic Probation advising. (Disappointing, as that is mainly my area).

• I think that providing more conferences on 'hot topics' via streaming video would reach larger audiences. Many of us are on severely restricted travel budgets and cannot send our staff to the conferences, regionals, etc.

• International Education Academic Advising

• Graduate student resources

• I believe that the survey covered the issues that most concerned me. I would like to be able to discuss the term "Developmental" advising. I feel that very often this term has a somewhat negative aspect.

• I really appreciate the fact that the NACADA journal is still printed out and mailed to me. I dislike getting my "journal" subscriptions electronically - then I can't carry it around and read it!

• Helping Administration understand the kind of balance advisors need to do the job well and not get burned out.

• Academic advising for graduate students differs from undergraduate student advising. I would like to see more resources available for those who recruit/advise graduate students. Advising is often intertwined with recruiting.

• It would help me to know the timeline by which the Journal and newsletter are published. Are they quarterly, published in a certain month, etc.? Sometimes I feel the Journal is almost out of date by the time I get it.

• Not necessarily application - but would like to see the revised CAS standards incorporated with the Assessment of Advising

• It would be extremely helpful to have a special monograph on advising in two-year comprehensive community colleges. The needs of our students and the context in which we advise is markedly different from others.

• Something dealing with the problems that are unique to advisors at large public institutions.

• Transfer student advising needs

• This has nothing to do with the publication but.....keep the job postings current - many are expired under NACADA Services. Thank you for the assessment/opportunity to give feedback.

• I would appreciate having a more up to date advisor training video that I can use on my campus.

• I have nothing to add at this point.

• Overall, the resources are helpful and informative. The Journals are useful resources. Perhaps trying some of the web-based accessed pieces might help get broader access to those who might want/need the information.

• I appreciate the publications you've produced. They have helped me greatly!

• The articles in the NASPA journal rarely involve qualitative research. They are data driven and primarily drawn from questionairres of faculty at large institutions. Utilize interpretive, interview-based research more often.

• Materials must be written in the academic vernacular. Over the past decade, it appears that NACADA publications have been written more to the interests and needs of student affairs professionals than academic professionals.

• Could NACADA inform the libraries at our universities of new publications so they can purchase them for Faculty and Staff to share for Professional Development so we do not have to buy these items with own money when budget is low

• More information on the issues that need to be addressed when dealing with developmental education students Faculty and advisors.

• The method of sending by email is appreciated and easy to use!

• How to utilize professional and faculty advisers to meet the needs of the institution

• Would like to see more information on advising military and former military career changers.

• None

• N/A

• new theories of advising

• Advising special student popluations such as international students and student athletes.

• As a follow up to question #11 It is very important to have articles written on developing faculty advisors as well.

• There cannot be too many resources. For the most part, I try to keep myself and my colleagues up to date on best practices because no one at my institution able to do it.

• I have found all of the publications purchased to be useful.

• Need to deliver information via several formats including interactive so we can choose the format that best fits the current need.

• It seems to have been a challenge to receive my copies of these publications. I have corrected my address and have received mailings and brochures, but have yet to receive the Journal or the Newsletter. I do receive the emails.

• Resources sent are very good, but my position is so demanding that I have very little time to review them.

• I've been in my position, which is an Administrative Assistant with some basic advising, just under one year, and I've attended only one conference thus far, so I don't really feel qualified to comment.

• I most value expertise and read first, and often only, material from national leaders in advising areas - assessment, populations, etc. Not interested in 'small scale, first survey of small local population' type research.

• None

• I get support from my college to attend NACADA each year. I have not asked them to also pay for publications, though I think you have done an excellent job with what you offer.

• Nothing new to add at this time.

• They are very good. I use them for resource and foundation material for one to one advising. I have used them for preparation work for being on as well as leading a panel.

• I hope the journal catches up soon!

• Nothing--thanks.

• I'm a new member, so I'm not sure...

• If not already done, a well done piece on how much $$ excellent advising has in retention, graduate rates, etc. at multiple-sized institutions. This would help us justify our existence.

• o

• Must be able to download.

• At Fielding Graduate University we are advising students from 30 - 70 years of age - predominantly in late 40's - early 50's and this age group of returning and repeating adult student continues to grow.

• N/A

• Narrowly based quantitative research in the journal are the least helpful articles.

• Nothing comes to mind at this time.

• The journal should add more research articles. Practical suggestions are helpful, however, when presenting ideas to faculty and administrators published research holds more credibility.

• n/a

• We have been a member for approximately 2+ years now and other than the electronic newsletter, I have never received any NACADA publication.

• Advisoring the Adult Learners and/or Seinor Adults.

• Articles are not always pertinent for today's student.

• I believe the NACADA advising video may need to be updated. We use a number of the paper handouts from the series, but we don't find the video segments to relevant to a community college setting.

• You do not even allow a category for professionals from graduate and professional institutions in your questionaire! You lost my respect about this being a useful survey for our needs at question # 2.

• Provide as many free forms of information and techniques as possible

• I work for a small private university where advising administration is only one of my responsibilities. I struggle at times with juggling all of my duties & advising prof. dev - are there others w/similar issues?

• academic advising as a stepping stone for personal counseling

• More on how different advising models actually work in two-year institutions, how these are assessed, and how student voice is used in assessments of same. Student voice is important and not heard nearly enough.

• nothing comes to mind. I think you do a great job.

• Advising/Retention connection.

• Documentation on the effectiveness of advising services for student retention and graduation... to offer upper administration to justify costs and staffing

• I teach at a small liberal arts college. Generally, the advising information from NACADA is irrelevant to my experience with a small student population.


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