1. 21 Aug. 1635 These underwritten names are to be transported to

Virginia, imbarqued in the "George" JO: SEVERNE Mr bound thither p examination of the Minister of Gravesend CC. . . . ELIZ: BRISTOWE, age 17 yeres, . . (Hotten, p. 124)

2. 14 July 1637 CAPT. HENRY BROWNE, Esq., one of the Council of State,

2250 acs. James Cittie Co., . . . (Patent Book No. 1 - Part I). . . . 250 acs. by purchase from Capt. William Perrye & Capt. Thomas Osborne, Overseers of the will of John Smith, whoe by sd. will did ordeyne the sd. overseers to make sale of sd. land. The following names appear under this record: . . . Capt. Henry Browne, LAUR. BRISTOE, . . (Nugent I, p. 61)

3. 24 Aug. 1637 ROBERT THROCKMORTON, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., . . . p.

508 (Patent Book No. 1 - Part II), . . . Due for his own per. adv. & trans. of 5 pers: JOHN BRISTOE, Robert Turner, Henry Warren, Thomas Clarke, Richard Bilcliffe. (Nugent I, p. 77)

4. 4 Nov. 1637 PHILLIPP TAYLOR, 500 acs. Accomack Co., . . . p. 496

(Patent Book No. 1 - Part II). . . .100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife & 400 acs. for trans. of 8 pers: Tho. Willis, Jon. Charles, FR. BRISTOE, Symon Wright, Rebecca Bayly, Thomas Edwards, Eliza. Thomas, Francisco a Negroe. (Nugent I, p. 74)

5. 6 June 1646 . . . Lease of 70 acs. for 21 yrs. & confirmation of former patent for 1,090 acs. unto Sir William Berkeley, Govr., in right of trans. of 22 pers. . . . The names of the persons upon which the within mentioned land containing 1,090 acs., is due was procured in court the 6th day of June, 1646, and are all hereunder written, there remayning due unto sd. Berkeley 13 pers. to take up land & 10 acs. of the last name to make good this right: . . . THOMAS BRISTOW, . . . (Nugent I, p. 160)

6. 25 Feb. 1653 FIRDINANDO AUSTIN, 1200 acs. Chas. City Co., . . .

p. 369 (Patent Book No. 3). . . Trans. of 24 pers: . . . JONE BRISTOLL, . . .

(Nugent I, p. 314)

7. 23 Feb. 1653 RICHARD BURTON, 360 acs., . . . (Patent Book No. 3). . . Trans. of 8 pers: . . . ELIZ. BRISTOW, . . . (Nugent I, p. 290)

8. 23 Feb. 1656 JOHN PHIPS (Phyps), 120 acs., James City Co., . . .

p. 69, (101), (Patent Book No. 4). . . . formerly granted unto Dr. Jno. Potts, 20 Sept. 1628 & by Capt. Potts, heir of sd. Dr. Potts, assigned unto ROBERT BRISTOW & by JOANE, the relict of sd. BRISTOW, assigned unto Edward Prince, who assigned unto William Parry, who assigned to Sir Wm. Berkeley, & by him assigned unto sd. Phips. . . . (Nugent I, p. 340)

9. 15 Apr. 1656 Lancaster Co., Virginia (Record Book No. 2, 1637-1640):

p. 25. John Carter of Rappahannock gives "my two children John and Elizabeth my ten negroes named x x x" Wit: Wm. Underwood, THO. BRISTOE. Ack. 15 Apl. 1656. Rec. 12 June 1656. (Fleet I, p. 105)

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10. 1658 WESTMORELAND COUNTY was created, carved from Northumberland County, in Virginia.

11. 1660-1680 ROBERT BRISTOW (in Virginia 1660-1680, b. 1643); Stafford county; second son of ROBERT BRISTOW, Esq., of Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire. (V. M., XIII, 59-62); (Stanard. Some Emigrants to Virginia,

p. 17)

12. 8 Apr. 1661 Lancaster Co., Virginia, Record Book No. 2, 1637-1640:

p. 211. Power of Atty. Philip Mallory of Virginia, in the County of York, Clerk, to Mr. Mathew Kempe of the County of Lancaster, gent., to make delivery of a parcel of land "of a thousand acres sictuate in the aforesd County of Lancaster in Fleets Bay (formerly belonging unto Humphrey Tabb decd) as by pattent appearing unto ROBERT BRISTOW and Edward Welsh jointly by stick and turfe according to the Laws & customes of England x x." Dated April 8th 1661.

Signed Philip Malory. Wit: Roger Malory. Recorded 8th May 1661. (Fleet I,

p. 135)

13. 1663 JOHN BRISTOW, as a youth, was found wandering in the Colony, in 1663, and, because he could offer no good reason for his being there, he was indentured for a period of seven years. (Order Book, Lancaster County, Virginia, 1663, p. 264); (Walton, p. 69).

14. 29 Sept. 1663 ROBT. BRISTOW, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., . . . p. 342, (351), (Patent Book No. 5). . . . Granted to Humph. Tabb, 22 Mar. 1654, & by Tho. Tabb, his son & heir, assigned to Mr. Phill. Mallory, who assigned to sd. BRISTOW & Edm. Welch & sd. Welch wholly assigned to sd. BRISTOW. (Nugent I,

p. 505).

15. 1664 STAFFORD COUNTY was created; carved from WESTMORELAND COUNTY, in Virginia.

16. 12 Sept. 1664 Lancaster Co., Virginia, Record Book No. 2, 1637-1640:

p. 346. Arthur Nash sells to Mary Bayley daughter unto Robt. Bayley, decd., one milch cow known by the name of Honesty. . . . Signed Arthur Nash. Wit. Nick Mason, JO. BRISTOW. Power of Attorney. Arthur Nash to "my wel beloved friend Mr. Edward Dale" to ack. above bill of sale. Dated 14th Jan. 1664/5. Signed Arthur Nash. Wit: Willm. Edenden, John Gardner. Recorded 11th April 1666. (Fleet I, p. 158).

17. 25 Oct. 1665 Mr. ROBT. BRISTOW, 398 acs. Gloster Co., . . . p. 438, (523), (Patent Book No. 5). On the N. River in Mockjack bay, beg. at a tree parting this & land of Thomas Morris, W. along land of Major Curtis & land of Harris &c. to the mouth of the Back Cr. being parallel with land of Mr. Rich. Young, thence crossing the back Cr. mouth to beg. 288 acs. granted unto MRS. AVERILLA CURTIS, 4 Apr. 1661, being parte of a devdt. of 410 acs. & by her assigned to sd. BRISTOW her husband, & 110 acs. for trans. of 3 pers: "3 rights due for a former patent granted to MRS. AVERILLA CURTIS in folio 15."

(Nugent I, p. 536).

18. 5 Apr. 1666 DAVID WILLIAMSON, 6000 acs. Accomack Co., . . . p. 499, (611), (Patent Book No. 5). Trans. of 120 pers: . . . JOHN BRISTOLL, . . .

(Nugent I, p. 554).

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19. 7 May 1666 MR. ROBT. BRISTOW, 184 acs. Gloster Co. in Mockjack bay, . . . p. 496, (607), (Patent Book No. 5). . . . (Nugent I, p. 553).

20. 20 Apr. 1670 ROBERT BEVERLY, 2000 acs. Rappa. Co., . . . p. 286 (Patent Book No. 6). . . . Trans. of 40 pers: . . . CAPT. ROBT. BRISTOW, . . .

(Nugent II, p. 73).

21. 8 Oct. 1672 EDMOND GROSSE, 1300 acs., New Kent Co., . . . p. 413.

(Patent Book No. 6). Trans. of 26 pers: . . . CAPT. ROBT. BRISTOLL, 2, . . .

(Nugent II, pp. 111-112).

22. 8 Oct. 1672 WM. WATSON, 750 acs., New Kent Co., . . . p. 411

(Patent Book No. 6). Trans. of 15 pers: CAPT. ROBERT BRISTOW, twice, . . .

(Nugent II, p. 111).

23. 1673 MIDDLESEX COUNTY was created, carved from LANCASTER COUNTY, in VIRGINIA. (Everton, p. 237).

24. 13 May 1673 JAMES TRICE, 236 acs., New Kent Co., . . . p. 451

(Patent Book No. 6). Trans. of 3 pers: ROBT. BRISTOW, twice; and "a woman died at sea." (Nugent II, p. 125).

25. 23 May 1673 THO. RYLAND, 120 acs., Gloucester Co., in Kingstone Par., . . . p. 453 (Patent Book No. 6). Beg. at cor. belonging formerly to sd. Ryland; adj. Caleb Helder; MAJOR ROBT. BRISTOWE, &c. Trans. of 3 Pers: Alice Ryland, Tho. Rush, Rich. Lake. (Nugent II, p. 125).

26. 23 Aug. 1673 The Sommer Islands: The Names of ye Govern' & Councill of ye Assembly: . . . JOHN BRISTOW, JUNIR., . . . (Hotten, p. 303.

27. 23 Oct. 1673 MAJOR ROBT. BRISTOW, 930 acs., Gloucester Co., in Kingston Par., on NE side of Mobjack Bay, nere mouth of North Riv.; adj. Tho. Ryland; & Mr. Tho. Preston; . . . p. 479 (Patent Book No. 6). 700 acs. granted Wm. Ap Thomas 16 Nov. 1652; renewed 28 Oct. 1662; sould to Capt. Thomas Todd, who sould to sd. BRISTOW; 230 acs. newly taken & due for trans. of 5 pers: Wm. Fisher, Wm. Carter, Jno. Whetstone, Henry Charles, & Barnaby a Negroe. (Nugent II, pp. 133-134).

28. 8 Apr. 1674 Mr. RICHD. WHITEHEAD, 2000 acs., Rappa. & New Kent Co's.; . . . p. 508 (Patent Book No. 6). Trans. of __ pers: MAJOR ROBT. BRISTOW, twice; . . . (Nugent II, p. 146).

29. 9 May 1680 JOHANNAH BRISTOW, dau. of JNO. & MICHALL BRISTOW, bapt.

Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 15).

30. 1680 ROBERT BRISTOW, a contemporary and a neighbor of JOHN BRISTOW, in Virginia, after acquiring extensive lands and serving in the House of Burgesses, returned to England about 1680. He continued to amass great wealth. In 1698, he was elected to Parliament for Winchelsea, and about the same time was appointed a Director of the Bank of England.

*NOTE: The ancestry of ROBERT BRISTOW has been well established. His

father was JOHN BRISTOW, a yeoman of Binsted, Hampshire, who

died in 1645, leaving sons NICHOLAS, JOHN, ROBERT, HENRY, and

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descended from a family seated anciently at Burstow in Surrey,

whence by a corruption of the name came BRISTOW. (Walton, p. 69).

31. 29 Oct. 1682 WILLIAM BRISTOW, son of JOHN & MICHALL BRISTOW, bapt.

Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 19).

32. 29 May 1683 THOMAS JOYNER, JUNR., 290 acs., on branches of the Western Br. of Nanzemond (Riv.); . . . p. 294 (Patent Book No. 7(. Beg. at Mr. William Bodie's (Boddy) corner, in Mr. Coleman's line; to a maine br. of Elme Swamp; to Jno. Gardner; by sd. Garner's lines, &c. Trans. of 6 pers: . . . FRA. BRISTOW, . . . (Nugent II, p. 264).

33, 15 Feb. 1684/5 MICHALL, dau. of JNO. & MICHALL BRISTOW, bapt. Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 27).

34. 1687 John Bayley, of Mobjack Bay in Yorke River, ye., merchant, & Eliz., his wife (possibly sister of) Mary wife of John Moreley, St. Giles in Fields, victualler, plaintiff with John Burningham, as to real estate of JOHN BRISTOW, dect., in Froyle and Issington in Banstead, Hants. (P.R.O. Chanc. B & A before 1714 C. 5 Bridges 89/56). (Frank Smith. Immigrants To America Appearing In English Records, pp. 82-83).

35. 20 Apr. 1687 Mr. THOMAS BOSWELL (Bozwell), 1100 acs., Gloster Co., Ware Par.; on Ware River; adj. MAJ. ROBERT BRISTOW; . . . p. 580, (Patent Book No. 7). . . . (Nugent II, p. 310).

