
Daisy Cortes

INFO 521

IPL Final Project

Summer 2010


What is reading and what are types of reading?

location: United Arab Emirates

area: Other

reason: regarding my studies

school: Yes

Hello from the ipl2,

Thank you for your question regarding your studies about reading

and types of reading. I found a few sources that I hope will

answer your question.

1) To answer “what is reading?” I chose to find the definition in

the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary website.


This website provides reference services such as dictionary

definitions, thesaurus, medical definitions, and Spanish to

English translation.

I searched the dictionary for the word read- I chose the verb

format because it coincides with your question by the act of

reading. You can find the definition by following the link below.

I then searched the word reading- I chose the noun version

because it coincides with your question. You can find the

definition by following the link below.

*To answer “what are types of reading?” I found various results.

Some websites refer to types of reading as styles or kinds of

reading. Below are a few of the results that I found:

2) I conducted a search with the popular search engine Google

with the search terms “types of reading.”

This search took me to a webpage on Education Bringing Learning

to Life. I chose this webpage because your question is regarding

your studies and this website focuses on education and learning.

The four types of reading provided are:

1.Independent Reading

2.Reading Aloud to Students

3.Guided Reading

4.Shared Reading

The link below lists and defines these four types of reading. It

also shows you where this information was excerpted from and

gives you the option to find the book for purchase if you would


This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

3) A different answer is provided through the same Google search.

I found a webpage About: English as 2nd Language. I chose this

webpage because it discusses types of reading in a different

context. Most searches I have conducted refer to these 4 types:

1.Skimming - reading rapidly for the main points

2.Scanning - reading rapidly to find a specific piece of


3.Extensive - reading a longer text, often for pleasure with

emphasis on overall meaning

4.Intensive - reading a short text for detailed information

You can find the above mentioned information through the link

provided below.

4) Using the search engine Clutsy I searched with the terms

“types of reading skills.”

This search took me to the University of Sheffield’s webpage on

Reading Skills. I chose this webpage because it is focused on

education. This website gives the same four types of readings as

resource #3 listed above.

Here are four different kinds of reading.

•Skimming - running the eyes over quickly, to get the gist

•Scanning - looking for a particular piece of information

•Extensive reading - longer texts for pleasure and needing global


•Intensive reading - shorter texts, extracting specific

information, accurate reading for detail

You can find the above mentioned information through the link

provided below.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

5. Using the search engine Dogpile I searched with the terms

“kinds of reading.”

This search took me to a PDF file from James Cook University

Australia. I chose this webpage because it comes from an

educational source. This website gives a different list than the

ones mentioned above. The link below is a PDF file that holds a

list and summary of kinds of reading.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this link. If you do

not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you may download it for free from

the link below.

It seems that various sources have different agreements as to

what types of reading exist. I hope these sources answer your

questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you need

more information.

Thank you for using ipl2.


Daisy~ You have done an excellent job with this question. You

explained both of the user's questions, using authoritative and

well selected sources. I really liked how you defined and

described your choices for read and reading - this should be very

useful for the user.

You also provided a variety of sources - as this is for the

user's studies, this gives the user a broader perspective and

more information to use and learn from.

One small reminder - remember to include http:// in all or your URLs as this is what makes them live links and accessible to the patron.

I cannot think of anything that you should or could have done

differently. I think that the user will find great value in your

answer. Keep up the excellent work!



Time Spent: 2 ½ hours

Sources consulted aside from the answer: My initial thought when researching the question was to define reading in order to answer the part of the question “what is reading?” I often use online dictionaries and I chose to visit Merriam Webster’s webpage. I double checked the definition on . The definition for reading had the term read in it so I chose to define both read and reading. Next, I began searching for types of reading- this brought a more complicated search as I found that there were different ideas of what a “type” of reading is and also the difference between “type” and “style” was not clearly defined. I checked Wikipedia to see what types of readings were listed there, but I did not find it very useful. It took me a while to look through many of the search results in Google, Clutsy, and Dogpile to find the pages I gave the user. I decided that giving the user the variations of reading styles/reading types would allow them to take and use what best fit their situation or answered their question.

