
Rubric for the Assessment of the Argumentative

|Points |10 |7 |5 |3 |Score |

| |-Well developed intro paragraph |-Intro contains some sort of |-Intro has an ineffective hook |-Intro has no hook. Claim is | |

| |contains a hook with an |hook but does not completely |with incomplete or no |vague or unclear. | |

| |explanation or definition, and a|explain using details. Somewhat |explanation. The claim is not |-No opinion statement. | |

| |clearly stated claim with a |clearly states the claim of the |clearly stated. Opinion is not | | |

| |logical opinion statement. |paper with an opinion statement.|clear. | | |

|Introduction | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |______ |

| |-Background is present with |-Background is present and is |Background is present but |-No background paragraph | |

| |relevant info. |somewhat relevant. |relevance is unclear. |present. | |

| |-Two or more main points are |-Two or more main points are |-Two main points are present but|-Less than two main points are | |

|Background and |well developed with supporting |present but may lack detail and |lack development. |present with poor development. | |

|Supporting Details |details. |develop in one or both |-There is insufficient evidence.|-There is insufficient /or no | |

|Body Paragraphs |-Textual evidence is sufficient |paragraphs. |Evidence is somewhat accurate. |evidence. | |

| |and smoothly integrated and |-There is insufficient evidence | | | |

| |accurate. |but the evidence is smoothly | | |______ |

| | |integrated and accurate. | | | |

|Counterclaim and |-Counterclaim paragraph |-Counterclaim paragraph |-Counterclaim paragraph |-Counterclaim paragraph loosely | |

|Refutation |acknowledges the opposing view |acknowledges the opposing view |acknowledges opposing view but |acknowledges claim or has | |

| |and summarizes the evidence that|but with little to no evidence. |with no evidence. |nothing to do with the claim. | |

| |supports the counter claim. |-refutation/response to |-No refutation is present. |-No refutation is present. | |

| |-Refutation/response to counter |counterclaim not present. | | | |

| |claim is present with evidence. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |_______ |

| |-Conclusion summarizes the main |Conclusion summarizes main |-Conclusion summarizes main |-Conclusion does not adequately | |

| |topic without repeating previous|topics. Some opinions and |topics, but is repetitive. No |summarize the main points. No | |

|Conclusion Paragraph |sentences; writer’s opinions and|suggestion for action are |suggestions for action or |suggestion for action or opinion| |

| |call to action are logical and |evident. |opinions. |is stated. | |

| |well thought out. | | | | |

| |Logical, compelling progression |-Overall, the paper is logically|-Progression of ideas in essay |-Arrangement of essay is unclear| |

| |of ideas in essay; clear |developed. Progression of ideas |is awkward, yet moves the reader|and illogical. There is no | |

| |structure Organization flows so |in essay makes sense and moves |through the text without too |identifiable internal structure | |

| |smoothly the reader hardly |the reader easily through the |much confusion. Few, forced |and readers have trouble | |

| |thinks about it. |text. |transitions in the essay or no |following the writer’s line of | |

|Organization |Effective, mature, graceful |Strong transitions exist |transitions are present. |thought. No transitions are | |

| |transitions exist throughout the|throughout and add to the | |present. | |

| |essay. |essay’s coherence. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |_______ |

| |-Sentence structure is correct. |-Sentence structure is generally|-Work contains structural |-Work contains multiple | |

| |Punctuation and capitalization |correct. Some awkward sentences |weakness and several grammatical|incorrect sentence structures. | |

| |are correct. There are little to|do appear. There are a few |errors. There several errors in |There are many errors in | |

| |no spelling and grammar errors. |errors in punctuation and/or |punctuation and/or |punctuation and capitalization. | |

| | |capitalization. There are a few |capitalization. |There are too many spelling and | |

|Conventions | |spelling and grammar errors. | |grammar errors for the text to | |

| | | | |be comprehended. | |

| | | | | |______ |


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