36. 12 June 1687 THOMAS BRISTOW, son of JNO. & MICHALL BRISTOW, bapt. Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 34).

37. 23 Nov. 1687 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 2, 1680-1694):

(p. 317) The following men are to provide a man, horse and armes: . . . JOHN BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 186).

38. 6 July 1690 ELIZABETH, dau. of JOHN & MICHALL BRISTOW, baptized.

Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 40).

39. 13 Mar. 1691/2 SARAH, dau. of JNO. & MICHALL BRISTOW, bapt. Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 51).

40. 1692 RICHMOND COUNTY was created; carved from Rappahannock (old) County, in Virginia. It lies adjacent to Westmoreland and Lancaster Counties, in Virginia. (Everton, p. 238).

41. 17 June 1694 NICHOLAS, son of JOHN & MICHALL BRISTOW, baptized. Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 42).

42. 1 Oct. 1694 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 2, 1680-1694):

(p. 709) JOHN BRISTOW has made a piece of Linening cloath containing 21 yards.

(Hopkins, p. 207).

43. Oct. 1695 Maximilian Robinson, of Rotherhithe, Surrey, who died at sea on ship "Aurelia," mariner. (Lands in Virginia). Probate to ROBERT BRISTOW the younger with similar powers reserved to brother Heneage Robinson. Wi. (Peter Wilson Coldham. English Estates of American Colonists, p. 49).

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44. 10 May 1696 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 3, 1694-1705):

(p. 127) George Freestone, age 6 in October next and son of William Freeson, is bound to WILLIAM BRISTOE until he is 21. (Hopkins, p. 215).

45. 7 Mar. 1697 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 3, 1694=1705):

(p. 217) Probate of the noncupative will of Mary Attwood, decd., granted to Thomas Orwell(?). Wit: JOHN BRISTOE and John Meacham. (Hopkins, p. 220).

46. 4 July 1698 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 3, 1694-1705):

(p. 231) Oaths of Elizabeth Weeks, Mary Goodloe, Charity Howard, Joseph Goodloe, JOHN BRISTOE, Henry Freeman and Thomas Hedgcock. (Hopkins, p. 222).

47. 7 Nov. 1698 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book A, 1698-1713):

(p. 27) Mary Head, widow, . . . 7 Nov. 1698/6 Feb. 1698/9, . . . Wit: HENRY BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 58).

48. 3 Feb. 1700 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book A, 1698-1713):

(p. 55) Inventory of Estate of Richard Willis, Gent. Mentions "Madam Willis," Debts owed to: . . . JOHN BRISTOW, . . . WILLIAM BRISCOE, . . . (Hopkins, p. 60).

49. 3 Feb. 1700 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book A, 1698-1713):

(p. 49-55?) Inventory of Estate of Mr. Randolph Seger, decd., by Samuel Gray, surviving administrator. . . . Debts owed the estate: . . . WILLIAM BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 60).

50. 7 Nov. 1700 OWEN SULLIVAN, 254 acs., Pr. Anne Co.; . . . p. 271

(Patent Book No. 9). . . . Trans. of 5 pers: . . . THOMAS BRISTOW, . . .

(Nugent III, p. 37).

51. 22 Sept. 1703 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book A, 1698-1713):

(p. 166) John Deverdell, . . . 22 Sep. 1703/7 Aug. 1704, . . . Son in law John Micham. Wit: William Daniell, JOHN BRISTOW, and William Ryan. (Hopkins, p. 63).

52. 1704 The Quit Rents of Virginia:

JOHN BRISTOW - Middlesex Co., 140 acres.

ROBERT BRISTOW, Esqr. - Ware Parish, Gloucester Co.,

2050 acres.

ROBERT BRISTOW, Esqr. - Kingston Parish, Gloucester

Co., 900 acres.

(Annie Laurie Wright Smith. The Quit Rents of Virginia,

1704, p. 12).

53. 7 Dec. 1704 WILLIAM BRISTOW married MARGARET STARK in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 63).

54. 27 Nov. 1705 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book A, 1698-1713):

(p. 171) JOHN NICHOLLS, . . . 27 Nov. 1705/8 Jan. 1706, . . . Grandsons John Roads, son of Hezekiah Roads, and THOMAS BRISTOW, son of JOHN BRISTOW. Exors:

JOHN BRISTOW and Hezekiah Roads. Wit: . . . (Hopkins, p. 64).

55. 13 Mar. 1705/6 Richmond Co., Virginia Records, 1704-1724:

(p. 73) Debtor Mr. George Alsup his Account Curr'o: . . . 1705/6 March 13 To do paid do to ROBT BRISTOLL 17: 4: _, . . . (Fleet I, p. 302).

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56. 17 July 1706 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book A, 1698-1713):

(p. 191) Thomas Stapleton, . . . 19 July 1706/6 Nov. 1706, . . . Sons John Stapleton, George Stapleton, and Thomas Stapleton. Exor: Wife Mary Stapleton.

Daughter Anne Stapleton. Wit: Gawin Corbin, JOHN BRISTOW, and Richard Atwood.

(Hopkins, p. 64).

57. 23 Oct. 1707 John Owen married MICHAEL BRISTOW, in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 80).

58. 7 June 1708 George Barwick married ELIZABETH BRISTOW, in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 81).

59. 4 June 1709 EDWARD, son of WILLIAM and MARGARET BRISTOW was born; baptized 6 July 1709; in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, pp. 73 & 79).

60. 1 May 1711 THOMAS BRISTOW married CATHERINE WORTLEY, in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 82).

61. 2 Feb. 1713 WILLIAM, son of WILLIAM and MARGARETT BRISTOW was born; baptized 4 March 1713; in Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 89).

62. 2 Feb. 1713 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 165) Petition of George Carter, Jr. to have JOHN BRISCOE and MARY BRISCOE his wife executors of William Carter, decd., to make an account of the estate. (Hopkins, p. 229).

63. 1 May 1713 MARY, daughter of THOMAS and KATHERINE BRISTOW, was born; baptized 24 May 1713; in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 87).

64. 7 Aug. 1713 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 134) Estate of William Carter, decd., to be divided into thirds and MARY BRISTOE to choose her third. (Hopkins, p. 227).

65. 10 Aug. 1713 JEDIDIAH, son of JOHN and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 6 September 1713; in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 87).

66. 1 Sept. 1713 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 137) Deed of William Carter and his wife Dorcas Carter to JOHN BRISTOW.

(p. 137) George Carter against JOHN BRISTOE and his wife MARY BRISTOE.

(Hopkins, p. 227).

67. 1 Dec. 1713 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 151) JOHN BRISTOE and SARAH BRISTOW fined for SARAH BRISTOE having a Bastard child. (Hopkins, p. 228).

68. 6 Apr. 1714 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book B, 1713-1734, Part I): (p. 11) Inventory of Estate of William Carter, decd., has an account with WILLIAM BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 71).

69. 9-10 Aug. 1715 Essex Co., Virginia (Deeds and Wills, 1714-1717):

(p. 520) Lease and Release. . . . Alexander Graves of Christ Church Par., Middlesex Co., sells George Stapleton, for L50, Sterl., 200 acres in Essex Co.,

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adj. lands of Thomas Crow, Wm. Chance, William Gefferys, and Dan'll Dobbins, which 200 acres Graves bought of Morgin Swinney and his wife Ann and Henry Purkins and his wife Tabitha Purkins. Signed Alexander Graves. Wit: Richins Brame, JOHN BRISTOW, NICHOLAS BRISTOW. Mary Graves, wife to sd. Alexander, reling. her right of dower, Rec. 15 May 1716. (Fleet II, p. 70).

70. 15 Aug. 1715 MARY, daughter of JOHN and MARY BRISTOW, was born;

baptized 4 September 1715; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 92).

71. 9 Nov. 1715 JOHN, son of THOMAS and CATHERINE BRISTOW, was born;

baptized 4 December 1715; in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 92).

72. 2 Jan. 1716 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 307) James Meacham against MARY BRISTOW, executrix of William Carter, decd. (Hopkins, p. 237).

73. 20 Feb. 1716 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book B, 1713-1734, Part I): (p. 51) JOHN BRISTOW, . . . 20 Feb. 1716/6 Nov. 1716, . . . Son NICHOLAS BRISTOW. Daughter ANNE BRISTOW. Grandson JOHN BRISTOW, son of THOMAS BRISTOW, William Owen, son of MICHAEL (MICHAL) OWEN. Son WILLIAM BRISTOW. Son JAMES BRISTOW. Wife MARY BRISTOW and children. Exors: Sons NICHOLAS BRISTOW and JAMES BRISTOW. Wit: William Daniell, William Daniell, Jr., and Mary Rice. (Hopkins, p. 73).

74. 6 Mar. 1716 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 316) MARY BRISTOW against NICHOLAS BRISTOW and JAMES BRISTOW, executors of JOHN BRISTOW, decd. (Hopkins, p. 238).

75. 10 Oct. 1716 JOHN BRISTOW dyed October ye 10 and was buried October ye 13, 1716, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 172).

76. 6 Nov. 1716 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 302) NICHOLAS BRISTOW presents the will of JOHN BRISCOW, decd. Wit:

William Daniell, William Daniell, Jr., and Mary Rice. (Hopkins, p. 236).

77. 5 Nov. 1717 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book B, 1713-1734, Part I): (p. 83) Inventory of Estate of JOHN BRISTOW, decd., by NICHOLAS BRISTOW and JAMES BRISTOW, executors. (Hopkins, p. 75).

78. 3 Jan. 1718 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):

(p. 407) Will of Peter Chilton, decd., by the executors viz: William Blackborne and WILLIAM BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 244).

79. 5 Apr. 1718 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book B, 1713-1734, Part I): (p. 107) Peter Chilton, . . . 5 Apr. 1718/3 Jan. 1718, . . . Grandson and granddaughter, children of my son Peter Chilton. Son William Chilton. Wife Abigaile Chilton. My three sons viz: William Chilton, Thomas Chilton, and Zebulon Chilton. Wit: W. Blackberrie(?), WILLIAM BRISTOW, and Mary Curtfely(?). (Hopkins, p. 76).

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80. 17 May 1718 CHARLES, son of WILLIAM and MARGRETT BRISTOW, was born;

baptized 13 July 1718; in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 99).

81. 1 July 1718 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Order Book 5, 1710-1726):(p. 383) CHICHESTER BRISTOW and MARY BRISTOW, infants of MARY BRISTOW, their guardian against NICHOLAS BRISTOW and JAMES BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 242).

82. 27 Aug. 1718 MARY, daughter of JAMES and ANNE BRISTOW, was born; baptized 21 September 1718, Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 100.

83. 23 Sept. 1719 ANNE BRISTOW dyed . . . and was buried Septemr ye 24, 1719, Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 176).

84. 9 Feb. 1720 JAMES BRISTOW married (2nd) MARY TWYMAN, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 163).

85. 25 June 1721 JOHN, son of NICHOLAS and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 16 July 1721; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 107).

86. 15 Dec. 1721 CATHERINE, daughter of JAMES and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 28 December 1721; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 109).

87. 17 July 1722 MICHAL, daughter of WILLIAM and MARGRETT BRISTOW, was born; baptized 19 August 1722; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 111).

88. 30 Jan. 1723 JEMIMA, daughter of NICHOLAS and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 8 March 1723; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 114).

89. 7 Feb. 1723 GEORGE, son of JAMES and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 8 March 1723; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 114).

90. 4 May 1725 ANNE, daughter of WILLIAM and MARGRETT BRISTOW, was born; baptized 30 May 1725; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 117).

91. 13 Oct. 1725 JEMIMAH BRISTOW dyed; was buried October 15, 1725. (Parish Register, p. 182).

92. 28 Oct. 1726 ANNE, daughter of JAMES and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 12 November 1726; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 120).

93. 2 Nov. 1726 WILLIAM, son of NICHOLAS and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 12 November 1726; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 120).

94. 19 Nov. 1726 JOHN, son of THOMAS and KATHERINE BRISTOW, died in Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia. (King. Parish Register, p. 21).

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95. 1 Nov. 1727 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book B, 1713-1734):

(p. 333) John Smith, . . . 1 Nov. 1727/2 Jan. 1727, . . . Wit: Edward Clark, Edward Smith, and WILLIAM BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 86).