Critique: I was not completely satisfied with my answer because it did not have one solid answer. Everyone has a different opinion to the different type of readings. As I searched I also realized that there were two very distinct issues regarding “types of reading.” One was the style of reading one can do (group or alone) and the strategy of reading one can have (skimming or scanning). This is why I provided both options.

What I would do differently: I might ask for a clarification on which type the user was looking for styles or strategies of reading. I would also add the http to the links of my homepages as the feedback pointed out.

Question :

I am looking for info on clothing made by Erika or Erika & Co. I

frequently purchase this clothing in thrift stores and on ebay,

but have never seen this label in an actual store. None of the

tags indicate an address or give a clue as to who makes this

clothing and where it originates. I am curious about the

manufacturer/distributor and where I might look to find this

clothing new. I am particularly interested in their dresses, but

also have shirts and shorts with this tag.

location: Frederick, Maryland

area: Other

reason: I am trying to find out where this clothing line is sold


school: No

sources_consulted: I've done web searches to no avail.

Hello from the ipl2,

Thank you for your question regarding the manufacturer or

distributor of Erika or Erika & CO. clothing. I found a few

sources that I hope will answer your question.

1) The United States Patent and Trademark Office website allows

the searching of trademarks by name.

Under the “Trademarks” tab I chose “Search Marks.” From this page

I chose “New User Form Search (Basic).” I conducted two searches.

For search 1 I used the search words “Erika & CO.” for search 2 I

used the search words “Erika.”

From the search results for both searches I found various results

related to the “Erika” brand of clothing. Many of these

trademarks were cancelled and considered DEAD. I found that

“Erika,” “Erika & CO.,” “Erika II & CO.,” and “Erika Collection”

all had the same registrant or owner Miss Erika, Inc.

I then conducted a new search with the search words “Miss Erika,

Inc.” and field “Owner Name and Address.” This search generated a

list of trademarks from this owner. Of the 25 results 3 are

“ALIVE” trademarks, they are “Erika,” “Private Party” and “Sugar

Blues.” All three trademarks are clothing related. Selecting the

trademark record will provide information about the brand.

Unfortunately the website does not allow for a direct link to the

results I found, but you can conduct the same search by following

the steps and link provided below.

I will repeat the steps for you here so you may replicate the


1.Visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office website

2.Under “Trademarks” chose “Search Marks”

3.Select “New User Form Search (Basic)”

4.Under Search word type in: Miss Erika, Inc.

5.Under Field select: Owner Name and Address

2) I conducted a search with the popular search engine Google

with the search terms “Miss Erika, Inc. clothing.”

This search brought me to the website Manta. This website helps

you find companies and connect with customers. It creates company

profiles and may help you learn more about the distributors and

stores where you may find this brand of clothing. Miss Erika,

Inc.’s profile on Manta can be found by following the link below.

The Miss Erika Inc. company website is provided in this profile.

From the left hand side of the Jones Apparel homepage you can

select the “Our Brands” tab. “Erika” is found under “Moderate

Apparel & Denim.” If you click on the brand name it will link you

to more information about the brand and contact information for

further questions.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

3) I conducted a new search using the popular search engine

mentioned above, Google, but for this search I chose the shopping


I used the search terms “Miss Erika, Inc." On the left hand side

of the results page it allows you to refine your search. Under

the category “Any Store” it shows us that the clothing is found

at various online stores but also at the chain department stores

Sears and JC Penny under the brand name “Miss Erika.”

A Google shopping search with the search terms “Erika & CO.” does

not produce results for new clothes or department stores only

online stores such as eBay. Also, a search with the search terms

“Erika” produces results for the “Miss Erika” brand name but not

the “Erika” brand name alone.

It seems as though “Erika & CO.” and “Miss Erika” brands are

branches of Miss Erika, Inc. and the Erika brand which descend

from Jones Apparel. I hope these sources answer your questions or

provide you with the means to find answers to your questions.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you need more


Thank you for using ipl2.

