Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering ...

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) Credit Based Scheme of Studies/Examination Semester III (w.e.f Session 2019-2020)

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |(Hrs) |

|S. |Course |Subject |L:T:P |

|July |A brief History, Characteristics of good |LECTURE | |

| |programming language | | |

|July |Programming Language translators compiler and |LECTURE | |

| |interpreters, | | |

|July |Elementary data types –data objects, variable |LECTURE | |

| |and constants, data types. | | |

|Aug | Specification and implementation of elementary |LECTURE | |

| |data types , Declarations, | | |

|Aug |Type checking and type conversions, assignment |LECTURE |Assignment |

| |and initialization | | |

|Aug |Numeric Data types, enumerations, Booleans and |LECTURE | |

| |characters | | |

|Aug |Syntax and semantics: introduction, general |LECTURE | |

| |problem of describing syntax, | | |

|Aug |Formal method of describing syntax, attribute |LECTURE |Test/Assignment |

| |grammar dynamic semantic | | |

|Aug |Structured data objects and data types, |LECTURE | |

| |specification and implementation of structured | | |

| |data types | | |

|Aug |Declaration and type checking of data |LECTURE |Test |

| |structured, vector and arrays, | | |

|Aug |Records character strings, variable size data |LECTURE | |

| |structures, Union, | | |

|Sep |pointer and programmer defined data objects |LECTURE | |

|Sep |sets |LECTURE | |

|Sep |files |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Sep |Evolution of data type concept abstraction , |LECTURE | |

|Sep |encapsulation and information hiding, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Subprograms, type definition, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |abstract data types |LECTURE | |

|Sep |over loaded subprograms, generic subprograms, |LECTURE |Test |

|Sep |Implicit and explicit sequence control |LECTURE | |

|Sep |sequence control within expression, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Sequence control within statement , |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Oct |subprogram sequence control |LECTURE | |

|Oct |simple call return, |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Recursive subprograms, , coo routines |LECTURE | |

|Oct |exception and exception handlers |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Sequence control ., |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Concurrency subprogram level concurrency |LECTURE |Test |

|Oct |synchronization through semaphores |LECTURE | |

|Oct |monitors and message passing |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Data control Names and referencing environment |LECTURE | |

|Oct |static and dynamic scope |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Block structure , |LECTURE | |

|Nov |shared data |LECTURE | |

|Nov |local data and local referencing environment |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Dynamic and static scope |LECTURE | |

|Nov |parameter and parameter transmission schemes |LECTURE |Test |

|Nov | |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Major run time elements requiring storage, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |programmer and system controlled storage |LECTURE | |

| |management and phases, | | |

|Nov |Static storage management , |LECTURE | |

|Nov |stack based storage management |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Heap storage management , |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Nov |variable and fixed size elements |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Introduction to procedural , |LECTURE | |

|Nov |non procedural structured |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Logical , functional and object oriented |LECTURE | |

| |programming language, | | |

|Nov |Comparison of C and C++ programming languages, |LECTURE | |

Outcome of Course: 1. Understand the Fundamental concept of different programming languages.

2. Enhances the skill to Design a new programming language.

3. Outline the pre requisites for creating a new programming language.

4. To introduce the concepts of storage management using programming


5. To outline the sequence control and data control Develop an understanding of

the compilation process

(Sign. of HOD) (Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)


JMIETI, Radaur

Lesson Planning of Data Structures and Algorithms Deptt. . CSE

Semester 3rd w.e.f…15.07.2019

Name of Teacher : Ms. Upasana Sood

Designation : Assistant Professor & Head

Subject with code : PC-CS-201

Objective of Course : 1. To introduce the principles and paradigms of Data Structures for design and

implement the software systems logically and physically.

|Week & Month |Topic / Chapter Covered |Academic Activity |Test/Assignment |

|July |Data Types , Built in and User Defined Data |LECTURE | |

| |Structures | | |

|July |Applications of Data structure , Algorithm |LECTURE | |

| |Analysis , Worst , | | |

| July |Best and Average Case Analysis |LECTURE | |

|July |Notations of Space and Time Complexity Basics of|LECTURE | |

| |Recursion | | |

|Aug |One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays |LECTURE | |

| |and Multi-Dimensional Arrays | | |

|Aug |Sparse matrices, |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Searching from array using Linear And Binary |LECTURE |Test |

| |Searching Algorithm | | |

|Aug |Sorting of array using Selection |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Insertion Sort |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Bubble sort |LECTURE |Test |

|Sep |Radix Algorithm |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Definition, Implementation of Stacks and its |LECTURE | |

