AP US History Terminology

AP US History Terminology

Chapter 1 Terms

Land Bridge









Poverty Point


Chapter 2 Terms

Christopher Columbus

The Renaissance

Ferdinand and Isabella

Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Prince Henry the Navigator

Vasco da Gama

Treaty of Tordesillas

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Ferdinand Magellan

Hernan Cortes

Francisco Pizzaro

St. Augustine

Santa Fe

John Cabot

Sir Francis Drake

Sir Walter Raliegh

King Henry VIII


James I

Giovanni da Verrazano

Jacques Cartier

Samuel de Champlain


Henry Hudson

New Netherland

Columbian Exchange

Spanish Armada


Virginia Company (joint stock)

House of Burgesses

John Smith

John Rolfe


The Mayflower Compact

The Massachusetts Bay Company

Chapter 3

Charter Colonies

Corporate Colonies

Royal Colonies

Proprietary Colonies

Lord Baltimore (George Calvert)

Act of Toleration (1649)

Bacon’s Rebellion

Indentured Servants

Headright System

John Winthrop

Roger Williams

Anne Hutchinson

Thomas Hooker

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Halfway Covenant

New England Confederation


Pequot War

King Philip’s War

Salem Witchcraft Trials


William Penn

Pueblo Revolt

Chapter 4

Dominion of New England

Sir Edmund Andros

Glorious Revolution

English Bill of Rights

King William’s War

Queen Anne’s War


Navigation Acts

Middle Passage

Stono Rebellion

James Oglethorpe

King George’s War

The Enlightenment

Benjamin Franklin

The Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

George Whitefield

Chapter 5

George Washington

Albany Plan

French and Indian War

Salutary Neglect

William Pitt

Pontiac’s Rebellion

Proclamation of 1763

Writs of Assistance

George Grenville

Sugar Act (1764)

Quartering Act (1765)

Stamp Act (1765)

Patrick Henry

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Declaratory Act (1766)

Townshend Acts (1767)

John Dickinson

Massachusetts Circular Letter

Lord North

John Wilkes

Boston Massacre

Committees of Correspondence

Tea Act (1773)

The Gaspee

Boston Tea Party

Intolerable (Coercive) Acts (1774)

Quebec Act (1774)

First Continental Congress

Suffolk Resolves

Governor Thomas Gage

Paul Revere, William Dawes

Lexington and Concord

Bunker Hill

Second Continental Congress

Olive Branch Petition

Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Declaration of Independence

Chapter 6


Loyalists, Tories

John Burgoyne

Horatio Gates

Battle of Saratoga

George Rogers Clark

Battle of Yorktown

Treaty of Paris

Abigail Adams

Mary McCauley (Molly Pitcher)

Deborah Sampson

The Articles of Confederation

Land Ordinance of 1785

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Shays’ Rebellion

The Annapolis Convention

The Philadelphia Convention

Separation of Powers

Checks and Balances

The Virginia Plan

The New Jersey Plan

The Great Compromise

Three-Fifths Compromise

Commercial Compromise


Electoral College System




The Federalist Papers

Bill of Rights (know each amendment)

Chapter 7

Election of 1788

George Washington

John Adams

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson

Edmund Randolph

Henry Knox

Judiciary Act of 1789

Report on the Public Credit

Report on the National Bank

Necessary and Proper Clause

The National Gazette

Whiskey Rebellion

French Revolution

Proclamation of Neutrality

“Citizen” Genet

Jay’s Treaty

Pinckney’s Treaty (San Lorenzo)

Treaty of Greenville

Public Land Act (1796)



Election of 1796

Washington’s Farewell Address

XYZ Affair

Alien and Sedition Acts

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


Supremacy Clause

Election of 1800

Aaron Burr

Report on the Subject of Manufacturers

“Republican Motherhood”

Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts (1796)

Fugitive Slave Law (1793)