Time Spent: 1 ½ hours

Sources consulted aside from the answer: I knew to visit the United States Trademark and Patent Office website to search for the trademark Erika or Erika Inc. There were various trademarks with variations of the Erika trademark. I spent a lot of my time sifting through them to see which sold clothing. After picking the ones that best fit the user’s description I took notice of the owner/registrant of each trademark and their status as current or closed. When I found that the owner registrant was the same for various of the clothing brands with varying “Erika” names I conducted a search on Google to look up the company. Finding the website of the parent company was exciting. Aside from this process I searched “clothing name brands” on the ipl2. After finding the different variations of the Erika brand and company name I searched the clothes on Amazon and eBay to see the results that would come up and perhaps other brand names that might be associated with it.

Critique: I was satisfied with my answer to this question. I started with the trademark website and luckily was able to conduct relevant searches from there on. I was confident that this would answer the user’s question or enable them to find the answer. I also learned that using websites that hold company profiles can be very useful.

What I would do differently?: In hindsight I think that maybe I was blinded by being sure I had the right brand. I might have expanded my search a bit more to see if this brought me different results.


How can I protect material I publish on the Internet from theft

and republication by others?

location: United States

area: Business

reason: ©

school: No

sources_consulted: none

Hello from the ipl2,

Thank you for your question regarding the online protection of

your published material. Although I cannot guarantee the

protection of your published material or give you legal advice

below you will find a few sources that I hope will help you make

informed decisions.

1) First, I chose the United States Copyright Office website to

inform you of your basic copyright rights.

The “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” tab has some information

you may find useful in protecting your work.

2) Second, I conducted a search on the ipl2 website with the

search terms “protecting your published works online.” The ipl2

has various resources available to the public.

This search brought me to Grantastic Designs a full service

search engine marketing and design firm. The link below will lead

you directly to the section titled “Protecting your website form

online thieves.”

Be sure to also read parts 2 and 3. They have detailed steps you

can take to prevent theft.

Part 2:

Part 3:

3) Third, I conducted a search with the popular search engine

Google with the search terms “protecting your website from online


This search brought me to How to Protect Your Digital Art from

Online Thieves on the Associated Content- Arts & Entertainment on

Yahoo! In your question you addressed the protection of

“material” you publish. I chose this website to address the issue

of digital arts in case this applies to your material.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

4) Fourth, I conducted a new search using the popular search

engine mentioned above, Google, with the search terms “how to

protect your website from theft.”

This search brought me to the WISCO Computing- Business and

Educational Software plus Articles for Software Developers & ISVs

website. I chose this website to give you a more in-depth look

into protecting your materials from online theft. The link below

will provide you with some software and programming steps to take

to protect your material.

It seems that there are various options for you to explore in

protecting your published material online. I hope these sources

answer your question or provide you with the means to find

answers to your question. Please don’t hesitate to contact us

again if you need more information.

Thank you for using ipl2.


Hi, Daisy-

Thank you for answering this question!

You did a great job of meeting the six elements of the ipl2

response - greeting, acknowledgment, sources, citing sources,

search description, and closing. And you used the shortened URLs


I liked how you used a variety of source origins - government,

ipl2 search engine results, Google search engine results. This

type of searching of multiple venues helps to show the patron

that there are different ways of finding things. I also think you

made a good choice to show how to protect different types of

material - written and visual.

And you also did a good job of pointing the patron to specific

sections of the sites you suggested when there were multiple

places to look (such as the U.S. Copyright Office and the

Grantastic Designs pages).

Wonderful job!

-Amy, Sr. Ref. Admin.

Time Spent: 1 hour

Sources consulted aside from the answer: I searched Wikipedia and various internet safety blogs. The ipl2 had some resources that were not very relevant, but one that was. I wanted to provide the user with at least two different types of ways to protect published material. As I sifted through the results I was looking for a program or software that could protect material online as well as do it yourself methods.

Critique: I was satisfied with my answer to this question. I think the sources I provided can give the user an opportunity to learn about the steps they can take to protect their published material online.

What I would do differently?: In hindsight I might have asked for more info on the type of material they were trying to protect. I covered both visual and written but it could have been musical that they were looking for.


