What causes a red eyelid


What causes a red eyelid

What is eyelid inflammation?Your eyelids are the folds of skin that cover your eyes and protect them from debris and injury. Your eyelids also have lashes with short, curved hair follicles on the edge of the lids. These follicles contain oil glands. These oil glands can sometimes become clogged or irritated, which can trigger certain eyelid disorders. One of these disorders is known as eyelid inflammation, or blepharitis.The exact cause of eyelid inflammation cannot always be determined, but different factors may increase your risk of blepharitis. For example, you may have a higher risk if you also have dandruff on your scalp or eyebrows. It's also possible to have an allergic reaction to makeup or other cosmetic products you apply around your eyes, triggering eyelid inflammation. These aren't the only possible causes. Other causes or risk factors for eyelid inflammation include: having eyelash mites or licebacterial infectionmedication side effectsa malfunctioning oil glandThere are two types of eyelid inflammation: Anterior eye inflammation occurs on the outside of your eye where your eyelashes are located. Dandruff on your eyebrows and allergic reactions in your eyes can cause anterior eyelid inflammation.Posterior eyelid inflammation occurs on the inner edge of eyelids closest to your eye. A malfunctioning oil gland behind your eyelash follicles usually causes this form of inflammation.Eyelid inflammation is usually noticeable because it can irritate your eyes and possibly affect your vision. Symptoms of inflammation include:These symptoms can also indicate a serious eye infection. You should treat these symptoms as an emergency and see your doctor right away.Your family doctor, an internist, or an eye doctor can diagnose eyelid inflammation. In some cases, a physical examination of your eye is enough to diagnose the condition. Your doctor can also closely examine your eyelids using a specialized magnifying tool. This eye examination checks your eyes for inflammation as well as the presence of bacteria, fungi, or viruses, which can indicate an infection. If there are symptoms of an infection, your doctor will swab your eye and take a sample of any fluid seeping from your eyes. This sample is then examined under a microscope.Washing your eyes and applying a warm compress can reduce inflammation. Depending on the severity of inflammation and whether your inflammation is caused by an infection, your doctor may recommend other treatments.Steroid treatmentIf you don't have an infection, your doctor may prescribe steroids, eye drops, or ointment to reduce inflammation. Your doctor may also prescribe lubricating eye drops to stop irritation caused by dry eyes.AntibioticsA course of antibiotics may effectively treat eyelid infections. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotic medication in pill, ointment, or liquid drop form. Doctors often prescribe drops when an infection spreads beyond the eyelid.Eyelash loss is a potential complication of eyelid inflammation. This is caused by scarring in the hair follicles, which can make your lashes grow incorrectly. Extensive scarring can also prevent eyelash mon short-term complications of eyelid inflammation include dry eyes and pink eye. Long-term complications may include:scarring on the eyelida stye (an infected lump that appears on the base of your eyelashes)chronic pink eyeThe oil glands on your eyelids can also become infected and blocked. This can cause an infection under your eyelids. An untreated eye infection can cause permanent eye damage and vision loss. Scarring under the eyelids can scratch the eye's delicate surface. It can also cause ulcers on your cornea, which is the clear, protective outer layer of your eye.Eyelid inflammation can be uncomfortable, painful, and unsightly. Unfortunately, this condition isn't always preventable, but you can take measures to reduce your risk of inflammation.Make sure you wash your face regularly. This includes removing your eye and facial makeup before going to bed. Don't touch your eyes with dirty hands and don't rub itchy eyelids. Rubbing your eyes can spread an existing infection. Also, have your eyelids checked if you notice pain, redness, or swelling. Controlling dandruff also helps reduce inflammation. If you have severe dandruff, talk with your doctor. You may need a prescription shampoo. HomeConditionsEye Conditions and Diseases | En Espa?ol Blepharitis is eyelid inflammation that causes red, swollen