Curriculum Vita

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Curriculum Vita_________________________________________________________________Mari Boor TonnRhetoric and Communication StudiesUniversity of Richmond402-G Weinstein, 28 Westhampton WayUniversity of Richmond, Richmond, VA 21373Tel: 804-287-6520 (personal office) 804-289-8263 (main office) 804-287-6496 (fax)Email: mtonn@richmond.edu____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________EDUCATIONDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY – Communication Studies University of Kansas1987Advisors: Karlyn Kohrs Campbell and Donn ParsonMASTER OF ARTS – Speech and Theater Pittsburg (KS) State University1982Advisor: Mary Margaret RobertsBACHELOR OF SCIENCE – English (journalism minor) Pittsburg (KS) State University 1976PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEAssociate ProfessorRhetoric and Communication Studies, University of Richmond 2010-presentAffiliate FacultyWomen, Gender, and Sexuality Studies,University of Richmond1010-presentAssociate ProfessorCommunication, University of Maryland 2001-2009Affiliate FacultyWomen’s Studies, University of Maryland2001-2009Associate Professor Communication, University of New Hampshire1996-2001Assistant Professor Communication, University of New Hampshire1991-96Assistant Professor Speech Communication, University of Maine1987-91Lecturer Communication, Pittsburg (KS) State University1987InstructorCareer Education, Kansas State University1979-80TeacherEnglish, Erie (KS) High School1976-78ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCEGraduate DirectorUniversity of Maryland2006-07Department Chair of Communication [Acting]University of New HampshireJan-May 2001Director of Continuing Education [Acting]Pittsburg (KS) State University1983-84 Assistant Director of Continuing Education Pittsburg (KS) State University1981-83EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING EXPERIENCESpeechwriting Consultant. Government of Norway, 2004.Solicited by Norwegian political speechwriters for analysis as part of their European and U.S. tour to study differences between speechwriting for Norwegian and U.S. politicians. Met with following speechwriters and political advisors: speechwriter to Norwegian Foreign Minister, Advisor to Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Assistant Director General for Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Senior Advisor to Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry, Advisor to Norwegian Ministry of Defense, Advisor to the Norwegian Parliament, and representatives from the Washington D.C. Norwegian Embassy.Focus Group Facilitator. Commission on Presidential Debates, Washington DC. 1996Conducted focus groups at first 1996 Presidential Debate in HartfordFocus Group Facilitator & Researcher. Commission on Presidential Debates, Washington DC. 1993Conducted focus groups during and before all 1992 Presidential Debates Presented research findings to CPD and Ford Foundation before Washington DC Press Corps and representatives of Clinton, Bush, and Perot campaigns. Other program panelists included Jim Lehrer, E. J. Dionne, Carole Simpson, Sander Vanocur, Hal Bruno, Judy Woodruff, and advisors to the candidates.Career Education Specialist . Kansas Governor’s Grant, Topeka, 1980-81.Career Education Specialist. Kansas CETA Summer Youth Employment Program, 1980AWARDS AND HONORSSpotlight on Scholarship Honoree. Eastern Communication Assn. 2008.Distinguished Research Fellow Award, Eastern Communication Assn. 2007.Distinguished Teaching Fellow Award. Eastern Communication Assn. 2003.Donald and Carolyn Drummond Ecroyd Teaching Excellence Award. Eastern Communication Assn. 2002.Past Presidents’ Award. Eastern Communication Assn. 2000.University Excellence in Teaching. University of New Hampshire. 1996.Karl Wallace Memorial Award for Rhetorical Scholarship. National Communication Assn.1997.Best Essay of the Year. Org. for the Study of Language, Communication, and Gender. Paper. Kenneth Burke Society. National Communication Assn.1991, 1999.Chapter, Outstanding Book. Gustuvas Myers Center for Study of Human Rights in U.S.1991.KEYNOTES AND SPECIAL INVITED PRESENTATIONSPlenary Speaker. “’From the Eye to the Soul’”: Industrial Labor’s Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones and the Rhetorics of Display.” Biennial Public Address Conf. Pittsburgh. 2010. [One of Two Plenary Sessions Chosen for Webcast and Public Lecture.]Keynote Address and Seminar Leader. “Making and Unmaking Political Mischief: Humor in the Social Movement Rhetoric of the 1960s.” Hope Institute (formerly Hope Conf). National Communication Assn. Randolph-Macon University. 2008. Seminar Leader. Kenneth Burke Triennial Conf. “Burke and Feminism.” Villanova University. 2008. Lecturer. “Research, Criticism, and Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” University of San Diego. 2007. Lecturer. “Maternal Thinking and Citizenship: Industrial Labor’s Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Keene (NH) State College Citizenship Symposium. 2007.Lecturer. “Mary Harris ‘Mother” Jones and the Feminine Divine.” Wil A. Linkugel Distinguished Lecture, University of Kansas. 2007.Keynote Address. “Fighting Feminism: Exploring Triumphs and Challenges in Feminist Politics and Scholarship.” William A. Kern Communication Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. 2003. Seminar Leader. With Clarke Rountree. “Pentadic Criticism.” Kenneth Burke Triennial Conf. Tulane University. 2002. Colloquium Speaker. “Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and ‘Perspective by Incongruity.’” Colloquia Series. University of Maryland. 2000. (prior to employment)Invited Rhetorical Scholar. “Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and ‘Perspective by Incongruity.’” Undergraduate Honors Conference. DePauw University. 2000.Colloquium Speaker. “Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and ‘Perspective by Incongruity.’” Center for Humanities Colloquia Series. University of Georgia. 1998 Keynote Address. “DebateWatch'96.” Keynote address. Annual Fall Football Day. [Annual event for NH Legislators, President’s Council, General Court, and Alumni]. 1996. Panelist. “The Voters' Perspective. Debates '92: A Symposium.” Co-sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates and the Freedom Forum. Washington DC. 1993.Featured Speaker. “Career Education Activities for Secondary Schools.” Southeast Kansas Regional Educational Service Center Conference. Greenbush. 1980.PUBLICATIONSJOURNAL ARTICLESTonn, Mari Boor. “Taking Conversation, Dialogue, and Therapy Public.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs. 8 (2005): 403-430.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Fighting Feminism: Exploring Triumphs and Obstacles in Feminist Politics and Scholarship.” Women’s Studies in Communication 27 (2004): 337-95.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Miss America Contesters and Contestants: Media Discourse about Social ‘Also-Rans.’” Rhetoric & Public Affairs. 6 (2003): 150-160. Tonn, Mari Boor and Valerie A. Endress. “Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and ‘Perspective by Incongruity.’” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 4 (2001): 281-308.