I want to know if it is against the law to spread the ashes of a

family member on family owned property in Morgan County, West


location: Kearneysville, WV/USA

area: Government

reason: Legality of spreading a decedents ashes in the state of

West Virginia.

school: No

sources_consulted: West Virginia Dept. of Environmental



I'm concerned with how to answer this question because of the

legality of the issue.

I considered referring the patron to law libraries in their area.

Providing the website where they can search codes in their state.

Providing a website that dedicates itself to scattering remains

that has some info on most legal complications of scattering

human ashes.

I'm not sure if that would answer the question sufficiently.

Any help is appreciated.

Post-A-Note Answer:

Hi Daisy,

You're right - we must be careful about answering the question

since it is a legal question. You can answer it by recommending

those sites for the person to explore on their own. Also

providing contact info to a law library/librarian is a great

idea. You can also add a disclaimer that we can only provide

sources rather than answer this questions specifically because it

is a legal question.

-Lindy, Sr. Ref. Admin. :)


Hello from the ipl2,

Thank you for your question regarding the spreading of the ashes

of your family member on family owned property in West Virginia,

I’m sorry for your loss. I can only provide you with sources

rather than an answer to this question because it is a legal

issue. I hope the following sources help you find an answer to

your question.

1) First, I conducted a search with the popular search engine

Google. I used the search terms “law libraries in Morgan County,

West Virginia.” You may replicate the search to specify a city by

replacing “Morgan County” with the city name.

The search results brought several law libraries in West

Virginia. Take note of the city and state that are listed under

each library result (the list also contains some law libraries in

the state of Ohio). Their contact information is provided in the

results list. Although law librarians cannot answer legal

questions they may be able to better serve you by helping you

navigate a search to see if laws exist that prohibit the

spreading of the ashes of your family member.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

2) Second, I conducted a Google search for the West Virginia

Legislature website with the search terms “West Virginia


The West Virginia Legislature website allows for the search of

state codes.

You can try variations of search terms such as cremation,

cremated remains, ashes, human remains, burial rights, private

property, etc.

3) Third, I conducted a new search on Google, with the search

terms “laws against spreading cremated remains.”

There are various services for hire that take care of or guide

you through the process of spreading the ashes of your loved one.

Cremation Solutions is an example of one of the sites I found. It

also provides a where and how to scatter the ashes. Keep in mind

that this is a business and they are trying to sell their

products and services. I chose this website to demonstrate the

options you may encounter in your search.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

Although I am unable to provide you with an answer, I hope these

sources provide you with the means to find answers to your

question. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you need

more information.

Thank you for using ipl2.

Time Spent: 2 ½ hours

Sources consulted aside from the answer: I searched the West Virginia website for relevant topics unsuccessfully. I was at a loss on where to look on this question, but thought the best bet would be to refer them elsewhere. I searched in Google, Yahoo, and Clutsy. In the end I realized that it was in the user’s best interest for me not to find the law but to point them in the right direction on their own quest to the answer.

Critique: This was difficult to answer because it was a legal issue I had a 50/50 satisfaction level. It is hard to feel that you answered a question when you can’t legally answer the question. I did try searching for a law myself and was unable to find one, I would not have given it to the user had I found it. I almost felt as if referring the patron elsewhere or to information like “Cremation Solutions” were negative closures even if I did not intend them to be.

What I would do differently?: I’m unsure of what I could do differently to answer this question- I found it to be very difficult.


message: Can you please tell me of any specific sites that I can

go to to get a literary critique an "The Old Man and the Sea"?

Every where I look, I cannot find any that have commentary on

existentialism. Can you please help me?

Hello from the ipl2,

Thank you for your question regarding literary criticism

containing existentialism for The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest

Hemingway. Through my search I found a few sources that I hope

will help answer your question. I would like to note that there

are various subscription databases geared specifically towards

literary criticism that may be of great service to you.

1) The ipl2 has various resources available to the public. The

homepage is located below.

In the search box I entered the terms “literary review.” From the

results list I chose “IPL FAQ Literary Criticism.” Many ipl2

users request resources on literary criticism and the ipl2 has

created this page to help answer this frequently asked question.

