of Riccardo Manfredi, M.D.

Riccardo MANFREDI, M.D. was born in Rome, Italy on May 14, 1963.

Home Andress:

Corte Sgarzarie 8

37121 Verona, Italy

Work address:

Department of Radiology

University of Verona

Policlinico “G.B. Rossi”

10, P.le L.A. ^Scuro

Verona, Italy 37134

Tel +39 045 807 301

Fax +39 045 827 7808

e-mail: riccardo.manfredi@univr.it

He is currently Associate Professor at the University of Verona, Italy.


He registered as a medical student the Medical School at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia “A.Gemelli”, on November 1, 1982.

He won a scholarship to spend 1 month in the Cardiology Department of the University of Wuerzburg, Germany.

He won a scholarship to spend 1 month in the Radiology Department of the Klinikum Grosshadern in Munich, Germany.

All medical school examination were passed at the first attempt.

He obtained the medical degree Magna cum Laude, on July 19, 1988.


He registered in the Diagnostic Radiology Residency program, at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia “A.Gemelli”, on November 1988.

Board certified in Diagnostic Radiology in December 1992.

Body MRI Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania in 1990

Master in Business and Administration at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2004.

Visiting Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh in January-February 1998.


Member of Italian Radiological Society (SIRM), Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), and European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR).

Member of the Scientific Program Committee for the 2001 ISMRM and ESMRMB Joint annual Meeting. 21-27 April 2001, Glasgow UK.

Member of the Scientific Program Committee for the 2002 ISMRM Annual Meeting. 19-24 May 2002, Honolulu USA.

Member of the Scientific Program Committee for the 2003 ISMRM Annual Meeting. 11-16 July 2003, Toronto Canada.

Member of the Scientific Program Committee for the 2004 ISMRM Annual Meeting. 11-16 May 2004, Kyoto Japan.


• Fellow dell’European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) dal 22/6/2006.


Co-investigator in 3 clinical trials:

Gd-BOPTA in the detection and characterization of focal liver lesions, with magnetic resonance imaging.

Sinerem(-MR lymph node staging in pelvic cancer comparisons of sensitivity and specificity of Sinerem(-enhanced MRI versus unenhanced MRI.

A phase III multicenter trial to evaluate the safety, and efficacy of Multihace(–enhanced (CE) MRA in the assessment of iliofemoral arteries as compared to unenhanced MRA using digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as a gold standard.


Nominated Peer Scientist Reviewer to the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI) in 1999.

Nominated Peer Scientist Reviewer to Radiology in 2000.

Nominated Peer Scientist Reviewer to American Journal of Roentgenology in 2004.


“Young Investigators” award from the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM), in 1996.

Best oral presentation at the Italian Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology (SIGEP) meeting. Parma 14/16/10/1999.

Best scientific poster at the 40° Annual meeting of the Italian Society of Radiology. Rimini 24-28 May, 2002.


Grant from the Italian Ministery of the University and Research:

• Year 2006: “Esplorazione della riserva funzionale epatica mediante l’impiego di risonanza magnetica con mezzo di contrasto epatospecifico – Fase I”.

• Year 2007: “Esplorazione della riserva funzionale epatica mediante l’impiego di risonanza magnetica con mezzo di contrasto epatospecifico – Fase II”.


He is author/coauthor of 193 papers.

He has an Impact Factor of 150,201 (referring to the IF values of 2007).

He has the following Citation Index according to Web of Science (WoS):

|Sum of the Times Cited |949 |

|Average Citations per Item |17.91 |

|h-Index |17 |

Published items in each Year Citations per year

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D. Manfredi, R. Manfredi, N. Campioni, G. Sorvillo, P. Romano, F. Grauso, F.M. Sega: A proposed classification for malignant primary liver tumors. J Surg Onc 32:227-229,1986.

1. Pirronti T, Salcuni M, Macis G, Tartaglione T, Manfredi R: Occlusione post-radioterapica dell'arteria polmonare destra. Radiol Med 80(4):556-559,1990.

2. Pirronti T, Manfredi R, Natale L, Salcuni M: Image evolution in conventional radiology: the analog image. Rays 17:342-356,1992.

3. Pirronti T, Macis G, Sallustio G, Manfredi R, Marano P: Anatomia per immagini integrate del polmone. Radiol Med 84(Suppl.2):101-107,1992.

