Kenwood Academy

AP Language & Composition—Logical Fallacies PracticeDirections: Work with a partner to complete the following practice activities. You may use the argument resources in your binder, including the AP Language Glossary and Glossary of Argument Terms and Fallacies. If you need to, you may use a dictionary and/or your phone to look up terms.Part I: Definitions – MatchingSelect the letter of the correct fallacy for each definition/example. __________Latin for “against the man.” A writer attacks the character of the arguer rather than the claims that he or she makes.__________Ignores the opponent’s actual position and instead presents and attacks a distorted, oversimplified, or misrepresented version of that position with the intent to make it look ridiculous.__________The writer reduces an argument or issue to two polar opposites and ignores any alternatives. Often an either-or ultimatum.__________An argument that casts today’s tiny misstep as tomorrow’s slide into disaster.__________A writer leaps to a broad conclusion from inadequate or faulty evidence. These arguments are often formed from stereotypes or misguided inference.__________Latin for “it does not follow.” One statement is not logically connected to another. i.e. Someone implies that because one thing follows another, that the first caused the second, when in fact there is no logical relationship other than sequence.__________The believability of both evidence and claim are not proven and rely solely on one another. The claim is made on grounds that lack backing and can not be accepted as true.__________Arguments that urge people to follow the same path everyone else is taking.__________Two cases are presented as parallel, but are not sufficiently related so as to lead readers to accept a claim of connection between them. __________An irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue.Answer Bank:Hasty GeneralizationAppeal to the popular/BandwagonFalse DilemmaNon-Sequitur/False Cause-EffectFalse AnalogyAd HominemBegging the Question/Circular Red HerringStraw ManSlippery SlopePart II: Identifications--Multiple Choice I know the Professor said that the Bridges of Madison County was smarmy trash and lacked any artistic worth. But I still think he's wrong. After all, it was on the best-seller list for over 100 weeks.Straw ManRed HerringBandwagon ArgumentBegging the QuestionMr. Equalminded's idea for implementing affirmative action in the university's admission process is complete folly. He say's he wants the student body to represent diversity in the community. But that's ridiculous. I suppose this means we'll have to throw out our academic standards while were at it.BandwagonSlippery SlopeNon-SequiturStraw ManCapital punishment for repeatedly convicted drug dealers is absolutely justifiable because people who are found guilty of selling drugs again and again should be given the death penalty.Red HerringAd HominemBegging the QuestionFalse AnalogyMr. A. Theist has argued that a moment of silence in public schools would violate the separation of church and state. But have you ever met that jerk. His attacks on religion obviously stem from the fact that he's a narrow minded bigot who never had the inclination to pray for the benefit of anyone else. In fact, just the fact that Mr. Theist opposes the proposal is enough for me to accept it.Straw ManAd HominemHasty GeneralizationBandwagonOnce your kids are watching cartoons, they're also watching those toy commercials. If they see the commercials they'll want the toys; before you know it, they're obsessed with the toys and you've lost all control over them. So don't let children watch cartoons.Slippery SlopeBegging the QuestionStraw ManNon-SequiturEither you floss daily or your teeth look pathetic.False DilemmaAd HominemFalse AnalogyHasty GeneralizationEver since we installed internet in the dorms, the number of students interested in majoring in Material Science has diminished. Internet is detrimental to the future of this major!False AnalogyBegging the QuestionSlippery SlopeNon-Sequitur/False Cause-EffectYou didn't remember to take out the trash this morning. It will pile up and the neighbors will complain and the health inspectors will come and take away the kids. Straw ManRed HerringSlippery SlopeNon-SequiturIf you can’t prove that Ken had an affair with the nanny, then he’s been faithful to his wife.Slippery slopeBegging the QuestionFalse AnalogyFalse DilemmaAnimal rights activists believe that we shouldn't keep animals captive and make them do our will. They would have you abandon your pets in the wilderness.Straw ManSlippery SlopeAd HominemFalse DilemmaFred, the Australian, stole my wallet. Thus, all Australians are thieves. Straw ManSlippery SlopeAd HominemHasty GeneralizationThe government is like a business. The president is like a CEO. Therefore, the president’s chief concern should be the bottom line.False AnalogyFalse DilemmaNon-SequiturRed HerringMy dad was a liar. My boyfriend is a liar. In fact, all men are liars.BandwagonHasty GeneralizationBegging the QuestionFalse AnalogyOpponents of the Equal Rights Amendment believe that women should stay barefoot and pregnant.Straw ManAd Hominem Non-SequiturRed HerringIlliteracy is commonly caused by a lack of reading skills.False AnalogyBandwagonStraw ManFalse DilemmaAfter the school principal suspended daily prayers in the classroom, acts of vandalism increased. Failure to conduct prayer is responsible for the rise in vandalism.False DilemmaBandwagonStraw ManNon-SequiturThe universe is like an intricate watch. A watch must have been designed by a watchmaker. Therefore, the universe must have been designed by some kind of creator. False DilemmaFalse AnalogyStraw ManRed HerringWe should make the academic requirements stricter for students. This initiative needs support because we are in a budget crisis and we do not want our salaries and job security affected.Straw ManRed HerringNon-SequiturBandwagon ................

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