The ipl2 lists three good places to search. I highly encourage

you to look through all three sources, but I found some

information in the Literary Criticism Collection that may be

useful to you. I searched by author Ernest Miller Hemingway.

Although you may not find something specifically on The Old Man

and the Sea, you may be able to find some information within a

discussion of his works as a whole.

2) Using the meta-search engine Clutsy, I conducted a search

using the terms “literary criticism websites.” The homepage can

be found by following the link below.

From the results there are various pages that have lists of

resources for websites and databases that may help you find

literary criticism. In the links below you will find a couple. I

chose these websites because they are geared towards education

and arts and literature and come from reputable sources.

This site comes from a school website:

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

This site comes from an arts website that includes literature as

a form of art:

3) I conducted a search using the popular directory About. I

used the search terms “old man and the sea literary critique.”

From the results I chose “Book Reviews in Literature.” Here I

found a critique for The Old Man and the Sea. You may view this

critique through the link provided below.

4) I conducted a new search using the popular search engine,

Google Scholar.

Under “Advanced Scholar Search” I entered or selected the


Under Find Articles-

With all the words existentialism

With the exact phrase old man and the sea

Under Articles and Patents-

Select “Search only articles in the following subject areas”

Check the box “Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities”

Click Search Scholar

You can recreate this search and perhaps change certain search

terms such as “Hemingway,”

“Ernest Hemingway,” “existentialism,” “literary review,”

“literary critique,” “literary criticism,” and “Old Man and the

Sea” until you find something to your liking.

My results list can be found by following the link below.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

From those results I found an article The Lord of Heroes:

Hemingway and the Crucified Christ by Kathleen Verduin that might

be a great article for you on JSTOR. The citation information for

the article is provided below.

* The Lord of Heroes: Hemingway and the Crucified Christ

* Kathleen Verduin

* Religion & Literature, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring, 1987), pp. 21-41

* Published by: The University of Notre Dame

JSTOR is a digital archive of many forms of scholarship.

Unfortunately JSTOR is a subscription based site that requires a

login. I suggest you visit the link below and search for a

library that subscribes to JSTOR near you.

It seems that there are various options for you to choose from in

finding literary critiques on The Old Man and the Sea. I would

recommend that you visit a library to access any literary

criticism subscription databases they may have. Many libraries

allow you to access these databases from home with your library

card. I hope the sources I provided for you answer your question

or provide you with the means to find answers to your question.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you need more


Thank you for using ipl2.


We found answers to your question by using the Google Scholar

search engine.

Because Google Scholar seamlessly retrieves materials for users

authorized to access subscription database resources, you might

not have access to these resources directly from your own

personal computer.

We have provided the citations for the resources you need and

outlined the steps taken in Google Scholar to show you how we

retrieved them. If you are unable to reach them on your own

computer, please take the citations to the nearest library for

assistance. Some publishers also allow you to purchase

individual articles. Many of them include a link for purchase

alongside the abstract.

For more information about Google Scholar, see their "About

Google Scholar" page.

Time Spent: 3 hours

Sources consulted aside from the answer: I first searched the ipl2 and found the ipl Special Collection. I followed various links that took me to Library Spot, LitLinks, Gale Resource Center, among others. None of those led me to Old man and the Sea. I think the best option would be databases but because I don’t know the persons educational level or location. I tried searching for literary critiques on the book in question and existentialism, but then shifted to solely providing websites for literary critiques like the question asked.

Critique: I was also not completely satisfied with the answer. I was a bit torn as to which part of the question to answer- should I just list websites with literary critiques or should I try to find an article on the book and existentialism. A lot of the websites I found had no mention of the book in question.

What I would do differently?: I would have asked more information to see why the person needed the information, what their age/educational level was, and their location to see if there were libraries close to them with JSTOR as an available database. Also it would have been nice to be able to possibly refer them to their university or college library if that is what they needed it for.