4. Manfredi R, De Gaetano AM, Natale L: Diagnostica per immagini non invasiva nella malattia di Rendu Osler con coinvolgimento epatico. Radiol Med 86:992-925,1993.

5. Manfredi R, Summaria V, Valentini AL, Danza FM: Linfoma Non-Hodgkin con primitiva localizzazione perirenale. Radiol Med 85(3):289-292,1993.

6. Salvatori M, Giordano A, Di Bona G, Natale L, Manfredi R, Di Marzio A: Diagnostica non invasiva dello shunt cardiaco destro-sinistro: descrizione di un caso atipico. Radiol Med 86:912-916,1993.

7. Salvatori M, Meduri G, Manfredi R, Clemente G, Ursitti A. Falso negativo scintigrafico in emangioma cavernoso epatico con estesa trombo-fibrosi: descrizione di un caso. Radiol Med 88:337-340,1994.

8. Giordano A, Trani C, Calcagni ML, Rossi B, Lombardo A, Patrizi R, Natale L, Manfredi R, Massaro M, Marano P, Galli G, Maseri A. Nitrate 201Tl SPECT to detect myocardial viability: a comparison with dobutamine-echo and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in revascularized patients using s strict methodological approach. J Nucl Biol Med 38:235-236,1994.

9. Manfredi R, Barabaro B, Natale L: Staging rectal cancer with Magnetic Resonance Imaging: methodology, signs and parameters. Rays 20:62-72,1995.

10. R. Manfredi, G. Maresca, A.M. De Gaetano, A. De Franco, Marano P: La caratterizzazione tissutale delle lesioni focali epatiche con Risonanza Magnetica. Radiol Med 90: 250-261,1995.

11. Manfredi R, Cotroneo AR, Pirronti T, Macis G, Marano P. Anomalie congenite della vena cava inferiore: ruolo dell’imaging. Radiol Med 90:424-430,1995.

12. Manfredi R, Pirronti T, Natale L, Sallustio G Macis G. Manuale di tecnica di risonanza magnetica: polmone e mediastino. Radiol Med 91(Suppl 1 al 5):97-101,1996.

13. A.M. De Gaetano, A. De Franco, G. Maresca, R. Manfredi, B. Barbaro, M.G. Monteforte: Diagnostica integrata della iperplasia nodulare focale: ecografia, color Doppler, Tomografia Computerizzata, Risonanza Magnetica. Radiol Med 91:258-269,1996.

14. G. Sallustio, R. Manfredi, I. Cavatorta, P. Fiorentino, R. Marano, M.G. Monteforte, E. Scarano: Correlazioni anatomo-funzionali tra circolo polmonare e portale: prerequisiti per una moderna diagnostica per immagini funzionale. Radiol Med 91:394-404,1996.

15. L Natale, A Giordano, C Trani, G Sallustio, R Manfredi, M Ciuffreda, G Galli, A Maseri, P Marano. La Risonanza Magnetica nella valutazione della vitalità miocardica dopo infarto,: confronto con ecodobutamina e scintigrafia con tallio. Radiol Med 91;727-737,1996.

16. Manfredi R, Maresca G, Tartaglione T, Scarano E, Marano P. Sequenze T2-dipendenti nello studio delle lesioni focali epatiche: comparazione tra sequenze Spin Eco convenzionali e Fast Spin Eco. Radiol Med 92:236-240,1996.

17. Manfredi R, Pirronti T, Bonomo L, Marano P. Accuracy of CT and MRI in staging bronchogenic carcinoma. MAGMA 4:257-262,1996 (IF=0,795; mean citation index/year 1,08).

18. De Franco A. Monteforte MG, Maresca G, De Gaetano AM, Manfredi R, Marano P. Diagnostica integrata dell’angioma epatico: confronto tra eco-color-Doppler, Tomografia Computerizzata e Risonanza Magnetica. Radiol Med 93:87-94,1997.

19. Colosimo C, Manfredi R, Tartaglione T. Contrast enhancement issues in the MR evaluation of the central nervous system. Eur Radiol 7:S231-S237,1997 (IF=0,897; mean citation index/year 0,08).

20. Manfredi R, Scarano E, Pedicelli A, Barbaro B. Functional radiology of the liver: Magnetic Resonance Imaging. RAYS 22:295-312,1997.

