Couple More Examples

bCouple More Examples...

1) Prove [pic]= (n+1)Hn – n, using induction. Note that Hn = [pic]

Use induction on n>0.

Base case: n=1. LHS = 1/1 = 1

RHS = (1+1)(1/1) – 1 = 1

Assume for some n=k,

[pic]= (k+1)Hk – k

Under this assumption, we must prove the formula for

n = k+1:

[pic]= (k+2)Hk+1 – (k+1)

[pic] = ([pic]) + Hk+1

= (k+1)Hk – k + Hk+1, using inductive hypothesis.

= (k+1)(Hk+1 – 1/(k+1)) – k + Hk+1

= (k+1)Hk+1 – 1 – k + Hk+1

= (k+2) Hk+1 – (1+k), which completes the induction.

Thus, we have shown [pic]= (n+1)Hn – n, for all positive integers n.

Examples of using induction on an inequality

Prove by induction that n! > 2n for all n ( 4. (Note: n! = n(n – 1)···2·1, for n ( 1; 0! = 1 by convention.)

We use induction on n ( 4.

(Base Case) Consider n = 4. In this case,

n! = 4! = 4·3·2·1 = 24, and

2n = 24 = 16 < 24.

So the Basis Step is proved.

(Induction Hypothesis) Consider the statement for some n=k. We will assume that k! > 2k.

(Induction Step) Consider the statement for n=k+1. We need to prove (k + 1)! > 2k+1

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) ·k!,

> (k + 1) ·2k, by the Induction Hypothesis

> 2 ·2k , because k + 1 ( 5 > 2

= 2k+1 .

By induction, we have proved the inequality n! > 2n for all n ( 4.

Use induction on n ( 1 to prove the following summation identity:


Base Case: n=1. LHS =1(2)1+2(2)2+3(2)3 = 34

RHS = 2(1)(4)1+1 = 32, so LHS > RHS.

Assume for an arbitrary n=k that


Under this assumption, we must prove for n=k+1 that



= [pic]

> 2k(4)k+1 + 22k+2((2k+2)+2(2k+3)), using IH.

= 2k(4)k+1 + 22(k+1)(2k+2+4k+6)

= 2k(4)k+1 + 4(k+1)(6k+8)

= (4)k+1[2k + 6k + 8]

= (4)k+1[8k + 8]

= (4)k+1 (4)(2)(k + 1)

= (4)k+2(2)(k + 1)

=2(k + 1)(4)k+2

Strong Induction

This works almost the exact same as normal induction, except for your inductive hypothesis changes. In standard induction, the bulk of our proof is establishing the following:

s(k) ( s(k+1), for our open statement s(n).

However, there are some inductive proofs where it is difficult to prove s(k+1) simply by assuming s(k). Perhaps you must assume that both s(k) and s(k-1) are true.

In strong induction, rather than assuming that our open statement is only true for n=k, we will assume that our open statement is true for all values of n ( k. So, in essence, we want to know prove the following:

s(m) ( s(k+1), where m is a positive integer such that m ( k.

So, a natural question is, do we have to change our base case to use strong induction? The answer is sometimes, but not always.

In our inductive step, if we always have to assume that s(k) and s(k-1) are true, we must have two base cases. Can you see why?

If we have to assume that s(k), s(k-1), and s(k-2) are true, then we must have three base cases.

Sometimes, and I’ll show you when those cases arise, only one base case is necessary.

I will point out examples of strong induction when they come up.

Recursively Defined Objects

Many functions are defined in terms of themselves. These functions are recursively defined. For those of you who have taken CS 1, these functions will look very similar to recursive functions in a programming language. In particular, writing a function to compute the examples I will show you in this lecture should be fairly easy. You all have already seen a very common example of a recursively defined function, factorial, which is defined as follows:

0! = 1

n! = n · (n – 1)!, for n > 0.

So, we can compute any factorial value by repeatedly using the definition:

1! = 1 · (1 – 1)! = 1 · 0! = 1 · 1 = 1.