Needed by: 8/18/2010


is their any way or anyone that would have records of a yellow

pages phone book for Tucso,AZ. for the year of 1997-1998

location: Forest Lake,MN.

area: Other

reason: tring to find old doctors full name from past for SSDI


school: No

sources_consulted: internet

Hello from the ipl2,

I may have misunderstood, but I believe you are asking about

finding the Yellow Pages for Tucson, Arizona from 1997-1998. I

also see from your reason for asking this question that you are

looking for an old doctor’s full name from the past for SSDI.

There may be other resources to help you find the doctor’s name

besides the Yellow Pages.

Below is a list of questions that would be helpful in answering

your question, please feel free to add any other details you may

remember. Please only answer what you feel comfortable answering.

What medical group, hospital, or clinic was the doctor employed


Where was the clinic located (address or city or county)?

Do you remember any part of the doctor’s name?

Was the doctor female or male?

Did the doctor have a specialty? (Orthopedics, Neurology etc)

The more I know about it, the better I might be able to help you!

In your reply, please preserve the subject heading intact so that

the message is sent to the proper spot at the ipl2. Thanks for

your help!

Hopefully, the following information will answer your question.

1. From the Yellow Pages homepage I found a section for "Contact

Us." It does not seem that the Yellow Pages website has a digital

archive, but a direct email to them may be able to provide you

with further information about locating the information you are

looking for. The link below provides you with a direct link to

the "Contact Us" section to the website.

To ask a question you must select the "Feedback" button on the

left hand side of the page. This should bring out a pop up screen

that has three tabs. Select the Question tab and you can ask them

about old Yellow Pages records.

2. I conducted a search using the popular search engine Google

with the search terms "look up old doctors."

From the results I selected the American Medical Association's

website. They have a feature called Doctor Finder. You can search

a doctor by name, location, and or specialty. You must know the

doctor's last name. I am unsure if you have that information. In

case you do the link below will take you to the Doctor Finder


3. I conducted a new search using Google once again. I used the

search terms "Arizona doctors."

From the results I selected the Arizona Medical Board. I chose

the Arizona Medical Board because you were looking for the Yellow

Pages from Tucson, Arizona. They also have a Doctor Search

feature. You may search the doctor even if you only remember part

of the name. The link below will take you to the Doctor Search


*Please keep in mind that the Doctor Finder and Doctor Search are

geared to find licensed medical doctors.

Please reply to this email and let me know if your question was

answered or if I can be of greater assistance to you. I hope to

hear from you soon and please don’t hesitate to contact us again

if you need more information.

Thank you for using ipl2.

Time Spent: 2 hours

Sources consulted aside from the answer: Aside from those mentioned in the answer I consulted the Tucson, AZ website and the Pima Public Library catalog to see if they had old telephone books or yellow pages. I also checked the ipl2 for old yellow pages, but only came up with archived type phone books. I went through a few pages on the Social Security Disability Insurance to see if maybe they would keep information on past doctors in their records, but was unsure how to go about it because I knew so little about the reason for the original question.

Critique: I truly hoped that the user would email me back with more information, but feel good about providing them with the initial steps to find their past doctor even if they do not reply to the email.

What I would do differently?: I regret not providing them with the contact information to the Pima County library as they may have un-cataloged yellow pages or know where to find archived phone records.


> Needed by: 8/19/2010


> Question:

> Hi,

> One of my emails have not been working lately.

> Is there any way to recover my email password


> area: Computers

> reason: To get me email working again

> school: No


Hello from the ipl2,

Thank you for your question regarding help recovering an email

password for Verizon. I found a few sources that I hope will

answer your question.

1) First, I went to the Verizon email homepage.

Under the log in and password text boxes there is a link for

“Forgot your password?”

If you follow the steps provided this feature will either

retrieve your password for you or reset your password allowing

you to access your email.

2) Second, if this does not work I suggest you visit the “Contact

Us” page on the Verizon website.

This page gives you various options in where you can email, call,

or chat with a Verizon representative that can help you with your


To send them an email you can follow the link below:

To call Verizon you can choose a phone number from the list in

the link below:

There is also a Verizon Community Forum on Email

Here you can browse through other users’ problems and see if

someone has had the same issue as you. Or you can post a new

thread to ask for advice. On this forum I found a link that may

best be able to help you. It provides you with information about

the VZ In-home Agent that can be downloaded from Verizon and can

reset your password if you have forgotten it.

