November 2020 SRC Quarterly Report - Oregon

November 2020 SRC Quarterly Report from VRGreetings SRC Members – As we continue to adapt to this new, virtual SRC Quarterly meeting in response to COVID-19, we have developed this report to provide you with a little more in-depth information about the past three months. We have gathered some Programmatic and Field updates from VR that will hopefully provide more details about the important work of VR that you can read at your own pace. Ideally this will save time in the virtual meeting on the 6th so we can continue the important work of the SRC. A notable highlight from the past quarter was that we celebrated National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October. We worked with Governor Brown to issue a proclamation honoring and raising awareness about this important issue. Attached is the PDF and a converted Word document of this proclamation. - VR Executive Team Administration and Programmatic Updates: Workforce and Youth:Workforce: Oregon VR is currently engaged in a state-wide rollout of TAP (Talent Acquisition Portal), with training of VR counselors occurring in November and December. TAP is an online portal that includes both a national talent pool of Vocational Rehabilitation candidates looking for employment and a job posting system for business looking to hire individuals with disabilities. To learn more link to this introduction video: A Business Engagement training is being developed for delivery to VR staff around the state. The training is intended to address VR’s “dual customer approach” by educating/supporting staff on how to make meaningful connections and build strong relationships with business. VR’s Workforce and Business Coordinator, Kim Alejo, will be participating in a months-long pilot for business engagement practices hosted by the University of Massachusetts Boston. Kim will then apply her learnings to the state-wide training, which is targeted to begin in the new year. Kim Alejo, VR’s Workforce and Business Coordinator, will be joining Oregon Commission for the Blind (OCB) to co-facilitate their first Windmills training on disability awareness and inclusion.? This training will be delivered to two cohorts of 30 attendees, all OCB staff, likely in November or December. Upon completion of this training, Kim and OCB’s Business Coordinators will look to deliver Windmills training to businesses throughout the state. In October, VR’s Workforce and Business Coordinator joined ODHS-OHA’s Business Partnerships Program Managers for a tour of Baker Technical Institute’s heavy equipment training site in Albany, Oregon. ?Baker Technical Institute (BTI) is a provider of Career Technical Education programs focused on developing the next generation of skilled workers, technology innovators, entrepreneurs and community leaders in rural communities.? BTI offers cutting-edge education and training, leading to high-salary and high-demand careers such as agriculture sciences, building trades, heavy equipment operation, natural resources/environmental sciences, engineering, health services, welding and manufacturing.?During the tour, BTI’s president explained their mobile training facility and equipment moves throughout WA, OR and ID, and a cohort of program trainees were observed in the field operating heavy equipment such as a bulldozer, backhoe and excavator. WorkSource Oregon hosted a Drive Thru Job Fair in Tigard, OR in October, where VR made connections with 16 representatives from nine participating companies, large and small. Drive Thru Job Fairs are an excellent way for companies to connect with job seekers in a responsible, physically distancing way during a pandemic. It works just like a drive through restaurant in that job seekers stop their vehicle in front of each business table/tent, spread across a large parking lot. HR reps approach the passenger side of the car and speak with the candidate, who may provide a resume at that time as they give their best “elevator pitch.” Non-vehicle options are also available, and all participants wear face coverings. The SSA Cost Reimbursement program has recovered $1,627,045.92 during the period July – Sept, 2020.? During the same period, trainings have been completed for VR staff on verification of SSA (Social Security Administration) benefits for presumption of eligibility of VR services.? Trainings have also been provided on the systems used in the VR SSA program for ODHS Information Services staff. ?Ticket to Work trainings have also been provided for TTW contracted Mental Health agencies statewide.WIN (Work Incentives Network) is currently training two new Work Incentives Coordinators (WICs) who will be providing benefits planning through partnership with Independent Living Centers (Abilitree and LILA). The WIN team is making preparations for the next benefits planning certification training, set to begin February 2021, which will be open to IPS (Individual Placement and Support) and IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) community partners. This will be the first cohort which will receive their 40 hours of classroom training remotely.Youth: Michelle Markle has been hired as VR’s Youth Transition Program Coordinator (YTP). Michelle has over 20 years in K-21 and post-secondary education, ranging from Educational Assistant to Director. Her most recent work was as a Technical Assistance Provider with Oregon’s statewide YTP Management Team. We are