Computer Refresh, Rotation, and Retirement Policy

Computer Replacement, Rotation, and Retirement

OBJECTIVE: To make the most effective usage of computer equipment, and to ensure that First National Bank staff are provided appropriate systems to allow them to effectively perform their duties.

COMPUTER AQUISITION: To ensure adequate equipment replacement, rotation, and retirement, 25 new PC’s should be acquired annually.

Standard configuration, as of February, 2012, is a small form factor PC, OEM licensed for Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, with minimum specs of 2Gb of RAM, dual core processor, 80Gb hard drive. Optical drives are not required. IT will “downgrade” the PC to Windows XP Pro, and install standard software. Optical drives may be added as needed (for instance, loan officers may need to be able to read CD’s provided by customers containing documents). Optional configurations, such as notebook computers, will be acquired as needed with management approval, and will be counted against the 25 new PC’s acquired annually.


• In order to minimize user downtime, as well as to minimize IT troubleshooting time, it is often advantageous to replace computers that have become problematic rather than to repair them. The replacement may be a new or rotated PC.

• Certain users benefit from the increased processing power of newer PC’s, and may thus need their PC replaced with a new PC on a biannual basis. Examples would be users who maintain large or complex spreadsheets and/or databases.

• PC’s in excess of seven years old should be replaced with a new or rotated PC as soon as possible, even if they are still functional.


If a computer being replaced is less than six years old, and the hardware is in good condition (or reasonably repairable), the IT department will refurbish the PC (usually by formatting and reimaging the hard drive) and place it back into inventory for reuse. Suggested usage for refurbished (“rotated”) PC’s are as follows:

• Under two years old: Users who use the PC for the majority of their daily tasks

• Under four years old: Users who use the PC for occasional light tasks

• Under six years old: Workstations not assigned to regular users, such as teller stations used occasionally by floaters, PC’s in empty offices, training PC’s, etc.

Age of PC’s purchased since 2010 can be determined from the five digit asset number, which is formatted as YMM##, where the first three digits represent the year and month purchased, and the last two digits represent the order the PC was issued. For example, the third PC issued from a purchase in May, 2011 would be designated FNB-10503.


If a computer being replaced is more than six years old, or if it is in need of a hardware repair which exceeds its value, it should be retired and promptly processed for donation or disposal.


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