96. 26 Jan. 1728 KATHERINE, daughter of THOMAS and KATHERINE BRISTOW, was born in Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia. (King. Parish Register, p. 21(?).

97. 14 May 1728 ELIZABETH, daughter of WILLIAM and MARGRETT BRISTOW, was born; baptized 26 May 1728; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 124).

98. 18 Dec. 1729 ELIZABETH, daughter of JAMES and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 8 February 1729; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 128).

99. 27 Mar. 1730 SAMUEL, son of NICHOLAS and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 12 April 1730; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 129).

100. 26 May 1730 ELIZABETH, daughter of WILLIAM BRISTOW, dyed in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 187).

101. 1730/1 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY was created, formed from parts of King George and Stafford counties, in Virginia. (Everton, p. 238).

102. 9 Nov. 1731 MICHELL BRISTOW, son (dau. ?) of THOMAS and KATHERINE BRISTOW, was born in Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia. (King. Parish Register, p. 21(?).

103. 9 Jan. 1732 HANNAH, daughter of NICHOLAS and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 11 February 1732; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 135).

104. 13 Mar. 1732 AVARILLA, daughter of JAMES and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 8 April 1733; Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 136).

105. 27 Jan. 1734 NICHOLAS BRISTOW dyed in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 190).

106. 29 Aug. 1734 WILLIAM, son of EDWARD and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 139).

107. 5 Nov. 1734 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1732-1737):

(p. 35) Deed of RICHARD BRISTOW and wife MARY BRISTOWto Thomas Price. (Hopkins, p. 265).

108. 6 May 1735 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1732-1737):

(p. 48) MARY BRISTOW, administratrix of NICHOLAS BRISTOW, decd. (Hopkins,

p. 266).

109. 8 Sept. 1735 MARTHA BRISTOE to Bryan Connelly, in Prince William Co., Virginia. (Deed Book B, p. 422).

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110 6 Apr. 1736 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1732-1737):

(p. 65) WILLIAM BRISTOW, Charles Collier of King & Queen Co., Elizabeth Ball of King & Queen Co., and Hannah Brown are witnesses. (Hopkins, p. 267).

111. 22 July 1736 JANE, daughter of JAMES and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized; in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 143).

112. 13 Aug. 1736 EDWARD, son of ROBERT and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 144).

113. 15 May 1737 RANDOLPH RHODES married MARY BRISTOW (widow of NICHOLAS BRISTOW), in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register,

p. 169).

114. 1736-1737 THOMAS BRISTOW made several payments of rent to the Wansford Arrington Orphans, in Prince William Co., Virginia. (Will Book C,

pp. 190-193).

115. 1737 JOHN BRISTOW ran away from home in Middlesex Co., Virginia, when he was 16 years of age, about 1737, and settled in Stafford Co., Virginia. (Walton, pp. 71 & 73) & (Connelley, pp. 1255-1257).

116. 15 Mar. 1738 THOLOMIAH, son of RANDOLPH and MARY (GARDNER/BRISTOW) RHODES, was born; baptized 2 April 1738; in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 147).

117. 26 Oct. 1738 Thomas Chainey married CATHRINE BRISTOW in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 170).

118. 13 Dec. 1738 MARY AMMON, daughter of Christopher and MARY (BRISTOW) Ammon, was born; baptized 18 February 1739; in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 137).

119. 7 Jan. 1738/9 RICHARD, son of EDWARD and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born;

baptized 28 January 1738/9; Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co. Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 148).

120. 18 Feb. 1739/40 RANDOLPH, son of RANDOLPH and MARY (GARDNER/BRISTOW) RHODES, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. )Parish Register, p. 150).

121. 1740 Virginia in 1740: A Reconstructed Census.


BENJAMIN - Prince William Co. (Dettingen, Tithables 1747).

JOHN - Prince William Co. (Dettingen, Tithables 1747).

THOMAS - Prince William Co. (Dettingen, Tithables 1747).


ANN DODD - Northampton Co. (Order Book #20, 1732-42).

JEDIDIAH - Middlesex Co. (Parish Register, 1653-1812).

NICHOLAS - Middlesex Co. (Orders 1740-1744 & Will Book C, 1740-1748).

RICHARD - Northampton Co. (Order Book #20, 1732-42).

(T.L.C. Genealogy. Virginia in 1740: A Reconstructed Census, pp. 41-42).

- 11 -

122. 3 Mar. 1740 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):

(p. 154) JAMES BRISTOW states that he, JOHN OWEN (decd.) and CATHERINE WARWICK were administrators of PHILIP WARWICK, decd. (Hopkins, p. 272).

123. 3 Mar. 1740 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):


124. 20 Mar. 1740 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book C, 1740-1748):

(p. 72) WILLIAM BRISTOW, . . . 20 Mar. 1740/7 Dec. 1742, . . . Wife MARGARET


"All my children viz: EDWARD BRISTOW, WILLIAM BRISTOW, CHARLES BRISTOW, MICAL BRISTOW and ANN BRISTOW." Exor: Wife. Wit: James Daniel, Vivion Daniel and Margaret Daniel. (Hopkins, pp. 92-93).

125. 7 Oct. 1740 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book C, 1740-1743):

(p. 17) Inventory of NICHOLAS BRISTOW, decd. (Mentions "widow and 5 children").

(Hopkins, p. 91).

126. 7 Oct. 1740 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1734):

(p. 144) Settlement of the Estate of NICHOLAS BRISTOW, decd. (Hopkins,

p. 271). - 11 -

127. 2 Apr. 1741 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book C, 1740-1748):

(p. 175) MARY BRISTOW, . . . 2 Apr. 1741/___ 1744. Daughter MARY AMMON.

Grandson WILLIAM DANIELL. Exor: my son JEDIDIAH BRISTOW. Wit: James Campbell, John Price, and Mary Carter. (Hopkins, p. 95).

128. 14 Dec. 1741 TOMSON, son of JEDEDIAH and CATHERINE BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 153).

129. 16 Dec. 1741 CATHERINE BRISTOW died in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 194).

130. 1742 FAIRFAX COUNTY was created, formed from parts of Prince William and Loudoun counties, in Virginia. (Everton, p. 235).

131. 6 Apr. 1742 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):

(p. 185) Deed of WILLIAM BRISTOW and wife MARGARET BRISTOW to WILLIAM BRISTOW, JR. (Hopkins, p. 273).

132. 6 Apr. 1742 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):

(p. 185) Deed of MARY BRISTOW to JEDIDIAH BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 274).

133. 28 Apr. 1742 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):

(p. 188) WILLIAM BRISTOW, JR. for taking up a slave of Joseph Small. (Hopkins, p. 274).

134. 15 Nov. 1742 WILLIAM BRISTOW died in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 194).

135. 7 Dec. 1742 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):

(p. 207) MARGARET BRISTOW, executrix of WILLIAM BRISTOW, decd. (Hopkins,

p. 275).

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136. 16 June 1743 ANN, daughter of RANDOLPH and MARY (GARDNER/BRISTOW) RHODES, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 155).

137. 28 Aug. 1743 SARAH, daughter of EDWARD and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register,

p. 156).

138. 5 Sept. 1744 MARY BRISTOW died in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 195).

139. 6 Nov. 1744 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1740-1744):

(p. 265) JEDEDIAH BRISTOW, executor of MARY BRISTOW, decd. (Hopkins, p. 277).

140. 16 Feb. 1745 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book C, 1740-1748):

(p. 405) EDWARD CLARK, . . . 16 Feb. 1745/5 Apr. 1748, . . . Wit: EDWARD BRISTOW and ELIZABETH BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 101). = 12 -

141. 7 May 1746 ELIZABETH, daughter of EDWARD and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register,

p. 159).

142. 5 June 1746 JEDEDIAH BRISTOW, 400 acs. Goochland Co., on the S. brs. of Fluvanna Riv., adj. William Cannon; . . . p. 58 (Patent Book No. 25).

L2. Whereas by Pat., 12 March 1739/40 gtd. John Thompson (PB 18 p. 559) And Whereas the sd John Thompson hath failed to make Cultiv. & Improv. and JEDEDIAH BRISTOW hath made Suit and hath obtained a G. for the same. (Hudgins, p. 194).

143. 11 Nov. 1746 JAMES, son of GEORGE and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 7 December 1746; in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia.

(Parish Register, p. 160).

144. 17 Nov. 1746 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book C, 1740-1748):

(p. 341) WILLIAM DANIEL, . . . 17 Nov. 1746/3 Feb. 1746, . . . Son-in-law Robert Daniel. Daughter Lucy Daniel. Son Josiah Daniel my plantation, . . .

that part of Mr. Watt's land that came by his mother. Daughter Agatha Daniel the land I bought of Eusebius Lewis, Land whereon old John Jones lives. Daughters Sarah Daniel, Rachel Daniel, Ann Daniel, and Frances Daniel (All under age 18). Brothers Richard Daniel, EDWARD BRISTOW, and James Cole.

Sister Jochebed Jefferson. Exors: Sons Josiah Daniel and Robert Daniel and my wife ANN DANIEL. Wit: Henry Thacker, John Strachey, Judith Wortham and Anne Smith. (Hopkins, p. 99).

145. 10 Mar. 1746/7 HANNAH BRISTOW dyed in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 196). *NOTE: She was probably a daughter of NICHOLAS and MARY BRISTOW; born 9 Jan. 1732.

146. 25 Sept. 1747 ____ces, son of WILLIAM and RUTH BRISTOW, was born; baptized 2 Oct. 1747; in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 286).

147. 6 Oct. 1747/8 WILLIAM, son of JOHN and MARY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 286).

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148. 3 Jan. 1748 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book C, 1740-1748):

(p. 444) Administration of Estate of RANDOLPH RHODES to MARY RHODES. (Hopkins,

p. 102.

149. 22 Mar. 1748 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wiil Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 120) CHARLES BRISTOW, . . . 22 Mar. 1748/3 July 1750, . . . Two sisters

MICHAL BRISTOW and ANN DUDLEY. Exor: Brother WILLIAM BRISTOW. Wit: Charles Daniel, Vivion Daniel, and Nicholas Jacobs. (Hopkins, p. 105).

150. 7 Nov. 1748 JOHN, son of GEORGE and MARY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 299).

151. 8 Dec. 1748 ______, daughter of EDWARD and ELIZA. BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 299).

152. 31 Jan. 1749 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 193) WILLIAM GARDNER, . . . 31 Jan. 1749/6 Aug. 1751, . . . Son John Gardner. Three daughters viz: MARY RHODES, Anne Dye, and Catherine Chowning.

Daughter Agatha Hardee. Exor: Son William Gardner. Wit: Thomas Price and George Lee. (Hopkins, p. 106).

153. 4 Apr. 1749 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 41) Inventory of Estate of RANDOLPH RHODES presented by MARY RHODES.

(Hopkins, p. 103).

154. 4 Apr. 1749 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 47) Henry Johnson, guardian to Sarah Rhodes, orphan of RANDOLPH RHODES. Wit: Thomas Price. (Hopkins, p. 103).

155. 6 June 1749 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 55) WILLIAM BRISTOW, guardian to Benjamin Rhodes, orphan of RANDOLPH RHODES. Wit: Thomas Whitly. (Hopkins, p. 103).

156. 13 Nov. 1750 JEDIDIAH BRISTOW of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., planter, to Wm. Woodson, planter, for L30, 400 acres S branches Fluvanna adj. Wm. Cannon. Wit: Jas. Nevil Jr., Jno. Cannon, Jno. Ladd, Chas. Ballow. (Albemarle Co., Virginia Deed Book 1, p. 241); (Davis, p. 29).

157. 27 Mar. 1750/1 GEORGE, son of GEORGE and MARY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 300).

158. 27 Mar. 1750/1 THOMAS, son of WILLIAM and MARY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 300).

159. 27 Apr. 1750/1 CHARLES, son of EDWARD and ELIZA. BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 300).

160. 6 Aug. 1751 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 200) Sale of the Estate of Henry George, decd., lists purchases as: . . .

GEORGE BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 106).

161. 3 Dec. 1751 King & Queen Co., Virginia - Records Concerning 18th Century Persons: The Claim of JAMES BRISTOW of this County for taking up a negro man slave named Nicholas Samplet belonging to William Bird of King and Queen County was received and the same being proved by the oath of the said

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JAMES according to Law is ordered to be certified to the next General Assembly. p. 379. Dated Dec. 3.