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Princess Diana and Baseball: Encouraging the Critics of Culture to Play Fair.” Women’s Studies in Communication 22 (1999): 112-119.Tonn, Mari Boor. [Lead essay].“Donning Sackcloth and Ashes: Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services and Moral Agony in Abortion Rights Rhetoric.” Communication Quarterly 44 (1996*): 265-279. *Dated journal issues behind in publication schedule.Tonn, Mari Boor. [Lead essay].“Militant Motherhood: Labor's Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 1-21. [Best Essay of the Year. Org. for the Study of Language, Communication, and Gender. 1997]. Tonn, Mari Boor. “Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's Sabotage: The Economic ‘Scene’ as Both Controlling and Catalyzing Workers' ‘Acts.’" Ed. James F. Klumpp. Spec. issue of Southern Communication Journal 61 (1995): 59-75. [Blind review].Tonn, Mari Boor and Mark S. Kuhn. “Co-Constructed Oratory: Speaker-Audience Interaction in the Labor Union Rhetoric of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Text and Performance Quarterly 13 (1993): 313-330.Dow, Bonnie J. and Mari Boor Tonn. "’Feminine Style’ and Political Judgment in the Rhetoric of Ann Richards.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 286-302. Tonn, Mari Boor, Valerie A. Endress, and John .N. Diamond. “Hunting and Heritage on Trial in Maine: A Dramatistic Debate over Tragedy, Tradition, and Territory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 165-181. Tonn, Mari and Laura Meeks. “The Non-Traditional College Student: Continuing Education Programs. Association for Communication and Administration BULLETIN 49 (1984): 71-72.Tonn, Mari. “The Non-Professional Counseling Interview: Implications for Career Guidance in the Speech Communication Classroom.” Kansas Speech Journal 45 (1983): 13-20.Tonn, Mari and Laura Meeks. “Managerial Behaviors of Females: Structures and Strategies in Political Contexts.” Kansas Speech Journal 45 (1983): 37-44.Tonn, Mari. “The Speech Communication Instructor as Newspaper-Yearbook Teacher.” Kansas Speech Journal 43 (1981): 6-10.BOOK CHAPTERSTonn, Mari Boor. “Radical Labor in a Feminine Voice: The Rhetoric of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.” Rhetoric of Reform in the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Martha Solomon Watson. Rhetoric and Public Address Ser. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2008. 224-253.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Colin Powell’s Life Story as a ‘Good Black’ Narrative.’” The Rhetorics of Display. Ed. Lawrence J. Prelli. South Carolina UP, 2006. 344-373Endress, Valerie A. and Mari Boor Tonn. “H. Ross Perot.” Contemporary American Orators. Eds. Bernard K. Duffy and Richard W. Leeman. Westport, CT: Greenwood , 2005. 360-367.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The New Hampshire Presidential Primary.” Encyclopedia of New England Culture. Eds. Burt Feintuch and David H. Watters. New Haven: Yale UP, 2005. 1252.Tonn, Mari Boor “Flirting with Perot: Voter Ambivalence about the Third Candidate.” The 1992 Presidential Debates in Focus. Eds. Diana Carlin and Mitchell McKinney. Westport: Greenwood, 1994. 109-123.Tonn, Mari Boor and Mark S. Kuhn. “Elizabeth Gurley Flynn 1890-1964: Merging Feminism and Radical Labor Organizing.” Women Speakers in the United States, 1925-1993: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Karlyn .Kohrs Campbell. Westport: Greenwood, 1994. 221-237.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones 1830?-1930: ‘Messiah’ and ‘Mother’ for Labor.” Women Public Speakers in the United States 1800-1925: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell. Westport: Greenwood, 1993. 229-241.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Effecting Labor Reform through Stories: The Narrative Rhetorical Style of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Constructing and Reconstructing Gender. Eds. Linda A.M. Perry, Lynn Turner, and Helen Sterk. New York: SUNY, 1992. 283-293.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The Una, 1853-55: The Premier of the Feminist Press”. A Voice of Their Own: The Women Suffrage Press. Ed. Martha Solomon. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1991. 48-70. [Outstanding Book, Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights in the U. S. 1991].REPRINTSTonn, Mari Boor, Valerie A. Endress, and John N. Diamond. “Hunting and Heritage on Trial in Maine: A Dramatistic Debate over Tragedy, Tradition, and Territory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993). 165-181. Rpt. in Readings in Rhetorical Criticism.” Ed. Carl R. Burchardt 4th ed. State College: Strata, 2010. 253-270..Tonn, Mari Boor. “Militant Motherhood: Labor's Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 1-21. Rpt in Readings in the Rhetoric of Social Protest. Eds. Stephen H. Browne and Charles Morris III. 2nd ed. State College: Strata, 2006. 335-354.Tonn, Mari Boor, Valerie A. Endress, and John N. Diamond. “Hunting and Heritage on Trial in Maine: A Dramatistic Debate over Tragedy, Tradition, and Territory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993). 165-181. Rpt. in Readings in Rhetorical Criticism.” Ed. Carl R. Burchardt 3rd ed. State College: Strata, 2005. 203-219.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Militant Motherhood: Labor's Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 1-21. Rpt in Readings in the Rhetoric of Social Protest. Eds. Stephen H. Browne and Charles Morris III. State College: Strata, 2001. 406-428.Tonn, Mari Boor, Valerie A. Endress, and John N. Diamond. “Hunting and Heritage on Trial in Maine: A Dramatistic Debate over Tragedy, Tradition, and Territory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 165-181. Rpt. in Readings in Rhetorical Criticism.” Ed. Carl R. Burchardt 2nd ed. State College: Strata, 2000. 229-246.Dow, Bonnie J. and Mari Boor Tonn. "’Feminine Style’ and Political Judgment in the Rhetoric of Ann Richards.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 286-302. Rpt. In Diversity in Public Communication: A Reader. Eds. Christine Kelly, E. Anne Lafoon, and Raymie E. McKerrow. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 1994. 35-57.BOOK REVIEWSTonn, Mari Boor. “Teaching Communication Criticism.” Rev. of Communication Criticism: Rhetoric, Social Codes, Cultural Studies by Malcolm O. Sillars and Bruce E. Gronbeck. Review of Communication 3 [Electronic Journal] (2003):301-04.Tonn, Mari Boor. Rev. of Cold Warriors: Manliness on Trial in the Rhetoric of the West by Suzanne Clark. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 5 (2002): 369-372.Tonn, Mari Boor. Rev. of Angelina Grimké: Rhetoric, Identity and the Radical Imagination by Stephen Howard Browne. Women’s Studies in Communication 24. (2001): 122-28.Tonn, Mari Boor. “One Feminist's Political and Personal Passage.” Rev. of The Word of a Woman by Robin Morgan. Communication Quarterly 44 (1996): 396-397.Tonn, Mari Boor. Rev. of The Speeches and Writings of Mother Jones, ed. Edward Steel. Southern States Speech Communication Journal 55 (1990): 234-236.Tonn, Mari. (1981). Rev. of Donahue: My Own Story by Phil Donahue. Kansas Speech Journal 43 (1981): 50-51.WORKS IN PROGRESSMining Motherhood: Industrial Labor’s Mary Harris “Mother” Jones. Book-length manuscript.PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONSINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESTonn, Mari Boor. “Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones: Labor’s Irreverent Irish-American Saint”. Intl. Assn.for Irish Studies, Limerick, Ire. 2000.