Haitian Slave Revolution

Gabriel’s Rebellion

Cotton Gin

Chapter 8


John Marshall

Marbury v. Madison

The Louisiana Purchase

Napoleon Bonaparte

Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Quids

Aaron Burr

Barbary Pirates

Impressment of US sailors

Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

Embargo Act (1807)

Election of 1808

James Madison

Charles Pinckney

Nonintercourse Act (1809)

Macon’s Bill No.2 (1810)

Battle of Tippecanoe


War Hawks

Election of 1812


Invasion of Canada

Oliver Perry

William Henry Harrison

“Star Spangled Banner”

Burning of the White House

Battle of New Orleans

Treaty of Ghent

Hartford Convention

“Era of Good Feelings”

McCulloch v. Maryland

Dartmouth v. Woodward

Fletcher v. Peck

Martin v. Hunter’s Lease

Cohens v. Virginia

Gibbons v. Ogden

Election of 1816

James Monroe

Noah Webster

Tariff of 1816

Henry Clay’s American System

The Panic of 1819

Daniel Webster

John C. Calhoun

Missouri Compromise

Tallmadge Amendment

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)

Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817)

Treaty of 1818

Monroe Doctrine

Chapter 9

Market Economy

Lancaster Turnpike

National (Cumberland) Road

Erie Canal

Robert Fulton

Eli Whitney

Samuel Slater

Waltham and Lowell Mills

Five Civilized Tribes

Treaty of Indian Springs (1825)

Indian Removal Act (1830)

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

Trail of Tears

Black Hawk



Second Bank of the US

Commonwealth v. Hunt

John Jacob Astor

Five Points District

Richard Allen

African American Episcopal Church

Catharine Beecher

Woman’s “Sphere”

Voluntary Associations

Chapter 10

Alexis de Tocqueville

“Self-made Man”

Political Democratization

Anti-Masonic Party

Spoils System

Election of 1824

“Corrupt Bargain”

Election of 1828

Maysville Road Veto

“Kitchen Cabinet”

Peggy Eaton Affair

Indian Removal Act (1830)

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

Worcester v. Georgia

Tariff of Abominations

Nullification Crisis

Nicholas Biddle

“Pet Banks”

Specie Circular

Election of 1832

Democratic Party

Whig Party

Election of 1836

Panic of 1837

Independent Treasury Act (1838)

Election of 1840

“Log Cabin” Campaign

Second Great Awakening

Antebellum Period


Charles G. Finney

Peter Cartwright



Joseph Smith

Brigham Young


The Shakers

American Temperance Society

Horace Mann

William Holmes McGuffey

American Colonization Society

William Lloyd Garrison

Liberty Party

Frederick Douglass

Angelina and Sarah Grimke

Cult of Domesticity

Lucretia Mott

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Seneca Falls Convention

Dorothea Dix

Thomas Gallaudet

Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe

American Peace Society (1828)

Sylvester Graham

Amelia Bloomer


New Harmony


Fourier Phalanxes

Chapter 11

Cyrus McCormick

John Deere

Elias Howe

Samuel Morse

“American System of Manufacturing”

New York Stock Exchange

Treatise on Domestic Economy


Crawford Long

William T.G. Morton

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.




Penny Press

James Gordon Bennett

Horace Greeley

Astor Place Riot

Minstrel Shows

P.T. Barnum

American Renaissance


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau

Brook Farm

Hudson River School

Washington Irving

James Fenimore Cooper

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Herman Melville

Margaret Fuller

Walt Whitman

The Wide, Wide World

George Catlin

Frederick Law Olmsted

Chapter 12

Upper South

Deep South

King Cotton

Tredegar Iron Works

Plantation Owners

Small Slaveholders


Pine Barrens People (Squatters)

Nat Turner

Virginia Emancipation Legislation

Hinton Helper

George Fitzhugh

Southern Code of Honor


Southern Evangelicals

Gang Labor

Southern Free Blacks

Denmark Vesey

Harriet Tubman



Chapter 13

Manifest Destiny

German Immigrants

Irish Immigrants


Lyman Beecher

“Know-Nothing” Party

Commonwealth v. Hunt

Texas Revolution

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Sam Houston

The Alamo

Battle of San Jacinto

Annexation of Texas

Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

Willamette Valley

54-40 or Fight

Overland Trails

Election of 1844

John Slidell

Zachary Taylor

Stephen Kearney

John C. Fremont

Battle of Buena Vista

Winfield Scott

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)

