Global Star Enterprises




1. Context

1. Entering data is a very time consuming task. While you are entering data you should periodically save your work. Depending on how fast you work, this should be done every five to ten minutes. It is advisable to set your Microsoft Word AutoRecover option to every 5 minutes.

2. Global Star Enterprises (GSE) has definite requirements when naming and saving your electronic documents and files.

2. Naming your documents and files

1. Name your documents and files according to their content. For example, if the document was a customer feedback form from J Smith, it would be appropriate to name the document as follows - jsmith_feedback_form and save the form in a folder called Customer Feedback.

3. Naming your folders

1. Name your folders according to their content. For example, if the folder contained customer feedback forms it would be appropriate to name the folder Customer Feedback.

4. Saving your document or file

1. All electronic documents, files or folders must be saved on the GSE S:\ network drive. The S:\ Drive is a shared drive on GSE’s network where documents, files and folders are accessible by GSE staff.

2. All staff members will be given access to the S:\ Drive during their induction to the workplace.

5. Closing files

1. Before closing files you must save the work you have completed.

2. The easiest way to do this is by selecting the File, Save command. If you haven't previously saved your work most applications will prompt you to Save as. This will give you the opportunity to name the file and select a directory for the file to be stored in.

6. Working with electronic documents

1. You are required to take the necessary care when working with electronic documents and files to prevent loss of materials and ensure documents and files can be identified and accessed to meet the business needs at all times.

2. If you are unsure of the requirements and processes to follow to name, save and store electronic documents and files seek advice from your work colleagues, supervisor or manager.

7. General Information

The 3 character extension .doc shows that it is a word processed document. If the file had an extension of .jpg, it would indicate a photo/image file.

Files can contain any sort of computer information but they often have 3 character extensions.

A few common file extensions: 

• .doc - word processing - MS Word

• . xls - spreadsheet MS Excel

• . html - web page

• .jpeg - photographic image - picture

• .pdf - document exchange - fixed layout

• .txt - text document

8. Backup electronic files and data

The backup data process is to ensure backups are administered daily and maintained, and individual staff and Managers are is responsible for overseeing the management of this.

1. All staff must refer to your manager to:

• Recover mistakenly deleted data

• Archive data for audits and taxes

2. Data can be lost through a number of mediums. The most common reasons for data loss include:

1. Accidental deleting files/formatting drives

2. Viruses and malware

3. Damage or loss of computers/hard drives

4. Power failures

5. Fire/natural disasters.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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