Records Management System Software Request for Proposal (RFP)

Records Management System Software Request for Proposal (RFP)


Contact Phone: Issue Date: Contact Email: Website:


Date: Time: Location: Mailing Address:

360-578-5218 June 17, 2019 planning@

July 8, 2019 2:00 PM Cowlitz 2 Fire & Rescue 701 Vine St, Kelso WA 98626


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1.1 Inquiries. All inquiries related to this Request for Proposal (RFP) are to be directed, in writing to the following. Information obtained from any other source is not official and should not be relied upon. Inquiries and responses will be recorded and will be distributed to all proponents by an addendum.

Individuals with questions about the specification should be in writing only to planning@,

1.2 Closing Date. One (1) complete copy of the proposal must be received by 2:00 p.m., Pacific time, on July 8, 2019

Cowlitz 2 Fire & Rescue 701 Vine St Kelso WA 98626 360-578-5218

Proposals will not be accepted by email or fax. Proposals and their envelopes should be clearly marked with the name and address of the Proponent and the Request for Proposal name and date of opening.

1.3 Late Proposals. Late proposals will not be accepted. The District accepts no liability for misdirected or lost documents.

1.4 Evaluation Committee. Evaluation of proposals will be by a committee formed by the District.

The evaluation committee will check proposals against the mandatory criteria. Proposals not meeting all mandatory criteria will be rejected without further consideration. Proposals that do meet all the mandatory criteria will then be assessed to best fit the District's need.

1.5 Negotiation Delay. If a written contract cannot be negotiated within thirty days of notification of the successful proponent, the District may at its sole discretion at any time thereafter, terminate negotiations with that proponent and either negotiate a contract with the next qualified proponent or choose to terminate the RFP process and not enter into a contract with any of the Proponents.

1.6 Estimated Time Frames. The following timetable outlines the anticipated schedule for the RFP and contract process. The timing and the sequence of events resulting from this RFP may vary and shall ultimately be determined by the District.


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EVENT Request for Proposal issued Request for Proposal closes Proposal evaluation completed Vendor Selected Contract is signed Partial implementation starts Full implementation starts

ANTICIPATED DATE June 17, 2019 July 8, 2019 July 10, 2019 July 12, 2019 July 31, 2019 October 1, 2019 January 1, 2020


2.1 Signed Proposals. The Proponent must ensure its proposal includes a letter, or statement(s), substantially similar in content to the sample proposal cover letter provided in Appendix A, signed by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Proponent, and to bind the proponent to statements made in response to this RFP.

2.2 Irrevocability of Proposals. By submission of a clear and detailed written notice, the Proponent may amend or withdraw its proposal prior to the closing date and time. Upon closing time, all proposals become irrevocable. By submission of a proposal, the Proponent agrees that should its proposal be successful, the Proponent will enter into a contract with the District.

2.3 Proponents' Expenses. Proponents are solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing a proposal and for subsequent negotiations with the District, if any. If the District elects to reject all proposals, the District will not be liable to any Proponent for any claims, whether for costs or damages incurred by the Proponent in preparing the proposal, loss of anticipated profit in connection with any final Contract, or any other matter whatsoever.

2.4 Proposal Validity. Proposals will be open for acceptance for at least 90 days after the closing date.

2.5 Firm Pricing. Prices will be firm for the entire contract period unless this Request for Proposal specifically states otherwise.

2.6 Currency and Taxes. Prices quoted are to be: In US dollars; Inclusive of duty, where applicable; F.O.B. destination, delivery charges included where applicable;

Including all taxes.

2.7 Completeness of Proposal. By submission of a proposal the Proponent warrants that if this RFP is to design, create, or provide a system, or manage a program, all components required to run


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the system or manage the program have been identified in the proposal, or will be provided by the contractor at no charge.


Proponents are requested to review the documents and requirements carefully, without delay, for defects and questionable or objectionable matter. Questions, objections or comments regarding the documents, requirements or bid process should be made in writing and received by the issuing office no later than five (5) business days' prior to bid opening so that any necessary addenda may be published and distributed to bidders prior to the bid submission deadline. Any interpretation or correction will be issued, with the District's approval as an Addendum. All communications should be in writing to the following email: planning@.