excited to welcome Michelle into her career with VR.Last reporting quarter there were 2,756 Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services) delivered virtually. This is an incredible outcome given the many changes and adaptations necessary to continue engaging students.A new Pre-ETS Data Manual and associated training video are in process, with delivery planned for the end of November. Race/Ethnicity were updated in VRs internal records system and will now reflect incoming Pre-ETS data. Person Centered Plan (PCP) Facilitator Curriculum is in the process of updating to include “How To Facilitate Virtually,” it will go statewide to train teachers, VRC’s and specialists.? Virtual PCP’s have been happening in the Portland Metro area and in Central Oregon. The Pre-ETS Team (Pre-Employment Transition Services) is delivering services virtually via Zoom in classrooms. Training and workshops include MEGI Motivational Enhancement Group Intervention, Guided Group Discovery, Supported Decision Making, Work Experience & Job Coach Training, Non-Verbal Communication Series. Individual Services are available via Zoom in most regions with a couple areas in Oregon opening for limited in person instruction. Resources, newsletters and other communications are being shared with educators statewide. The Transition Technical Assistance Network (TTAN) has developed a website to share resources to educators. Here’s the link to learn more: of Oregon Corp who has overseen Camp LEAD will be starting a pilot project in fall/winter. This pilot will initially have past Camp LEAD graduates come together, virtually, to go over the LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, Advocacy, Development) curriculum, building on what was learned. After the initial group, they will have other groups mixed with graduates, those who applied for 2020, and students that are interested in this leadership path. They will have four cohorts, ending spring 2021. Policy and Training: Policy Updates:VR-PT 20-05 Prior approval for IPE Purchases (8/28/2020) VR-AR-20-11 Clients with High Risk (9/4/2020) VR-AR 20-12 Alternative Medical Treatment (8/21/2020) HYPERLINK "" VR-AR 20-08 Paying AFP Electronically (8/21/2020)And,OAR 582 Division 150 Transition should be made permanent by the end of OctoberTraining Updates:Trainings Readily Available:?Virtual Job Placement Services Contract Overview?(JPSCO) – Enables Vocational Rehabilitation staff to learn how the Job Development Contract is administered.?The goals of the?class are to learn?what is needed to make sure that Job Developers can do their work effectively and are being compensated correctly.V JDOT for Rural Areas - Focuses on current Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) regulations and supported employment requirements as they pertain to VR. It helps develop knowledge, skills, and best practices for job developers in their collaboration and relationships with VR Counselors, community partners and participants. Virtual Application Process -?Guides employees through the intake and referral process, while also reviewing technology literacy and accommodations, process, and documentation.Navigating the Storm (in review for update) - Covers stress and coping strategies for navigating the storm of Covid-19. The course utilizes group discussion and interaction, with a goal to provide participants with the tools and community to help navigate through COVID-19. Motivational Interviewing – All-Skate -?Aims to increase MI skills and knowledge at all levels. Highly experiential and relevant to VR, this training invites participants to examine their approach to working with participants from a self-reflective and engagement lens with evocation of dialog and planning for next steps.MEGI – Trains VR staff, Special Education Teachers, and YTP Specialists to become MEGI (Motivational Enhancement Group Intervention) Interventionists. This course aims at intervention for 14-21-year old youth with disabilities and is focused on career exploration and development. It attends to the student’s language of change, strengthens the student’s intrinsic motivation for and commitment to change, while exploring the student’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. Cultivating the Compassionate Self - Focuses on the struggles sometimes experienced when meeting with “difficult” participants (or others) by cultivating the compassionate mind. Deepening the sense of self-acceptance and self-empathy can make it easier to show acceptance and empathy toward others, which can facilitate our competence in working with “difficult” participants (and others).Trainings Currently in Development:Proper ID Acquisition - Provides information on accepting ID in a virtual environment. This course focuses on the validity of the ID and markers that can be used to determine such validity.?Determining Eligibility - Replicates the comprehensive counselor week information into a digital format. It covers documentation, review of information, requests for information, and translation into the ORCA system. The course shows what functional limitations are determined by this information and what the participant may need as part of the IPE.??Financial Needs Test - Supports the process in which VR determines what, if any, financial support a participant needs to contribute to their own success. This training covers not only the determination of this information but it’s input into ORCA.?Pre-Plan