NPMHU Local 300

National Postal Mail Handler Local 300 Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of February 7th 2018.

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM by Local President Kevin Tabarus.

1) Finance Review.

a. Payroll and Assets.

• Roll call (Recording Secretary)

• Agenda review

2) Reading of minutes from previous EB mtg. on 12/1/17 (Recording Secretary)

a. Additions and corrections.

i. Page 2, changed LP to TR added “the” before TR.

ii. Page 3, added “Flushing and Mid Island” after charges.

iii. Page 5, added results, motion, and second to trial board charges.

iv. Page 7, corrected motion 13 as the Trial Board results, corrected motion 13 to number 14, and corrected motion 14 to number 15.

Motion to accept the minutes by CTS-Utz: 2nd by NYS-Howard. Passed unanimous.

3) Financial Report-Delgado.

LT-Delgado submitted an expenditure report for the period of November 1st 2017 through December 31st 2017.

The Executive Board then reviewed and discussed the expenditure report. An in-depth analysis ensued regarding the report. LT provided clear, translucent, and satisfactory answers to all questions posed. After full reviews and discussions about the report, the following motion was made:

Motion by RS-Bermudez; 2nd by VP-Johnson: The Executive Board gives subsequent approval to all legal and lawful expenditures for the period of November 1st through December 31st 2017. Passed unanimously.

4) Treasurer’s Report-Delgado,

a. Revenue continues to climb. Fiduciary responsibility must still be followed to preserve the Union’s future fiscally.

b. An extensive and comprehensive discussion ensued on the MHBP.

c. COLA showing an increase coming.

d. IRS and NYC taxes up to date.

e. Investments. Closely monitor SEI.

f. Relocation of HQ.

g. Quick books not viable. ADP backup very good. Radius security A+.

h. Lease. Negotiating for extension options.

Having no further business to discuss, the following motion was made:

Motion by NYS-Howard, 2nd by NJS-Price; To accept the TR’s report.

Passed Unanimously.

Sister Elder made a presentation to the EB about prospective properties for relocation of NYHQ. Brother Sanchez presented as well and both are continuing making visits to potential properties.

5) The EB than addressed the upcoming vacancy for the position of NJ State Executive Board Member, which will become vacant March 17th 2018. The EB reviewed the list of candidates for the position which were: Rick Gonzales from Teterboro, Terry Flynn from the NJNDC, George McGreal from Teterboro, and Patrick Gilmartin from NJNDC.

After a spirited discussion and careful review of all the candidate’s resumes’, the following motion was made:

Motion by TR-Delgado, 2nd by VP-Johnson; To appoint Terry Flynn of the NJNDC as NJ State Executive Board Member effective March 17th 2018.

Passed by majority vote. NJS-Price Abstained.

6) Local President’s report-Tabarus.

a. Push the Local 300 APP.

b. Organize. Signup package, bounty increase.

c. RI-399 Global settlement, back on the table.

d. Shop steward training. March 2018.

e. Arbitration advocate training. 1 day only.

f. Training for organizing new members.

g. VER

h. MHBP. Extensive and lengthy discussion.

i. Local 300 teleconferences. LUC and EB.

j. 2019 agreement. Preparations underway.

k. Withholdings.

l. Trainings on OWCP and NYCOSH.

With all business brought forth, the following motion was made:

Motion by NJS-Price, 2nd by RS-Bermudez; To accept the LP’s report. Passed unanimously.

7) Vice President’s report-Johnson.

a. Member premiums. Tote bags-may need more. 2018-T shirts.

b. Events. 200 tickets for the Nets vs Knicks. NY Liberty-MS Garden not available. NY Mets-July 15th vs the Nationals. NY Yankees-vs Indians or the Red Sox. Great Adventure-August 25th.

c. PAC. Errors in reporting. Need more support.

d. RI-399. Flushing, NYC, and Mid Island.

e. Sit/Stand stools. DVD on agenda for safety and health meeting 2/13/18.

f. Copier lease up 2019.

g. MHBP health fair. Participant and representative.

With no further business to discuss, the following motion was made:

Motion by TR-Delgado, 2nd by NYS-Howard; To accept the VP’s report. Passed unanimously.