RFP's will not be accepted if received at the location later than the date and time set for the opening. All document envelopes/boxes should be clearly marked with the name and address of the Proponents and the proposal title and date of opening. It is the vendor's responsibility to deliver the documents to the proper location by the assigned time. The District accepts no responsibility for misdirected or lost bids or supporting documents prior to the District actually receiving them. A vendor may withdraw its bid at any time prior to the scheduled closing only if done so in writing.

The District may accept this proposal within 60 days from date of opening. A purchase order issued within the 60 day period shall constitute acceptance of the proposal.

Vendor's exception to the stated delivery time may cause the offer to be considered non-responsive by the District.

The vendor shall hold and save the District, its officers, agents and employees, harmless for liability of any nature or kind, including costs and expenses, for or on account of any or all suits or damages of any character whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or persons or property by virtue of performance of this contract, unless such suits or damages arise from negligence on the part of the District or its employees in the performance of their assigned duties. The District shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the vendor in proposal preparation.

In case of default by the Proponent, for whatever reasons, the District may procure the services from other sources and hold the Proponent responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. In case of default by the Proponent on this proposal, the vendor will not be allowed to submit proposals on subsequent proposals for the same project.


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The RFP will be incorporated into the District's purchase order and the successful vendor will be bound by the solicitation and the purchase order terms and conditions. Any vendor not complying with the terms of this solicitation and purchase order will be, in addition to, any other legal or equitable remedies that may be available to the District.

If the District receives a written protest from a bidder, the District will not award a proposal with anyone other than the protesting bidder without first providing at least two (2) full business days' written notice of the District's intent award the bid; provided that the protesting bidder submits notice in writing of its protest no later than two full business days' following the bid opening. Any protest must be made in writing, signed by the protesting bidder or its authorized agent, and filed with the District. The protest shall contain all of the following information: The protestor's name, address, phone number, and email; The bid project name; A detailed description of the specific factual and legal ground(s) for the protest, including all exhibits referenced by the protestor; and Unless prohibited by law, the District reserves the right to reject all bids as a remedy to a protest or independently of protests. Failure to comply with these procedures shall render a protest untimely or inadequate and, consequently, may result in the District rejecting the protest solely on this basis. Any decision made by the District regarding the bid award, contract execution or bid rejection shall be final, subject to such judicial review as permitted under Washington law upon timely filing in the Superior Court of Cowlitz County, Washington. This venue clause shall modify any other provision in these Bid Documents to the extent there is an inconsistency.


4.1 Purpose Cowlitz 2 Fire & Rescue (the District) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the primary purpose of obtaining proposals from vendors that can provide a single suite of software that meets our records management needs as outlined in Section 5.2 as well implementation and hosting options. The District is also seeking proposals that include other modules such as staff scheduling, inventory, roster, etc.

The District is seeking a complete response from proponents who can demonstrate that they possess the organizational, functional, and technical capabilities to perform the services, and meet or exceed the requirements and service levels specified herein. Proponents submitting a proposal in response to this RFP must have a solid customer base of departments utilizing the proposed solution(s), including departments similar in size and service delivery to the District.

4.2 Profile of the District The District provides emergency services to our citizens through two combination staffed stations and three volunteer stations. We provide fire suppression, ALS and BLS transports and HAZMAT response. In 2018, we responded to 4,918 calls for service. We also provide fire and life safety inspections to over 750 occupancies.

More information for the District can be found at


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5.1 Current Environment and Strategic Direction

RMS. The District currently utilizes Firehouse Software to accomplish RMS. Firehouse has long been a presence at the District.

Billing. The District utilizes EF Recovery as our third party billing provider for ambulance transports and cost recovery on motor vehicle collisions.

Reporting/Analytics. Our current reporting and analytics environment consist of reports from Firehouse. Our vision for the future is that any selected suite would have both canned reports as well as easily customizable reports. We also envision a built in dashboarding suite that allows users to explore and analyze all data in the system.

CAD. Currently Cowlitz 911 uses Intergraph for its CAD software and it interfaces with Firehouse Software for call information. We expect any new system to easily accommodate a similar interface.

Security. It is expected that the new ePCR/RMS system will have tight security controls which meet regulatory, compliance and audit standards. Security is rolebased to the screen level.

