Midwest Regional Chapter


Midwest Regional Chapter

Society of Toxicology

Spring 2011 Newsletter

The MRC/SOT Proudly Presents the Annual Spring Meeting scheduled for Friday, May 20, 2011:

“Large Molecule Therapies and Applied Pharmaceutical Toxicology”

It is with great pleasure that we extend an invitation for you to join us for the upcoming Spring meeting of the Midwest Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology.

~See inside for meeting details~

29th Annual MRC/SOT Spring Meeting

20 May 2011

Marriott Lincolnshire

Plans for the 29th Annual Spring Meeting of the Midwest Regional Chapter of SOT are being finalized. The meeting will be held on Friday, May 20 at the Marriott Hotel and Resort in Lincolnshire, IL. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Large Molecule Therapies and Applied Pharmaceutical Toxicology”. The Program Committee has lined up an outstanding panel of speakers to cover this emerging and important topic. A copy of the tentative program along with the Registration form and directions to the meeting site are attached.

In addition to the featured symposium, the meeting will also include the presentation of the Young Investigator Award and the Kenneth P. Dubois Career Achievement Award, as well as a poster session featuring the annual Victor A. Dull student research competition. The winner of the competition will receive up to $1500 toward expenses for attending the SOT Annual Meeting.

All students affiliated with institutions in the MRC’s geographical region are encouraged to submit abstracts for the poster competition. The abstracts and posters may be on either original work or work that has been presented at the 2011 national SOT meeting in Washington, DC. Abstracts should be submitted along with registration materials to:

Matthew Schroeder, Ph.D., D.A.B.T

Covance Laboratories

3301Kinsman Boulevard

Madison, WI


For further information regarding the meeting, please Matthew Schroeder at Matthew.Schroeder@.

The Awards Committee is also soliciting applications for the MRC Young Investigators Award and nominations for the Kenneth Dubois Career Award. Information regarding these awards and the application/nomination processes can be found on the MRC-SOT website.

Midwest SOT Spring Meeting (20 May 2011)

Large Molecule Therapies and Applied Pharmaceutical Toxicology


Regular Member:        $100 (if postmarked before 5/06/2011)   

$120 (if postmarked 5/06/2011 or after)   

Non-Member:             $130 (if postmarked before 5/06/2011)      

                                    $140 (if postmarked 5/06/2011 or after)  

Full-Time Students:    $10 (if postmarked before 5/06/2011)                                   

                                    $30 (if postmarked 5/06/2011 or after)   

Registration fee waived for students presenting posters

Hotel Rooms A limited number of rooms are being held for this conference. The rat is $129.00 per night. Reservations for Thursday and/or Friday can be made by calling (847) 634-0100. Rooms will be held until April 28, 2011. Ask for the “Society of Toxicology” block.

Directions to Conference Site

Lincolnshire Marriott Resort

10 Marriott Drive

Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069

(847) 634-0100

From the North

1-94 south; exit Half Day Road; turn right (west); turn left on Milwaukee Avenue; turn left on Marriott Drive.

From the South

1-94 north; exit Half Day Road; turn left (west); turn left on Milwaukee Avenue; turn left on Marriott Drive.

From the West

1-90 east; 1-294 north; 1-94 north; exit Half Day Road; turn left (west); turn left on Milwaukee Avenue; turn left on Marriott Drive.

For additional information, contact Matthew.Schroeder@.

2011 MRCSOT Spring Meeting Registration Form

Registration Deadline: May 06th, 2011

|Fees |Hotel Rooms |

|Regular Member: $100 |A limited number of rooms are being held for this conference. Please |

|Non-Member: $130 |make reservations on or before April 28, 2011. |

|Full-Time Students: $10 | |

|(Registration Fee waived for students presenting posters) | |

Registration Form

Return the form below with payment by 5-06-2011 to:

Molly Weiler, Ph.D., DABT

Covance Laboratories Inc.

Nonclinical Safety Assessment

Process Excellence, Mail Code 42

3301 Kinsman Blvd.

Madison, WI 53704

Phone: 608-242-2626

Registration will be permitted at the conference.

MRC/SOT 2011 Spring Meeting Registration Form

Name: ___________________________________ MRC-SOT Member _____ Yes _______No

Title/Position/Company __________________________________________________________

Phone Number _________________________ E-mail address ___________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State _____________ Zip _______________

*Make checks payable to MRC-SOT*

Fee Enclosed (please check):

Regular Member:        $100 (if postmarked before 5/06/2011)     ___

$120 (if postmarked 5/06/2011 or after)   ___

Non-Member:             $130 (if postmarked before 5/06/2011)       ___

                     $140 (if postmarked 5/06/2011 or after)   ___

Full-Time Students:    $10 (if postmarked before 5/06/2011)      ___                             

                     $30 (if postmarked 5/06/2011 or after)    ___

Registration fee waived for students presenting posters

Is a receipt required for your registration? ____ Yes ____ No

Lunch will be served to all attendees. Do you prefer a vegetarian lunch? ___ Yes

President’s Message

I would like to extend an invitation to attend our spring Midwest Regional Chapter of the SOT meeting. The Program Committee, under the direction of President-elect Christina Wilson has put together an interesting set of speakers that will discuss the topic of “Large Molecule Therapies and Applied Pharmaceutical Toxicology”. The meeting will be held at the Marriott Hotel and Resort in Lincolnshire, on Friday 20 May 2011.

