Duazong Her - Scott Kirchner

Duazong Her

October 31, 2009

ComS 1, Section 12610

Informative Speech Outline

I. Introduction

A. Purpose: The purpose of my speech is to inform you of red light cameras.

B. Salience: If you don’t already know about how red light cameras work, it would be beneficial for you to learn because knowing may help you avoid getting a red light ticket.

C. Credibility: Two years ago, filled with anxiety that I was going to get a red light ticket, I did a research about the workings of the red light cameras.

D. Attention Getter: Where is the cop when you need one?

E. Preview: Thus, today I am going to inform you of why red light cameras were installed in Sacramento, CA, the impacts the cameras has had on traffic, and how the cameras work.

II. Body

A. There are two main reasons why red light cameras were installed in Sacramento, CA.

1. The City of Sacramento Department of Transportation stated that based on police reported accidents, “occupant injuries occurred in 45 percent of the red light running crashes, compared with 30 percent of other crash types” (Hilton, 2009).

2. Red light cameras can help enforce traffic laws because of limited police enforcement on duty (Hilton, 2009).

B. Two researches show that there are positive impacts of red light cameras.

1. A research conducted by Retting and Kyrychenko (2002) on the impact of red light cameras installed in Oxnard, CA, found that crashes at signalized intersections were reduced by approximately 10%, injury crashes and right-angle crashes by 30%, and right-angle crashes involving injuries were reduced by almost 70%.

2. A research conducted by Lum and Wong (2003) on impacts of red light cameras installed at three different intersections, where two were T intersections and the other was a cross intersection, in Singapore, showed a reduction in red light violations by more than 40%.

C. The way the red light cameras work appears simple.

1. If the light turns red when your back wheels are still behind the stop-line or the designated stopping place and you run the red light, you will get a ticket.

2. If you are already in the intersection, still waiting to turn when the light turns red, you will not be cited.

3. If you make a right turn on a red light without stopping, you will get a ticket.

III. Conclusion

A. I have informed you of why Sacramento, CA operates red light cameras, the positive impacts cameras has had on traffic, and how it works.

B. Be alert for these red light cameras now so that you can avoid being caught by one and fined almost up to $450 per violation.

Works Cited

Hilton, P. (2009). Red light cameras in California. California Journal of Public Safety, 100(5).

Lum, K., & Wong, Y. (2003). Impacts of red light camera on violation characteristics.

Journals of Transportation Engineering, 129(6), 648-656. doi: 10.1061/(ASLE)


Retting, R., & Kyrychenko, S. (2002). Reductions in injury crashes associated with red light

camera enforcement in Oxnard, California. American Journal of Public Health, 92(11),


Example of cards crafted as Talking Points

Topic: Red Light Cameras


I. Introduction

A. Purpose:

B. Salience:

C. Credibility: Two years ago

D. Attention Getter: Where is the cop when you need one?

E. Preview: Why, Impacts, How


II. Body

A. There are two main reasons . . .

1. The City of Sacramento Department of Transportation stated

45 vs 30 %

2. Limited police enforcement on duty (Cite)

B. Two researches show that there are positive impacts of red light cameras.

1. Retting and Kyrychenko (2002): 10%, 30%, 70%

2. Lum and Wong (2003): Singapore . . .


C. The way the red light cameras work

1. behind the stop-line

2. If you are already in the intersection

3. If you make a right turn on a red light without stopping

I. Conclusion

A. Review: Why, Positive Impacts, How

B. Clincher: $450 per violation


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