21. Bock E, Bock C, Belli P, Campioni P, Manfredi R, Pastore G. Ruolo della diagnostica per immagini della mammella nelle pazienti sottoposte a radioterapia postchirurgica o a radio o chemioterapia prechirurgica. Radiol Med 95:38-43,1998.

22. Cotroneo AR, Manfredi R, Settecasi C, Prudenzano R, Di Stasi C. Angiography and MR-Angiography in the diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in diabetic patients. RAYS 22:579-590,1997.

23. Maresca G, Summaria V, Colagrande C, Manfredi R, Calliada F. New prospect for ultrasound contrast. Eur J Radiol 27:S171-S178,1998 (IF=0,574; mean citation index/year 1,27).

24. Maresca G, Summaria V, De Gaetano AM, Manfredi R. Masse renali. Radiol Med 95(Supp1):59-63,1998.

25. Manfredi, R, Maresca, G, Baron, RL, De Franco A, De Gaetano AM, Cotroneo AR, Pirovano GP, Spinazzi A, Marano P. Gadobenate dimeglumine [BOPTA] enhanced MR imaging: Patterns of enhancement in normal liver and cirrhosis. JMRI 8: 862-867;1998 (IF=1,706; mean citation index/year 2,20).

26. Manfredi R, Costamagna G, Vecchioli A, Spina S, Colagrande C, Marano P. Pancreatografia dinamica con risonanza magnetica dopo stimolo funzionale con secretina nella pancreatite cronica. Radiol Med 1998;6:226-231.

27. Manfredi R, Maresca G, Smaniotto D, Greggi S, Andrulli D, Rabitti C, et al. MR imaging assessment of cervical cancer response to neoadjuvant therapy. Radiology 209:819-824,1998 (IF=4,621; mean citation index/year 1,27).

28. Manfredi R, Valentini AL. Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvic endometriosis. RAYS 23:702-708,1998.

29. Manfredi R, Maresca G, Baron R, Cotroneo AR, De Gaetano AM, De Franco A, Pirovano GP, Spinazzi A, Marano P. Delayed MR imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma enhanced by Gadobenate Dimeglumine (Gd-BOPTA). JMRI 9:704-710,1999 (IF=1,706; mean citation index/year 1,60).

30. Manfredi R, Barbaro B, Prudenzano R, Cina A, Marano P. Determinazione quantitativa del flusso nella porta nei soggetti con epatopatia cronica attiva: confronto tra angiografia con risonanza magnetica con bolo di protoni marcati ed eco-color-Doppler. Radiol Med 1999;97:132-137.

31. Barbaro B, Palazzoni G, Prudenzano R, Cina A, Manfredi R, Marano P. Doppler sonographic assessment of functional response of the right and left portal venous branches to a meal. J Clin Ultrasound 27:75-80, 1999 (IF=0,505; mean citation index/year 0,50).

32. Manfredi R, Costamagna G, Brizi MG, Maresca G, Vecchioli A, Colagrande C, Marano P. Dynamic Magnetic Resonance pancreatography after secretin stimulation: severe chronic pancreatitis vs. suspected pancreatic disease. Radiology, 214:849-855,2000 (IF=4,130; mean citation index/year 7,78).

33. Costamagna G, Ingrosso M, Tringali A, Mutignani M, Manfredi R. Santorinicele and recurrent acute pancreatitis in pancreas divisum: diagnosis with dynamic stimulated magnetic resonance pancreatography and endoscopic treatment. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 52:262-267,2000 (IF=2,820; mean citation index/year 1,56).

34. Petersein J, Spinazzi A, Giovagnoni A, Soyer P, Terrier F, Lencioni R, Bartolozzi C, Grazioli L, Chiesa A, Manfredi R, Marano P, et al. Focal liver lesions: evaluation of the efficacy of gadobenate dimeglumine in MR imaging – A multicenter phase III clinical study. Radiology 215:727-736,2000 (IF=4,130; mean citation index/year 5,78).

35. Mancuso S, Smaniotto D, Benedetti Panici P, Favale B, Greggi S, Manfredi R, Margariti A, et al. Phase I-II trial of preoperative chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol 78:324-328;2000 (IF=1,972; mean citation index/year 3,22).