8) Recording Secretary’s report-Bermudez.

a. Trial boards. Prieto vs Tabarus. Appealed to National President.

b. EB Polls.

i. Donation to the Asian American Postal Employees Association $125- passed unanimously. 1/24/18.

ii. NY Jets game-2018 NTE 300 tickets sold at $40, parking $25. Passed unanimously. 12/31/17.

iii. Holiday gratuity for building staff. $75-passed unanimously. 12/31/17

With no further business to discuss, the following motion was made:

Motion by CTS-Utz, 2nd by NJS-Price; To accept the RS’s report. Passed unanimously.

9) New York State Report-Howard.

a. RI-399/LDRCs Mid Island.

b. Bronx arbitration on the 27th.

c. Station visits. Riverhead, Monsey, Flushing, Bethpage, Brooklyn, and JFK.

d. MHBP seminar and fair attendee and representative.

e. Steward appointed to Riverhead.

All business presented, the following motion was made:

Motion by RS-Bermudez, 2nd by VP-Johnson; To accept the NYS’s report. Passed unanimously.

10) New Jersey State Report-Price.

a. Kearny station PTF-still there.

b. Station/branch visits. Discipline on the rise. Attendance control officer designated, James Prium.

c. Union. No mail handler.

d. Englewood. 1 mail handler. PTF leaving.

e. Newark. All cases pretty much resolved.

f. Rutherford RI399 cases to step 3.

No further business was brought forth, so the following motion was made:

Motion by TR-Delgado, 2nd by NYS-Howard; To accept the NJS’s report. Passed unanimously.

11) Connecticut State Report-Utz.

a. Barry Place. No word on letter carriers to plant. No space.

b. SPSS. Grievances for too many clerks. Bullpen starting to pay out.

c. Greenwich. 1 Mail handler missing.

d. 1 residual bid at Barry Place.

With no further business to discuss, the following motion was made:

Motion by RS-Bermudez, 2nd by NJS-Price; To accept the CTS’s report. Passed unanimously.

12) Upcoming Meetings/Events.

a. EB meetings. 3/9/18 and 4/27/18.

b. LUC meeting. 4/26/18.

c. SAMLU Las Vegas NV. 4/9/48-4/11/18.

d. SAMLU Washington DC. 8/13/18-8/15/18.

e. MHBP open seminar. Indianapolis IN. 10/4/18-10/6/18.

f. SAMLU Atlantic City NJ. 4/29/19-5/1/19.

g. NPMHU Legislative Conference. Tentative 6/3/19-6/4/19.

h. SAMLU (Contract Negotiations Update) Washington DC. 9/30/19-10/2/19.

13) Elections.

a. Local 300 Officer elections 2020.

b. NPMHU convention 2020.

c. LiUNA convention 2021.

Motion by NJS-Price; 2nd by TR-Delgado: To adjourn the Executive Board meeting at 1:32PM. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Raymond Bermudez, Recording Secretary

NPMHU-Local 300

Local 300 Executive Board Meeting

February 7th 2018.

Attendance Roster

Executive Board Members

Kevin Tabarus –President

Marcenia Yvette Johnson- Vice President

Wilfredo Delgado-Treasurer

Raymond Bermudez- Recording Secretary

Charles Price- NJSEB

Stan Howard-NYSEB


Attached please find the reference numbers of all motions passed by the Executive Board from the meeting held on February 7th 2018.

EBFEB07-2018-001-To accept the minutes as read.

EBFEB07-2018-002-To give approval to all legal and lawful expenditures for the period of November 1st 2017 December 31st 2017.

EBFEB07-2018-003-To accept the Treasurer’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-004-To appoint Terry Flynn as the NJSEBM effective March 17th 2018.

EBFEB07-2018-005-To accept the President’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-006-To accept the Vice President’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-007-To accept the Recording Secretary’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-008-To accept the New York State EB Member’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-009-To accept the New Jersey State EB Member’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-010-To accept the CT State EB Member’s report.

EBFEB07-2018-011-To adjourn the meeting at 1:32PM.

Raymond Bermudez

Recording Secretary NPMHU Local 300.


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