Our 2010 Fall Meeting was held at Eli Lilly & Company and the meeting was focused on the topic “Investigative Toxicology: Concepts and Applications”. I want to personally thank Lew Truex from Lilly and Christina Wilson for all of his help with the organization of this meeting. I also want to extend our thanks to Robin Guy who has been a huge help with the handling and organization of the spring meeting arrangements with the Marriott Lincolnshire. Robin’s help was critical in making the spring meeting a success. Finally I want to thank Eli Lilly & Company for providing the location and the refreshments for the fall meeting.

The Executive Committee is still soliciting applications and nominations for the various awards including: Kenneth DuBois Career Achievement Award, Victor Drill Award, and the Young Investigator Award. Descriptions of the awards and application materials may be found elsewhere in this Newsletter and on our website. Deadline for receipt of applications/nominations is April 22, 2011.

We would like to extend a request for future meeting topics. You can find the list of past meeting topics in the news letters. If you have a specific area that you would like us to explore or have specific speakers that you know would be interested in presenting, please feel free to contact anyone on the council with your ideas. We also want to encourage your colleagues to become members of our regional chapter. It is a great opportunity to meet individuals in our area that share your passion for science.

I look forward to seeing you all on May 20th.

Matthew D. Schroeder, Ph.D.


The Midwest Regional Chapter is proud to recognize the efforts of toxicologists who work and study in the Midwest. Three annual awards are presented below that highlight their achievements. The abstract form form may be found on p. 12.

Kenneth P. DuBois Award

Presented to an active toxicologist from the Midwest region that has demonstrated outstanding contributions throughout his/her career. Candidates

must have demonstrated a sustained and high level of achievement in the field. Written nominations are required.

Nomination due April 22, 2011

The 2010 Kenneth P. DuBois Award was presented to William D. Atchinson, Ph.D, Michigan State University,

Victor A. Drill Award

Presented for the best student poster presentation at the annual spring meeting of the Chapter. The winner receives a paid trip (expenses reimbursed up to $1500) to the following year’s National SOT meeting.

Abstracts due April 22, 2011

The 2010 first place poster Victor Drill Award was presented to Matthew Schmitz, Midwestern University Qing Liu who received a $1,500 grant for his poster entitled “Effects of Cadmium on the Phosphorylation of N-cadherin and beta-catenin in rat kidney.”

The second place poster Victor Drill Award was presented to Tammy Elmergreen, University of Wisconsin-Madison, who received $100.

Young Investigator Award

Presented for the best student research proposal. The winner receives $1500 to put towards their proposed research project and presents their results at the following year’s MRC/SOT Spring meeting.

Proposals due April 22, 2011

This award was presented to Amy Irving for her research proposal on “Influence of Environment on Colon Cancer: Using the Pirc Rat Model to Study Inflammation, Vitamin D and Aspirin”

The Awards will be presented at the Annual Spring 2011 Meeting of the Chapter.

Information about the three awards, as well as application forms, is found on our website (memberservices/regionalchapter/midwest/). Any further questions may be directed to the Executive Committee.

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Victor A. Drill Award

Charles River Laboratories

General Support

Abbott Laboratories


Elli Lilly and Company

Midwestern University

Department of Pharmacology

Reid Patterson Consulting

Robin Guy Consulting, LLC

WIL Research, Laboratories, LLC

Society of Toxicology

National Headquarters

Regional Chapter Graduate Committee (RC-GC)

Greetings Graduate students/Postdocs!

My name is Tammy Elmergreen and I am the Regional Chapter/Special Interest Group Graduate Committee (RC/SIG-GC) representative for the Midwest Regional Chapter (MRC)-SOT. My position is to serve as a student liaison between the regional and national SOT chapters in order to encourage student involvement in SOT. This year several new amendments were made to the governing structure for the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) in the Graduate Committee of the Society of Toxicology. Our new name will be the Graduate Student Liaison Committee (GSLC) and will enable us to better communicate between the Regional Chapters, Specialty Interest Groups and the Specialty Sections of SOT. I highly encourage you to become involved in SOT leadership by becoming a Regional Chapter Student representative!! Please find me at the upcoming meeting if you are interested in serving!! My position as a student rep for MRC-SOT will end in May as I will be taking on a chair-person position in the GSLC.

The upcoming Midwest Regional Chapter meeting of the Society of Toxicology (MRC-SOT) meeting will be held May 20th at the Marriot Resort in Lincolnshire, IL. The topic for the meeting will focus on “Large Molecule Therapies and Applied Pharmaceutical Toxicology.” More details will be available soon on the MRCSOT website.