36. de Pasquale F, Sebastiani G, Egger E, Guidoni L, Luciani AM, Marzola P, Manfredi R, et al. Bayesian estimation of relaxation times T1 in MR images of irradiated Fricke-agarose gels. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 18:721-721;2000 (IF=1,452; mean citation index/year 0,58).

37. Pirovano G, Vanzulli A, Marti-Bonmati L, Grazioli L, Manfredi R, Greco A, et al. Evaluation of accuracy of Gadobenate Dimeglumine-enhanced MR imaging in the detection and characterization of focal liver lesions. AJR 175:1111-1120,2000 (IF=1,863; mean citation index/year 3,56).

38. Manfredi R, Costamagna G, Brizi MG, Spina S, Maresca G, Vecchioli A, Mutignani M, Marano P. Pancreas divisum and “Santorinicele” : diagnosis with dynamic MR cholangiopancreatography with secretin stimulation. Radiology 2000;217:403-408 (IF=4,130; mean citation index/year 3,67).

39. Barbaro B, Manfredi R, Bombardieri G, Vecchio FM, Palazzoni G, Mancini AP, Dall'Argine S, Marano P. Correlation of MRI liver volume and Doppler sonographic portal hemodynamics with histologic findings in patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Clin Ultrasound 2000;28:461-468 (IF=0,596; mean citation index/year 0,67).

40. Di Stasi C, Pedicelli A, Manfredi R, Sallustio G. Renocaval arteriovenous fistula as a complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. AJR 2001;176: 261-262 (IF=1,998).

41. De Vitis I, Spada C, Manfredi R. Morpho-functional evaluation of chronic pancreatitis in early phase with MR-cholangiopancreatography after secretin stimulation. Gastroenterology 2001;120:4076-4078 (IF=13,020).

42. Manfredi R, Brizi MG, Tancioni V, Vecchioli A, Marano P. Magnetic resonance pancreatography (MRP): morphology and function. RAYS 2001;26:127-133.

43. Manfredi R, Brizi MG, Masselli G, Gui B, Vecchioli A, Marano P. Imaging of chronic pancreatitis. RAYS 2001;26:143-151.

44. Manfredi R, Brizi MG, Canadè A, Vecchioli A, Marano P. Imaging of acute pancreatitis. RAYS 2001;26:135-142.

45. Brizi MG, Natale L, Manfredi R, Sallustio G, Vecchioli A, Marano P. High resolution spiral computed tomography of the pancreas. Rays 2001;26:111-5.

46. Brizi MG, Natale L, Manfredi R, Barbaro B, Vecchioli A, Marano P. Staging of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with spiral CT and MRI. Rays 2001;26:151-9.

47. Monti L, Salerno T, Lucidi V, Fariello G, Orazi C, Manfredi R, Bella S, Castro M. Pancreatic cystosis in cystic fibrosis: case report. Abdom Imaging 2001;26:648-650 (IF=0,857; mean citation index/year 0,75).

48. Nocente R, Silveri NG, Gasbarrini A, Cicconi V, Caminiti G, Mutignani M, Manfredi R, Gasbarrini G. An apparent idiopathic case of relapsing acute pancreatitis Hepato-Gastroenterology, 48: 572-573; 2001 (IF=0,886; mean citation index/year 0,12).

49. Scambia G, Ferrandina G, Distefano M, Fagotti A, Manfredi R, Zannoni GF, Mancuso S. Is there a place for a less extensive radical surgery in locally advanced cervical cancer patients? Gynecol Oncol 2001;83:319-324 (IF=2,200; mean citation index/year 2,62).

50. Cellini N, Morganti AG, Mattiucci GC, Valentini V, Leone M, Luzi S, Manfredi R, Di Napoli N, Di Gesù C, Smaniotto D. Analysis of intraprostatic failures in patients treated with hormonal therapy and radiotherapy: implications for conformal therapy planning. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2002 Jul 1;53(3):595-9 (IF=3,756; mean citation index/year 1,14).

51. Di Stasi C, Cina A, Manfredi R, Colafati S. Diagnostic imaging in lower limb atherosclerosis. Rays. 2001 Oct-Dec;26(4):277-89.

