Referenceerror request is not defined node js


Referenceerror request is not defined node js

my requirement is to send parallel call-out from APIGEE to multiple objects (Accounts, Contacts etc.,) in Salesforce. I am trying to do this using nodejs. You can send multiple parallel requests out using a JS callout. You can also use a Hosted Target, using nodejs. Either will work. For sending requests with a JS Callout, use the callback mechanism. function onComplete(response, error) { if (response) {

context.setVariable('example.status', response.status); } else { context.setVariable('example.error', 'Whoops: ' + error); } } var req1 = new Request(); //req1.body = ''; req1.url = ' + id ; req1.method = 'GET'; //req1.headers = { 'ID-Index' : ix }; httpClient.send(req1, onComplete); var req2 = new Request(); //req2.body = ''; req2.url = ' + id ; req2.method = 'GET'; //req2.headers = { 'ID-Index' : ix };

httpClient.send(req2, onComplete); For a Hosted Target, your nodejs code is wrong. You seem to be mixing code that would work in the Javascript callout, with code that would work with the nodejs request module. That's not going to work. The Request object available in the JS callout is not the same as the request module available in nodejs. You cannot mix and match code. You need to start from the

beginning with a nodejs sample, outside of any Apigee context. Get that working first. Follow a tutorial. Also, as regards the request module, please consider this. The request module is now in maintenance mode. If you want to write modern Javascript, using promises and async/await, you should consider alternatives to the request module. Brian Patterson 19,588 Points When go to the server I am getting

the following error: Server running at http:/// /Users/briankaty1/Dropbox/JavaScript/simple_node_site/renderer.js:14 response.write(fileContents); ^ ReferenceError: response is not defined at Object.view (/Users/briankaty1/Dropbox/JavaScript/simple_node_site/renderer.js:14:3) at Object.home (/Users/briankaty1/Dropbox/JavaScript/simple_node_site/router.js:11:12) at Server.

(/Users/briankaty1/Dropbox/JavaScript/simple_node_site/app.js:36:10) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at Server.emit (events.js:191:7) at HTTPParser.parserOnIncoming [as onIncoming] (_http_server.js:546:12) at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:99:23) Below is the code I have writtent in the renderer.js file. var fs = require("fs"); //Function that handles the reading of files and

merge in value. // read from file and get a string //merge values in to a string. function view(templateName, values, reponse) { //Read from the template file var fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./views/' + templateName + '.html'); //Insert values in to the content //write out the contents to the response. response.write(fileContents); } module.exports.view = view; This is what I have written in my router file. var

Profile = require("./profile.js"); var renderer = require("./renderer.js"); //## Handle HTTP route GET / and POST / i.e. Home function home(request, response) { // - if url == "/" && GET if(request.url === "/") { //show search response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); renderer.view("header", {}, response); response.write("Search"); response.end('Footer'); // - if url == "/" && POST // redirect to

/:username } } function user(request, response) { var username = request.url.replace("/", ""); if(username.length > 0) { response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); response.write("Header"); //Get json from Treehouse var studentProfile = new Profile(username); //on "end" studentProfile.on("end", function(profileJSON){ //show profile //Store the values which we need. var values = { avatarUrl:

profileJSON.gravatar_url, username: profileJSON.profile_name, badges: profileJSON.badges.length, javascriptPoints: profileJSON.points.JavaScript } //Simple response response.write(values.username + " has " + values.badges + " badges"); response.end('Footer'); }); /** * If a parsing, network or HTTP error occurs an * error object is passed in to the handler or callback **/ studentProfile.on("error",

function(error){ //show error response.write(error.message + ""); response.end('Footer'); }); } } //## Handle HTTP route GET /:username i.e. /chalkers module.exports.home = home; module.exports.user = user; Any help would be appreciated. 1 Answer The JavaScript exception "variable is not defined" occurs when there is a non-existent variable referenced somewhere.ReferenceError: "x" is not defined

There is a non-existent variable referenced somewhere. This variable needs to be declared, or you need to make sure it is available in your current script or scope. Note: When loading a library (such as jQuery), make sure it is loaded before you access library variables, such as "$". Put the element that loads the library before your code that uses it. foo.substring(1); The "foo" variable isn't defined anywhere.

