Student name - FACE

Student name _______________________________________________________

English Language Civics 30.4


Student Packet

Intermediate - Advanced

Demonstrate How to Use Pharmacies/ Drug Stores and Medicines


Teacher’s Name ______________________________________________________

Section Number _______________________________________________________



Pharmacy TASK 1 Intermediate-Advanced


Instructions: Look at the words in the box. Listen to your teacher say the words and repeat. Use the words in the box to write the words in the blank spaces. Listen to your teacher read the story. Correct your answers. Read the story to a partner. Listen to your partner read the story.

Gloria had really ugly toenail fungus. She went to Walgreens and asked the , “Do I need a for anti-fungal cream?”

The pharmacist said she could buy anti-fungal cream without a prescription and recommended Fungus-Be-Gone cream. Then she asked, “How often do I it?” The pharmacist replied, “Follow the on the box.

It is best to apply the cream to your toenails after a bath or shower.” Gloria asked about side . The pharmacist told her about possible mild pain and redness in the toes. She asked, “What if the cream doesn’t help?” The pharmacist told her to try the cream for thirty days. “After that”, the pharmacist said, “you should with a doctor if you still have a lot of fungus in your toenails.” The pharmacist explained that a doctor can prescribe an anti-fungal or capsule that is usually taken . The pharmacist told her that Fungus-Be-Gone is located in the middle of 6C on the bottom shelf. Gloria thanked the pharmacist and said goodbye.

Pharmacy TASK 1 Intermediate-Advanced


Instructions: Look at the words in the box. Listen to your teacher say the words and repeat. Use the words in the box to write the words in the blank spaces. Listen to your teacher read the story. Correct your answers. Read the story to a partner. Listen to your partner read the story.

John had itchy skin on his lower legs. He tried lotion then he tried a non-medicated cream but they didn’t help. He didn’t want to get a from a doctor, so he decided to go to Rite-Aid to buy an anti-inflammatory cream. There were so many choices on the shelf! The cream was cheaper than the name-brand creams but he was worried about the of the cheaper brand. He asked the , who told him that they were all equally . John also asked about any , warnings, or special instructions. The pharmacist first asked him if he was allergic to hydrocortisone, the medicine part of the cream, and said that it with some supplements. Then, the pharmacist told him that hydrocortisone can cause a change in skin color and dryness. Finally, the pharmacist washing his legs before applying the cream. John’s last question was “For how long do I the cream?” The pharmacist said, “If your skin is still itchy after 7 days, stop using the cream and see a doctor.” John thanked the pharmacist and said goodbye.

Pharmacy TASK 1 Intermediate-Advanced


Part A

Pharmacist: Good afternoon. May I help you?

Customer: Hello. My son has a low fever, 100.9 degrees. What do you recommend?

Pharmacist: How old is your son?

Customer: He’s eleven years old.

Pharmacist: I recommend a children’s fever reducer like Children’s Tylenol.

Customer: Is there a generic brand that is cheaper?

Pharmacist: Yes, there is a store-brand. It’s $2.00 less.

Customer: How much does he take?

Pharmacist: Three teaspoons.

Customer: How often?

Pharmacist: Every six to eight hours until the fever is gone.

Customer: Are there any special instructions?

Pharmacist: This medicine should be taken with food.

Customer: How long do I give this medicine to my son?

Pharmacist: Give this medicine to your son until the fever is gone.

Part B

Pharmacist: How much medicine should you give your son?

Customer: I should give him three teaspoons.

Pharmacist: How often should you give this medicine to your son?

Customer: I should give it to him every six to eight hours.

Pharmacist: How long will you give this medicine to your son?

Customer: I will give it to him until the fever is gone. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Pharmacist: You’re welcome. I hope your son feels better soon.

Pharmacy TASK 1 Intermediate-Advanced


Part A

Pharmacist: Good afternoon. May I help you?

Customer: Yes. I have a headache. What can I take?