The claim of BENJAMIN RHODES of this County for taking up a Runaway Malatto servant Anna Bond belonging to John Stone of King and Queen County was received and the same being proved by the oath of the said BENJAMIN according to Law is ordered to be Certified to the next General Assembly. p. 380. Dated December 3, 1751.

162. 1 Feb. 1751/2 ANTHONY SEAL, Gent., of Prince William Co., 130 A. in said Co. Surv. Mr. James ____. Adj. Young' Road, Mr. Thomas Stripling, Owens now Grimes, Diskin, Wm. Bean . Grant Book F, p. 346, (Gray. Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Volume II, p. 20.

163. 12 Jan. 1752 ______, daughter of WILLIAM and RUTH BRISTOW, was born; baptized 28 January 1752; in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 288).

164. 7 June 1752 __HN, son of SAMUEL and MARY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 288).

165. 2 Apr. 1753 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): Alexander Frazier against GEORGE BRISTOW. Wit: John Gatewood.

(Hopkins, p. 20).

166. 7 July 1753 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys 1735-1807):

(p. 5) . . . William Upshaw Davis . . . 449 3/4 acres. Chaincarriers: William Williamson and John Kidd, Jr. Surveyor: William Parry. Adjoins John Thurston, Kidd, Henry Johnson, Allden, Meachan, Thomas Kidd, Parson Thacker, Thomas Edmondson, JOHN BRISTOE, and John Thurston, Sr. (Hopkins, p. 38).

167. 22 Feb. 1754 William Jones married Ann Wortham, widow. Sec: W. BRISTOW.

168. 4 May 1754 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys 1735-1807):

(p. 6) . . . John Yarrington. . . . 146 3/4 acres. Chaincarriers: Daniel Parriott and William Daniel. Surveyor: William Parry. Adjoins Capt. Montague, decd., Samuel Wood, JAMES BRISTOW, William Jones, Schoolhouse Swamp, and Rice Jones. (Hopkins, p. 38).

169. 6 May 1754 ______, son of EDWARD and ELIZA. BRISTOW was born; baptized 26 May 1754; in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 285).

170. 6 May 1754 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Chancery Suits; Court Papers 1754-1791): JAMES BRISTOW, aged 60, states that the land in question has been surveyed by William Parry, Capt. Henry Thacker, and Henry Towls. (Hopkins,

p. 1).

171. 9 July 1754 HENRY BRISTOW, of Prince William Co., Virginia, soldier

in Capt. George Mercer's Company, under George Washington, fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, July 9, 1754. He was left with the wounded; and, later, received Bounty Money from his Excellency. (Crozier. Colonial Militia of Virginia).

- 15-

172. 31 Dec. 1754(?) PHILEMON, son of GEORGE and MARY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 285).

173. 14 Feb. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 358) Thomas Mountague, . . . 14 Feb. 1755/2 Nov. 1756, . . . Wit: Lewis Mountague, John Steward, and JAMES BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 110).

174. 18 Feb. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 539) Christopher Miller, . . . 18 Feb. 1755/1 Jan. 1760, . . . Wit: EDWARD BRISTOW and Alfred Boos. (Hopkins, p. 114).

175. 1 Apr. 1755 GEORGE AMMON, son of CHRISTOPHER and MARY (BRISTOW) AMMON, was born in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 144).

176. 2 Apr. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): James Gibbs, ship carpenter, states that he helped build a sloop for Xachariah Mason. . . . Jury: . . . JAMES BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 16).

177. 2 Apr. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): Thomas Whitley against BENJAMIN RHODES, executor of John Rhodes, Jr., decd. Jury: . . . JAMES BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 17).

178. 3 Apr. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): Smith South against WILLIAM BRISTOW for accusing him of stealing tobacco. Wit: George Anderson and William Jones, (Hopkins, p. 17). - 15 -

179. Apr. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): Ended Cases- William Jordan and Richard Barnes, merchants of Richmond Co. (Lunenburg Parish), against Robert Elliott, merchant. Jury: . . . WILLIAM BRISTOW, . . . BENJAMIN RHODES(?). . . . (Hopkins, p. 16).

180. 19 May 1755 BENJAMIN, son of JEDEDIAH and ELINOR BRISTOW, was born; baptized 15 June 1755; in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 146).

181. 2 Sept. 1755 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 332) Sale of the Estate of John Blake, decd., to: . . . WILLIAM BRISTOW, SAMUEL BRISTOW, EDWARD BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 110).

182. 1755-1757 Prince William Co., Virginia: Robert Draghorn & Company, Plaintiff. CATHERINE BRISTOW, Defendant. Debt. (Order Book 3, 1755-1757,

p. 200.

183. 16 Apr. 1756 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Misc. Marriages, etc. 1663-1763): SAMUEL BRISTOW, son of SAMUEL BRISTOW and MARY BRISTOW, was born.

(Hopkins, p. 30).

184. 4 Sept. 1756 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): Bond of JAMES BRISTOW and James Stampes to the Crown. (Hopkins,

p. 22).

185. 29 Sept. 1756 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Misc. Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1663-1763): JOHN BRISTOW, son of EDWARD and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born. (Hopkins, p. 30).

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186. 18 Oct. 1756 HENRY BRISTO married ELIZABETH WILLIS, in Kingston Parish, Gloucester/or Mathews Co., Virginia (p. 221). (Matheny & Yates, p. 3).

187. 1757 LOUDOUN COUNTY was created, carved from FAIRFAX COUNTY,

in VIRGINIA. (Everton, p. 236).

188. 10 Sept. 1757 WARWICK HOCKADAY - Will, dated Sept. 10, 1757 and proven June 5, 1758, in Charles City Co., Virginia. . . . Children viz: . . .

MARY BRISTOW (now wife of THOMPSON BRISTOW), . . . (Charles City Co. Orders, 1758-1762, p. 24); (Hopkins. Some Wills from the Burned Counties of Virginia, pp. 18-19).

189. 1 Mar. 1758 WILLIAM, son of JEDEDIAH and ELINOR BRISTOW, was born; baptized 23 April 1758; in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 147).

190. Mar. 1758 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Court Papers, 1754(Oct.)-1758(Oct.): Henry Johnson sues Elizabeth Hennesy for the return of a mare. Wit: Thomas Hall of Princess Anne Co., Robert Chandler of Gloucester Co. and WILLIAM BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 25).

191. 25 Nov. 1758 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Misc. Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1663-1763): MARY BRISTOW, daughter of SAMUEL and MARY BRISTOW, was born. (Hopkins, p. 33).

192. 27 Nov. 1758 LUCY AMMON, daughter of CHRISTOPHER and MARY (BRISTOW)

AMMON, was born; baptized 1 January 1759; in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 145).

193. 16 Feb. 1759 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Misc. Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1663-1763): ROBERT BRISTOW, son of JAMES and AGNES BRISTOW, was born. (Hopkins, p. 33).

194. 25 Nov. 1759 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book D, 1748-1760):

(p. 542) James Scrosby, . . . 25 Nov. 1759/5 Jan. 1760, . . . Wit: . . .

WILLIAM BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 114).

195. 26 Nov. 1759 Prince William Co., Virginia - Bond Book (August 1753-1782): THOMAS BRISTOW, dec.; Robert Scott Adm.; John Moffett. (Abstracted by June Whitehurst Johnson, p. 2).

196. 16 Dec. 1759 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Misc. Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1663-1763): ALEXANDER BRISTOW, son of ________, was born. (Hopkins,

p. 34).

197. 11 Jan. 1760 Middlesex Co., Virginia (MIsc. Marriages, Births, &

Deaths, 1663-1763): MARY BRISTOW, daughter of SAMUEL BRISTOW and MARY BRISTOW, died. (Hopkins, p. 27).

198. 25 Dec. 1760 ROBERT BRISTOW, son of SAMUEL and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 1 Feb. 1761, in Kingston Parish, Gloucester /or Mathews Co., Virginia. (Matheny & Yates, p. 32).

= 17 -

199. 18 Feb. 1763 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Misc. Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1663-1763): JOHN MITCHEL BRISTOW, son of JAMES and AGNES BRISTOW, was born. (Hopkins, p. 36).

200. 1 Apr. 1763 Middlesex Co., Virginia (MIsc. Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1663-1763): BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW, son of WILLIAM and RUTH BRISTOW, was born. (Hopkins, p. 36).

201. 1 Jan. 1765 (MB) SAMUEL BRISTOW, of Surry Co., married ANNE GUTHERY,

in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Sur. & Wit: James Berry and Christopher Robinson. p. 15. (VGS. Middlesex Co., VA. Marriage Bonds & Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13).

202. 5 Feb. 1765 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book E, 1760-1772):

(p. 237) AGNES BRISTOW administratrix of JAMES BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 120).

203. 26 Sept. 1765 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Chancery Suits: Court Papers, 1754-1791): Account of the estate of George Wortham mentions . . . WILLIAM BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 7).

204. 1768/9 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys, 1735-1807):

(p. 20) ... WILLIAM DANIEL . . . 600 acres of Intailed Land. . . . Chaincarriers: . . . WILLIAM BRISTOW, . . . Recorded July 1773. (Hopkins,

p. 41).

205. 1 Jan. 1769 Warwick Hockaday and Samuel Hockaday, sons of Warwick Hockaday, dec'd., to John Minge of Charles City Co., 200 acres, formerly property of Warwick Hockaday, dec'd., where he lived, and by his will, 10 Sept.

1757, he gave to his wife Mary, all his estate for her disposal among his children: . . . MARY HOCKADAY (now wife of THOMPSON BRISTOW), . . . a tract bounded by Edward Cocke and John Brookes, which said Minge purchased of Mary Hockaday (the widow), . . . THOMPSON BRISTOW and MARY his wife, . . . for L100, 29 Oct. 1765. . . . (Weisiger, 1737-1774, p. 20).

206. 2 Jan. 1769 Warwick Hockaday, Charles City Co. Deed dated . . .

Wife Mary Hockaday. Children viz.: . . . MARY BRISTOW (now wife of THOMPSON BRISTOW), . . . Will written 10 Sept. 1757 & proven 5 June 1758, Charles City Co. (Charles City Co. Deeds & Wills, 1766-1774, pp. 174-175; and Charles City Co. Orders, 1758-1762, p. 24).

207. 4 Oct. 1769 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book E, 1760-1772):

(p. 396) Thomas Saunders . . . 4 Oct. 1769/6 Mar. 1770 . . . Daughter MARY BRISTOW and her son SAUNDERS BRISTOW. . . . (Hopkins, p. 124).

208. 18 Jan. 1770 LEN, son of RICHARD and MARY BRISTOW, was born; baptized 13 February 1770; in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 305).

209. 18 Mar. 1770 EDWARD BRISTOW, JR. married MARY BEAMAN, in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 199).

210. 16 June 1770 EDWARD JONES BRISTOW, son of BENJAMIN and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, pp. 197 & 305).

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211. 9 Dec. 1770 JAMES BRISTOW married MARY BROOKES, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 199).

212. 31 Jan. 1771(?) EDWARD BRISTOW, JR. married ANNE BROOKS, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 199).

213. 19 Sept. 1771 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys, 1735-1807):

Simon Laughlin, . . . 270 acres. Chaincarriers: CHARLES BRISTOW and WILLIAM BRISTOW, JR. Recorded 7 Sept. 1773. (Hopkins, p. 42).

214. 19 Mar. 1772 BENJAMIN BRISTOW, son of BENJAMIN and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 171).

215. 15 Apr. 1772 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys, 1735=1807):

(p. 27) . . . Lewis Dudley, . . . 754 acres. Chaincarriers: WILLIAM DANIEL and EDWARD BRISTOW, JR. . . . (Hopkins, p. 42).

216. 24 Aug. 1772 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Chancery Suits: Court Orders, 1754-1771): Account of the Estate of Thomas Laughlin lists in (1763) . . . JAMES BRISTOW, . . . EDWARD BRISTOW, . . . RICHARD BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins,

p. 9).

217. 19 Nov. 1773(MB) BENJAMIN BRISTOW married SARAH LISTER, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Sur. and Wit. William Jones and William Dawson. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12).

218. 1773/4 Buckingham Co., Virginia, Tithables in 1773 and 1774:

JAMES BRISTOW - 10 Tythes (1773); 8 Tythes (1774). (Whitley, pp. 10 & 18).