Wilmot Proviso

Ostend Manifesto

Walker Expedition

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850)

Gadsden Purchase

Election of 1848

Free-Soil Party

California Gold Rush

Matthew G. Perry

Panic of 1857

Chapter 14

Free Soil Movement

Popular Sovereignty

Zachary Taylor

Stephen A. Douglas

The Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Law

Underground Railroad

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

“Wage Slaves”

Election of 1852

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Know-Nothing Party

Republican Party

Election of 1856

Franklin Pierce

Millard Fillmore

John C. Fremont

“Bleeding Kansas”

Sack of Lawrence

John Brown’s Raid

Brooks-Sumner Incident

Lecompton Constitution

Topeka Constitution

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

Lincoln-Douglass Debates

Freeport Doctrine

Harper’s Ferry

John C. Brekinridge

William H. Seward

Constitutional Union Party

Election of 1860


Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis

Crittenden Compromise

Fort Sumter

Chapter 15

Conscription Act

Impressment Act

Enrollment Act

Legal Tender Act

National Bank Act

Morrill Tariff Act (1861)

Radical Republicans

Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus

Anaconda Plan

First Battle of Bull Run

Peninsula Campaign

Second Battle of Bull Run



Monitor v. Merrimac

Ulysses S. Grant

David Farragut

Trent Affair

Confederate Raiders

“Cotton Diplomacy”

First Confiscation Act

Second Confiscation Act

Emancipation Proclamation

Gettysburg Address



Army of the Potomac

Sherman’s March

Election of 1864


John Wilkes Booth

Ex Parte Milligan

Freedman’s Bureau

New York City Draft Riots

US Sanitary Commission

Clara Barton

Women’s National Loyal League

Thirteenth Amendment

Chapter 16

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863)

Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

Freedman’s Bureau

Andrew Johnson

Thirteenth Amendment

Black Codes

Election of 1866

Charles Sumner

Thaddeus Stevens

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Fourteenth Amendment

Joint Committee Report (1866)

Reconstruction Acts of 1867

Impeachment of Johnson

Tenure of Office Act (1867)

Election of 1868

Fifteenth Amendment

Susan B. Anthony

Civil Rights Act of 1875



Hiram Revels


Crop-Lien Economy


Liberal Republicans

Jay Gould

Credit Mobilier

Whiskey Ring

Election of 1872

Panic of 1873


Greenback Party

Slaughterhouse Cases

US v. Reece

US v. Cruikshank



Ku Klux Klan

Enforcement Acts (1871)

Ku Klux Klan Act (1871)

Amnesty Act (1872)

Election of 1876

Compromise of 1877

Chapter 17

“Mountain Men”

“Great American Desert”

Homestead Act (1862)

Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)

Pacific Railway Act (1862)

Mining Towns

Cattle Drives

Cattle Towns

Joseph G. McCoy

Bonanza Farms

Oklahoma Land Rush

Curtis Act (1898)

Frederick Jackson Turner

Plains Indians

William “Buffalo Bill” Cody

Reservation Policies

Fort Laramie Treaty

Sand Creek Massacre

Black Hills

Sitting Bull

Crazy Horse

Battle of Little Bighorn

Battle of Wounded Knee

Chief Joseph


Helen Hunt Jackson

Dawes Severalty Act (1887)

Ghost Dance Movement

Transcontinental Railroad

US v. Reynolds

Edmunds-Tucker Act (1887)

Las Gorras Blancas

Dime-Novel Hero

Wild West Show

Owen Wister

National Parks Movement

John Muir

Chapter 18

The “Gilded Age”

