RELATIONSHIPSHow are you my love? A few letters I had written to you sometime last month were sent back to me …Apparently you don’t know the sender!!! Babe what’s wrong or at least tell me what’s going on? Ok asking for a divorce was understandable because I am always out of town for business but deciding you don’t know me that’s too much dear and yes its rude. I am not even sure you will get this one but I will write anywayI am not taking any more time so am going to dive in directly .I was out last Saturday like every other Saturday of my life at kiza lounge to be exact. The crowd was fertile and by this I mean that every woman there was approachable by every inch of their turn. I am telling you all this to make sure you follow my story and get to be in my shoes.So am in the club standing next to the DJ as he does his things am sure you all understand I will not expound on that one and this lady comes to me.. She is well above 40 that’s according to my evaluation instincts. Her dreadlocks (ooh I love dreadlocks) are well maintained and are rooting for her bum. She is not that pretty but you can tell she is taking good care of herself. The wrinkles under her eyes are well maintained evident and not sagging like the ones most ladies her age have. She is wearing a wedding ring of course on her left finger and from the look of things it has been there for quite some time. She is in white linen and her red heels look expensive. Her dress has its hem slightly above the knees and you can almost glimpse her thighs. She has heavy beads round her neck rough beads almost looking like ivory and the same material reflects her wrist watch and earrings.Everyone around me is dancing vigorously as Zachie the entertainer (the residential DJ at Kiza lounge) drops hit after hit so she approaches quite slowly to avoid knocking people over you also know how ugly it can be in clubs and as she cuts through the crowd it’s like those exorcism movies where the possessed soul is so evident in a congregation. She comes close enough to feel and smell my designer perfume and touch my hair. ``I want you!!!” she whispers and turns around then heads back to her seat! The message was clear it pierced right through the loud music into my ears like there was no music at all like the whole place was a cemeterySuddenly everyone was staring at me and I felt void , I had to change locations , I went and sat the far end of the lounge and am talking to this girl I found there like I have known her forever I guess alcohol is brave. As I sit there I hear a whisper `can I get you anything’ goodness the same voice and now I chicken out like really bad and once again I change locations and sit close to the washrooms with the idea that when she appears again I also disappear in the bathrooms . Jesus it was not long until I saw her gliding like a pelican determined like a prey in a hunt. She penetrated through the crowd like a lethal viper eyes fixed on the price …..`I want you to be mine TONIGHT’ she now strongly whispered into my ears all this time having pinned me on the wall her chest on mine her face almost touching mine and I was scared she could kiss me and perhaps infect me …Okay I know you’re wondering why when I saw her coming I never executed my plan but I’ll tell you why, there is this thing I don’t know how I can explain it but its like a strong pull or force that withholds you from acting and you have no control over it… yes that’s the one and that’s why I never ran.It was time to leave the club and as I was waiting for my drunk crew to come out so that we can head home and guess who I see yes yes your guess is absolutely right the lady in white linen now with her handbag in her hands I could tell even from far it was pure leather, she was probably leaving too no no no she was actually leaving and with a face that she had not put before a face that meant business she fished out a business card. Her intention was to slip it in my breast pocket but apparently all my shirts have no breast pockets so after a few seconds of trial and error she slips it in my trouser back pocket and spanks my behind in the process all this time am transfixed like those KPLC poles.So I now know her name and where she works … I will not mention her name but if your Mama, Aunt, Sister or Grandmother drives a blue Arston Martin KXX XXXP know that she is more than willing to do anything for me. ................

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