Development - Covers the comprehensive counselor week section on pre-plan assessments and process for determining a participant‘s plan. This also covers the selection of an IPE goal that is achievable by the participant, along with necessary accommodations.Critical Problem Solving in VR - Covers complex issues that VRCs can face in the field when working with participants. It provides a guide for making these complex decisions and documenting the process the VRC went through in making them. This will be an Oregon specific training.Plan Implementation - Follows after plan development and the comprehensive counselor training week section, in virtual format. It covers what services are used and how they are applied, not only with the participant but in the ORCA system.?Virtual Application and Signature Process - Follows the virtual intake process. This course covers the new online application and signature document, along with the completion of the new form.?Person Centered Thinking - Provides a process and skill set for VRCs when working with participants. This is a person focused model. Traditionally an in-person process, this course will be converted into a virtual learning environment.??DHR - Breaks down the process of verifying Social Security Disability Insurance or Income within the SSA system. Once completed, the training staff will be able to access the DHR System and request information related to SSA for verification of benefits. Understanding Policy and Guidance - Breaks down the various forms of transmittals explaining Policy, Information Memorandums and Action Required for VR Staff. This training also provides an overview of the development related to these transmittals. Finally, staff are guided to where they can find this information on OWL.Case Notes and Secure Email - Provides information and guidelines on the various areas of required documentation, case notes, and secure emails for VR Counselors to follow. These areas are explained for best practices and compliance so the case file can be in good standing if/when reviewed.Business and Operations Team Update: Currently in recruitment for a Limited Duration ORCA Help desk employee.Requested 8.5 million dollars in Allotment dollars and were awarded the full ask. Of these funds 1,275,000 million dollars will be specifically allocated Pre-ETS funds. This can help support our Youth Transition Program and we plan to communicate with our local education agencies that the YTP funding is stable. The new Job Placement Contract is complete and we are working to execute new contracts daily. We had a significant delay in providers applying, however have worked with each contractor to assist in the application process. Temporary Rate Increase was provided to job placement contractors who applied for the Job Placement contact. This temporary rate would provide additional payments for completing a client’s strategy report, job placement milestone, and job retention milestone. Our plan to provide this additional temporary rate increase was to support our employment providers who have continued to support our clients in job search during this difficult time. Job placement team is working to update a current job placement list-serve. This will help to increase communication to share training opportunities, and changes regarding payments or contracted services, etc. Extended the current IPS contacts an additional 6 months to allow for the new IPS specific RFA to be posted in ORPIN. This would allow for continued service delivery and additional time for IPS providers to apply when the RFA is posted. Updating ORCA to version 6.8.3 on November 5th.VR Field UpdatesRegion 1 Updates:Success: Region 1 is currently hosting three interns from Portland State University (PSU). Intern Kristy just began work at Washington County – Beaverton Branch. Interns Wendy and Tim are at Central Portland Branch. They are all on track to graduate June 2021. Due to COVID and giving services remotely, we have gotten creative about interns joining supervising counselors in client meetings and other duties they can complete. They will soon begin meeting on their own with clients to gain enough of the required client contact hours for the program. Recently, three interns from last year who graduated June 2020 were recently hired permanently in our branches. Grace and Bianca were hired at East Portland Branch. Aarynn was hired at Clackamas Branch. These former interns participated in the open, competitive recruitment process and were the top candidates! A Challenge: One of the biggest challenges continues to be client paperwork and getting required signatures as we work with clients virtually. This can be frustrating for clients who need to get paperwork to us, and difficult for staff in the follow-up for documents not received, or not complete with signature after the intake appointment. We are looking forward to drop boxes being installed soon (some are installed already in different parts of the state and Facilities is working on all requests) and in getting the virtual intake process improvements implemented, which includes an electronic signature process for intake paperwork.Specific to Region 1: These last couple months, we have been focusing on our partnerships with local schools and youth transition programs as the school year starts up again. Last fall, each Branch Manager worked with their local School and Transition team to create a master spreadsheet