Pharmacist: You can take a pain reliever like Tylenol.

Customer: How much should I take?

Pharmacist: You should take two tablets.

Customer: How often should I take it?

Pharmacist: You should take it every 4-6 hours.

Customer: Are there any special instructions

Pharmacist: Pain relievers should be taken with food.

Customer: Are there any side effects?

Pharmacist: Yes, you might get a stomachache.

Customer: How long should I take the pain reliever?

Pharmacist: Take it until your headache is gone. If your headache is not gone in 3 days contact your doctor.

Customer: Is there a generic brand that is cheaper?

Pharmacist: Yes, we have a store-brand that is $2.50 less.

Part B

Pharmacist: How much medicine should you take?

Customer: I should take two tablets.

Pharmacist: How often should you take this pain reliever?

Customer: Every 4-6 hours.

Pharmacist: When should you contact a doctor?

Customer: If the headache isn’t gone after 3 days.

Thank you. Goodbye.

Pharmacist: You’re welcome. I hope you feel better soon.

Pharmacy TASK 1 Intermediate-Advanced


Part A

Pharmacist: Hello, may I help you?

Customer: Hi. I cut my leg yesterday. I think the cut is infected. What do you recommend?

Pharmacist: Is the cut deep?

Customer: No, it is not deep.

Pharmacist: I recommend an antibiotic ointment and a bandage.

Customer: Which antibiotic ointment should I buy?

Pharmacist: We have a good store brand that is a lower price.

Customer: How many times do I change the bandage and put on more ointment?

Pharmacist: Once a day is fine.

Customer: Should I reapply the ointment after I bathe?

Pharmacist: Yes, you should.

Customer: How much ointment do I put on the cut?

Pharmacist: Put on enough ointment to cover the cut.

Customer: For how long do I use the ointment?

Pharmacist: Use it until the infection is gone. If your cut is still infected after one week, stop using the ointment and see a doctor.

Part B

Pharmacist: Do you remember how often to change the bandage?

Customer: I should change the bandage once a day.

Pharmacist: When should you see a doctor?

Customer: I should see a doctor if it is still infected after one week.

Pharmacist: How much ointment will you put on?

Customer: I will put on enough ointment to cover the cut. Thanks for the help, Goodbye.

Pharmacist: You’re welcome. I hope you feel better soon.

Pharmacy 30.4 Task 1 and 2 Intermediate-Advanced

Match the vocabulary terms on the left with the letter of the definition or example on the right. Choose the best answer.

___1. chart a. precautions (i.e. don’t take with alcohol)

___2. Rx # b. a feeling that a body part is on fire

___3. expired c. a wound with disease-causing germs

___4. dosage amount d. medicine causes other problems, like dry mouth

___5. number of refills e. prescription number

___6. warnings f. runny nose, sore throat, coughing …

___7. side effects g. every day (i.e., once, twice, or three times)

___8. patient h. taking too much of a medication

___9. daily i. to put on a cream/ointment again

___10. tablet or capsule j. the amount of medication you take at one time

___11. tbsp./tsp. k. feeling sick to your stomach, need to vomit

___12. symptoms l. prescription is past due date

___13. burning sensation m. person needing medical care

___ 14. drowsiness n. medicine shaped like a small circle or oval

___ 15. nausea o. sleepiness

___16. exceeding dose p. tablespoon/teaspoon – dose amount for liquid

___17. infected area q. form used to fill in medical information

___18. reapply r. how many times you can get the same medication again

Pharmacy TASK 2


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|EDWIN’S PHARMACY (619) 555-1234 |

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|1525 Lily Avenue |

|San Diego, CA 92104 |

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|Dr. Lou Anderson |

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|Rx 654322 04/01/2018 |

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|Qty: 90 tablets |

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|REFILLS: 1 before 10/31/2018 |


(Note: To avoid something is to stay away from it. Example: Lynn avoids peanuts because she is allergic to them.)