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

3) From the “Contact Us” web page mentioned above you can also

choose “Search Support.” In the search box I entered “lost email


This led me to a search results list. I found the following

webpage regarding forgotten passwords, “I forgot my username and

password; what should I do?”

This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened

version for your convenience.

It seems that Verizon has a way of allowing you to recover your

email password. If you are unable to recover your password

through the above mentioned steps I would recommend you contact

them directly and see what they can do for you. I hope these

sources answer your question or provide you with the means to

find an answer to your question. I hope you are able to access

your email soon. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you

need more information.

Thank you for using ipl2.

Patron responded:

Thank you!

Time Spent: 45 minutes

Sources consulted aside from the answer: Aside from those mentioned in the answer I consulted the ipl2 for computer tips, email tips, email FAQ, and password retrieval. No results were helpful. I also consulted Ask, About, Google and Wikipedia. Most of my results seemed unsafe as if they were scams trying to steal passwords rather than retrieve them. I decided it was best to stay on the Verizon website, although I did want to provide another way to retrieve a password I would not recommend it from an outside source or email provider.

Critique: I was satisfied with answer for this question. There was such little information given from the patron I was unsure if they had already used the “Forgot Password?” feature, but I included it in the answer as the first choice. I was glad to find a forum that discussed a feature that would allow the resetting of a forgotten password. If none of the options provided help the patron I provided different ways in which they could contact Verizon directly.

What I would do differently?: I would have asked Verizon myself through chat if it was possible to reset a password through them, but their chat hours were closed.

Final Thoughts:

All electronic forms of communication are on the rise in libraries. Email reference services are something that libraries will continue to adopt and that upcoming generations will utilize more than ever. Volunteering for the ipl2 to answer email reference questions was a positive experience allowing me to experience the special circumstances of such a transaction. Answering questions through the email reference service was challenging and rewarding. Although I found the answer format for the ipl2 to be a bit tedious I think patrons truly appreciate it. I once received an email reference answer from a different service that did not provide a greeting or acknowledge my question and I found it a bit rude and impersonal. All reference services should be held up to the same standards of customer service.

What I found most difficult in providing answers for email reference services was filling in the blanks for the patrons’ question and information need. Some patrons provided extensive background information about their question such as reasons why they need the information, where they have already searched, age, location, and what they hope to use the information for, meanwhile other patrons provide a simple question with no background information. I felt that the type of answer that I was able to provide depended largely on the amount of information that was provided by the patron. This is an unfortunate fact, but it was much more difficult to answer a question without knowing what the specific needs were in comparison to those with clearly outlined needs.

Unfortunately as I’ve learned throughout the quarter and from experience, patrons ask questions that are loosely or completely unrelated to their actual informational need. Without the opportunity to conduct a proper reference interview it is very difficult to fully answer or meet the patron’s needs. It was frustrating to not have the immediate feedback from the patron as to whether or not the sources being provided were in the right direction, right on point, or completely off topic. In one instance I replied to the question asking the patron for more information on their question, and I did not receive a response. Do to these experiences I would conclude that in person, chat, or even telephone reference services might have a greater success rate than email reference. The reason being that in person, chat, and telephone reference services allow for immediate interaction between information seeker and librarian. Although email reference might be highly convenient it is most likely best used by those who have a clear picture of their information needs.

The experience has exposed me to the importance of and given me the tools to provide good customer service skills through electronic transactions not just in-person transactions. I’ve actually adopted their answer format when replying to teachers’ questions about certain services in my current place of employment. I have realized that providing a list of links is not sufficient. Allowing a patron to see your search thought process and helping them navigate websites is a more important part of providing an answer to an email reference question. Moreover, having the experience to work with actual patrons and real questions introduced me to the vast amount of web resources available to answer questions. Overall the experience has left a lasting impression that I will carry with me as I continue my education and further my career.


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