52. Manfredi R, Brizi MG, Costamagna G, Masselli G, Vecchioli Scaldazza A, Marano P. Pancreas divisum e Santorinicele: valutazione mediante colangiopancreatografia con risonanza magnetica dinamica durante stimolazione con secretina. Radiol Med 2002;103:55-64.

53. Manfredi R, Lucidi V, Gui B, Brizi MG, Vecchioli A, Maresca G, Dall’Oglio L, Costamagna G, Marano P. Idiopathic chronic pancreatitis in children. MR cholangiography after secretin stimulation. Radiology 2002;224:675-736 (IF=4,844; mean citation index/year 1,57).

54. Manfredi R, Masselli G, Maresca G, Brizi MG, Vecchioli A, Marano P. MR imaging and MRCP of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Abdom Imaging. 2003 May-Jun;28(3):319-25 (IF=0,996; mean citation index/year 2,67).

55. Manfredi R. L’imaging diagnostico delle vie biliari e del pancreas. Radiol Med 2003;106:104-106.

56. Ragozzino A, Manfredi R, Scaglione M, De Ritis R, Romano S, Rotondo A. The use of MRCP in the detection of pancreatic injuries after blunt trauma . Emergency Radiology 2003;10:14- 18.

57. Manfredi R, Mirk P, Maresca G, Margariti PA, Testa A, Zannoni GF, Giordano D, Scambia G, Marano P. Loco-Regional Staging of Endometrial Carcinoma: Role of MR Imaging in predicting surgical staging. Radiology 2004;231:372-378 (IF=5,076; mean citation index/year 6,80).

58. Huppertz A, Balzer T, Blakeborough A, Breuer J, Giovagnoni A, Heinz-Peer G, Laniado L , Manfredi R, et al. Improved detection of focal liver lesions at MR imaging: multicenter comparison of Gadoxetic acid–enhanced MR images with intraoperative findings. Radiology 2004 230: 266-275 (IF=5,076).

59. De Gaetano, AM; Gui, B; Macis, G; Manfredi R, Di Stasi C. Congenital absence of the portal vein associated with focal nodular hyperplasia in the liver in an adult woman. Abdominal Imaging, 29: 455-459;2004 (IF=0,884; mean citation index/year 1,60).

60. Manfredi R, Barbaro B, Masselli G, Vecchioli A, Marano P. Magnetic resonance imaging of cholangiocarcinoma. Seminar Liv Disease 2004;24:155-164 (IF=3,975; mean citation index/year 4,20).

61. Di Stefano M, Ferrandina G, Smaniotto D, Margariti AP, Zannoni G, Macchia G, Manfredi R, Mangiacotti MG, Cellini N, Scambia G. Concomitant radiochemotherapy plus surgery in locally advanced cervical cancer: update of clinical outcome and cyclooxygenase-2 as predictor of treatment susceptibility. Oncology. 2004;67:103-11 (IF=2,114; mean citation index/year 1,80).

62. Misciasci T, Cozza G, Perrone L, Cirillo M, Ciraci A, Manfredi R. Diagnostic imaging in the follow-up of recurrent cervical carcinoma. Rays. 2004;29:201-8.

63. Brigida R, Nanni M, Pantalone O, Menchini L, Manfredi R. Diagnostic imaging in a case of a cystic lesion of the pancreas. Rays. 2004;29:185-93

64. Fruscella E, Testa AC, Ferrandina G, Manfredi R, Zannoni GF, Ludovisi M, Malaggese M, Scambia G. Sonographic features of decidualized ovarian endometriosis suspicous for malignancy. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Ginecology. 2004;24:578-580. (IF=2,167; mean citation index/year 1,20).

65. Manfredi R, Gui B, Maresca G, Fanfani F, Bonomo L. Endometrial cancer: magnetic resonance Imaging. Abdominal imaging 2005;30:626-636 (IF=1,034; mean citation index/year 1,50).

66. Falconi, M, Ploeckinger U, Kwekkemboom DJ, Manfredi R, Koerner M, Kvols L et al. Well differentiated pancreatic nonfunctionning tumor/carcinoma. Neuroendocrinology 2006;84:196-211 (IF=2,680; mean citation index/year 2,00).

67. Rindi G, Klöppel G, Alhman H, Caplin M, Couvelard A, de Herder WW, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. TNM staging of foregut (neuro)endocrine tumors: a consensus proposal including a grading system. Virchows Arch 2006; 449:395–401 (IF=2,251).