| |operations, | | |

|Sep |Evaluation of Infix |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Prefix expression inter conversion of infix, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Postfix expression inter conversion of infix |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Sep |prefix and post –fix expression |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Implementation of Merge sort |LECTURE | |

|Sep |quick sort Algorithm |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Definition , Sequential implementation of linear|LECTURE | |

| |Queues and its operations, | | |

|Sep |Circular Queue and its implementation |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Priority Queues and its implementation |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Sep |Application of queues , need of dynamic Data |LECTURE | |

| |structures | | |

|Sep |single link list and |LECTURE |Test |

|Oct |Its dynamic implementation , traversing |LECTURE | |

| |insertion, | | |

|Oct |deletion operations on single link list |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Comparison between static and dynamic, |LECTURE | |

| |implementation of linked list | | |

|Oct |Circular link list |LECTURE | |

|Oct |doubly link list , dynamic implementation of |LECTURE | |

| |primitive | | |

|Oct |Operations on Doubly linked lists and circular |LECTURE | |

| |link list , | | |

|Oct |Dynamic implementation of stacks |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Dynamic implementation of queues |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Oct |Definition , Basic terminology, Binary tree, |LECTURE | |

| |external and internal nodes | | |

|Oct |Static and dynamic implementation of a binary |LECTURE | |

| |tree | | |

|Nov |Static and dynamic implementation of a binary |LECTURE | |

| |tree | | |

|Nov |primitive operation on Binary tree |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Primitives operation of binary trees, |LECTURE |Test |

|Nov |binary tree traversals pre-order, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |In –order and post order traversals, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Representation of infix , post fix and prefix |LECTURE | |

| |expression using trees | | |

|Nov |Introduction to binary search trees B+ trees , |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Threaded Binary trees, balanced multi way search|LECTURE | |

| |trees, | | |

|Nov |Implementation of heap sort algorithm |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Nov |Basic Terminolgy , Definition of undirected and |LECTURE | |

| |directed Graphs, | | |

|Nov |Memory Representation of Graphs, minimum |LECTURE | |

| |spanning trees, warshal algorithm | | |

|Nov |Graph traversals algorithms, Breadth first and |LECTURE | |

| |depth first | | |

Outcome of Course: 1. Understand and determine the usage of primitive data structures.

2. Implement and analyze real life applications of various data structures such as array

3. To study concept of binary tree, BST, AVL trees, B tree and their implementation.

4. To study graphs traversal techniques and spanning techniques

5. To teach the concept of protection and management of data.

6. To improve the logical ability.

(Sign. of HOD) (Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)


JMIETI, Radaur

Lesson Planning of Digital Electronics Deptt. .CSE

Semester 3rd w.e.f…15.07.2019

Name of Teacher : Dr R S Chauhan

Designation :Director & Professor

Subject with code : ES-207

Objective of Course : 1. To learn the basic methods for the design of digital circuits and provide the

fundamental concepts used in the design of digital systems.

|Week & Month |Topic / Chapter Covered |Academic Activity |Test/Assignment |

|July |Binary Digits , Logic levels, and digital |LECTURE | |

| |waveforms , logic system positive and negative | | |

|July |Logic operations, logical operators, logic |LECTURE | |

| |Gates, AND , Or NOT , | | |


|Aug |Exclusive –OR and Exclusive –NOR, |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Active high and active low concepts |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Universal gates and realization of other gates |LECTURE | |

| |using universal gates, | | |

|Aug |Gate Performance Characteristics and Parameters,|LECTURE |Assignment |

|Aug |Boolean Algebra: rules and laws of Boolean |LECTURE | |

| |Algebra | | |

|Aug |Demorgan’s Theorems, Boolean Expressions and |LECTURE | |

| |Truth Tables | | |

|Aug |Standard SOP and POS forms |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Minterm and Mazterms, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Canaonical representation of Boolean expression,|LECTURE |Assignment |

|Sep |Duality Theorem , Simplification of Boolean |LECTURE | |

| |Expressions, | | |

|Sep |Minimization Techniques for Boolean Expressions |LECTURE |Test |

| |using Karnaugh Map | | |

|Sep |Quine McCluskey Tabular method |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Introduction of TTL and CMOS logic and their |LECTURE | |

| |characterisitics, | | |

|Sep |Tristate gates |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Sep |Introduction to combinational Circuits, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Adders –Half Adder and Full Adder, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Subtractors Half and full subtractor ; |LECTURE | |

|Sep |parallel adder and subtractor |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Look –Ahead Carry adders , BCD adder, BCD |LECTURE |Assignment |

