Understanding by Design

|Lesson Title: Sustainability – recycling, and the specific effects of water bottles on the environment and self. |

|Teacher: |

|Subject: Grade Level: K-2 |

|Time required: Week – varies on amount of recycling time teacher wants to give |

|Topic: Water bottles |

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|Essential Question: |

|How can our classroom drink water in a sustainable healthy way? |

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|Prerequisites (Prior knowledge) |

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|Stage 1 – Desired Results |

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|Content Area Standard(s) (include complete standard, not just standard #) |

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|Standard 2:   A Safe and Healthy Environment |

|Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. |

|Standard 3:   Resource Management |

|Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources. |

|Objectives (Should define what students will know and be able to do.) - Students will understand the harmful effects water bottles can have on |

|themselves and their environment, and how to prevent this. |

|Students will know… |Student will be able to… |

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|Facts about waste in the USA |Use their knowledge of water bottles to create a healthy body and |

|What recycling does |environment |

|How to recycle |Recycle |

|What harmful effects water bottles have on their bodies |Convey the sustainable methods they learned into practice |

|What harmful effects water bottles have on the environment | |

|How to prevent this | |

|Other sustainable activities | |

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Riley Schwartzott – Early Education Lesson Plan

|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s): |

|Teacher-Created Assessments |

|Pre-test: K-W-L – what students know, what students want to know |

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|Post-test: What students learned |

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|(Performance Assessments: ) |

|Create your own water bottle activity - see if they understand the concept |

|(Other Assessments: Peer, Self) |

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|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Learning Activities |

|Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities: e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc. |

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|KWL |

|Power point presentation |

|Water bottle activity |

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|Introducing the lesson: (capturing students’ attention, accessing students’ prior knowledge). |

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|Interesting facts about water bottles |

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|Instructional Sequence: (representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge, etc.) |

|Teacher activity Student activity |

|Ask children what they know about Answer/ depending on age write on the overhead projector, |

|Sustainability, recycling & chalk board, or white board |

|water bottles |

|Ask children what they would like Answer/ depending on age write on the overhead |

|to know about sustainability, projector, chalkboard, or white board |

|recycling, & water bottles |

|Present power point presentation Watch, ask questions, discuss |

|Introduce the need to recycle Starting on Monday of that week recycle their cans/bottles |

|To raise money to buy the and bring in their change in order to purchase materials |

|Lesson materials |

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|Purchase glass or sports water bottle Paint and decorate their individual water bottles to use |

|Water bottles based on the revenue in the classroom |

|Brought in, and the age of students |

|(younger = Sports bottle) |

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|If extra money: purchase a filter when complete wash water bottles daily in the classroom |

|For water to promote even more and fill with filtered tap water from the classroom |

|Sustainable living |

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|Discussion and Assessment of Learning: |

|(Pointing out to students how what they are learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson)|

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|During the process of making their own water bottles encourage discussion about how creating this helps them, and the environment. |

|Closure: |

|Extensions for early finishers: |

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|Help other students, clean up area, color a picture of a recycling symbol |

|Assistance for struggling students: |

|Extra help decorating their water bottles, more time |

|Procedures: (already established procedures to be used and procedures to be taught for this lesson) |

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|Lesson Development Resources |

|Technology Tools and Materials: (classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.) |

|Computer – create power point |

|Sharpies to decorate their water bottles |

|Water bottles |

|Sports water bottles (younger grades) - |

|Glass water bottles - |

|Option: Water filter for classroom |

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|(Parent/Community Resources) |

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|Give a list of recycling areas to parents to help the cause |

|Know what is recyclable and provide a list to parents so they can raise money with the proper recyclable material |

|(Contact Information) |

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