219. 2 Jan. 1775 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):


220. 4 Sept. 1775 JACK PHIPS, son of BENJAMIN and SARAH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 171).

221. 1776/7 HENRY COUNTY was created; formed from parts of Pittsylvania and Patrick counties, in Virginia.

222. 16 July 1777 JOHN, son of WILLIAM and RACHEL BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 281).

223. 1777-1779 WILLIAM BRISTOW paid one tithe in Shelbourne Parish, Loudoun Co., Virginia, each year, in 1777, 1778, and 1779.

224. 4 Dec. 1778 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 267) Elizabeth Reade . . . 4 Dec. 1778/24 Nov. 1783 . . . Wit: . . .

WILLIAM BRISTOW, JR., . . . (Hopkins, p. 138).

225. 30 Jan. 1779 JOHN BRISTOW married FRANCES BROOKS, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 30 January 1779. Sur. and Wit. BENJAMIN

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BRISTOW, p. 22. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13); (Parish Register, p. 171).

226. 8 May 1779 WILLIAM BRISTOW and sons, BENJAMIN BRISTOW and THOMAS BRISTOW, obtained a life lease, from Lord Thomas Fairfax, for land, which was located partly in Frederick County and partly in Loudoun County, about where Bluemont, Virginia is now located. (Frederick Co., Virginia - Deed Book 18,

p. 36, Life Lease No. 62).

227. 22 Feb. 1780 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 179) BENJAMIN GUTHRIE . . . 22 Feb. 1780/28 Feb. 1780 . . . Sister ANN BRISTOW. . . . Exors: . . . LEONARD BRISTOW, son of RICHARD and MARY BRISTOW. . . . (Hopkins, p. 134).

228. 21 Oct. 1780 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 212) WILLIAM BRISTOW . . . 21 Oct. 1780/28 1781 . . . My three sons viz.


children (not named). Exors: Sons WILLIAM BRISTOW and BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW.

Wit: Maurice Smith, Robert Murray, and Robert Murray, Jr. (Hopkins, p. 135).

229. 24 Jan. 1781 JOSIAH BRISTOW married ELIZABETH WILKINS, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 24 January 1781; p. 24. Sur. and Wit. William Churchill. Married 4 February 1781. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13. (Parish Register, p. 171).

230. 29 Mar. 1781 SANDERS (SAUNDERS) BRISTOW married SARAH SMITH, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 26 March 1781; p. 24. Sur. and Wit. Benjamin Kidd. Married 29 March 1781. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13; (Parish Register, p. 202).

231. 28 May 1781 ALEXANDER BRISTOW married FRANCES GUTHRIE, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 28 May 1781; p. 25. Sur. and Wit. Griffin Tuggle. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12).

232. 23 Aug. 1781 SALLY, daughter of THOMAS and SARAH BRISTOW, was born;

baptized 22 Oct. 1781; in Bruton/or Middleton Parish, James City Co., Virginia.

(Chappelear. . . . Parish Register, p. 16).

233. 22 Oct. 1781 ROBERT, son of JOSIAH and ELIZABETH BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 282).

234. 5 Nov. 1781 ANTHONY SEALE - Will, filed Nov. 5, 1781, in Prince William Co., Virginia. Wife ANN (BRISTOW). Sons- JOHN SEALE and ANTHONY SEALE. Daughter- BETTY BROWN. Son-in-law WILLIAM BROWN. (Clemens. Virginia Wills Before 1799, p. 87).

235. 1781-1782 WILLIAM BRISTOW, supposed to be a merchant (tradition) may have worked for Leven Powell, owner of a "Merchant Mill" near Bluemont and Purcellville, Virginia. Leven sold his mill, ca. 1781/2, and WILLIAM moved, in 1782, to that part of Henry Co. which became Patrick Co., ca, 1790/1.

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236. 1782-1787 Virginia Tax Payers:


JOHN BRISTOE. James City Co.: THOMAS BRISTOR. Prince William Co.: JOHN BRISTOW and THOMAS BRISTOW. (Fothergill and Naugle, p. 15).

237. 8 July 1781/2 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 27) BENJAMIN BRISTOW . . . 8 July 1782/28 July 1788 . . . Wife SARAH BRISTOW. Maintenance of my brother WILLIAM BRISTOW. Son BENJAMIN BRISTOW.

Son JACK PHIPS BRISTOW. Exors: Wife, William Murray, and Samuel Klug. Wit:

Elizabeth Klug, Samuel Klug, and JOSIAH BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 143).

238. 5 Oct. 1782 WILLIAM BRISTOW married JANE CHOWNING, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register, p. 203).

239. 12 Mar. 1783 WILLIAM BRISTOW married JEMIMA BLAKEMORE, in Lancaster Co., Virginia. Sec.: Jno. Chowning. (Parish Register of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia, p. 208).

240. 1 June 1783 Will of GEORGE BRISTOW . . . 1 June 1783/Aug. Court 1783, Granville Co., North Carolina. . . . Wife: ELIZABETH. Sons: JAMES BRISTOW, JOHN BRISTOW, GEORGE BRISTOW, and PHILEMON BRISTOW. Daughters: MARY BRISTOW and AVERILLA BRISTOW. Executor: Friend, Thomas Greenwood. Wit: William Gurrin, Henry Duncan, and Claiborn Parish.

241. 1783-1790 Prince William Co., Virginia: JOHN BRISTOW paid one tithe each year, from 1783 through 1790; THOMAS BRISTOW paid one tithe each year, from 1783 through 1788.

242. 3 Jan. 1784 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book G, 1787-1793):

(p. 47) ELIZABETH CHOWNING . . . 3 Jan. 1784/26 Jan. 1789 . . . and a fourth part between . . . and JOHN BRISTOW. . . . (Hopkins, p. 144).

243. 19 Feb. 1784 WILLIAM BEVERLY, son of THOMAS and SARAH BRISTOW, was born; baptized 31 March 1784/5, in Bruton/or Middleton Parish, James City Co., Virginia. (Chappelear, p. 17).

244. 8 June 1784 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 343) WILLIAM CHOWNING . . . 8 June 1784/26 June 1786 . . . Three grandchildren viz. . . . and JOHN BRISTOW. . . . (Hopkins, p. 141).

245. 1785 RUSSELL COUNTY was created; carved from WASHINGTON COUNTY, in Virginia. (Everton, p. 238).

246. 14 Nov. 1785 WILLIAM CLARK married MARY BRISTOW, in Surry Co., Virginia. (Source ?).

247. 17 Nov. 1785 Thomas Parley married Winnie Adcock, in Buckingham Co., Virginia. Bondsman: JAMES BRISTOW. (Whitley, p. 48).

248. 15 Apr. 1786 BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW married ANN SAUNDERS, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 28 Mar. 1786; p. 30. Sur. and Wit. George Saunders. Married 15 April 1786. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12); (Parish Register, p. 205).

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249. 22 May 1786 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 348) . . . at the time of the death of Mr. William Pryor, Martha Voss and Cary Voss heard his last will in which he left his estate to his wife and children. Wit: Henry Voss and SAUNDERS BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 141).

250. 26 Sept. 1786 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Will Book F, 1772-1787):

(p. 357) GEORGE SANDERS, SR., . . . 26 Sept. 1786/27 Feb. 1787, . . . Daughter Sarah Thurston land adjoining Hugh Walker, her own land, ALEXANDER BRISTOW, Blackley line and the White Oak Swamp. GRandson William David Thurston. Daughter NANCE BRISTOW. Mt five grandsons viz. George Sanders Pace, Benjamin Row Pace, Thomas Diggs, Isaac Diggs, and Dudley Diggs. Exor: Robert Ware, Sr.

and son-in-law BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW. Wit: Benjamin Williamson, Nelson Williamson, ALEXANDER BRISTOW, and Benjamin Jacobs. (Hopkins, p. 142).

251. 24 Dec. 1786 JOSIAH BRISTOW married FANNY BRISTOW, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 22 December 1786; p. 24. Sur. and Wit. BENJAMIN BRISTOW. Married 24 December 1786 by Samuel Klug. ((VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13); (Parish Register, p. 206).

252. 1787 BENJAMIN BRISTOW paid tax (over 21) in Loudoun County, Virginia.

253. 25 Oct. 1787 WILLIAM CLARK, son of JOSIAH and FANNY BRISTOW, was born in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. (Parish Register,

p. 289).

254. 4 Apr. 1788 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Chancery Suits: Court Papers, 1754-1791: Bonds of Thomas Critendon, William Craim, Robert War, Lewis Legougon (Ligon ?), Thomas Patterson, Benjamin Kidd, Jr. and RICHARD BRISTOW. Wit: John Jackson and John Thurston. (Hopkins, p. 13).

255. 14 July 1788 King & Queen Co., Virginia - Records Concernin 18th Century Persons: Corbin to Corbin 1788. Essex Co. Records. Tappahannock, Va.

Deed Book 33, p. 152. Deed of Gift. . . . Wit: . . . ALEX'R BRISTOW. Rec. 15 Sept. 1788. (Fleet II, p. 443).

256. 17 Aug. 1788 SAUNDERS BRISTOW married NANCY CROSSFIELD, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 12 August 1788; p. 33. Sur. and Wit. Thomas Blake and William Churchill. Married 17 August 1788. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 14); (Parish Register, p. 206).

257. __ Oct. 1788 King & Queen Co., Virginia - Records Concerning 18th Century Persons: Paper marked: Newbys adm'r vs Blakey For J Webb Case agreed.

. . . That ELIZABETH CHOWNING died about the __ day of October 1788 having made her last will and testament which was recorded in Middlesex County court and is in these words "In the name of God etc." that JOHN BRISTOW named in the will of ELIZA CHOWNING and who was a brother of the half blood of CATHERINE TAYLOR and ANN C. TAYLOR, being born of one mother, which mother was a sister of ELIZA CHOWNING, died in March 1787 aged about twelve years . . . (Fleet II, pp. 473-474).

258. ca. 1788-89 BENJAMIN BRISTOW paid taxes on 104 acres of land on Boglington Creek in Henry Co., Virginia. He apparently deeded 52 acres of this

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land to a BENJAMIN BRISTOW, ca. 1788-89, and 52 acres to WILLIAM BRISTOW, ca. 1790-91. (Pedigo).

259. 21 Feb. 1789 THOMAS BRAY married POLLY BRISTOW, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 16 February 1789; p. 34. Sur. and Wit.

JOSIAH BRISTOW. Married 21 February 1789 by Samuel Klug. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12); (Parish Register,

p. 207).

260. 8 Aug. 1789 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Chancery Suits: Court Papers 1754-1791): . . . RICHARD BRISTOW deposes that Benjamin Jacobs and Elizabeth

Jacobs are the only children of Elizabeth Jacobs, decd. (who was Elizabeth Rice) and that Betty Jacobs and Jacob Rice were the only brother and sister of Hannah Gill who had neither father or mother living at the time of her death.

(Hopkins, pp. 11-12).

261. Oct. 1789 Lancaster Co., Virginia (Wills 1653-1800):

(p. 26) WILLIAM BRISTOW. Appraisal. Oct. 1789. Rec. 21 Dec. 1789, by WM. BRISTOW, Wm. Chowning, Jno. Chowning. (Will Book 22, p. 234). Sale of above estate was held 21 June 1790. Among purchasers were: James Healy, JOSIAH BRISTOW, Henry Kidd, Geo. Blackley, MARTHO. (Bartho. ?) BRISTOW, RICHARD BRISTOW, Samuel Smith, Geo. Dam, Isaac Kidd, Robt. Murray, Thos. Roan, Jno. Quarles, Wm. Berry. (Will Book 2, p. 271). (Lee. Abstracts Lancaster County, Virginia, Wills 1653-1800, p. 26).

262. May 1790 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Chancery Suits: Court Papers, 1754-1791): COSBY vs SANDERS. Overton Cosby and James Gregory, surviving

partners of James Mills & Co., state that George Sanders, now deceased, was indebted to James Mills & Co. On 11 March 1774, he deeded 278 acres to James Mills & Co. and died in 1787 leaving a widow, ANN SANDERS and two daughters viz. SARAH THURSTON and ANN BRISTOW the wife of BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW. . . .