Cornelius Vanderbilt

J.P. Morgan

Jay Gould

Industrial Revolution

Henry Bessemer

Andrew Carnegie

Vertical Integration

Horizontal Integration

Edwin Drake

John D. Rockefeller

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

US v. EC Knight

Laissez-Faire Capitalism

Adam Smith

Social Darwinism

William Graham Sumner

Herbert Spencer

Lester Frank Ward

Henry George

Karl Marx

Gospel of Wealth

Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

Wabash v. Illinois

Alexander Graham Bell

Samuel Morse

Cyrus W. Field

George Eastman

Thomas Edison

George Westinghouse

Horatio Alger



Yellow Dog Contract


Great Railroad Strike (1877)

National Labor Union

Knights of Labor

Haymarket Square Bombing (1886)

American Federation of Labor

Homestead Strike (1892)

Pullman Strike (1894)

Henry W. Grady

Cotton-Mill Economy

“Separate Spheres”

Charles Crocker

Samuel Gompers

Eugene V. Debs

Chapter 19

“Pushes” and “Pulls”

“Old” Immigrants

“New” Immigrants

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

Ellis Island

Angel Island

Statue of Liberty


Brooklyn Bridge

Frederick Law Olmsted

Political Machine

Boss William Tweed

Thomas Nast

Settlement House Movement

Social Gospel Movement

Salvation Army

Josephine Lowell Shaw

Jane Addams

Florence Kelley

Walter Rauschenbusch



Frances E. Willard

Anthony Comstock

Richard T. Ely

Mark Twain

William Dean Howells

Stephen Crane

Jack London

Theodore Dreiser

Winslow Homer

Mary Cassatt

“Ashcan School”

Henry Hobson Richardson

Louis Sullivan

Frank Lloyd Wright

Daniel Burnham

John Philip Sousa

Jelly Roll Morton

Scott Joplin

Joseph Pulitzer

William Randolph Hearst

John L. Sullivan

Victorian Morality

Henry Ward Beecher

E.L. Godkin

Catharine Beecher

The “woman’s sphere”

Department Store

R.H. Macy

Marshall Field

Frank Woolworth

Leland Stanford

William Torrey Harris

Research University


Coney Island

Chapter 20

Waving the “Bloody Shirt”

Solid South


James Garfield

Chester A. Arthur

Pendleton Act (1881)

Election of 1884

Grover Cleveland

Gold Standard

James B. Weaver

Coinage of Silver

Election of 1888

Billion-dollar Congress

McKinley Tariff (1890)

Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)

George Washington Carver

Farmers’ Southern Alliance

Colored Farmers’ National Alliance

National Grange Movement

Granger Laws

Munn v. Illinois

Omaha Platform

Populist Party

Election of 1892

Panic of 1893

Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894)

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust

Coxey’s Army

William H. Harvey

Election of 1896

William Jennings Bryan

“Cross of Gold” Speech

William McKinley

“Gold Bug” Democrats

Dingley Tariff (1897)


Civil Rights Cases (1883)

Plessy v. Ferguson

Jim Crow Laws

Ida B. Wells

Henry Turner

Booker T. Washington

W.E.B. Du Bois

William H. Seward

Napoleon III

“Seward’s Folly”

“New Imperialism”

International Darwinism

Josiah Strong

Henry Cabot Lodge

Alfred T. Mahan

James G. Blaine

Pan-American Conference (1889)

Richard Olney

Spanish-American War


Valeriano Weyler

“Yellow Journalism”

De Lome letter (1898)

The U.S.S. Maine

Teller Amendment (1898)

“Splendid Little War”

George Dewey

Rough Riders

Queen Lil

Treaty of Peace (1898)

Emilio Aguinaldo

Insular Cases

Platt Amendment (1901)

Election of 1900

Chapter 21


Charles Darwin

Frederick W. Taylor


Henry Demarest Lloyd

McClure’s Magazine

Lincoln Steffens

Ida Tarbell

Jacob Riis

Theodore Dreiser

Frank Norris

Thorstein Veblen

Henry James

Herbert Croly

Jane Addams

John Dewey

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Maria Van Vorst

Lewis Hine

Hiram Johnson

Secret Ballot

Robert La Follette

Seventeenth Amendment




Samuel Jones

Tom L. Johnson

Commission Government

Council-Manager Government

Charles Evans Hughes

Orville and Wilbur Wright

American Social Hygiene Association (1914)

