Developmental indicators

Symbolic codes

Symbolic codes involve the use of symbols to create meaning.

A symbol is something that stands for or represents something else through convention within a culture. For example, companies and organisations use symbols to represent their products or services. Ideas or concepts may also be represented symbolically.

What symbols are used to represent the items in the following table? Find images of each and paste them in the spaces provided. Explain your ideas about the qualities or meanings the symbols are conveying. The first one has been done for you to use as an example. Discuss these with your teacher and other class members.

|Idea to be represented |Symbol, emblem or logo |Meaning conveyed |

| |(paste image in the column) |(write an explanation in this column) |

|love |[pic] |The heart shape represents the human heart and the colour red is |

| | |symbolic of blood and romantic love in some cultures. |

|this action is prohibited| | |

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|freedom | | |

|peace | | |

| | | |

|recycle | | |

Write the names of some organisations, companies or ideas that you know are represented by symbols. Include the symbols next to the names and explain

what meaning is intended by the symbols. You may like to start with your own

school emblem.

|Company/organisation |Symbol and meaning conveyed |

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Cultures attach different meanings to different colours. For example, in some cultures green can be used to represent freshness and nature, while black may be used to represent evil or villains. In Western culture, white represents purity and is the colour many Western brides choose for their wedding dresses. Whereas at a traditional Chinese wedding, the bride will wear red as it symbolises luck and wealth. In China and other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, white is the colour worn at funerals and represents mourning or death and passing on to the afterlife. What colour do most Western countries associate with funerals and death?

It is important, therefore, to keep in mind that meanings attached to colours may vary according to culture. A colour that means something in one culture may have a totally different meaning in another culture.

Paste a copy of the Aboriginal flag in the first column of the table below and complete the table. Use the internet to help you.

|Image of Aboriginal flag |Red symbolises: |Yellow symbolises: |Black symbolises: |

| | | | |

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State some colours and suggest their symbolic meaning. Your teacher may ask you to discuss your ideas with your classmates. You may wish to use the internet

to help you.

|Colour |Symbolic meaning |

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Complete the following chart by pasting examples of each code in the second column. Write an explanation of the meaning(s) associated with the symbols you have selected.

|Visual code |Image |Explanation |

|objects | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|body language | | |

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| | | |

|costume/clothing | | |

| | | |

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|people | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|setting | | |

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| | | |

|juxtaposition | | |

| | | |

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|lighting | | |

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