of all the schools by school district and transition programs in their area. These lists are extensive in some areas and are single-points of contacts in others. For example, in Region 1, the Beaverton School District has over 40,000 total students, while Warrenton School District has about 1,400 total students. County planning meetings for School and Transition are scheduled for this fall to review the list of programs and update VR counselors (VRCs) working with the programs as well as the contacts for school staff.?These planning meetings will include Branch Managers, Youth Transition Program (YTP) Technical Assistance Providers, Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Coordinators, Transition Network Facilitators (TNFs), and the VR Regional Manager. Once these school and transition lists are updated, Branch Managers can use them with staff to do field-level planning around partnerships with specific programs. Better coordination with our partners has a direct impact on the quality of our services to the youth we serve ensuring better outcomes for all.??? Region 2 Updates:Success: One branch in Region 2 recently assisted a supported mental health client working as a picker and packer at Peterson-Arne Distribution. VR provided a bicycle for the client to get to and from work, as public transportation services had been running on a truncated schedule during COVID. Natural supports on the job were developed successfully and there was excellent support from and collaboration with Integrated Behavioral Health. A YTP student with significant learning disabilities is now working for Home Depot in Eugene. He works nights from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am and does freight and stocking work. He recently passed his driver’s test – on the first try. This young man is now able to pay off the rest of his truck, pay his own vehicle insurance, and put a portion of his paycheck in the bank each month. His family is so proud of him! His success is partially due to the supports of the VRC, the YTP specialist and other staff supporting his future for the past two years.A Challenge: Many staff members are having to monitor their own children’s virtual learning with schools doing virtual sessions. It becomes frustrating and overwhelming to not only work full time, but juggle the additional time requirements for this school year.Specific to Region 2:Staff report that the learning curve is tailoring off for virtual intakes and they feel more comfortable with the process. It is exciting to see that clients are still progressing and finding employment despite the pandemic and other events of 2020. There are some staff who have been able to help colleagues and clients in other branches due to some tasks being done virtually. Region 3 Updates: Fun Fact about Region 3: Three of the nation’s top 20 largest counties by area are in Region 3 – Harney (10th), Malheur (12th) and Lake (19th). That adds up to A LOT of square feet and miles to cover! Success: During this quarter, Region 3 is successfully onboarding new staff. We are paying attention to all the safety and health needs of everyone involved. It is a new and different way of doing things! Many of the new staff appreciate the opportunity to deliver services to clients through the virtual format. We are promoting the RiSE culture, a culture of positive intent that is trauma informed and strengths based.We continue to deliver most of our services virtually (online or by telephone). We are excited about drop boxes coming for most our locations, to facilitate safe and secure transfer of needed paperwork. Some employers have worked very well with our clients and remained flexible during this time. One such employer offered flexible hours to a client with concerns for exposure to COVID. The client wanted to retain the job, and the employer worked to retain the employee – it was a win/win success! We would like to recognize the significant contribution made by our partners. They are navigating the changes to service delivery, continuing to stay in contact, coming up with creative ways to connect with us and clients. We appreciate all our partners are doing!Challenge: Capacity in rural parts of Oregon (the majority of Region 3) continues to be a challenge, especially regarding job development, YTP referrals and rehabilitation outcomes from YTP programs. Staff are looking for creative solutions and increased communications with partners, to problem solve.Specific to Region 3: The devastating wildfires around our state impacted Region 3 in ways that may have implications for VR staff. Almost a million acres of land and thousands of homes were burned throughout rural Oregon, including those in the towns of Talent and Phoenix in Jackson County. Warm Springs and Klamath Tribal lands and people were greatly affected. VR staff are aware that while the initial need is being met by emergency response and other services, we may see an increase in need for VR services in the future. We have attended several meetings to stay apprised of the situation. Many staff reached out to check on clients and contributed to a variety of relief efforts. Staff engaged in trauma informed care amongst themselves as well, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the events. We are grateful for an agency that continues to support efforts for recovery and resiliency. \s\s ................

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