2! = 2 · (2 – 1)! = 2 · 1! = 2 · 1 = 2

3! = 3 · (3 – 1)! = 3 · 2! = 6, etc.

More generally, a recursively defined function f(n) for n ( 0 consists of the initial value f(0), and a recurrence relation which relates the value of f(n) in terms of the preceding value f(n – 1) for n ( 1. Minor variations of this recursive definition include a starting value different than 0, several starting values and a recurrence relating the function value to several of the preceding values, such as the Fibonacci number sequence which we will see later in the lecture.

When a function is defined by a recurrence, the most natural way to prove the properties about the function is by using induction.

Consider a sequence f(n), n ( 0, defined by the following recurrence:

f(0) = 0, f(n) = 2 f(n – 1) + 1 for n ( 1.

We will use induction to show that f(n)= 2n – 1, for all non-negative integral values of n. (When we express f(n) directly in terms of n, as opposed to in terms of other values of the function, we have a closed form formula for the function.)

We will show that f(n) = 2n – 1 using induction on n ( 0.

Base Case: LHS = f(0) = 0

RHS = 20 – 1 = 0.

So, our closed form formula holds in this case.

Induction Hypothesis: Assume that for an arbitrary value n=k, with k(0, f(k) = 2k – 1.

We need to show, under this assumption that the formula holds for n=k+1. Thus, we must show f(k + 1) = 2k+1 – 1.

f(k + 1) = 2 f((k + 1) – 1) + 1, using function defn.

= 2 f(k) + 1

= 2(2k – 1) + 1, by the Induction Hypothesis

= 2k+1 – 2 + 1

= 2k+1 – 1

By mathematical induction, we have proved f(k) = 2k – 1, for all n ( 0.

Sometimes, there is more than one initial value in defining a recurrence for a function. In such cases, proving properties about the function using induction requires verification of all the initial values in the basis step, and requires a strong induction proof.

Given the following recurrence for a sequence an , n ( 1:

a1 = 4, a2 = 10, and an = 3an–1 – 2 an–2 when n ( 3.

Prove that an = 3 · 2n – 2 for n ( 1.

We will use strong induction on n ( 1 to prove the formula

an = 3 · 2n – 2.

Base Case(s):

For n=1: LHS = a1 = 4. RHS = 3 · 21 – 2 = 6 – 2 = 4.

For n=2: LHS = a2 = 10. RHS = 3 · 22 – 2 = 12 – 2 = 10.

Inductive hypothesis: Assume that the formula holds for all values of n, such that 0 < n ( k. Thus, assume an = 3 · 2n – 2, when n=1, n=2, ... n=k.

Under this assumption, we need to prove for n=k+1,

ak+1 = 3 · 2k+1 – 2

ak+1 = 3 a(k+1)–1 – 2 a(k+1) –2

= 3 ak – 2 ak–1

= 3 (3 · 2k – 2) – 2 (3 · 2k–1 – 2) I.H. for both ak and ak–1

= 3(3 · 2k) – 6 – 3 · 2k + 4

= 2(3 · 2k) – 2

= 3 · 2n+1 – 2

Thus, we have show that an = 3 · 2n – 2 for n ( 1.

Here is another example of an inductive proof using a recursively defined function with more than one initial value:

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:

F0 = 0, F1 = 1, F2 = 1, Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2, for all n>2. So 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …

Prove the following summation formula holds for all integral values of n>1:


Base Case: n=2: LHS = (F2 – F1) (F2 + F1) = (1 – 1)(1 + 1) = 0

RHS = (F2)2 – 1 = 1 – 1 = 0.

Assume for an arbitrary value of n=k, that


Under this assumption, we must show that the formula is true for n=k+1:



+ (Fk+1 – Fk)(Fk+1 + Fk)

= (Fk)2 – 1 + (Fk+1 – Fk)(Fk+1 + Fk), using the I.H.

= (Fk)2 – 1 + (Fk+1)2 – (Fk)2

= (Fk+1)2 – 1,

showing that the summation is true for all integral values of n>1.

Notice how we only needed one base case in that formula instead of two, even though the recursively defined object used two initial values.


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