ANN SANDERS, John Thurston and Sarah Thurston and BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW and ANNE

BRISTOW appear in court. 28 Nov. 1788. (Hopkins, p. 12).

263. 1790/1 PATRICK COUNTY was created; carved from HENRY COUNTY, in Virginia. (Everton, p. 237). At about that same time, the records show that JOHN BRISTOW was listed twice for tithing, once, he paid one tithe (10 slaves) and, second, one tithe (one slave); and WILLIAM BRISTOW paid one tithe (no slaves). In 1791, WILLIAM BRISTOW paid 3 tithes.

264. 1791 BENJAMIN BRISTOW sold 52 acres of land to William Adams; and WILLIAM BRISTOW sold 52 acres of land to BENJAMIN BRISTOW; in Patrick Co., Virginia.

265. 22 May 1791 BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW married ELIZABETH BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 20 May 1791; p. 37. Sur. and Wit. James Healy. Married 22 May 1791 by John Mullins. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12).

266. 24 Dec. 1791 WILLIAM HEALY married ELIZABETH BRISTOW, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 20 December 1791; p. 38. Sur. and Wit. Braxton Dunlevy. Married 24 December 1791. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 40); (Parish Register, p. 205).

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267. 1792 WILLIAM BRISTOW bought 100 acres of land from William Bays and BENJAMIN BRISTOW received 52 acres of land from BENJAMIN BRISTOW, in Patrick Co., Virginia. The latter was the land deeded, in 1788-89, in Henry

Co., to be recorded in the Patrick Co. records. Beginning in 1792, through 1795, MARGARET BRISTOW paid 3 tithes in Patrick Co., Virginia. (Pedigo).

268. ca. 1792/1793 WILLIAM BRISTOW died in Patrick Co., Virginia.

269. 1793 In Patrick Co., Virginia: WILLIAM BRISTOW paid taxes on 100 acres of land; and BENJAMIN BRISTOW paid taxes on 52 acres of land (Pedigo).

270. 10 Feb. 1793 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys 1735-1807):

(p. 42) . . . Mr. William Roane. . . 295 1/2 acres (known as Potter's Quarter).

Chaincarriers: . . . LEONARD BRISTOW. . . . Adjoins JOSIAH BRISTOW, . . . and

RICHARD BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 44).

271. 14 Jan. 1794 Prince William Co., Virginia (Copy of Original Will):

BENJAMIN BRISTOW . . . 14 Jan. 1794/6 Oct. 1794 . . . "First, I give and bequeath to my son-in-law, WILLIAM FEAGAN, all that I possess after my decease & funeral charges(?). Wit: Samuel Ballinger and John Petty.

(Circuit Court; Clerk's Office; Prince William County; Manassas, Virginia).

272. 6 Feb. 1794 Joseph Street sold 50 acres of land, in Patrick Co., Virginia, to MARTHA BRISTOW. Wit: JAMES BRISTOW, THOMAS BRISTOW, Anthony Street, James Ingram, and Benjamin Mise. (Deed Book 1, p. 170).

273. 23 Apr. 1794(MB) ALEXANDER BRISTOW married ELIZABETH KNOWLES, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 23 April 1794; p. 41. Sur. and Wit. George Atkins. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12).

274. 9 Sept. 1794(MB) JAMES BRISTOE married JANE SHELTON, in Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Bondsman: Julius Clarkson. (Cook. Bourbon Co., Kentucky Marriage Bonds, 1786-1835, p. 6).

275. 1794 In Patrick Co., Virginia, the Pedigo Tax Lists show: MARGARET BRISTOW - 52 acres (Pedigo says this was the land from Street to MARTHA BRISTOW); WILLIAM BRISTOW, deceased = 52 acres; WILLIAM BRISTOW - 100 acres. Pedigo).

276. 6 Jan. 1795 BENJAMIN BRISTOW married ANN SAUNDERS, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 5 January 1795; p. 42. Sur. and Wit. Benjamin Hackney.

Married 6 January 1795 by Armistead Smith, who shows the wife as NANCY SAUNDERS. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12).

277. 22 Apr. 1795 Sephaniah Tennison sold 50 acres of land, in Patrick Co., Virginia, to WILLIAM BRISTOW. Wit: James Cox, Anthony Street, JAMES BRISTOW, THOMAS BRISTOW, and Michael Worden. (Deed Book 1, p. 286); (Pedigo).

278. 16 May 1795 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Surveys 1735-1807):

(p. 44) . . . A dividing line between John Wortham and Elizabeth Kennady and Ann Kennady by order of the court on 25 Mar. 1795. . . . Jury: . . . BENJAMIN BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 45).

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279. 22 June 1795 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Orders 1758-1767, Part 2; includes Wills 1794-1795): (p. 63) Appraisal of Estate of Ann Chowning Taylor,

decd., lists "cash received of James Healy, administrator of WILLIAM BRISTOW, decd." and "cash from William Chowning, decd." (Hopkins, p. 152).

280. 1795 Tax List for Patrick Co., Virginia: MARGARET BRISTOW (52 acres); WILLIAM BRISTOW (52 acres); and WILLIAM BRISTOW, deceased (52 acres). (Pedigo).

281. 28 Apr. 1796 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills 1795-1798):

(p. 100) Pricilla Taff . . . 28 Apr. 1796/27 Feb. 1797 . . . Brother Peter Taff money due me from . . . ELIZABETH BRISTOW, daughter of MOLLEY BRISTOW. . . .

(Hopkins, p. 155).

282. 23 May 1796(MB) WILLIAM BRISTOW married JANE WARE, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 23 May 1796; p. 76. Sur. and Wit. BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 14).

283. 3 Aug. 1797 THOMAS BRISTOW sold 50 acres of land, in Patrick Co., Virginia, to Featherstone Waldin. This deed was dated in 1790, but, apparently, was not recorded until 1797. (Deed Book 1, p. 627); (Pedigo).

284. 12 Dec. 1797(MB) LEONARD BRISTOW married LUCY SEWARD, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 12 December 1797; p. 47. Sur. and Wit. Thomas Bray and Churchill Blackburn. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13).

285. 1797 In Patrick Co., Virginia, the Tax List shows: MARGARET BRISTOW (52 acres); WILLIAM BRISTOW (52 acres); and WILLIAM BRISTOW, deceased

(52 acres). (Pedigo).

286. 16 Oct. 1798 WILLIAM BRISTOW and MARTHA BRISTOW sold 50 acres of land, in Patrick Co., Virginia, to Richard Massey. Wit: Edward Lewis, Isham Cardock, and Zachariah Keaton. (Deed Book 1, p. 577). (NOTE: This was the land WILLIAM BRISTOW bought from Sephaniah Tennison in 1794.).

287. 1798 In Patrick Co., Virginia, the Tax List shows: MARGARET BRISTOW (52 acres) and WILLIAM BRISTOW, deceased (52 acres). From 1799 to 1812, MARGARET BRISTOW continued paying taxes on WILLIAM BRISTOW's land. (Pedigo).

288. 1799 TAZEWELL COUNTY was created, formed from parts of Russell and Wythe counties, in Virginia. (Everton, p. 238).

289. 13 Nov. 1799(MB) SAUNDERS BRISTOW married JANE LEE, in Middlesx Co., Virginia. Bond 13 November 1799; p. 50). Sur. and Wit. Griffin Tuggle and Peter Kemp, Jr. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 14).

290. 5 Sept. 1800 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 102) William Thurston . . . 5 Sept. 1800/22 June 1801 . . . Wife Mary Thurston. Wit: . . . SUSANNA BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 160).

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291. 25 Feb. 1801 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 88) Isaac Blake of Urbanna . . . 25 Feb. 1801/27 Apr. 1801 . . . LEONARD BRISTOW . . . (Hopkins, p. 159).

292. 21 June 1801 Tazewell Co., Virginia (Will Book No. 1):

(p. 2) JOHN BRISTOW . . . 21 June 1801/13 Aug. 1807 . . . Wife ELIZABETH.

Mentioned "four sons," but named only three- JAMES BRISTOW, ISAAC BRISTOW, and JOHN BRISTOW. One interpretation of the fourth son is that his wife was to receive a son's share, one-fourth of his estate. However, another interpretation might be that he actually did have four sons and the eldest son may have been WILLIAM BRISTOW (born 1747), who preceded him in death by about 15 years, in Patrick Co., Virginia. John Walton said that "JOHN of Tazewell was associated with a WILLIAM BRISTOW," but he suggested that he may have been a younger brother. There is some evidence that a JOHN BRISTOW and a WILLIAM BRISTOW were both in Prince William Co. at the same time and both of them may have moved together to Henry/Patrick Co., Virginia before JOHN BRISTOW migrated further westward into the area that became Tazewell Co., Virginia.

293. 23 June 1801 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 103) Inventory of JACK P. (JOHN P.) BRISTOW, decd. (Hopkins, p. 160).

294. 6 Jan. 1802 MEACHAM WORTHAM married MARY/"LUCY" BRISTOW, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 5 January 1802; p. 54. Sur. and Wit. LEONARD BRISTOW. Married 6 January 1802 by Henry Heffernan. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, pp. 60 & 104); (Parish Register, p. 303).

295. 27 Dec. 1802 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 166) Noncupative will of Henry Garrett witnessed by Thomas Berry calls for the sale of his land to BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 161).

296. 23 Oct. 1803 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 423) William Wood . . . 23 Oct. 1803/27 Feb. 1809 . . . Wit: LEONARD BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 169).

297. 12 Mar. 1804 Will of JAMES BRISTOW . . . 12 Mar. 1804/5 Mar. 1807 . . . Wife; MARGARET BRISTOW. Sons: JOHN BRISTOW, GIDEON BRISTOW, JAMES BRISTOW, and ARCHIBALD BRISTOW. Negro boy, named ELIJAH, to son- JOHN BRISTOW. Mentioned Mrs. Gist or the heirs of Nathaniel Gist. Wit: Thomas Wornall, John Donaldson, and Thomas Gist. [JAMES BRISTOW died in the fall of 1806.] (Clark Co., Kentucky: Will Book 2, p. 261).

298. 13 July 1804 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 270) Benjamin Seward . . . 13 July 1804/24 June 1805 . . . Wife Ann Seward.

Daughter LUCY BRISTOW. . . . My children viz. LUCY BRISTOW . . . (Hopkins,

p. 164).

299. 16 Oct. 1805 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 301) George Dame . . . 16 Oct. 1805/27 Jan. 1806 . . . Wife Mary Dame. . . Wit: . . . JOSIAH BRISTOW . . . (Hopkins, p. 166).

300. 6 Nov. 1805(MB) JAMES B. BRISTOW married REBECCA SEWARD, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 6 November 1805; p. 60. Henry Mickelburrough, guardian of Rebecca. Sur. and Wit. Henry Mickelburrough. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13).

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301. 10 July 1806 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 414) Jannah Watson . . . 10 July 1806/24 Oct. 1808 . . . Wit: BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW, . . . (Hopkins, p. 169).

302. 9 Aug. 1806(MB) ALEXANDER BRISTOW married NANCY BROWN, single and above 21 years, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 9 August 1806; p. 62. Sur. and Wit. James Kidd, John Chew, and Mary Watson. Married

9 August 1806 by Henry Heffernan. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and

Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 12); (Parish Register, p. 281).

303. 11 June 1807 JOSEPH BRISTOW married CLARY ELLIOTT, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, pp. 716 & 730).

304. 29 Sept. 1807 Will of William Wilkinson, written 29 Sept. 1807; proven 13 Oct. 1807, in Nansemond Co., Virginia, mentioned friend JOHN BRISTOW.

(Crozier. Williamsburg Wills, p. 60); (Hopkins. Some Wills from the Burned Counties of Virginia, p. 105).

305. 31 Jan. 1808 JOHN BRISTOW married MARY WATSON, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 27 January 1808; p. 66. MARY is widow of Robert Watson. Sur. and Wit. Beverly Daniel. Married 31 January 1808 by Henry Heffernan. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13); (Parish Register, p. 304).

306. 17 Oct. 1809 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 444) Dawson Hudgins . . . 17 Oct. 1809/22 Jan. 1810 . . . Exors: Wife (not named) and LEONARD BRISTOW. Wit: . . . NANCY T. BRISTOW. (Hopkins, p. 170).