It needs to be some string, so that the String.prototype.substring() method will work. var foo = 'bar'; foo.substring(1); A variable needs to be available in the current context of execution. Variables defined inside a function cannot be accessed from anywhere outside the function, because the variable is defined only in the scope of the function function numbers() { var num1 = 2, num2 = 3; return num1 +

num2; } console.log(num1); However, a function can access all variables and functions defined inside the scope in which it is defined. In other words, a function defined in the global scope can access all variables defined in the global scope. var num1 = 2, num2 = 3; function numbers() { return num1 + num2; } console.log(numbers()); This example is making use of third-party Request module. You could

also use the native request like so: require('http').request(), if you want to, but I would say, that the request module is very common, and a good tool to use. Your request, which is commented out, points to express.request. If used like request() will throw an error, since it's not a function. So, you should really use the Request module, or adjust the code to use native http.request. Update 2020 The request

module is deprecated now, so if you are reading this answer, use the native module or find a popular third-party library like Axios or others. You can¡¯t perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. I am trying to connect to the MongoDB server locally in a js file. My code so

far: var MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient; function registerUser() { const firstName = $("#firstName").val(); const lastName = $("#lastName").val(); const emailAddress = $("#emailAddress").val(); const cnic = $("#cnic").val(); const password = $("#password").val(); const address = $("#address").val(); var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"; MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) { if (err)

throw err; var dbo = db.db("library_management_system"); var myobj = { firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, email: emailAddress, cnic: cnic, password: password, address: address }; dbo.collection("users").insertOne(myobj, function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.log("1 document inserted"); db.close(); }); }); } // registerUser(); $(".registration-form").submit(function(e) { return false; }); $("#btnregister").on("click", registerUser); When I open up my page in the browser, the chrome console gives an error: registerDB.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at registerDB.js:1 (anonymous) @ registerDB.js:1 I will really appreciate it if somebody tries to resolve this issue. Are you running Node and are you trying to connect via client side or server side. 1 Like I have an html page which is

connected to this database page,( I posted the code), I just open the html page in browser and tried to get form field values through jquery and sending them to mongodb server using node drivers for mongodb. That¡¯s all i know. Require is not implemented into the browser, its specific to Node. So you can use it on the serve side within the Node environment but not on the client. You can look into something

like require.js to help you or you will have to bring it in another way. GitHub A file and module loader for JavaScript. Contribute to requirejs/requirejs development by creating an account on GitHub. 1 Like Is there any way, to use it on client side? Require.js is one option or Browserify is another: GitHub browser-side require() the node.js way. Contribute to browserify/browserify development by creating an

account on GitHub. Brother , sorry to say, I already know about these options. But i don¡¯t see how to use browserify in my project. Can you please guide me? Is there any command to install browserify in my project. and then how to use it? In the links above you can look through the README file and it shows you how to install the packages and use them I have installed it using npm install -g browserify but

the file has a lot of information. How can I use it specifically for require function? I am also going through the same issue and I am new to js. can you please help on how you worked with browserify? Thanks Browserify bundles all of your JavaScript into one file, which you include in your html. has the instructions: require your JS as you normally would. npm install any libraries you need. use the ¡®browserify¡¯

command to create one mega-file (assuming you call your main js file ¡®main.js¡¯): browserify main.js -o bundle.js include the bundled file in your html: I was also stuck in this for quite some time. Now figured it out Problem : require() is not a feature that is built into the browser. It is a specific feature of node.js, not of a browser. So, when you try to have the browser run your script, it does not have require()

Solution : To do so you can use tools like browserify or webpack. These tools are module bundler. And their main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser. I¡¯ll give an example of using browserify as I found it easier. Steps : a) Install browserify using $ npm install -g browserify b) Now just use the browserify command to build a bundle starting at main.js : $ browserify main.js > bundle.js c)

All of the modules that main.js needs are included in the bundle.js To use this bundle, just toss a into your html! 1 Like Bro this is a basic error. You have added double semicolon in the brackets. And instaead of that you have to write it like this: var MongoClient = require(¡®mongo¡¯db¡¯).MongoClient;

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