Note: Zocor is a medicine for people with high cholesterol. Simvastation is a generic medicine that is like Zocor, but usually cheaper.

|EDWIN’S PHARMACY 1525 Lily |The name and address of the pharmacy |

|Avenue | |

|San Diego, CA 92104 | |

|(619) 555-1234 |The phone number of the pharmacy |

|Dr. Lou Anderson |the name of the doctor who wrote the prescription |

|Rx 654322 |the prescription number (Rx = prescription) |

|EMMA COLE |the name of the person the medicine is for (the patient). |

|TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH NIGHTLY. |the dose or dosage (how much medicine to take & when to take it) |

|SIMVASTATIN TAB 40 MG |the name of the medicine (Simvastatin); the form of the medicine (tablets); the size of each tablet |

| |(40 milligrams) |

|LUPIN |the manufacturer or maker of the medicine |

|90 tablets |the quantity of the medicine (the new bottle has 90 tablets) |

|REFILLS: 1 before 10/31/2018 |the number of refills (the number of times Emma Cole can get more of the same medicine without |

| |another prescription). |

| |If Emma gets a refill, she needs to do it before October 31, 2018. |

|AVOID EATING OR DRINKING GRAPEFRUIT PRODUCTS WITH THIS MEDICATION. |a warning label; special instructions for someone taking the medicine |

Pharmacy TASK 2


1. Who is the medicine for? ________________________________________________________________

2. What is the name of the medicine? __________________________________________________________

3. When does the patient need to take the medicine? _____________________________________________

4. Who is the doctor? _______________________________________________________________________

5. What is the name of the pharmacy? _________________________________________________________

6. What is the quantity? _____________________________________________________________________

7. What are the special instructions or warnings? ________________________________________________

8. Who is the manufacturer? _________________________________________________________________

9. What is the date of the prescription? ________________________________________________________

10. What medical problem is the medicine for? _________________________________________________

11. How many refills are there? _______________________________________________________________

12. What is the dose or dosage? ______________________________________________________________

TRUE OR FALSE? (Circle T for true or F for false)

1. The medicine is for Emma Cole. T F

2. Emma Cole is the doctor. T F

3. Emma Cole is the patient. T F

4. There is one refill. T F

5. The name of the medicine is Aspirin. T F

6. Emma needs to take the medicine in the morning. T F

7. Lou Anderson is the name of the pharmacy. T F

8. ZOCOR is the name of the medicine. T F

9. The prescription number is 93111. T F

Pharmacy Task 2 Intermediate Low

Prescription Label Practice

Please write in the correct information from the prescriptions 1-4 on the previous page.

|1. |Prescription Number |Expiration Date |Doctor’s Name and Phone |Dose Amount |Number of Refills |

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|2. |Prescription Number |Expiration Date |Doctor’s Name and Phone |Dose Amount |Number of Refills |

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|3. |Prescription Number |Expiration Date |Doctor’s Name and Phone |Dose Amount |Number of Refills |

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|4. |Prescription Number |Expiration Date |Doctor’s Name and Phone |Dose Amount |Number of Refills |

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Pharmacy Task 2 Intermediate High-Advanced

Prescription Label Practice

|1. |Dosage Amount |How long to take |Number of Refills |Side Effects |Warnings |When to call the doctor |

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|2. |Dosage Amount |How long to take |Number of Refills |Side Effects |Warnings |When to call the doctor |

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|3. |Dosage Amount |How long to take |Number of Refills |Side Effects |Warnings |When to call the doctor |

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|4. |Dosage Amount |How long to take |Number of Refills |Side Effects |Warnings |When to call the doctor |

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aisle daily instructions pharmacist prescription check effects tablet use

effective interacts use over-the-counter pharmacist prescription quality recommended

store-brand side effects



CVS Pharmacy (619) 555-1212

842 East Madison Avenue

El Cajon, CA 92020

Rx 881778 10/1/2018

Dr. Hanson (619) 555-4160

Maria Lopez

Take 1 capsule three times a day with food for 10 days. Take all of this medication. Call the doctor if symptoms persist. Exceeding the dosage may cause nausea. Do not take on an empty stomach.