68. Ruszniewski P, Delle Fave G, Cadiot G, Komminoth P, Chung D, Kos-KudlaB , and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Well-Differentiated Gastric Tumors/Carcinomas. Neuroendocrinology, 2006;84:155-157 (IF=2,251).

69. Jensen RT, Rindi G, Arnold R, Lopes JM, Brandi ML, Bechstein WO, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Well-Differentiated Duodenal Tumor/Carcinoma (Excluding Gastrinomas). Neuroendocrinology, 2006;84:165-172 (IF=2,251).

70. Jensen RT, Niederle B, Mitry E, Ramage JK, Steinmüller T, Lewington V, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Gastrinoma (Duodenal and Pancreatic). Neuroendocrinology, 2006;84:173-182 (IF=2,251).

71. De Herder WW, Niederle B, Scoazec JY, Pauwels S, Klöppel G, Falconi M, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Tumor/Carcinoma: Insulinoma. Neuroendocrinology, 2006;84:183-188 (IF=2,251).

72. O'Toole D, Salazar R, Falconi M, Kaltsas G, Couvelard A, De Herder WW, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Rare Functioning Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors. Neuroendocrinology 2006;84: 189-195 (IF=2,251).

73. Nilsson O, Van Cutsem E, Delle Fave G, Yao JC, Pavel ME, McNicol AM, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Poorly Differentiated Carcinomas of the Foregut (Gastric, Duodenal and Pancreatic). Neuroendocrinology 2006;84:212-215 (IF=2,251).

74. Catalano OA, Manfredi R, Vanzulli A, Tomei E, Esposito A, Resnick D. MR Arthrography of the glenohumeral joint: modified posterior approach without imaging guidance. Radiology 2007; 242:550-554 (IF=5,561).

75. Schneider G, Ballarati C, Grazioli L, Manfredi R, Thurnher S, Kroencke TJ, Taupitz M, Merlino B, Bonomo L, Shen N, Pirovano G, Kirchin MA, Spinazzi A. Gadobenate dimeglumine-enhanced MR angiography: Diagnostic performance of four doses for detection and grading of carotid, renal, and aorto-iliac stenoses compared to digital subtraction angiography. JMRI, 2007;26:1020- 1032 (IF=2,209; mean citation index/year 0,50).

76. Hammerstingl R, Huppertz A, Breuer J, Balzer T, Blakeborough A, Carter R, Fusté LC, Heinz-Peer G, Judmaier W, Laniado M, Manfredi R, Mathieu DG, Mueller D, Mortelè K, Reimer P, Reiser MF, Robinson PJ, Shamsi K, Strotzer M, Taupitz M, Tombach B, Valeri G, van Beers BE, Vogl TJ; For the European EOB-study group. Diagnostic efficacy of gadoxetic acid (Primovist)-enhanced MRI and spiral CT for a therapeutic strategy: comparison with intraoperative and histopathologic findings in focal liver lesions. Eur Radiol. 2008;18:457-67 (IF=3,405).

77. Brugnara M, Cecchetto M, Manfredi R, Zuffante M, Fanos V, Pietrobelli A, Zaffanello M. Prenatal diagnosis of a rare form of congenital mid-ureteral stricture: a case report and literature revisited. BMC Urol. 2007 Jun 8;7:8

78. Faccioli N, Manfredi R, Mainardi P, Dalla Chiara E, Spoto E, Minelli L, Pozzi Macelli R. Barium Enema Evaluation of Colonic Involvement in Endometriosis. AJR 2008; 190:1050–1054 (IF=2,470).

79. Manfredi, R, Graziani R, Cicero C, Frulloni L, Carbognin G, Mantovani W, Pozzi Mucelli R. Autoimmune Pancreatitis: CT patterns and their changes after steroid treatment. Radiology 2008; 247:435–443 (IF=5,561).

80. Malagò R , Manfredi R, Benini L, D’Alpaos G, Pozzi Macelli R. Assessment of Crohn’s disease activity in the small bowel with MR-enteroclysis: clinico-radiological correlations. Abdom Imaging. 2008;33:669-675 (IF=1,213).