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Taking ‘Conversation’ Public: The Tyrannical and Therapeutic Threat to Democratic Deliberative Processes. Metaphors and Politics Symposium. Intl. Soc. for Political Psychology, Amsterdam, Neth. 1999.NATIONAL CONFERENCESTonn, Mari Boor. “’From the Eye to the Soul’: Industrial’s Labor’s Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Biennial Public Address Conf. Pittsburgh. 2010. [One of two Plenary Speakers Slated for Public Lecture and Webcast.] Tonn, Mari Boor. “Wresting with Demons: Gloria Steinem and the Rhetoric of Spirituality, Religion, and Therapy.” Rhetoric Society of America Convention. Minneapolis. 2010.Tonn, Mari Boor. Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award Spotlight Panel. National Communication Assn. Convention. San Diego. 2008.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Hillary ’08: Feminist Opportunities and Challenges.” Roundtable. National Communication Assn. Convention. San Diego. 2008.Tonn, Mari Boor. Tribute to Karlyn Kohrs Campbell. Public Address Conf. University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2008.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Princess Diana: Transcending Ideological Motherhood Through Maternal Practice.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 2007. Tonn, Mari Boor. “Revisiting ‘Feminine Style.’” National Communication Assn. Convention. San Antonio. 2006. [Spotlight on Scholarship: Bonnie J. Dow].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Displaying Racial Identity: The Case of Colin Powell.” National Communication Assn. Convention. New Orleans. 2002.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Traditional Gender Roles as Rhetorical Strategies.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Seattle. 2000.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Labor’s Irreverent Prophet: The Agitative Ministry of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1999.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Prophetic Ethos and Political Theories in Conflict with American Traditions.” Response to Prophetic Ethos and the Radical Tradition by James Darsey [Winner of NCA Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award, NCA Diamond Anniversary Award, and NCA Winans-Wichelns Award]. National Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1999.Tonn, Mari Boor, and Valerie A. Endress. “Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and ‘Perspective by Incongruity.’” National Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1999. [Top paper, Kenneth Burke Society].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Women Voice Working-Class Concerns: The Rhetoric of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.” Second Biennial Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conf. Minneapolis. 1999.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Princess Diana and Motherhood.” Org. for the Study of Language, Communication, and Gender Conf. Portland, ME. 1998.Endress, Valerie A. and Mari Boor Tonn. “Public Discourse and Private Deliberation in Conflict: Lyndon Johnson as the Reluctant Cold Warrior.” National Communication Assn. Convention. New York City. 1998.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The Metaphor of ‘Conversation’ in Public Discourse: Implications for Democracy and Policy Debate.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. San Diego. 1996.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Character as Qualification for Leadership: Enacting Ethos in Colin Powell's My American Journey. Speech Communication Assn. Convention. San Diego. 1996.Tonn, Mari Boor. "’Writes’ of Passage: Pedagogical Benefits of Using In-class Informal Writing in Courses Treating Gender.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. San Antonio. 1995.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Donning Sackcloth and Ashes: The Rhetorical Legacy of Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services on the Abortion Rights Movement.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. New Orleans. 1994.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's Sabotage: A Dramatistic Study of Images and Ideology.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Miami. 1993.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Flirting with Perot: Voter Ambivalence about the Third Candidate.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Miami. 1993.Prusank, Diane, Valerie A. Endress, and Mari Boor Tonn. “The Politicization of the American Family: Developing Mythologies of the New Right.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1992.Dow, Bonnie J. and Mari Boor Tonn. "’Feminine Style’ and Political Judgment in the Rhetoric of Ann Richards.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1992.Tonn, Mari Boor, Valerie A. Endress, and John .N. Diamond. “Cultural Collision, Culpability, and Catharsis: A Burkeian Analysis of Responses to the Killing of Karen Wood.” Speech Communication Assoc. Convention. Atlanta. 1991. [Top Paper, Kenneth Burke Society].Tonn, Mari Boor and Mark S. Kuhn. “New York's Bloody Mosaic: Conciliation as Inaction in the Rhetoric of David Dinkins.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Atlanta. 1991.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Industrial Labor's Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones: Connecting ‘True Womanhood’ and Agitation.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. New Orleans. 1988.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Effecting Labor Reform through Stories: The Narrative Style of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Org. for the Study of Language, Communication, and Gender Conf. San Diego. 1988.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones: Early Labor's Maternal Messiah.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Boston. 1987. REGIONAL CONFERENCESTonn, Mari Boor. “Humor, Heart, and Home in the Life and Career of Senator Edward Kennedy: A Gendered Perspective on Redemption.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Baltimore. 2009.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Communicating the Human Condition.” Special Invited Panel on Kenneth Burke. Southern Communication Assn. Convention. Savannah. 2008.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Controversies, Caveats, and Contributions: James Darsey and the Prophetic Voice.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Providence. 2007 [Spotlight on Scholarship: James Darsey].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Faculty at the Intersection of Competing Pieties: A Burkean Roundtable on Professorial Perspectives in the Academy.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Providence. 2007.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Creating and Negotiating Academic Life: Strategies for Managing the Academic Job Interview Process.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Philadelphia. 2006. [Spotlight First-Vice President’s and Distinguished Research and Teaching Fellows Program].Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: Presentations on future research directions by former recipients of Past Presidents’ Award given by Eastern Communication Assn. “Communicating Greater Expectations: Past Officers’ Club Awardees.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Pittsburgh. 2005. [Spotlight Vice-President’s Program].Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Rhetoric and Disciplinarity: Reflections After the Formation of the Alliance of Rhetoric Societies. Roundtable Discussion. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Boston. 2004. [Spotlight Vice-President’s Program].Tonn, Mari Boor and Lindsay Hayes. “Viewing Speechwriting Through a Gendered Lens: The Political Wordsmith as Proverbial ‘Wife.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington, D.C. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Exploring the Intersection of Kenneth Burke and Feminist Scholarship.” Roundtable. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington, D.C. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program. “Exploring Issues of Silencing in Public Discussions.” Roundtable. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington, D.C. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Appropriating and Contesting Traditional Gender Roles in Antebellum America.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Portland, ME. 2001.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The State of ‘Feminine Style.’” Central States Communication Assn. Convention. Cincinnati. 2001.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The Value of Pressing-the-Flesh Politics: The New Hampshire Primary.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. 2000.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Fostering Perspective on Society and Self through Comedy: Parody, Satire, Irony, and Humor in Rhetoric of the 1960s.” Joint Meeting of Central States Communication Assn. and Southern States Communication Assn. Conventions. 1999.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Princess Diana of Wales: Maternal Icon and Iconoclast.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Charleston, WV. 1999..Tonn, Mari Boor. “Old Wine in New Bottles or New Wine in Old Bottles?: A Parable for Rhetorical Criticism.” Spotlight on Scholarship Sess. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Charleston, WV. Apr. 1999. [Spotlight Vice-President’s Program].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Rhetorical Criticism and/as Pedagogy.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Saratoga Springs, NY. 1998.Tonn, Mari Boor. “A Symposium: Making Sense of a Royal Obsession: Rhetoric by and about Princess Diana.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Saratoga Springs, NY. 1998.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Approaches to the Study of Campaign 2000.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Saratoga Springs. 1998. [Vice-President’s Program].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Rhetorical Studies: Where Are We–Where Are We Going?” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. 1998. [Spotlight Vice-President’s Program].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Rhetoric and Public Culture: The Future of Rhetorical Studies.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Baltimore. 1997. [Spotlight on Rhetorical Scholars. Vice-President’s Program].Tonn, Mari Boor. “The DebateWatch '96 Project”. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Baltimore. 1997.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Enacting America's Ethos: Colin Powell's My American Journey.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. 1996.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Moderating Citizen-Candidate Forums in the New Hampshire Primary.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. 1996.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Suicide as Metaphor.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Pittsburgh. 1995.Tonn, Mari Boor, Diane T. Prusank, and Valerie A. Endress. “Feminine ‘Care’ vs. New Right ‘Control’: Family Values Night at the Republican National Convention.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington D.C. 1994.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The Rhetoric of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill Hearings.” Roundtable. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Portland, ME. 1992.Tonn, Mari Boor, Valerie A. Endress, and John .N. Diamond. “Hunting and Heritage on Trial in Maine: A Dramatistic Debate over Tragedy, Tradition, and Territory.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Portland, ME. 1992. [Invitation by Interest Group Program Planner for Maine panel].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Strategies to Diffuse Resistance by Students in Courses Treating Gender Issues.” Central States Speech Assn. Convention. Cleveland. 1992.Kuhn, Mark S. And Mari Boor Tonn. “Dissolving Distinctions between Public and Private Talk: Speaker-Audience Interaction in the Labor Union Rhetoric of Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones.” Central States Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1991.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Texas's Ann Richards: Feminine Rhetoric as Exemplar of Neo-Populism.” Central States Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1991.Tonn, Mari Boor. “The Supreme Court, Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, and Pro-Choice rhetoric: Apologia as Rite of Passage.” Western Communication Assn. Convention. Sacramento. 1990.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Ontology or Epistemology: The Dramatistic Debate.” Central States Communication Assoc. Convention. Chicago. 1988.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Paulina Wright Davis's Una: The Premier of the Feminist Press. Southern States Communication Assn. Convention. Memphis. 1988.Tonn, Mari and Laura Meeks. “Managerial Behavior of Females: Structures and Strategies in Political Contexts. Central States Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1983.Tonn, Mari and Laura Meeks. “The Non-Traditional College Student in Communication: The Administrative Function of Continuing Education Programs. Central States Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1983.STATE CONFERENCESTonn, Mari. “Teaching Resume Writing in the Communication Classroom.” Kansas Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Manhattan, KS. 1984.Tonn, Mari. “High School Career Education in Communication.” Kansas Speech Communication Assn. Convention. Lawrence., KS 1982.SELECTED CRITICAL RESPONSESTonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Nature and Technology.” National Communication Assn. San Francisco. 2010.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Top Papers in Public Address.” National Communication Assn. Chicago. 2009.Tonn ,Mari Boor. Program: “Women and Rhetorical Action.” National Communication Assn. Chicago. 2009.Tonn, Mari Boor. “Rhetoric and Dissent in the 19960s.” National Communication Assn. Chicago. 2009.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Entering the Arena: Apology and Blame in Political and Sport Rhetoric. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Pittsburgh. 2008Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Campaign Strategies and Challenges in the 2006 Massachusetts Governor’s Race.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Providence. 2007.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Public Voices: Class, Ethnicity, and the Roots of Women’s Activisim in the Gilded Age.” Susan B. Anthony and the Struggle for Equal Rights Conference. Rochester, NY. 2006. Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Controversial Rhetorical Responses to 9/11.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Boston. 2005.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Top Papers in Political Communication.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Pittsburgh. 2005. Tonn, Mari Boor Tonn. Program: “Moving Around: Rhetoric and Progress in the International Realm.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Boston. 2004.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Exploring the Limits of Women’s Labor Rhetoric from First-Wave through Third-Wave Feminism. National Communication Assn. Convention. Miami. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “The Political Struggle Over Women’s Rights and Equality.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Miami. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Rhetorical Depictions of American Farm Women in Action.” National Communication Assn. Convention. New Orleans. 2002.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Top Papers in Rhetoric and Public Address.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. New York City. 2002.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Competitive Papers in Political Communication.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. New York City. 2002.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Top Papers in Rhetoric and Public Address.” Central States Communication Assn. Convention. Cincinnati. 2001.Tonn, Mari Boor. Plenary Response: “Miss America Contesters and Contestants: Discourse about Social ‘Also-Rans.’” Rhetoric and Public Address Biennial Conf. Pennsylvania State Univ. 2000. [Invitation].Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “The Discursive Power of Alternative Rhetorical Forms: Persuasion in Song, Essay, and Cartoon.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Chicago. 1999.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Advancing the Boundaries of Ritual: The Funeral Address for Princess Diana.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. 1998. Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Multiple Contexts, Multiple Methods: Diverging Perspectives Converging on Gender.” National Communication Assn. Convention. 1997.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Analyzing the 1996 Vice-Presidential Debate.” National Communication Assn. Convention. 1997.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “The Rhetoric of Radical Women Labor Leaders.” Speech Communication Assn. Convention. New Orleans. 1994.Tonn, Mari Boor. Response to position paper by Jane Blankenship and Deborah Robson. “The ‘Feminine Style" in Political Discourse: Exploring the Difference ‘Difference’ Makes.” Eastern Communication Assn. Annual Convention. Washington D.C. 1994. [Invitation].Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Top Debut Papers in Rhetoric and Public Address.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington D.C. 1994.Tonn, Mari Boor. Program: “Debut Papers in Rhetoric and Public Address.” Eastern Communication Assn. Annual Convention. Portland, ME. 1992.SHORT COURSES/SEMINARS/WORKSHOPSTonn, Mari Boor. Seminar Leader. Kenneth Burke Triennial Conf. “Burke and Feminism.” Villanova University. Upcoming Summer 2008. [Invitation].Tonn, Mari Boor. Preconference Seminar Position Paper. “Looking Out–Looking In: Public Address in a New Century.” National Communication Assn. Convention. Miami. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor, David Zarefsky, and Carol Jablonski. Short Course Leader. “Teaching the Rhetoric of the 1960s.” Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington D.C. 2003.Tonn, Mari Boor and Clarke Rountree. Seminar Leader. “Pentadic Criticism.” Kenneth Burke Triennial Conf. Tulane University. 2002. [Invitation].Tonn, Mari Boor. Rhetoric Workshop Leader. Undergraduate Honors Conf. in Communication. DePauw University. 2000. [Invitation].Tonn, Mari Boor. Annual Summer Shortcourse and Conf. “Narrative.” Pittsburg (KS) State University 1989. [Invitation].Gold, Ellen R, Mari Tonn, et al. Workshop Leader. Workshop for New Teaching Assistants Campus-Wide. University of Kansas. 1985.MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONSTonn, Mari Boor. Discussant. Roundtable analyzing rhetoric following terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. University of Maryland. 2001. [Requested by Dean of Arts and Humanities].Tonn, Mari Boor. “Princess Diana and Baseball.” New Hampshire Public Radio. WEVO. Concord. Oct. 1997.Tonn, Mari. “The Lie.” Short story. The Little Balkans Literary Review 4 (1984): 34-39. [Pushcart Prize Nominee].RESEARCH PROPOSALS Summer Research Grant. University of Richmond. Summer 2010. ($6,000).General Research Board Grant. University of Maryland Graduate School. Fall 2003. ($9,000).Travel Grant. To interview Theodore Sorensen, former legal council and speechwriter for PresidentJohn F. Kennedy. New York City. ($350). College of Liberal Arts. University of New Hampshire. 2001.Conference Support Grant. [with James Farrell]. New Hampshire Primary 2000 National Research Conference. ($1,500). Center for the Humanities and Vice-President’s Undesignated Gifts. University of New Hampshire. 1998. Research Grant. ($1,500). Karl Wallace Memorial Fellowship Award Committee. National Communication Association 1997.Research Grant. ($6,000). [split with Lynn Stearney]. Democracy, Communication, and Technology Project. College of Liberal Arts and Graduate School. University of New Hampshire. 1995.Travel Grant. ($350). To Labor Archives at Taniment Library, New York University. College of Liberal Arts. University of New Hampshire. 1993.Travel Grant. ($350). To interview speechwriters and staff of Texas Governor Ann Richards, Austin. College of Liberal Arts, University of New Hampshire. 1992.Semifinalist. Bunting Research Fellowship. Radcliffe/Harvard University. 2001.Graduate Student Research Award. ($400). Travel to Catholic University, Washington, D.C., for Mary Harris Jones Papers. Communication Studies. University of Kansas. 1986.TEACHINGUNDERGRADUATE COURSESRhetoric of Political CampaignsGreat Speakers & SpeechesRhetorical TheoryPublic Speaking/InterpersonalWomen & CommunicationPublic SpeakingRhetorical CriticismRhetoric of Abolition/Early Woman’s RightsRhetoric of the 1960s (+ Honors section)Feminist Rhetoric & Film (co-taught)Rhetoric of U.S. FeminismField ExperiencePropaganda & Persuasion (+ Honors section)Rhetorics of Display and VisualityRhetoric, Media, & the 1960sPublic AddressRhetoric & Public Address GRADUATE COURSESIntro to Graduate Study (co-taught)Rhetoric of Abolition/Early Woman’s RightsHistorical/Critical MethodsRhetoric of U.S. FeminismAdvanced Historical/Critical MethodsProfessional InterviewingNarrativeCOURSE SUPERVISIONCourse Supervisor. Communication and Gender. [2-6 sections per semester] University of Maryland. 