eyelids and crusty eyelashes. The condition can be difficult to treat and tends to recur. For this reason, it's also known as chronic blepharitis.Blepharitis is very common. One survey of U.S. eye doctors showed that between 37% and 47% of patients had some degree of eyelid inflammation.Blepharitis is not contagious and usually doesn't cause serious harm to your eyes or vision, but it can feel unsightly and uncomfortable.CausesBlepharitis can be caused by:Bacterial eyelid infectionMeibomian gland dysfunctionDry eyesFungal eyelid infectionParasites (eyelash mites or eyelash lice)Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff of the scalp and eyebrows)Blepharitis is usually associated with an overgrowth of bacteria that live along the edge of each eyelid and base of each eyelash.Over time, these bacteria multiply and create a structure called a biofilm. This biofilm becomes a toxic environment, much like the plaque that forms on your teeth.Eyelash mites called Demodex feed on the biofilm, leading to an overgrowth of mites. This makes eyelid inflammation worse.Bacteria in the biofilm also produce substances called exotoxins that cause inflammation of the tiny glands that secrete oil into your tears. This leads to a condition called meibomian gland dysfunction that causes and worsens dry eye discomfort.Blepharitis is also associated with skin conditions, such as ocular rosacea, eczema, dandruff and psoriasis.SymptomsThe most common symptoms of blepharitis are:SEE RELATED: How to relieve eyelid painConditions associated with blepharitisIf you have chronic blepharitis, you may also have one or more associated conditions or complications, including:Stye ? An eyelid stye is a bacterial infection at the base of an eyelash or inside an oil-producing gland in the eyelid. A stye causes a painful red bump at the edge of an eyelid.Chalazion ? A chalazion is a clogged oil gland in an eyelid that may begin as a stye. It causes a red, swollen bump on the eyelid.Dry eye syndrome ? Clogging of the oil glands in the eyelid can cause the tear film to evaporate quickly, leading to dry eye problems.Eyelash problems ? Chronic blepharitis can cause scarring of the lid margin that leads to misdirected eyelashes, or even eyelash loss.Cornea problems ? If blepharitis causes eyelashes to grow toward your eyes, the misdirected lashes can rub against the clear front surface of the eye, leading to a painful corneal abrasion. This can also increase your risk of eye infections.Pink eye ? Chronic blepharitis can also cause episodes of bacterial pink eye, a form of conjunctivitis. When blepharitis and pink eye happen together, it's called blepharoconjunctivitis.Blepharitis is also a common cause of contact lens discomfort, forcing many people to give up wearing contacts.SEE RELATED: Pink eye vs. styeTreatmentBlepharitis treatment should begin with an eye doctor visit to determine the cause of your eyelid inflammation.Your doctor will examine your eyes and eyelids to determine whether you have the condition and decide which treatment is best.Blepharitis treatment can include:Eyelid scrubsGently scrubbing your eyelids removes the buildup of biofilm and excess bacteria from your lid margins. Your eye doctor will typically recommend a daily regimen of warm compresses and lid scrubs to clean your eyelids and reduce the amount of bacteria and mites on your lids.Cleaning agents can include prescription eyelid cleansers, non-prescription eyelid wipes or diluted baby shampoo.In-office proceduresWhile at-home eyelid scrubs are helpful, inoffice eyelid hygiene procedures are often recommended for a more effective treatment of blepharitis.Procedures can include:Electromechanical lid margin debridement (such as BlephEx treatment) to remove bacteria, biofilm and mites from your eyelids and open clogged oil glands.Thermal pulsation treatment (Lipiflow, for example) to melt and express any material obstructing the oil glands.Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy to open clogged eyelid glands and resume normal flow of oils into the tear film.Medicated eye drops and/or ointmentsYour doctor may also prescribe topical medicines to destroy excess blepharitis-causing bacteria or other microbes on the eyelids -- particularly if it appears you have pink eye or some other type of eye infection as well.SEE ALSO: The fastest way to heal a swollen eyelidEyelid hygiene tipsEyelid hygiene is very helpful to treat, control and prevent blepharitis.To begin, use a clean, warm compress to melt any blocked residue in your eyelids' oil glands.Follow these steps:Wash your hands, then dampen a clean washcloth with warm (almost hot) water.Place the washcloth over your closed eyelids for several minutes.Gently rub the edges of your eyelids with the washcloth before opening your eyes -- but don't press hard on your eyes.Follow your eye doctor's recommendations regarding how often to use a warm compress and how long to keep it in place.When you first start treatment, you could be instructed to do this several times a day, for about five minutes each time. Later on, you might only need to apply the compress once daily.How to clean your eyelidsUse a cotton-tipped swab to apply cleaning solution recommended by your eye doctor. Rub gently around the edges of your upper and lower eyelids, but do not get cleaning solution in your eye.The goal of blepharitis treatment is to return your eyelids to a normal, healthy state.Cleaning your eyelids is an important step toward preventing blepharitis.Your doctor will recommend what to use for the cleaning agent. Options include warm water, diluted baby shampoo, or an eyelid cleanser. Cleansers can be over-the-counter or prescription.To clean your eyelids:Wash your hands.Moisten a clean washcloth, cotton swab or gauze pad with the cleaning solution.Gently wipe your eyelashes and lid margin.Rinse with warm water.Repeat the process for your other eye, using a different washcloth, swab or pad.Your eye doctor may have you clean your eyelids several times daily to start, then eventually just once a day.It's a good idea to limit how often you apply eye makeup when you have blepharitis, since mascara and other makeup can interfere with eyelid hygiene.If your doctor recommends an anti-dandruff shampoo for your scalp and eyebrows, make sure you keep the shampoo out of your eyes to avoid irritation.How to prevent blepharitisBlepharitis is usually a chronic condition, which means it can come back often.The best way to prevent blepharitis or keep it from coming back is to clean your eyelids daily to stop the buildup of bacteria, biofilm and mites on the eyelid.A number of non-prescription lid scrub products are available and you can use the same eyelid hygiene techniques described above. There are several prescription eyelid cleansing products that may be more effective than baby shampoo or over-the-counter products.Your doctor might also recommend nutritional supplements like omega-3 fatty acids to help keep your meibomian glands healthy, and your eyes moist and comfortable.If you wear contacts or glassesIf you develop blepharitis while wearing contact lenses, discontinue wearing your contacts until the blepharitis has been successfully treated.Wearing contacts with eyelid inflammation can result in bacteria and other debris sticking to your lenses and causing pink eye or other potentially serious eye diseases.If you don't currently have a backup pair of glasses, see your eye doctor for an exam to update your eyeglass prescription.If you are sensitive to light like many with dry eyes, consider glasses with photochromic lenses. These lenses have a special coating that automatically darkens in sunlight and lightens indoors.After your blepharitis has been successfully treated, you can resume wearing contacts if you want to.If you currently wear reusable contact lenses, consider switching to daily disposable contacts or gas permeable contacts, which may have a lower risk of blepharitis-related problems.READ MORE: Swollen Eyelid FAQsFAQsQ: Is blepharitis contagious?A: No, blepharitis is not contagious. However, blepharitis may lead to recurring cases of conjunctivitis which can become contagious.Q: Can you get blepharitis from eyelash extensions?A: It is possible for eyelash extensions to cause blepharitis, or inflammation of the eyelids. It's important to test for product allergies before having a cosmetic procedure done on your eyelashes. Ensuring the salon practices proper sanitation and hygiene can prevent blepharitis. It's also important to properly clean and care for your eyelashes and eyelids after any procedure.Q: What's the difference between blepharitis and styes?A: Blepharitis is characterized by eyelid inflammation that causes red, swollen eyelids and crustiness around the eyelashes. Blepharitis is a risk for developing styes. A stye is a pimple-like bump on the eyelid caused by an infected oil gland or eyelash follicle. Page published in January 2019 Page updated in March 2022

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