Mann Act (1910)

Anti-Saloon League


Federal Narcotics Act (1914)


Madison Grant

The Birth of A Nation


“Brownsville Incident”

Ida Wells-Barnett

Booker T. Washington

W.E.B. Du Bois

Niagara Movement

National Urban League

Carrie Chapman Catt

National American Women’s Suffrage Association

Emma Goldman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Margaret Sanger

National Woman’s Party

Nineteenth Amendment (1920)

American Federation of Labor

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire



Theodore Roosevelt

“Square Deal”

Coal Strike of 1902


Elkins Act (1903)

Hepburn Act (1906)

Upton Sinclair

Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)

Meat Inspection Act (1906)

Forrest Reserve Act (1901)

Newlands Reclamation Act (1902)

Gifford Pinchot

William Howard Taft

Bureau of Mines

Mann-Elkins Act (1910)

Sixteenth Amendment

Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909)

Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy

Joe Cannon

Eugene V. Debs

Socialist Party

Election of 1912

Progressive Party

Woodrow Wilson

“New Freedom”

Underwood Tariff (1913)

Federal Reserve Act (1914)

Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)

Federal Trade Commission

Federal Farm Loan Act (1916)

Keating-Owen Child Labor Act (1916)

Louis Brandeis

Chapter 22

“Spheres of Influence”

Boxer Rebellion (1900)

Open Door Policy

John Hay

“Big-Stick” Diplomacy

Panama Revolution

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903)

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901)

Panama Canal

Roosevelt Corollary

Russo-Japanese War

Treaty at Portsmouth (1905)

Gentleman’s Agreement (1908)

Great White Fleet

Root-Takahira Agreement (1908)

Second International Peace Conference (1907)

“Dollar Diplomacy”

The Lodge Corollary

“Moral Diplomacy”

Jones Act (1916)

Puerto Rico Act (1917)

Victoriano Huerta

Tampico Incident (1914)

Venustiano Carranza

Pancho Villa

John J. Pershing

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Kaiser Willhelm I


Allied Powers

Central Powers


The Lusitania Crisis

The Arabic

The Sussex


National Security League

National Defense Act (1916)

Election of 1916

“He Kept Us Out of War”

Colonel Edward House

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Zimmerman Telegram

Russian Revolution

Declaration of War (1917)

War Industries Board

Food Administration

Fuel Administration

National War Labor Board

Liberty Bonds

George Creel

William McAdoo

American Protective League

Espionage and Sedition Acts (1918)

Schenck v. US

Selective Service Act (1917)


Convoy System

American Expeditionary Force

George M. Cohan

Battle of Chateau-Thierry

Meuse-Argonne Offensive

Armistice (1918)

Fourteen Points


League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

David Lloyd George

Georges Clemenceau

Vittorio Orlando




The Red Scare

Palmer Raids

Strikes of 1919

Chicago Race Riots (1919)

Influenza Pandemic (1918)

Eighteenth Amendment

Chapter 23

Roaring Twenties

Henry Ford

Model T

Assembly Lines

Election of 1920

Warren G. Harding


“Old Guard” Republicans

Charles Evans Hughes

Andrew Mellon

William Howard Taft

Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922)

Bureau of the Budget

Albert B. Fall

Teapot Dome Scandal

Harry M. Daugherty

Calvin Coolidge

Election of 1924

Robert La Follette

Alfred E. Smith

“Trickle-down” Theory

McNary-Haugen Bill (1928)

Election of 1928

Herbert Hoover

Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930)

Washington Naval Arms Conference (1921)

Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)

Dawes Plan (1924)

Sheppard-Towner Act (1921)