| |subtractor, | | |

|Oct |Parity Checker/ Generator |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Enocder, Priority |LECTURE | |

| |Encoder, Decoder , | | |

|Oct |BCD to Seven Segment Display Decoder/ Driver, |LECTURE | |

| |LCD Display and Comparators | | |

|Oct |Introduction to sequential Circuits, Flip-Flop: |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Typesof Flip Flop RS, T,D, JK; Edge triggering |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Level Triggering Flip Flop conversions: Master |LECTURE | |

| |Salve JK | | |

|Oct |Introduction to shift registers, Basic Shift |LECTURE | |

| |Register Operations, | | |

|Oct |types of shift registers, , Bidirectional shift |LECTURE |Test |

| |Registers, | | |

|Oct |Shift Register Counters, Introduction to |LECTURE | |

| |counters, | | |

|Oct |Types of Counters Asynchronous and synchronous |LECTURE | |

| |counters, | | |

|Nov |Up/ Down Synchronous Counters, Modulo-n Counter,|LECTURE |Assignment |

| |State table, | | |

|Nov |excitation table concepts Design of asynchronous|LECTURE | |

| |and synchronous counters, | | |

|Nov |Ring counter , Application of counters, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Digital to Analog Converter, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Weighed Register : R-2R ladder Network |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Analog to digital Conversion, Successive |LECTURE | |

| |Approximation type , | | |

|Nov |Dual Slope type |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Classification of memories –Rom: ROM |LECTURE | |

| |organization, PROM, EPROM | | |

|Nov |EEPROM , EAPROM , RAM: RAM organization write |LECTURE | |

| |operation, | | |

|Nov |Read operation, Memory cycle, Timing wave forms,|LECTURE | |

| |memory expansion | | |

|Nov |Static RAM Cell, MOSFET RAM cell structure, |LECTURE |Assignment |

| |Dynamic RAM Cell structure | | |

|Nov |Programmable logic Devices Programmable logic |LECTURE | |

| |array ( PLA) | | |

|Nov |Programmable array logic ( PAL) , Implementation|LECTURE | |

| |of PLA, PAL using ROM | | |

Outcome of Course: 1. To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and shows the correlation

between Boolean expressions

2. To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions

3. To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational

circuits and sequential circuits

4. To introduce the concept of memories and programmable logic devices

(Sign. of HOD) (Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)


JMIETI, Radaur

Lesson Planning of Object Oriented Programming Deptt. CSE

Semester 3rd w.e.f. July 2019

Name of Teacher : Tajinder Kumar

Designation :Assistant Professor

Subject with code : PC-CS-203

Objective of Course : 1. To introduce the principles and paradigms of Object Oriented Programming

Language for design and implement the Object Oriented System.

2. To build up logic capabilities

|Week & Month |Topic / Chapter Covered |Academic Activity |Test/Assignment |

|July |Introduction to C++ , C++ standard Library , Illustrative |LECTURE | |

| |simple C++ Programs | | |

| July |Header files , Namespaces, |LECTURE | |

|July |Application of object oriented programming |LECTURE | |

|July |Object oriented concepts, |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Introduction to objects and object oriented programming |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Introduction to objects and object oriented programming |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Encapsulation , |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Polymorphism |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Overloading, |LECTURE | |

|Aug |Inheritance, |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Abstract Classes |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Sep |Access specifier ( public/protected/private,) Class scope and |LECTURE | |

| |accessing class member | | |

|Sep |Controlling access function, constant |LECTURE | |

|Sep |class member |LECTURE | |

|Sep |structure and class |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Friends function and |LECTURE | |

|Sep |friend classes |LECTURE | |

|Sep |this pointer |LECTURE | |

|Sep |Dynamic Memory Allocation and De-allocation (New and Delete ) |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Static Class members , |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Constructors, |LECTURE | |

|Oct |parameter Constructors , |LECTURE | |

|Oct |copy constructors |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Destructors |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Introduction of inheritance, |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Types of Inheritance, |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Types of Inheritance |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Public , Protected and Private Inheritance, |LECTURE | |

|Oct |Effect of constructors and Destructors of Base Class in Derived|LECTURE |Assignment |

| |Classes | | |

|Nov |Polymorphism, Pointer to Derived Class, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Virtual Functions Pure Virtual Function |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Abstract Base Classes, Static and Dynamic Binding, |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Virtual Destructors |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Fundamentals of Operator Overloading, rule for Operators |LECTURE | |

| |Overloading | | |

|Nov |Implementation of Operator Overloading Like Unary |LECTURE | |

| |Operators, Binary Operators | | |

|Nov |Text streams and binary stream , |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Sequential and Random access file |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Stream input / Output classes, stream manipulators . |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Basics of C++ Exception Handing |LECTURE |Assignment |

|Nov |Try , Throw , Catch, Multiple Catch |LECTURE | |

|Nov |Re-throwing an exception, Exception Specifications |LECTURE | |

|Dec |Templates : Function Templates, |LECTURE | |

|Dec |Overloading Template Function |LECTURE | |

|Dec |Class Template , Class Templates |LECTURE | |

|Dec |Non –type template arguments |LECTURE | |

Outcome of Course:

1. To understand the differences between procedural design and object- oriented design

2. To understand the Concept of inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding and Generic structures

3. Object-oriented program design based on template model of C++.

4. for creating efficient codes, exception handling Mechanisms use in C++

5. Perform object oriented programming to develop solutions to problems demonstrating usage of control

structures, modularity, I/O. and other standard language constructs.

6. To learn how to design C++ classes for code reuse.

(Sign. of HOD) (Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)


|BS-205 | | | | |Mathematics-III | | |

|Lecture |Tutorial |

| |calculus, and ordinary differential equations. | | | |

|Course Outcomes (CO) | | | | | | |

|CO1 |To develop the tool of sequence, series and Fourier series for learning advanced Engineering |

| |Mathematics. | | | | | |

|CO2 |To introduce effective mathematical tools for the solutions of differential equations that model |

| |physical processes. | | | | | |

|CO3 |To acquaint the student with mathematical tools needed in evaluating multiple integrals and their |

| |usage. | | | | | | |

|CO4 |To familiarize the student with calculus of vector functions that is essential in most branches of |

| |engineering. | | | | | | |

Lecture Plan (BS-205)

|S. No. |TOPIC |No. of Lectures |


| |L1- Exact, linear and Bernoulli’s equations | |

| |L2- -----------------do-------------- | |

| |L3- Euler’s equations | |

| |L4-Equations not of first degree equations solvable for p | |

| |L5- Equations solvable for y, equations solvable for x and Clairaut’s type. | |

| |L6- ----------do----------- | |

| |L7- Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients | |

| |L8- ----------do------------ | |

| |L9-Method of variation of parameters | |

| |L10- Cauchy and Legendre’s linear differential equations | |

|2. |SEQUENCES AND SERIES (Unit I) |12 |

| |L1- Convergence of sequence and series | |

| |L2- Tests for convergence (Comparison test) | |

| |L3-D’Alembert’s Ratio test, Logarithmic test | |

| |L4----------------do------------- | |

| |L5- Cauchy root test, Raabe’s test | |

| |L6- --------------do---------------- | |

| |L7- Power series. | |

| |L8-Fourier series: Introduction, Fourier-Euler Formula, Dirichlet’s conditions | |

| |L9-----------------do------------------------- | |

| |L10 Change of intervals | |

| |L11- Fourier series for even and odd functions | |

| |L12- Half range sine and cosine series. | |


| |L1- Multiple Integration:Double integrals (Cartesian) | |

| |L2- ------------------do--------------------- | |

| |L3-Change of order of integration in double integrals | |

| |L4--------------------do---------------------- | |

| |L5- Change of variables (Cartesian to polar) | |

| |L6-Applications: areas and volumes | |

| |L7- -------------------do------------------ | |

| |L8-Triple integrals (Cartesian),orthogonal curvilinear coordinates | |

| |L9- Simple applications involving cubes, sphere and rectangular parallelepipeds. | |

| |L10--------------------do--------------------------- | |

|4. |VECTOR CALCULUS (Unit IV) |10 |

| |L1- Introduction, Scalar and Vector point functions | |

| |L2- Gradient , Directional derivative. | |

| |L3- Divergence & Curl and their properties | |

| |L4- ---------------do----------------- | |

| |L5-Line integrals | |

| |L6-Surface integrals | |

| |L7-Volume integrals | |

| |L8-Green’s Theorem (without proof). | |

| |L9-Gauss Theorem (without proof). | |

| |L10- Stokes Theorem (without proof). | |


| | |42 |

Tutorial sheet (Unit I)

1. Show that the following sequence

i) {an}= (-1)n /n converges

ii) {an}= 2n diverges

iii) {an}= 1 +(-1)n oscillates

2. Test the convergence of the series [pic]

3. Test the convergence of the series Ʃ(n3+a)/(2n+a)

4. Find the Half Range Cosine series for the function f(x)= (x-1)2in the interval 0 operator to enable input through cin.

Overload ................

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