2001-present.Course Supervisor, Teacher, and Coordinator. Communication Field Experience. University of New Hampshire. 1999-2001. [20-30 interns per semester]Course Coordinator. Public Speaking. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1995-99.ADVISINGPh.D. Advisor:Terri Donofrio, Communication, University of Maryland, 2008-09James Gilmore, Communication, University of Maryland, 2008-09Lauren Condoluci. Communication. University of Maryland , 2005-07Kelly Carr. Communication. University of Maryland. 2001-03Arthur Herbig. Communication. University of Maryland. 2002-04M.A. Advisor:Terri Donofrio. Communication. University of Maryland, 2006-08Janna Whitney. Communication. University of Maryland, 2005-06Jeremy Stutzman. Communication. University of Maryland, 2003-04 Joanne Peterson, Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1988-89Lynn Weilbrenner. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1989-90Director, Senior Honors Theses:Ryan Brandt. “Taking Advantage of the SuperBowl Ad Spectacle.” Communication. University of New Hampshire. 2000. Heather J. Gilzean. “Presidential Rhetoric v. Commander-in-Chief Rhetoric and the Role of the War Powers Resolution.” Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1995. David E. Posada. “Thinking Like a Mountain: The Rhetoric of Radical Environmentalism.” Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1992.Advisor and Coordinator, Citation in Rhetoric. Communication. University of Maryland. 2002-munication Department Representative, Rhetoric Minor Committee. (Joint minor with English). University of Maryland. 2004-present.Advisor and Coordinator, Rhetoric and Public Address Minor. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1996-2001.Honors Advisor and Coordinator. Honors in Communication Program. University of New Hampshire. 1991-98.Undergraduate Major Advisor. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1992-2001.GRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEESCompleted Ph.D. Dissertation Committees:Belinda Stillion Southard. Communication. “The National Woman’s Party’s Militant Campaign for Woman Suffrage, 1913-1920: Asserting Citizenship Rights through Political Mimesis.” Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland. 2008.Natalie Tindall. Communication. “Diversity, the Achievement of Power, and the Public Relations Function. “ Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007.Michael Andrew Phillips-Anderson. “A Theory of Rhetorical Humor in American Public Discourse.” Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007.Tiffany Derville. “Relationship Management and Member Retention: A Case Study of an Advocacy Organization.” Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007.Lisa Corrigan. “Reimagining Black Power: Prison Manifestos and the Strategies of Regeneration in the Rewriting of Black Identity, 1969-2002. Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland, 2006.Amy Heyse. “Teachers of the Lost Cause: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Rhetoric of Their Catechisms.” Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland, 2006. Jason Black. “U.S. Governmental Native Voices in the Nineteenth Century Indian Removal Debate.” Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland. 2006.Lisa Burns. “First Ladies as Political Women: Press Framing of Presidential Wives, 1900-2001. Ph.D. diss. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004.William Fitzgerald. “Speakable Reverence: Human Language and the Scene of Prayer.” Ph.D. diss. English. University of Maryland. 2002.Ph.D. Prospectus/Dissertation Committees:Belinda Stillion Southard. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007-09Erica Lamm. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007-2009Lindsay Hayes. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007-2009Michael Chambers. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004-09Michele Mason. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004-09Neil Mansharamani. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004-2009.Kelly Carr. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004-2009Completed Ph.D. Exam Committees:Lindsay Hayes. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007.Erica Lamm. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007. Bjorn Southard. Communication. University of Maryland, 2006.Natalie Tindall. Communication. University of Maryland. 2005.Belinda Stillion Southard. Communication. University of Maryland. 2005.Lisa Corrigan. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004.Jason Black. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004.Kelly Carr. Communication. University of Maryland. 2004.Amy Heyse. Communication. University of Maryland. 2003.Neil Mansharamani. Communication. University of Maryland. 2003.Lisa Burns. Communication. University of Maryland. 2002.Michael Phillips. Communication. University of Maryland. 2002.Anthony Wainright. Communication. University of Maryland, pleted M.A. Committees:Adam McDaniel. Communication. University of Maryland. 2007.Abbe Depretis. Communication. University of Maryland, 2006.Christine Hansen. Communication. University of Maryland, 2003.Bjorn Southard. Communication. University of Maryland, 2003.Belinda Stillion Southard. Communication. University of Maryland, 2003.Erica Lamm, Communication. University of Maryland, 2003.Lisa Corrigan. Communication. University of Maryland, 2002. Beth Savage. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1991. Peter Iskanian. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1991. Lisa Satchfield. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1991. Maureen Perry. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1991. Jane Smillie.. Speech Communication. University of Maine. 1991. Linda Francis. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1990. Karen Beskalo. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1990. Ted Riley. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1990. Deborah LeClair. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1990. Tamara Burke. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1989. Chris Bobel. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1989. Patrice Opplinger. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1989 Tom Puckett. Speech Communication. University of Maine, 1989. M.A. Committees in Progress:Heather Adams. Communication. University of Maryland. 