Nineteenth Amendment

John L. Lewis

Open Shops


The Jazz Age

Saturday Evening Post

Reader’s Digest


Greta Garbo

Rudolf Valentino

Mary Pickford

The Jazz Singer

Steamboat Willie

Babe Ruth

Ty Cobb

Jack Dempsey

Jim Thorpe

Bobby Jones

Charles Lindbergh

Sigmund Freud

F. Scott Fitzgerald


H.L. Mencken

Sinclair Lewis

Ernest Hemingway

The Great Gatsby (1925)

Eugene O’Neill

Gertrude Stein

Frank Lloyd Wright


Edward Hopper

Georgia O’Keefe

Charles Sheeler

Aaron Copeland

George Gershwin

Louis Armstrong

Duke Ellington

Fats Waller

“Jelly Roll” Morton





Billy Sunday

Aimee Semple McPherson

Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes

Claude McKay

Bessie Smith

Paul Robeson

Marcus Garvey

W.E.B. Du Bois

National Origins Act (1924)

The Scopes Trial

Sacco-Vanzetti Case

Ku Klux Klan


Al Capone



Chapter 24

Great Depression

Black Thursday

Black Tuesday

Installment Buying

Federal Farm Board

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)

“Hoover Valley”

Farm Holiday Association

Bonus Army March

Election of 1932

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The New Deal

The Brain Trust

Eleanor Roosevelt

Rexford G. Tugwell

Adolf A. Berle

Florence Kelley

Frances Perkins

Harold Ickes

Bank Holiday (1933)

Twenty-first Amendment (1933)

Fireside Chats

The First Hundred Days

Emergency Relief Banking Act (1933)

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1933)

Home Owners Loan Corporation (1933)

Farm Credit Administration (1933)

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (1933)

Public Works Administration (1933)

Civilian Conservation Corps (1933)

Tennessee Valley Authority (1933)

National Recovery Administration (1933)

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (1933)

Civil Works Administration (1933)

Securities and Exchange Commission (1933)

Federal Housing Administration (1933)

The Second New Deal

Works Progress Administration (1935)

Harry Hopkins

Resettlement Administration (1935)

National Labor Relations Act (1935)

Rural Electrification Administration (1935)

Social Security Act (1935)

Election of 1936

American Liberty League

Father Charles Coughlin

Francis E. Townsend

Huey Long

Court-packing bill (1937)

Congress of Industrial Organizations

Recession of 1937

Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

John Maynard Keynes

Dust Bowl

Fair Employment Practices Committee (1941)

Indian Reorganization Act (1934)

John Collier

“Scottsboro Boys”

Chapter 25


“Good Neighbor” Policy

Pan-American Conferences

London Economic Conference (1933)

Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934)

Manchuria Crisis

Stimson Doctrine

Benito Mussolini and the Fascists

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis

Nye Committee

Neutrality Acts (1935, 1936, 1937)

Spanish Civil War (1936)

America First Committee


Invasion of Ethiopia (1935)

Militarizing the Rhineland (1936)

Invasion of China (1937)

Anschluss of Austria (1938)

Sudetenland (1938)

Munich Pact (1938)

Nonaggression Pact (1939)

Invasion of Poland (1939)


“Cash and Carry” Policy

Selective Service Act (1940)

Destroyers-for-Bases Deal (1940)

Winston Churchill

Election of 1940

Wendell Willkie

Four Freedoms

Lend-Lease Act (1941)

Atlantic Charter

Shoot-on-Sight Policy

Axis Powers

Hideki Tojo

Attack on Pearl Harbor (1941)

War Production Board

Office of Price Administration

Smith-Connally Act (1943)



A. Phillip Randolph

Korematsu v. US

Japanese Internment Camps

“Rosie the Riveter”

Office of War Information

Election of 1944

Thomas Dewey

Battle of the Atlantic

Operation Torch

Dwight Eisenhower

Invasion of Sicily


Battle of the Bulge



Battle of the Coral Sea

Battle of Midway

Island Hopping Strategy

Douglas McArthur

Battle of Leyte Gulf


Battle of Okinawa

Manhattan Project

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

VJ Day

Casablanca Conference

Tehran Conference

Yalta Conference

Potsdam Conference

Joseph Stalin

Harry Truman

United Nations

Chapter 26

GI Bill of Rights (1944)