307. 24 Aug. 1810 ISAAC LEWIS married MARGARET BRISTOW, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, pp. 716 & 751).

308. 23 Sept. 1811 Middlesex Co., Virginia (Wills #2, 1799-1812):

(p. 519) Division of Estate of BENJAMIN SEWARD, decd., to LEONARD BRISTOW, John

Seward, Benjamin Seward, Rebecca Seward, John Saunders, and Elliott Seawrd.

(Hopkins, p. 171).

309. 24 Jan. 1812(MB) JOHN BRISTOW married NANCY WALDEN, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 24 January 1812; p. 73. Lewis Walden, father of Nancy. Sur. and Wit. Taliaferro Hunter. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13).

310. 13 Dec. 1812 JOSIAH HARRISON married HANNAH BRISTOW, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, pp. 716 & 740).

311. 8 Apr. 1813 Will of JOHN BRISTOL . . . 8 Apr. 1813/14 June 1813, Bath Co., Kentucky . . . Wife SARAH. Son EZRA. Daughter DOVE WALKER. Executors: Wife SARAH BRISTLE and JAMES M. GRAHAM. Wit: Rowland Richards and

Alexander Faris (Favis ?). (Will Book A, p. 34).

312. 20 Apr. 1813 JAMES BRISTOW married SARAH PROTHERO, in Shelby Co.,

Kentucky. (Ibid., pp. 716 & 769).

313. 25 Sept. 1813 NATHANIEL BRISTOW married POLLY (POLLEY) TILLY (TILLEY), in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ibid., pp. 716 & 785).

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314. 14 Nov. 1813(MB) JOHN BRISTOW, widower, married Mrs. POLLEY SEARS, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 14 November 1813; p. 76. POLLEY is widow of John Sears. Sur. and Wit.George Healy and James Kidd. (VGS. Middlesex Co.,

Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 13).

315. 8 Apr. 1814(MB) WILLIAM BRISTOW married Miss AGNES GARRETT, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 8 April 1814; p. 76. Sur. and Wit. BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW. (Ibid, p. 14).

316. 20 July 1814 A Power of Attorney was made, in Adair Co., Kentucky,


brother JAMES BRISTOW . . . land in Patrick County, Virginia, . . . (D. B. 4-440, Ack. Oct. Court of 1817 - Patrick Co., Va.). This was provn by the oaths of EDWARD BRISTOW and WILLIAM BRISTOW, witnesses sons of WIILIAM BRISTOW, brother of JAMES BRISTOW.

317. 9 Jan. 1815 A second Power of Attorney was made, in Preble Co., Ohio, and finished in Shelby Co., Kentucky, appointing "our brother" JAMES BRISTOW . . . Patrick Co., Virginia, and signed by THOMAS BRISTOW, PEYTON BRISTOW, HENRY BRISTOW, JAMES ATWOOD, all of Preble Co., Ohio; JASPER BRISTOW of Shelby Co., Kentucky, SARY BRISTOW, widow of BENJAMIN BRISTOW, and her children, JOSEPH LEWIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH BRISTOW, JR., and SAMUEL BRISTOW, heirs of BENJAMIN BRISTOW, deceased, and all legal heirs of WILLIAM BRISTOW, deceased. . . . (Patrick Co., Va. - D. B. 4, p. 446).

318. 21 Feb. 1815(MB) ROBERT ELLIS married JANE S. BRISTOW, in Bourbon Co., Kentucky. (Cook. Bourbon County, Kentucky Marriage Bonds, 1786-1835, p. 14).

319. 24 Oct. 1815 JOHN BRISTOW, son of ARCHIBALD BRISTOW, married PEGGY T. FINLEY, in Christian Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, p. 96).

320. 25 Dec. 1815(MB) JOHN BRAY married ELIZABETH BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 25 December 1815; p. 80. Sur. and Wit. LEONARD BRISTOW. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 11).

321. 16 Jan. 1816 WILLIAM TILLY married MARGARET BRISTOW, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, pp. 716 & 785).

322. 16 Feb. 1816(MB) JOHN G. ANDERTON married ELIZABETH D. BRISTOW, daughter of BENJAMIN BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Viginia. Bond 16 February 1816; p. 80. Sur. and Wit. BENJAMIN BRISTOW. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 2).

323. 18 May 1816(MB) WILLIAM ROBINSON married Mrs. REBECCA BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 18 May 1816; p. 81. REBECCA, widow of JAMES B. BRISTOW, deceased. Sur. and Wit. Zachariah Seward. (Ibid. p. 77).

324. 2 Sept. 1817(MB) JOHN BRISTOW married LOUISA METCALFE, in Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Father: John Metcalfe. (Cook. Bourbon Co., Ky. Marriage Bonds, 1786-1835, p. 6).

325. Oct. 1817 Patrick Co., Virginia - October Court 1817:


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ATWOOD. Ack. Oct. Court - Wits: Obadiah Massey, Ancel Massey, William Massey, via Warren Massey. (D. B. 5, p. 323). Also, the same signers, as above, to Packwood, Ack. in Oct. Court 1817. (D. B. 5, p. 159).

326. 9 Dec. 1817(MB) JAMES KIDD, 21 yrs. of age, married SARAH C. BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 9 December 1817; p. 83. Catherine Kidd, mother of James. BARTHOLOMEW BRISTOW, deceased, father of SARAH; George Healy, her guardian. Sur. and Wit. Richard Garrett, EDWARD BRISTOW, and Meriker Kidd.

(VGS. Middlesex Co., Va. Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852,p. 53).

327. 24 Aug. 1818 ISAAC LEWIS married MARGARET BRISTOW, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, p. 716).

328. 2 Feb. 1819 JAMES BRISTOW married CATHERINE/"KITTY" KESLER, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Ky. Marriage Records, pp. 716 & 750).

329. 18 Jan. 1820(MB) DANIEL BRISTOE married MARGARET BURGESS, in Christian Co., Kentucky. Will Tandy ret. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records,

p. 96).

330. 1 Jan. 1821(MB) JOHN BRISTOW married SALLY A. PAYNE, in Christian Co., Kentucky. Son of ARCHIBALD BRISTOW. Wit. William H. Payne, Dennis Payne, Squire Boone. (Ibid, p. 96).

331. 29 July 1821 JOHN PROTHERO married ANN BRISTOW, in Shelby Co., Kentucky. (Ky. Hist. Soc. Kentucky Marriage Records, pp. 716 & 769).

332. 11 Dec. 1822(MB) NATHAN HEALY married MARY ANN BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 11 December 1822. LEONARD BRISTOW, deceased, father of

MARY ANN. Richard Segar, her guardian. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 174-1852, p. 39).

333. 4 Jan. 1823(MB) RICHARD H. MILBEY married MARIA D. BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 4 January 1823. JOSIAH BRISTOW, father of MARIA. Sur. and Wit. Henry Milber and Eliz. D. Milbey. (Ibid., p. 55).

334. 15 Dec. 1823(MB) JOHN P. BRISTOW, over 21, married MARY ANN ST. JOHN, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 15 December 1823; p. 86. William St. John, deceased,father of Mary Ann. Nancy St. John, guardian of her daughter. Sur. and Wit. Edmund Healy. (Ibid., p. 13).

335. 27 Dec. 1824(MB) ZACHARIAH W. BRISTOW married [blank], in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 27 December 1824; p. 91. Sur. and Wit. Henry Thurston. (Ibid., p. 14).

336. 7 Nov. 1825(MB) LEWIS S. BRISTOW married Miss FRANCES ST. JOHN, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 7 November 1825; p. 93. William St. John, deceased, father of Frances. Nancy St. John, guardian of her daughter. (Ibid., p. 13).

337. 2 Feb. 1826(MB) HENRY CHAPMAN married SARAH C. BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 2 February 1826. Sur. and Wit. Nathan Healy. (Ibid.,

p. 16).

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338. 9 Aug. 1827(MB) BENJAMIN F. BRISTOE married SARAH A. TRUNDLE, in Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Bondsmen: Julius Clarkson. JAMES BRISTOW, Father.

(Cook. Bourbon Co., Kentucky Marriage Bonds, 1786-1835, p. 6).

339. 17 Jan. 1828(MB) THOMAS R> BENNING married SARAH C. BRISTOW, in Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Bondsman: BENJAMIN BRISTOW. Father: JAMES BRISTOW. (Cook.

Bourbon Co., Kentucky Marriage Bonds, 1786-1835, p. 7).

340. 7 May 1828(MB) PHILANDER ELGAR married LUCY BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 7 May 1828; p. 97. JAMES B. BRISTOW, deceased, father of LUCY. Rebecca Robinson, guardian. Sur. and Wit. Enos Healy. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 33).

341. 5 Jan. 1829(MB) JULIUS C. BRISTOE married POLLY RUSH, in Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Bondsman: Gustave Pugh. (Cook. op. cit., p. 6).

342. 7 May 1829(MB) THOMAS S. BRISTOW married Miss FANNY MOORE, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 7 May 1829; p. 101. Sur. and Wit. George L. Moore. Married, between 2 July 1828 and 2 July 1829, by Nathan Healy. (VGS.

op. cit., p. 14).

343. 15 May 1830 Will of WILLIAM BRISTOW . . . 15 May 1830/5 June 1835, Cumberland Co., Kentucky. Wife: MARTHA BRISTOW. Son: JOHN. Wit: THOMAS BRISTOW and LEVEN BRISTOW. (Cumberland Co., Kentucky Will Book A, p. 146).

344. 26 Jan. 1832(MB) ROBERT S. MAJOR married LUCY B. BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 26 January 1832; p. 107. LUCY is orphan of LEONARD BRISTOW. Sur. and Wit. LEWIS S. BRISTOW and Warner Roane. (VGS. op. cit. p. 58.

345. 24 Dec. 1832(MB) JAMES S. BRISTOW married LEONORA SEWARD, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 24 December 1832; p. 110. ANN BRISTOW consents her son. Sur. and Wit. LEWIS S. BRISTOW and George W. Major. (VGS. op. cit., p. 13).

346. 6 Feb. 1834(MB) LEWIS LEE WOOD married MARY ANN BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 6 February 1834; p. 113. WILLIAM BRISTOW, deceased, father, and AGNES BRISTOW, mother of MARY ANN. Sur. and Wit. Robert Bray and Robert H. Dunlevy. Married 6 February 1834, by Richard Claybrook. (VGS. op. cit., p. 93).

347. 2 Nov. 1835 Will of JOHN BRISTOW, Clark Co., Kentucky . . . 2 Nov. 1835/20 Jan. 1838, Clark Co. Kentucky . . . Wife mentioned, but not named. . . . "My Negroes to be free and my executor will go to Todd County or that neighborhood and lay out $1800 in good land for that county as soon as he can get the money and move ELIJAH & his family and THIRSDAY and her family and divide the land between them and at THIRSDAY's death her part of the land to go to her children. I give ELIJAH and THIRSDAY my wagon and three horses and buy each of them a cow to give them milk in that county. I am in hopes in a few years they will find it their interest to go to Liberia; in that case, the land to be sold and appropriated to that purpose, or go to any other colony the United States may provide."

"My will is that STEPHEN have $300 to be loaned out by my executor at the best interest possible and give him the interest annually and keep the principal until he shall need it or not able to maintain himself."

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"$80 dollars to be appropriated to move the above named Negroes and buy them provision IC my executor to give each of my Negroes, old and young, a blanket out of the house." . . .

. . .My will is my executor pay my wife $1000, as there is a marriage contract between us, and she is not entitled to any part of my estate by law, nor have I any thing to do with hers. . . .

. . . Mentions William Donaldson and Sally B. Donaldson, daughter of Lucy Donaldson; and Cealey Scruggs. Also mentions John B. Dobyns, Sally G. Dobyns, and Virginia Parrish. Named PHILADELPHIA BRISTOW, but did not state relationship. Executor: Edmund H. Parrish. . . .

Three codicils were added to this will between January 20, 1838 and February 21, 1840. The will was proven in April Court 1840, Clark Co., Kentucky. Oaths: Thomas Wright and ARCHIBALD BRISTOW; the first codicil, by the oath of Matthew D. Hume; the second codicil, by the oaths of Perry Wornall and E. V. Scruggs; and the third codicil, by the oath of James R. Wornall. Security:

Executor- Edmund H. Parrish, along with Matthew D. Hume and Caleb Parrish.