Oxycodone Qty: 30 Refills: 0

Expires: 10/2018 Pharmacist M. Allen

Costco Pharmacy (619) 555-5454

2431 Campo Road (Rancho Shopping Center)

El Cajon, CA 92021

Rx 830241 11/15/2018

Dr. Pillman (619) 555-3078

Stephen Johnson

Take 2 tablets once a day in the morning. Call the doctor if chest pain occurs. Side effects may include dizziness. Do not become overheated. Continue use until your next appointment.

Torsemide Qty: 90 Refills: As needed Expires: 11/2018 Pharmacist J. Smith



El Cajon Pharmacy (619) 555-8377

788 Village Road (Village Shopping Center)

El Cajon, CA 92021

Rx 909077 12/3/2018

Dr. Yamaha (619) 555-1000

Rita Chevez

Take 1 tablet twice a day as needed for allergy symptoms. Call the doctor if you have trouble breathing. Drowsiness may occur.

Do not take if you have diabetes.

Fexofenadine Qty:100 Refills: 0

Expires: 12/ 2018 Pharmacist: R. Jamison

Walmart Pharmacy

444 Town Center Drive (Santee Shopping Center)

Santee, CA 92071

Rx 776892 1/2/2018

Dr. Saad (619) 555-1000

Yousif Abood

Take 1 tablet twice a day, morning and evening.

Take all of this medication. Side effects include itching or fever. Call the doctor if swelling increases. Do not drink alcohol with Nesina.

Nesina Qty: 60 Refills: 3

Expires: 1/2018 Pharmacist: C. Larson



CVS Pharmacy (619) 555-1212

842 East Madison Avenue

El Cajon, CA 92020

Rx 881778 10/1/2018

Dr. Hanson (619) 555-4160

Maria Lopez

Take 1 capsule three times a day with food for 10 days. Take all of this medication. Call the doctor if symptoms persist. Exceeding the dosage may cause nausea. Do not take on an empty stomach.

Oxycodone Qty: 30 Refills: 0

Expires: 10/2018 Pharmacist M. Allen

Costco Pharmacy (619) 555-5454

2431 Campo Road (Rancho Shopping Center)

El Cajon, CA 92021

Rx 830241 11/15/2018

Dr. Pillman (619) 555-3078

Stephen Johnson

Take 2 tablets once a day in the morning. Call the doctor if chest pain occurs. Side effects may include dizziness. Do not become overheated. Continue use until your next appointment.

Torsemide Qty: 90 Refills: As needed Expires: 11/2018 Pharmacist J. Smith



El Cajon Pharmacy (619) 555-8377

788 Village Road (Village Shopping Center)

El Cajon, CA 92021

Rx 909077 12/3/2018

Dr. Yamaha (619) 555-1000

Rita Chevez

Take 1 tablet twice a day as needed for allergy symptoms. Call the doctor if you have trouble breathing. Drowsiness may occur.

Do not take if you have diabetes.

Fexofenadine Qty:100 Refills: 0

Expires: 12/ 2018 Pharmacist: R. Jamison

Walmart Pharmacy

444 Town Center Drive (Santee Shopping Center)

Santee, CA 92071

Rx 776892 1/2/2018

Dr. Saad (619) 555-1000

Yousif Abood

Take 1 tablet twice a day, morning and evening.

Take all of this medication. Side effects include itching or fever. Call the doctor if swelling increases. Do not drink alcohol with Nesina.

Nesina Qty: 60 Refills: 3

Expires: 1/2018 Pharmacist: C. Larson

Please write in the correct information from the prescriptions 1-4 on the previous page.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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