Baby Boom

William J. Levitt


Harry Truman

Employment Act of 1946

Committee on Civil Rights (1946)

Fair Employment Practices Commission

Eightieth Congress

Twenty-second Amendment (1951)

Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

Election of 1948


The Fair Deal

Cold War

Satellite States

Iron Curtain

George F. Kennan

Containment Policy

Walter Lippmann

The Truman Doctrine

The Marshall Plan

The Berlin Airlift


Warsaw Pact

National Security Act (1947)

Arms Race

Douglas McArthur

US-Japanese Security Treaty (1951)

Chiang Kai-shek

Mao Zedong


Korean War

Truman-McArthur Conflict

“Limited War”

Second Red Scare

Loyalty Review Board

Dennis v. US (1951)

McCarran Internal Security Act (1950)


Alger Hiss

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Joseph McCarthy

Army-McCarthy hearings

Chapter 27

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Election of 1952

“The Mess in Washington”

Checkers Speech

Modern Republicanism

Dynamic Conservatism


Interstate Highway Act (1956)

The Election of 1956

John Foster Dulles


Covert Actions

Allen Dulles

Korean Armistice (1953)

Ho Chi Minh

Ngo Dinh Diem

Domino Theory


The Suez Crisis

Eisenhower Doctrine


The “Spirit of Geneva” (1955)

Nikita Khrushchev

Hungarian Revolt (1956)


National Defense and Education Act (1958)


Second Berlin Crisis (1958)

U-2 Incident

Fidel Castro

Military Industrial Complex

Civil Rights Movement

Jackie Robinson

Plessy v. Ferguson

Brown v. Board of Education

Southern Manifesto

Thurgood Marshall

Earl Warren

Little Rock Nine

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Civil Rights Act of 1960

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Rosa Parks

Martin Luther King Jr.




Elvis Presley


Disneyland (1955)

Baby and Child Care by Benjamin Spock



Billy Graham

“I Love Lucy”

Bracero Program

Chapter 28

John F. Kennedy

The Election of 1960

Richard Nixon

New Frontier

Robert McNamara

Robert Kennedy

Jacqueline Kennedy

“Camelot Years”

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962)

Peace Corps

Trade Expansion Act (1962)

Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)

Berlin Wall

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

Hot Line

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)

Flexible Response

Green Berets

Kennedy Assassination (1963)

Lyndon B. Johnson

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Other America by Michael Harrington (1962)

Office of Economic Opportunity

Job Corps

The Election of 1964

Barry Goldwater

Great Society

Medicare and Medicaid

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Immigration Act of 1965

Voting Rights Act of 1965

James Meredith

George Wallace

March on Washington (1963)

March to Montgomery (1965)

Malcolm X

Black Power

Stokely Carmichael

Kerner Commission

Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination (1968)

Mapp v. Ohio (1961)

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)


Baker v. Carr (1962)

Yates v. US (1957)

Engel v. Vitale (1962)

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

American Indian Movement

Cesar Chavez

Asian-American Political Alliance


The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

Equal Pay Act (1963)

“The Pill”

Vietnam War

Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964)

Operation Rolling Thunder

Search-and-destroy Tactics

William Westmoreland

Hawks v. Doves

Chapter 29

Students for a Democratic Society

Port Huron Statement

New Left




Berkeley Free Speech Movement

Sexual Revolution

Gay Liberation Movement

Equal Rights Amendment (1973)

Phyllis Schlafly

Kent State and Jackson State

Tet Offensive

Robert Kennedy Assassination

Hubert Humphrey

Eugene McCarthy


The Election of 1968

Democratic Convention in Chicago

George Wallace

Richard Nixon

“Peace with Honor”

Henry Kissinger


Nixon Doctrine

My Lai Massacre

Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

Paris Accords (1973)