81. Ramage JK, Goretzki PE, Manfredi R, Komminoth P, Ferone D, Hyrdel R, Kaltsas G, Kelestimur F, Kvols L, Scoazec JY, Garcia MI, Caplin ME; Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Consensus guidelines for the management of patients with digestive neuroendocrine tumours: well-differentiated colon and rectum tumour/carcinoma. Neuroendocrinology, 2008;87:31- 39 (IF=2,295).

82. Eriksson B, Klöppel G, Krenning E, Ahlman H, Plöckinger, U, Wiedenmann, B, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Digestive Neuroendocrine Tumors - Well-Differentiated Jejunal-Ileal Tumor/Carcinoma. Neuroendocrinology 2008;87:8-19 (IF=2,295).

83. Plöckinger U, Couvelard A, Falconi M, Sundin A, Salazar R, Christ E, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Digestive Neuroendocrine Tumours: Well-Differentiated Tumour/Carcinoma of the Appendix and Goblet Cell Carcinoma Neuroendocrinology 2008;87:20-30 (IF=2,295).

84. Ahlman H, Nilsson O, McNicol A.M, Ruszniewski P, Niederle B, Ricke J, and all other Frascati Consensus Conference participants. Poorly-Differentiated Endocrine Carcinomas of Midgut and Hindgut Origin. Neuroendocrinology 2008;87:40-46 (IF=2,295).

85. Maffeis C, Manfredi R, Trombetta M, Bordelli S, Storti M, Benuzzi T, Bonadonna RC. Insulin sensitivity is correlated with subcutaneous but not visceral body fat in overweight and obese prepubertal children. J Clin Endocrin Metab. 2008;93:2122-21288. (IF=5,493).

86. Manfredi R; Mehrabi S, Motton M, Graziani R, Ferrari M, Salvia, Pozzi Mucelli R. Risonanza Magnetica e colangiopancreatografia con RM (CPRM) dei tumori intraduttali papillari mucino-secernenti (TIPM) multifocali dei dotti pancreatici secondari: semeiotica ed evoluzione. Radiologia Medica 2008; 87:31-39 (IF=0,967).

87. Savelli L, Ceccarini M, Ludovisi M, Fruscella E, De Iaco PA, Salizzoni E, Mabrouk M, Manfredi R, Testa AC, Ferrandina G. Preoperative local staging of endometrial cancer: transvaginal sonography vs. magnetic resonance imaging. ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology, 31: 560-566; 2008 (IF=2,672).

88. Pozzi Mucelli R, Faccioli N, Manfredi R. Imaging findings of genitourinary tumors in the elderly. Radiologic Clinics of North America 2008;46:773-784 (IF=1,755).

89. Testa AC, Ludovisi M, Manfredi R, Zannoni G, Gui B, Basso D, Di Legge A, Scambia G, Ferrandina G. Transvaginal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance in the evaluation of invasive cervical cancer.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2008;32:328.

90. Manfredi R, Baltieri S, Tognolini A, Graziani R, Smaniotto D, Cellini N, Bonomo L. Recidive di neoplasia uterine dopo trattamento chirurgico: caratteristiche Risonanza Magnetica e loro modificazioni dopo radio-chemioterapia concomitante. Radiologia Medica 2008;113:1143-56 (IF=0,967).

91. Frulloni L, Scattolini C, Graziani R, Cavestro GM, Pravadelli C, Amodio A, Manfredi R, Scarpa A, Vantini I. Clinical and radiological outcome of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis associated with gene mutations. Pancreas. 2008;37:371-376.

92. Manfredi R, Tognolini A, Bruno C, Raffaelli R, Franchi M, Pozzi Mucelli R. Agenesia del corpo calloso in feti con ventricolomegalia lieve: ruolo della RM. Radiol Med. In press (IF=0,967).

93. Manfredi R, Graziani R, Motton M, Mantovani W, Baltieri S, Tognolini A, Crippa S, Capelli P, Salvia R, Pozzi Mucelli R. Main pancreatic duct intraductal papillary mucinous tumors (IPMTs): accuracy of MR imaging in differentiation between benign and malignant mucinous tumors, compared to histopathology. Radiology 2009;253:106-115 (IF=5,561).

94. Manfredi R, Gui B, Giovanzana A, Marini S, Di Stefano M, Zannoni G, Scambia G, Bonomo L. Localized cervical cancer (stage ................

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