2006-pleted M.A. Thesis Committee: John N. Diamond. “Gender Bias in Language as a Political Issue in Maine.” M.A. thesis. Speech Communication. University of Maine. pleted Off-campus Senior Thesis Committee Member. Bates College Lewiston, ME. 1999.PROFESSIONAL SERVICEEDITORIAL BOARDSAssociate Editor Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2000-2007, 2010-presentAssociate Editor Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 2003-presentEditorial BoardRhetoric Review, 2007-2010Editorial BoardSouthern States Communication Journal, 2007-2010Associate EditorKB Journal [New On-line journal], 2006-2010Associate EditorCritical Studies in Media Communication, 2000-2010Editorial Board Women’s Studies Quarterly, 2001-04Editorial BoardCommunication Quarterly,1996-2003, 2009-10Associate EditorWestern Journal of Communication , 2000-02Associate Editor Women's Studies in Communication, 1997-2002Editorial BoardQualitative Research Reports , 1999-2002; 2005-2009MANUSCRIPT REVIEWS/PAPER AND PANEL REFEREEExternal ReviewerArgumentation and Advocacy, 2008External ReviewerCommunication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 2007External ReviewerRhetoric Society Quarterly, 2007Paper/Panel RefereeRhetoric and Public Address Division, Southern Communication Association, 2007External Reviewer Feminist Studies, 2006External Reviewer Western Journal of Communication, 2006Paper/Panel RefereeRhetoric Society of America, 2006External ReviewerRhetoric & Public Affairs, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003External Reviewer. Communication Studies, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003External Reviewer Communication Quarterly, 1995, 2003External ReviewerText and Performance Quarterly, 1992, 1993, 1994External Reviewer National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2008Book ReviewerUniversity of Illinois Press, 2004, 2005Book Reviewer Harcourt Brace Press, 2000Book ReviewerWestview Press, 1999Paper/Panel Referee Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association,1990, 1993, 1994, 1995,1996, 2000, 2005Paper/Panel Referee Rhetoric and Public Address Division, National Communication Association,1996,1998,1999, 2003, 2008 Paper/Panel Referee Political Communication Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2003EXTERNAL TENURE CASE REVIEWS Tenure Case CommunicationLake Forest College2008Tenure Case CommunicationUniversity of New Hampshire2007Tenure CaseCommunication StudiesUniversity of Rhode Island2007Tenure Case Speech Communication Pennsylvania State University, Berks 2005Tenure Case Communication Rhode Island College 2005Tenure Case Communication University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee2005Tenure Case Communication Studies University of Rhode Island 2002Tenure CaseRhetoric, Language, & Culture University of Hartford2000 AWARDS COMMITTEESResearch Fellow Award Committee. Eastern Communication Assn. 2008-presentChair, Ecroyd Teaching Excellence Award Committee. Eastern Communication Assn. 2005Ecroyd Teaching Excellence Award Committee. Eastern Communication Assn. 2004-presentKohrs-Campbell Rhetorical Prize Committee. Michigan State University Press. 2003-presentTeaching Fellow Award Committee. Eastern Communication Assn. 2005-presentEverett Lee Hunt Research Award Committee. Eastern Communication Assn. 2000; 2004Marie Hochmuth Nichols Book Award Committee. National Communication Assn. 1998OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Legislative Council. National Communication Assn. 2002-05; 2010-present Chair. Public Address Division. National Communication Assn. 2009-10Nominating Committee. National Communication Association. 1997; 2010.VIce Chair. Public Address Division. National Communication Assn. 2008-09Advocate, National Humanities Day in Congress. National Communication Assn. 2008;2009Vice Chair Elect. Public Address Division. National Communication Assn. 2007-08Vice Chair Elect. Kenneth Burke Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. 2007Political Communication Nominating Committee. National Communication Assn. 2005Conference Committee. Biennial Public Address Conf. University of Maryland. 2004Resolutions Committee. National Communication Assn. 2004Chair. Political Communication Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. 2005Committee of Scholars. Eastern Communication Assn. 1999-2000; 2003-04Vice-Chair. Political Communication Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. 2003Secretary. Political Communication Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. 2004Coordinator, Wine and Spots Reception. Political Communication Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Washington, D.C. 2003Publications Board Representative. Political Communication Interest Group. National Communication Assn.2002Focus Group Facilitator. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Charleston, WV. 1999Ad Hoc Feasibility Study Committee for New Journal. Eastern Communication Assn. 1998National Conference Co-Chair. Organization for the Study of Language, Communication, and Gender Conf. Portland, ME. 1998Chair. Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. 1996-97Secretary. Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group. Eastern Communication Assn. 1995-96Local Arrangements Committee. Eastern Communication Assn. Convention. Portland, ME 1992Nominating Committee. Rhetoric and Public Address. Speech Communication Assn. 1989District Chair. Kansas State Speech Assn. 1983-84Chair. Career Education Advisory Council for Southeast Kansas. Greenbush, KS. 1980DEPARTMENT SERVICEWeb-page Coordinator. Rhetoric & Communication Studies. University of Richmond. 2010-presentForum Coordinator. Rhetoric & Communication Studies. University of Richmond. 2009-presentCurriculum Committee. Rhetoric & Communication Studies. University of Richmond. 2009-presentBy-Laws Committee. Rhetoric & Communication Studies. University of Richmond. 2009-presentSearch Committee. Rhetoric & Communication Studies. University of Richmond. 2009-presentGrade Appeals Committee. Communication. University of Maryland. 2008-09Teaching Evaluation Committee. Communication. University of Maryland. 2008-09Director of Graduate Studies. Communication. University of Maryland. 2006-07Search Committee, Rhetoric. Communication. University of Maryland. 2006Graduate Committee. Communication. University of Maryland. 2001-07Mentor . New Faculty in Intercultural Communication. University of Maryland. 2005Faculty Advisory Committee to Chair. Communication. University of Maryland. 2002-03Chair, Search Committee, Public Relations. Communication. University of Maryland. 2005Chair, Search Committee, Persuasion & Social Influence. University of Maryland. 2005Department Representative, Rhetoric Minor Committee. University of Maryland. 2004-09Proposal Coordinator. 2004 Biennial Public Address Conf. University of Maryland. 2002Appointment, Promotion, & Tenure Committee. Communication. University of Maryland. 2001-09Secretary, Departmental Assembly. Communication. University of Maryland. 2001-02Salary Committee. Communication. University of Maryland. 2001-02; 03-04; 07-08Political Communication Strategic Planning Committee. Communication. University of Maryland 2001Rhetoric Strategic Planning Committee. Communication. University of Maryland. 2001Department Chair. [Acting] Communication. University of New Hampshire. 2001Coordinator, Internship Program. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1999-2001Coordinator, Public Speaking Courses. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1995-99Peer Review Committee. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1996-2001Coordinator, Honors in Communication Program. University of New Hampshire. 1991-98Coordinator of Senior Awards. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1991-98Organizer, Reception for Graduates. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1991-98Co-advisor, COMM-ENTARY. [Journal] Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1992-93Departmental Executive Committee. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1991-2001Search Committee, Media. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 2001Search Committee, Rhetoric. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1999Search Committee, Interpersonal. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1996Search Committee, Media. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1994Plagiarism Committee. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1993-94Amenities Fund. Communication. University of New Hampshire. 1994-96Faculty Search Committee, Rhetoric. Communication. University of New Hampshire.1992Graduate Committee. Speech Communication. University of Maine. 1987-91Graduate Curriculum Review Committee. Speech Communication. University of Maine. 1990Chair, Oak Scholarship Committee. Speech Communication. University of Maine. 1989Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee. Speech Communication. University of Maine. 1989COLLEGE SERVICEChair Review Committee for Communication. Arts & Humanities. University of Maryland. 2006Catherine Mackin Scholarship Committee. Arts & Humanities. University of Maryland. 2002Outstanding Senior Awards Committee. Arts & Humanities. University of Maryland. 2001Policies Committee. Liberal Arts. University of New Hampshire. 1998-2000Honors Committee. Liberal Arts. University of New Hampshire. 1998-2000Chair, Social Science Division of Executive Committee. Liberal Arts. University of New Hampshire 1992-94Executive Committee. Liberal Arts. University of New Hampshire. 1992-94Discretionary Salary for Merit and Inequities Committee. Social & Behavioral Sciences. University of Maine. 1990-91Advisory Admissions Committee. Social & Behavioral Sciences . University of Maine. 1990-91UNIVERSITY SERVICEHonors Committee. University of Richmond. 2010-presentBoard Member. Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. University of Richmond. 2009-presentMember, Middle States Accreditation Committee for CORE. University of Maryland. 2005-06University Senate. University of Maryland. 2002-05Senate Executive Committee. University of Maryland. 2002-03 Monthly full Senate meetings, bi-monthly Executive Committee meetings, monthly breakfast meetings with University President, ad hoc search committtee meetings with candidates for Director of Office of Information Technology and for Undergraduate DeanChair, Senate CORE Committee. University of Maryland. 2002-03 Chaired development of proposal to revise distributive studies requirements to include optional interdisciplinary component. Proposal passed Senate in 2004.Senate Educational Affairs Committee. University of Maryland. 2002-03Summer Faculty Advisor for First-Year Students. University of New Hampshire.1995-96Speech Consultant, Parents Association. University of New Hampshire. 1995Task Force for Campus Climate Study for Women. University of New Hampshire. 1994-95Faculty, Admissions Workshop for High School Counselors. University of New Hampshire. 1993President's Commission on Status of Women. University of New Hampshire. 1992-94Chair, Coalition Committee, President’s Commission on Status of Women . University of New Hampshire. 1992-93Chair, Family Policy Committee, President’s Commission on Status of Women. University of New Hampshire. 1993-94Programming Committee, President’s Commission on Status of Women. University of New Hampshire. 1992-93Membership Committee, President’s Commission on Status of Women. University of New Hampshire. 1993-94 First-year Students Reading List Committee. University of Maine. 1989Deans and Directors Council. Pittsburg (KS) State University. 1983-84PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICEAnalyst. The Daily Record. 2007.Speechwriting Consultant, Government of Norway. [see under consulting]. Summer 2004.Analyst. “President Bush’s Rhetoric in the Wake of September 11, 2001.” BBC live television. Washington DC. October 2001.Guest Speaker. “Women Struggle for Roses and Bread.” Adult Education Program. Kittery, ME. November 1999. Call-In Show Radio Guest. “DebateWatch'96.” Narrator, Alan Harrison. WLNH. October 1996.Call-In Show Radio Guest. “Third Parties and Presidential Debate Inclusion.” Narrator, Laura Knoy. The Exchange. New Hampshire Public Radio.WEVO. Concord. October 1996.Guest Speaker. “DebateWatch'96.” Unitarian-Universalist Church. Durham, NH. October 1996.Analyst. “Analysis of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Race. Narrator, Marge Reedy. The Marge Reedy Show. New England CNN. Manchester. February 1996.Analyst. Boston Globe, Nashua Telegraph, Concord Monitor, Christian Science Monitor, Manchester Union Leader, New Hampshire Campus Journal, The New Hampshire. February, September, October, November 1996.Analyst. New Hampshire Public Radio. WEVO. Concord. 2001.Moderator, Citizen Forum with New Hampshire Senate Candidate, Senator Bob Smith. Voters' Voice Project, New Hampshire. Durham, NH 1996. Civic journalism project sponsored by consortium of NH newspapers, television, and radio stations. Moderator, Citizen Forum with Presidential Candidate, Senator Richard Lugar. Voters' Voice Project. New Hampshire. Durham, NH 1995.Civic journalism project sponsored by consortium of NH newspapers, television, and radio stations. Speaker, Debates'92: A Symposium. Co-sponsored by Commission on Presidential Debates and Freedom Forum. Washington D.C. May 1993.Panel Participant, Women's History Month Celebration. University of New Hampshire. 1992-93.Call-In Show Radio guest. “Analysis of the 1992 Election Campaign.” Narrator, David Balkin. Newsmakers. WZNN. Rochester, NH. November 1992.Call-In Show Radio guest. “Rhetoric of the 1960s.” Narrator, David Balkin. Newsmakers, WZNN. Rochester, NH. March 1993.Guest speaker. Black History Month. Portsmouth Middle School, Portsmouth, NH. March 1993.Television Analyst. “Brennan and McKernan: Just What are They Trying to Say?” Narrator John Diamond. Inside Augusta. Maine PBS. 10 October 1990.Analysis of Political Advertising in 1990 Maine Gubernatorial Race.Judge, State and Regional Maine Spear Public Speaking Contests. 1989.Guest Speaker. “Analysis of the Rhetoric of the Industrial Labor Movement.” Lion's Club, Little Balkans, and other community organizations in Kansas. 1987.PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSNational Communication AssociationEastern Communication AssociationRhetoric Society of AmericaKenneth Burke SocietyPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIESObama Presidential Conference. Texas A&M University. March 1010.Recipient, Undergraduate Technology Assistant Program. College of Arts and Humanities. University of Maryland. [proposal accepted for student assistant to assist with technology development for courses]. Spring 2006.Public Address Conference. Vanderbilt University. 2006.Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Memphis. 2006.Kenneth Burke Conference. Pennsylvania State University. 2005Kenneth Burke Conference. New Orleans. 2002.Presidential Rhetoric Conference. Texas A&M University. 1999, 2002.Public Address Conference. University of Georgia. 2002.Special Invitation, Hosted Dinner/Program for Technology and Politics. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. Boston. 1995.Writing Across the Curriculum Workshops. University of Maine. April., June 1989. ................

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