Nixon’s Visit to China


Shuttle Diplomacy


New Federalism

Family Assistance Plan


“Silent Majority”

Warren Burger

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Neil Armstrong

Clean Air Act (1970)


The Election of 1972

George McGovern

“Deep Throat”


The Watergate Scandal

War Powers Act (1973)

Yom Kippur War (1973)

Chapter 30

Gerald Ford

Pardoning of Nixon

Fall of Saigon (1975)

Cambodia Genocide (1975)


Bicentennial (1976)

The Election of 1976

Jimmy Carter

Human Rights Diplomacy

Panama Canal Treaty (1978)

Camp David Accords (1978)

Iran Hostage Crisis (1979)

SALT II (1979)

Olympic Boycott (1980)

Alaska Lands Act (1980)

Three Mile Island (1979)

Taxpayers’ Revolt (1978)

Indian Self-Determination Act (1975)

Moral Majority

Regents of UC v. Bakke (1978)

Election of 1980


William Buckley


Pro-Life Movement

Affirmative Action

Jerry Folwell

Pat Robertson

“Reaganomics” or Supply-side Economics


PATCO incident


Sandra Day O’ Connor

William Rehnquist

Jesse Jackson

Election of 1984

Walter Mondale

Geraldine Ferraro

Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act (1985)

Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)

Chernobyl Explosion (1986)

Strategic Defense Initiative or “Star Wars”

The “Contras”

Invasion of Grenada (1983)

Iran-Contra Affair

Palestine Liberation Organization

Yassir Arafat

Mikhail Gorbachev



INF Agreement (1987)

Chapter 31

The Election of 1988

George H. Bush

Michael Dukakis

Dan Quayle

Tiananmen Square

Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)



Invasion of Panama

Saddam Hussein

Persian Gulf War (1990)

Operation Desert Storm

Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill

Savings and Loans Crisis

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (1989)

Twenty-Seventh Amendment (1992)

Election of 1992

William J. Clinton

Ross Perot

Madeleine K. Albright

Hillary R. Clinton

Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)

Voter-Motor Law (1993)

Brady Bill (1993)

Anti-Crime Bill (1994)


Congressional Elections of 1994

Christian Coalition

Newt Gingrich and the “Contract with America”

Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)

Welfare Reform Act (1996)

Election of 1996

Bob Dole


Impeachment of Clinton

Monica Lewinsky

Boris Yeltsin


Balkan Wars


Solobodan Milosevic

Yitzhak Rabin

Osama Bin Laden


World Trade Organization

International Monetary Fund

European Union

Election of 2000

Al Gore

George W. Bush

Chapter 32

Richard Cheney

Colin Powell

Condoleezza Rice

Donald Rumsfeld

No Child Left Behind Act

September 11th

War on Terror

Al Qaeda

Afghanistan War

Homeland Security Department

Patriot Act (2001)

Iraq War

Election of 2004

John Kerry

Tom DeLay

John Roberts

Guantanamo Bay

Hurricane Katrina


Financial Crisis of 2007

Global Warming

Kyoto Accords

Election of 2008

Barack Obama

John McCain

Sarah Palin

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)

AP US History Vocabulary

For each term make sure to know both the definition and the significance with relation to its time period. Why is the term important to AP US History?

Chapter 1 Terms

Land Bridge









Poverty Point


Chapter 2 Terms

Christopher Columbus

The Renaissance

Ferdinand and Isabella

Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Prince Henry the Navigator

Vasco da Gama

Treaty of Tordesillas

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Ferdinand Magellan

Hernan Cortes

Francisco Pizzaro

St. Augustine

Santa Fe

John Cabot

Sir Francis Drake

Sir Walter Raliegh

King Henry VIII


James I

Giovanni da Verrazano

Jacques Cartier

Samuel de Champlain


Henry Hudson

New Netherland

Columbian Exchange

Spanish Armada


Virginia Company (joint stock)

House of Burgesses

John Smith

John Rolfe


The Mayflower Compact

The Massachusetts Bay Company


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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