Hardware. The District currently utilizes Windows based laptops and desktops all running Windows 7 or later. We also plan to deploy Apple iPads and iPhones as corporate owned devices to operations and selective administrative staff. We envision the continued use of a combination of devices with any new system. Ideally users should be able to choose which hardware works best for them and continue to have full access to any system.

Key Elements of Replacement Systems. The District will be assessing key elements of a new ePCR/RMS system in alignment with organizational objectives and will focus on the following:

Business Functionality - Modules and functionality to support the business requirements for the District while maintaining high standards of customer service and allowing improvement of current operations at the District. The District expects to streamline business processes through the implementation of new software and adopt the best practices offered by the software and the software proponent.

Common Interface - All system operations, modules, and reporting should occur via a single platform without the use of third party software or additional logins to other modules. We envision a system where there are no technical divisions between incident, PCR, patient, personnel and occupancy management. With having a strong volunteer response interface between incidents and personnel management is crucial. Firehouse currently tracks all of our volunteer points including calls, shifts, public education events, and activities. These points are


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used to pay volunteers a stipend for their time.

Data Continuity - Combined ePCR/RMS, and patient data entry through a single platform and stored in a centralized database. Data should be tied together within the system to allow for data continuity between incidents.

Data Access - Functional and useful reporting of all aspects of operations will be critical to the District to improve both operations and administrative functions. In addition, it is expected that a new system will allow for dashboarding and data exploration outside of canned reports. Our vision is that access to data will help drive data accuracy and accountability.

Data Integrity - The District aims to select a system that will provide simple and configurable ways to enforce report standards through customizable help, dynamic field validation, and customizable QA workflow process.

Configurability and Flexibility - Offers tools to support the extension of the application to enable the District to leverage the use of technology to administer and manage operational functions and become more efficient in day to day operations. Configurability and flexibility also allows our operation to adjust rapidly to changing requirements during emergencies.

Industry vision and responsiveness - Partnering with a software vendor that understands the industry and the importance of operating proactively in the maintenance of their applications to adhere to evolving industry practices and changing regulatory requirements.

It is anticipated that the new ePCR/RMS solution will: Position the District to meet its current and future strategic objectives. Allow the District to adhere to state and federal reporting requirements. Meet all privacy and regulatory requirements for security and patient privacy. Minimize the number of manual processes, reduce paper, and utilize electronic means where possible. Automate manual tasks and improve efficiency. Minimize or eliminate the use of third party systems used at the District. Work in both a connected and disconnected state to mitigate connection issues when in the field. Connect to and integrate with LifePak devices. Allow for data sharing with other agencies. Provide methodology to both deliver reports to hospitals as well as receive patient outcome data. Work via a thin client or web based software to minimize install and deployment procedures.

5.2 Project Goals and Objectives

Objective. The objective of this RFP is to solicit proposals from Proponents that can provide an integrated, fully developed, and previously implemented ePCR, RMS, and personnel records management software solution as well as provide implementation


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and training services for the application. The District will only consider applications that have a user install base where the District may receive references as to their satisfaction with the product.

Scope. The District intends to purchase a complete system focusing on the following:

Firehouse Replacement Project







Personnel Records Management Required

Data Analytics








Additional value from modules including but not limited to:

Staffing/Roster Training Inventory QA/Workflow


5.3 Contractual and Negotiation Philosophy Contractual Philosophy. There are inherent risks in assuming responsibility for existing systems, developing new interfaces, and providing enhancements, that go along with implementing emergency services software. These risks are compounded by today's rapidly changing and highly competitive environment. Because of the uncertainty of the marketplace, the increasing complexity of the solutions, and the increased investment required to develop, deliver and implement these solutions, the District will expect the Proponent to be the expert in application of their products and services.

The District's intent is to form a long-term alliance with the selected Proponent(s). This alliance must be mutually beneficial and share the risks the alliance encompasses. Such a relationship shall embrace the following principles:

The alliance will contribute to the District and the Proponent mutual benefit. The risk of implementing and using technology solutions must be shared. The relationship will promote continuous and measurable improvement in the

people, products, and services of both organizations. The Proponent must share the District dedication to delivering quality services

both internally and to its constituents. Our mission is to help people every day. Both parties will always strive to eliminate ambiguities and omissions from the

spoken and written terms of the relationship by communicating with clarity of purpose and expectations.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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