(Clark Co., Kentucky Will Book 9, p. 437).

348. 2 Aug. 1837 Will of ARCHIBALD BRISTOW, Clark Co., Kentucky . . . . 2 Aug. 1837/2 Aug. 1837 . . . Clark Co., Kentucky. . . . Codicil added 9 April 1844. . . . Servants: Judith, William, and John. Daughter- PHILADELPHIA. Son- FRANCIS, sole executor. Codicil provides for servant- Billy to be used by Caroline Ashbourn and her children, until he is 35 years of age. Proven in Clark Co., Kentucky, October Court 1846, by the oaths of Thomas Wright and Thomas T. Dobyns. (Clark Co., Kentucky Will Book 11, p. 123).

349. 30 May 1839(MB) Elliott Bray married SARAH E. BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 30 May 1839; p. 118. Sur. and Wit. Thomas R. Sutton. Married 30 May 1839, by George Northam. (VGS. Middlesex Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister Returns, 1740-1852, p. 11).

350. 12 Nov. 1839 Will of JOHN BRISTOW, Bath Co., Kentucky . . . Written

12 November 1839. Daughters: SALLY BROWN, LINNEY ANN ROGERS, and MARTHA MAYS.

Sons: ANDREW BRISTOW and JOSEPH BRISTOW. THOMAS ROGERS, son of daughter LINNEY ANN ROGERS. Named MARGARET BRISTOW, but did not state relationship. Mentioned that his wife was deceased. Wit: Charles Whittingham and Rezin R. Rice. Codicil added, but not dated, stating that any property not mentioned in his will was to go to his daughter SALLY BROWN. Wit: Rezin R. Rice and Patsey Lowry. (Bath Co., Kentucky Will Book D, pp. 66-67).

351. 27 Jan. 1840(MB) THOMAS S. BRISTOW married MARY GARRETT, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 27 January 1840; p. 119. Sur. and Wit. Richard Garrett. Married 31 January 1840, by Thomas B. Evans. (VGS. op. cit., p. 14).

352. 15 Apr. 1841 RICHARD H. BRISTOW married LUCY ANN BRAY, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Married 15 April 1841, by Richard A. Christian. (Minister's Return only); p. 164. (VGS. op. cit., p. 13).

353. 1 June 1843 Will of JASPER BRISTOW, Daviess Co., Kentucky . . .


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Johnson, Harriet Stout, Elinor Jones, James Hendricks, William Miller, and William Crawford. Executor: Robert Barnhill. Wit: Jeremiah Barnhill and Elisha Burton. Proven in Daviess County, Kentucky Court, July 1848. (Daviess Co., Kentucky Will Book A-B, p. 177).

354. 7 Feb. 1845(MB) RICHARD GARRETT married FRANCES C. BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 7 February 1845; p. 127. Sur. and Wit. THOMAS S. BRISTOW and ZACH. W. BRISTOW. Married in February 1845, by Richard A. Christian. (VGS. op. cit., p. 37).

355. 28 Dec. 1847(MB) WALTER BRISTOW married AGNES GARRETT, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 28 December 1847; p. 133. Richard Garrett gives affidavit that AGNES is of age. Sur. and Wit. Thomas A. Dix and Richard Garrett. Married

28 December 1847, by R. A. Christian. (VGS. Ibid. p. 14).

356. 10 May 1848(MB) THOMAS S. BRISTOW married EUDORA BRISTOW, 21 years of age, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 10 May 1848; p. 134. Sur. and Wit. RICHARD H. BRISTOW and William R. Pike. Married on __ May 1848, by Thomas B. Evans. (VGS. Ibid., p. 14).

357. 4 Oct. 1848(MB) HENRY BRISTOW married ELIZABETH FRANCES BEDDOO, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 4 October 1848; p. 135. Lucy Fowler gives consent for Elizabeth. Sur. and Wit. Thomas M. Bray and Virginia J. Walden.

Married in October 1848, by Thomas B. Evans. (VGS. Ibid., p. 12).

358. 19 Nov. 1849(MB) JOHN T. GAMES married MARY FRANCES BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 19 November 1849; p. 137. Sur. and Wit. JOHN P. BRISTOW. Married in November 1849, by Thomas B. Evans. [RE: 11 Dec. 1849].

(VGS. Ibid, p. 36).

359. 23 Jan. 1850 C. BRISTOW married B. F. McGilbery, in Marlboro Co., South Carolina. (Clemens. North and South Carolina Marriage Records, p. 42).

360. 24 Jan. 1850 F. C. BRISTOW married E. WEATHERLY, in Marlboro Co., South Carolina. (Ibid., p. 42).

361. 24 May 1850 Will of ELIJAH BRISTOW, "a free man of color," in Todd Co., Kentucky . . . 24 May 1850/10 June 1850 . . . Children: MORRIS and DAVY. Three grandchildren: JOHN, SARAH JANE, and LAURA. Executor: John K. Gammon. Wit: Peter Keeling and John K. Gammon. (Todd Co., Kentucky Will Book G, pp. 272-273).

362. 1 June 1850(MB) RICHARD A. BRISTOW married FRANCES A. SOUTH, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 1 June 1850; p. 138. Sur. and Wit. John L. Johnson. (VGS. op. cit., p. 13).

363. 13 Aug. 1850(MB) RICHARD T. A. GRESHHAM, of Richmond Co., married LUCY ANN BRISTOW, in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Bond 13 August 1850. Sur. and Wit. LEWIS S.BRISTOW. Married 14 August 1850. (VGS. Ibid., p. 35).

364. 20 Feb. 1851 WILLIAM T. THRIFT married ANN C. BRISTOW, in Dinwiddie Co., Virginia. (Source lost).

365. 29 Dec. 1865 King and Queen Co., Virginia: Records Conserning 18th Century Persons. Power of Attorney. . . . Alexander Atkins of King & Queen Co.

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to Robt. Pollard Jr., to acknowledge a bond in King & Queen Court as security for JAMES S. BRISTOW to qualify and become the Guardian of Martha W. and Lucius H. Foster, orphans of Edmund T. Foster deceased, late of Amelia Co., Virginia

Acknowledged before Rod: Bland Sr., J.P. by Atkins . . . (Fleet II, p. 467).


Accelerated Indexing Systems. Index to Kentucky Wills to 1851, the Testators.

Accelerated Indexing Systems, Bountiful, Utah, 1977, p. 10.

Bristow, Julia J. Bristow-Douglas: The Rev. James Jackson Bristow and Sarah Douglas Bristow, Their Ancestors and Their Descendants, 1640-1961.

Bristow, M. E. "Notes on the Bristow Family." Tyler's Quarterly Historical Magazine, 4 (July, 1940) 43-50.

Casey, Joseph J. Personal Names in Hening's Statutes at Large and Shepherd's Continuation. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967, p. 18.

Chamberlayne, C. G. The Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1684-1786. Library of Virginia, Richmond, (1937, 1973, 1989), 1997.

Chappelear, Nancy. Bruton and Middleston Parishes, James City County, Virginia - Parish Register, 1662-1797. Chappelear & Baird, Washington, D. C., 1966, pp. 16-17.

Clemens, William Armstrong. North and South Carolina Marriage Records, from the Earliest Colonial Days to the Civil War. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1977, p. 42.

Clemens, William Montgomery. Virginia Wills Before 1799. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1977, p. 87.

Clift, Garrett Glen. Second Census of Kentucky, 1800. Garrett Glen Clift,

Frankfort, Kentucky, 1954.

Coldham, Peter Wilson. English Estates of American Colonists, 1610-1699. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1980, p. 49.

Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, Volume III. Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1918, pp. 1255-1257.

Cook, Michael L. Bourbon County, Kentucky Marriage Bonds, 1786-1835. Cook-McDowell Pub., Owensboro, Kentucky, 1980, pp. 6, 7, 9, 14.

Cutler, William G. "HIstory of Leavenworth County." HIstory of the State of Kansas. A. T. Andres, 1883, p. 463.

Davis, Rev. Bailey Fulton. The Deeds of Amherst County, Virginia, 1761-1807, and Albemarle County, Virginia, 1748-1763. Southern Historical Press, Easley, South Carolina, 1979, p. 19.

Everton, George B., Sr. The Handy Book for Genealogists, Sixth Edition. The Everton Publishers, Logan, Utah, 1971.

Fleet, Beverley. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume I. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1988, pp. 105, 135, 158, 302.

________. . . . Volume II, pp. 70, 189, 199, 443, 467, 474.

________. . . . Volume III, pp. 176, 474, 476.

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Foley, Louise Pledge Heath. Early Virginia Families Along the James River, Their Deep Roots and Tangled Branches, Volume I, Henrico County - Goochland County, Virginia. Louise Pledge Heath Foley, Richmond, Virginia, 1974, pp. 19 & 32.

________. . . . Volume II, Charles City County - Prince George County, Virginia. . . . 1978, pp. 26 & 49.

________. . . . Volume III, James City County - Surry County, Virginia. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1990, pp. 14, 40, 57.

Fothergill, Augusta B. and Naugle, John Mark. Virginia Tax Payers 1782-87, Other Than Those Published by the United States Census Bureau. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1966, p. 15.

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________. . . . Volume II, 1742-1775. . . . p. 165.

Hall, Jesse A. and Hand, Leroy T. History of Leavenworth County, Kansas. Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Kansas, 1921, pp. 146-150.

Harris, Malcolm H. Old New Kent County - Some Account of the Planters, Plantations, and Places in New Kent County, Volume I. Malcolm Hart Harris, MD, West Point, Virginia, 1977, pp. 347 & 529.

Hopkins, William Lindsay. Middlesex County, Virginia Wills and Inventories, 1673-1812, and Other Court Papers. William L. Hopkins, Richmond, Virginia, 1989.

________. . . . Some Wills from the Burned Counties of Virginia. William L. Hopkins, Richmond, Virginia, 1987.

Hotten, John Camden. The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1978, pp. 124, 303, 305, & 441.

Hudgins, Dennis Ray. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Volume Four: 1732-1741. Virginia Genealogical Society, Richmond, 1994.

________. . . . Volume Five: 1741-1749.

________. . . . Volume Six: 1749-1762.

________. . . . Volume Seven: 1762-1776.

Johnson, June Whitehurst. Prince William County, Virginia - Bond Book, August 1753-1782. June W. Johnson, Fairfax, Virginia, 1982, p. 2.

Jones, Herbert C. The Trail to Progress - History of Easton, Kansas. Wilson's Engravers & Printers, Clay Center, Kansas, 1956.

- 34 -

Kentucky Historical Society. Kentucky Marriage Records. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1983, pp. 96, 716, 730, 740, 750, 751, 769, 785.

King, J. Estelle Stewart. Abstracts of Wills, Administrations, and Marriages of Fauquier County, Virginia, 1759-1800. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1973, p. 8.

Lee, Ida J. Abstracts Lancaster County, Virginia, Wills: 1653-1800. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1973, p. 26.

Mahaffey, Nola Egle. Bristow Gleanings. Nola Egle Mahaffey, Palm Bay, Florida, 1992.

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________. Some Virginia Marriages 1800-1825, Volumes 1-12.

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National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia. The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia, from 1653 to 1812. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1975.

________. The Parish Register of Saint Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, 1680 to 1787. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1966, pp. 137, 144, 145, 146, & 147.

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________. . . . Volume II, 1666-1695.

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Reiter, Joan Swallow. The Old West: The Women. Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia, 1978, p. 32.

The Researchers. Clark County, Kentucky Marriages, 1793-1850. The Researchers, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1989.

________. Montgomery County, Kentucky Reconstructed Marriages. The Researchers, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1990.

Smith, Annie Laurie Wright. The Quit Rents of Virginia, 1704. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1980, pp. 12 & 204.

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Stanard, W. G. Some Emigrants to Virginia. (Second Edition, Enlarged). Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1983, p. 17.

Sulgrove, B. R. History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana. L. H. Everts & Co., 1984, pp. 67, 320-321, 500, 577, & 583.

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U. S. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States, Taken in the Year 1790: Virginia. 1908, p. 128 (Index).

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Whitley, Edythe Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, Virginia. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1984, pp. 10, 25, & 48.

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Woodward, J. Gary. The Bristows of Virginia and Some of Their Descendants.

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p. 7.


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