Several student awards are presented at the spring meeting, including most innovative research and best poster presentation. Students are encouraged to submit abstracts for both the Young Investigator award and poster presentations. Abstracts and applications for the Victor A. Drill poster award and the Young Investigator Award are due April 22. Last year, the Young Investigator Award was presented to Amy Irving of the University of Wisconsin-Madison for her research proposal. She will give a 45 min presentation on her research at the upcoming meeting. Forms and more details can be found on the MRCSOT website.

The Midwest Regional Chapter of the SOT encompasses toxicologists in IL, WI and Northwestern IN. Any student who is currently a member of SOT is highly encouraged to become a member of the regional chapter. Benefits to becoming a member include diverse networking opportunities within academics and industry, the opportunity to present your research to other scientists, with the potential for future collaborations, as well as access to several travel or research awards. Membership is only $10!

For more information related to the MRCSOT chapter and MRCSOT regional meetings, please contact your graduate student representative, Tammy Elmergreen.

Tammy Elmergreen

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Email: tlelmergreen@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-265-3049

MRC-SOT 2010 to 2011 Executive Committee:


Matthew Schroeder

Covance Laboratories

Tel: 608.310.8222



Christina Wilson

Purdue University

Tel: 675-494-7440


Chair: Program Committee

Past President

Walter Prozialeck

Midwestern University

Tel: 630-515-6385


Chair: Nominating/Awards Committee


Thomas Mably

Covance Laboratories

Tel: 608-395-3619



Molly Weiler

Covance Laboratories

Tel: (608) 242-2626



Michael Biehl,

University of Illinois

Tel: 217-244-4649


Greg Erexson


Tel: 847-270-5579


Susan Henwood

Covance Laboratories

Phone: 608-241-7221


Lise Loberg

Abbott Laboratories

Phone: 847-937-5978


Regional Chapter Graduate Committee Representative

Tammy Elmergreen

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tel: 608-265-3049


Midwest Regional Chapter

Society of Toxicology

Abstract Form for the 2011 Spring Meeting

Entry Instructions

▪ Abstracts in any area of toxicology are acceptable.

▪ Use standard SOT guidelines for format.

▪ Place original copy on this form.

▪ Leave a double space between the heading and the abstract.

▪ Single space abstract text.

▪ Type within the rectangle.

▪ Use type no smaller than 12 pitch.

▪ Please proof carefully!

| |

▪ We will return to the author any abstract that

needs retyping.

▪ Submit the original and two clear copies.

▪ There is no abstract fee.

▪ Deadline for entry is April 29, 2011.

▪ All abstracts are accepted for display unless

otherwise notified.

1. Author Information








City State Zip Code


Telephone No./Fax No.

2. MRC/SOT Member ? Yes___No___

3. Is this poster a candidate for the

Victor A. Drill Award?

Yes ____No ____

4. Has this poster been presented

elsewhere? Yes___No___

All presentations will be posters on 4’by 6’ boards at the designated time. The Awards Committee will judge the entries. The winner will be announced at the conclusion of the poster session.



Graduate Student Poster Competition

11:50 – 12:20 pm


12:20 – 1:00 pm

MRC-SOT Business Meeting and Student Poster Awards

1:00 – 1:30 pm


Norbert Makori, BVM, MSc, PhD

WIL Research Labs, LLC

“Nonclinical Reproductive Toxicity Assessment”

1:30 – 2:15 am

Bharvin Patel, PhD

Eli Lilly & Company

“Antisense Inhibition of Survivin for Cancer Therapy”

2:15 – 3:00 am

Concluding Remarks

Matthew Schroeder, President

Covance Laboratories

Christina Wilson, President-Elect

Purdue University

3:00 – 3:15 am


8:00 – 9:00 am

Welcome and Introduction

9:00 – 9:15 am

Matthew Schroeder, President

Covance Laboratories

Christina Wilson, President-Elect

Purdue University


Janet Clarke, PhD, DABT

Biogen Idec, Inc.

“Toxicology of Biotherapeutics: Current Issues, Misconceptions and Perspectives”

9:15 – 10:00 am

Sarfaraz Niazi, PhD

Therapeutic Proteins, Inc.

“Toxicologic Basis of Biosimilar Regulatory Compliance Worldwide”

10:00 – 10:45 am

Refreshment Break

10:45 – 11:10 pm

2010 Young Investigator Award Presentation

Amy Irving, BA

University of Wisconsin-Madison

2010 MRC-SOT Young Investigator Award Recipient

“Influence of Environment on Colon Cancer: Using the Pirc Ra[pic][?]

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11:10 – 11:50 am

Return abstract forms with registration materials to:

Matthew Schroeder, Ph.D., DABT

Covance Laboratories Inc.

Dept of Toxicology

3301 Kinsman Blvd.

Madison, WI 53704

Phone: 608-310-8222


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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